





JST 戦略的創造推進事業(CREST)




澤見一枝, 大和信夫, 住岡英信, "認知症高齢者および外出困難な高齢者のロボットによる遠隔コミュニティ", 株式会社エヌ・ティー・エス, pp. 311-319, December, 2024.
Abstract: 第2編 介護サポートにおける環境づくりDX 第3章 新しい介護環境づくりのDX 第2節 認知症高齢者および外出困難な高齢者のロボットによる遠隔コミュニティ 本目的は、1.認知機能や歩行機能の低下のために外出困難な高齢者の居宅にロボットを設置し、ロボットと毎日対話すること。ロボットを介した遠隔コミュニケーションによる認知トレーニングや回想法の実施。介入前後の機能評価の有意差検定により効果を検証すること。2.認知機能低下のある高齢者間のロボットコミュニティの創生。3.今後のロボットコミュニティの示唆を得ることである。
  author    = {澤見一枝 and 大和信夫 and 住岡英信},
  booktitle = {認知症の予防・診断・介護DX},
  chapter   = {2.3.2},
  editor    = {江頭達政 and 樋口拓也},
  pages     = {311-319},
  publisher = {株式会社エヌ・ティー・エス},
  title     = {認知症高齢者および外出困難な高齢者のロボットによる遠隔コミュニティ},
  year      = {2024},
  abstract  = {第2編 介護サポートにおける環境づくりDX  第3章 新しい介護環境づくりのDX 第2節 認知症高齢者および外出困難な高齢者のロボットによる遠隔コミュニティ
  date      = {2024-12-02},
  isbn      = {9784860439309},
  month     = dec,
  url       = {http://www.nts-book.co.jp/item/detail/summary/bio/20241201_307.html},
Hidenobu Sumioka, Junya Nakanishi, Masahiro Shiomi, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Abbracci virtuali per l’educazione: studio pilota sul co-sleeping con un huggable communication medium e considerazioni di progettazione per applicazioni educative", pp. 169-190, July, 2023.
Abstract: In this chapter, we report two experiments to propose the application of virtual hug for educational contexts. In the first experiment, we report an experiment where we introduced huggable communication media into daytime sleep in a co-sleeping situation. In the second experiment, we investigated the effect of the gender perception from Hugvie on user’s touch perception.
  author    = {Hidenobu Sumioka and Junya Nakanishi and Masahiro Shiomi and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  booktitle = {Robot sociali e educazione. Interazioni, applicazioni e nuove frontiere},
  chapter   = {11},
  pages     = {169-190},
  title     = {Abbracci virtuali per l’educazione: studio pilota sul co-sleeping con un huggable communication medium e considerazioni di progettazione per applicazioni educative},
  year      = {2023},
  abstract  = {In this chapter, we report two experiments to propose the application of virtual hug for educational contexts. In the first experiment, we report an experiment where we introduced huggable communication media into daytime sleep in a co-sleeping situation. In the second experiment, we investigated the effect of the gender perception from Hugvie on user’s touch perception.},
  date      = {2023-07-14},
  isbn      = {978-88-3285-557-9},
  month     = jul,
Panikos Heracleous, Denis Beautemps, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Norihiro Hagita, "Towards Augmentative Speech Communication", Chapter in Speech and Language Technologies, InTech, Vukovar, Croatia, pp. 303-318, June, 2011.
Abstract: Speech is the most natural form of communication for human beings and is often described as a uni-modal communication channel. However, it is well known that speech is multi-modal in nature and includes the auditive, visual, and tactile modalities (i.e., as in Tadoma communication \citeTADOMA). Other less natural modalities such as electromyographic signal, invisible articulator display, or brain electrical activity or electromagnetic activity can also be considered. Therefore, in situations where audio speech is not available or is corrupted because of disability or adverse environmental condition, people may resort to alternative methods such as augmented speech.
  author    = {Panikos Heracleous and Denis Beautemps and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Norihiro Hagita},
  title     = {Towards Augmentative Speech Communication},
  booktitle = {Speech and Language Technologies},
  publisher = {{InT}ech},
  year      = {2011},
  editor    = {Ivo Ipsic},
  pages     = {303--318},
  address   = {Vukovar, Croatia},
  month     = Jun,
  abstract  = {Speech is the most natural form of communication for human beings and is often described as a uni-modal communication channel. However, it is well known that speech is multi-modal in nature and includes the auditive, visual, and tactile modalities (i.e., as in Tadoma communication \cite{TADOMA}). Other less natural modalities such as electromyographic signal, invisible articulator display, or brain electrical activity or electromagnetic activity can also be considered. Therefore, in situations where audio speech is not available or is corrupted because of disability or adverse environmental condition, people may resort to alternative methods such as augmented speech.},
  file      = {Heracleous2011.pdf:Heracleous2011.pdf:PDF;InTech-Towards_augmentative_speech_communication.pdf:http\://www.intechopen.com/source/pdfs/15082/InTech-Towards_augmentative_speech_communication.pdf:PDF},
  url       = {http://www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/towards-augmentative-speech-communication},
住岡英信, "明るく楽しいロボット共生介護施設の実現へ ~赤ちゃんのミニマルデザインで切り拓く~", 電波技術協会報誌 FORN, no. 346, pp. 18-21, May, 2022.
Abstract: 認知症は今や日本だけでなく、世界的な問題になっています。認知症患者がしばしば示す暴言や暴行、徘徊といった行動・心理症状は、本人だけでなく、介護者の負担を増加させ、ひいては社会全体の経済負担をも増加させる原因になっています。この問題に対し、私達は赤ちゃん型対話ロボットを用いて認知症高齢者だけでなく、介護者にとっても効果的な支援に取り組んでいます。その鍵となるのが赤ちゃんのようなロボットを実現するための最小限の特徴を検討するミニマルデザインアプローチです。
  author   = {住岡英信},
  journal  = {電波技術協会報誌 FORN},
  title    = {明るく楽しいロボット共生介護施設の実現へ ~赤ちゃんのミニマルデザインで切り拓く~},
  year     = {2022},
  abstract = {認知症は今や日本だけでなく、世界的な問題になっています。認知症患者がしばしば示す暴言や暴行、徘徊といった行動・心理症状は、本人だけでなく、介護者の負担を増加させ、ひいては社会全体の経済負担をも増加させる原因になっています。この問題に対し、私達は赤ちゃん型対話ロボットを用いて認知症高齢者だけでなく、介護者にとっても効果的な支援に取り組んでいます。その鍵となるのが赤ちゃんのようなロボットを実現するための最小限の特徴を検討するミニマルデザインアプローチです。},
  day      = {10},
  month    = may,
  number   = {346},
  pages    = {18-21},
  url      = {https://reea.or.jp/report/3949/},
住岡英信, "抱擁型通信メディアによる不安やストレスの軽減", 週刊 医学のあゆみ, vol. 278, no. 11, pp. 962-966, September, 2021.
Abstract: メンタルヘルスケアはストレス社会といわれる現代において重要な課題であるが、新型コロナ禍においてはさらに重要性を増している。新型コロナ感染予防対策として対面での対話が難しくなり、電話やWeb会議システムなどを用いた遠隔対話が当たり前になってきている。しかし、遠隔対話においてはこれまで人間が、他者とのコミュニケーションにおいて孤独感や不安、精神的ストレスを軽減するために利用してきた物理的な触れ合いが失われており、それに代わる方法を検討する必要性が叫ばれている。本稿では、遠隔対話に、仮想的な他者との抱擁を導入することを目指して開発された抱擁型通信メディア「ハグビー」について紹介し、それを使用することで得られる不安やストレスの軽減効果について心理的、生理的、脳科学的側面から調べた研究について紹介する。また、その実応用として児童に対する読み聞かせ支援について紹介し、感情的な制御が難しい人々への支援につながる可能性について述べる。
  author   = {住岡英信},
  journal  = {週刊 医学のあゆみ},
  title    = {抱擁型通信メディアによる不安やストレスの軽減},
  year     = {2021},
  abstract = {メンタルヘルスケアはストレス社会といわれる現代において重要な課題であるが、新型コロナ禍においてはさらに重要性を増している。新型コロナ感染予防対策として対面での対話が難しくなり、電話やWeb会議システムなどを用いた遠隔対話が当たり前になってきている。しかし、遠隔対話においてはこれまで人間が、他者とのコミュニケーションにおいて孤独感や不安、精神的ストレスを軽減するために利用してきた物理的な触れ合いが失われており、それに代わる方法を検討する必要性が叫ばれている。本稿では、遠隔対話に、仮想的な他者との抱擁を導入することを目指して開発された抱擁型通信メディア「ハグビー」について紹介し、それを使用することで得られる不安やストレスの軽減効果について心理的、生理的、脳科学的側面から調べた研究について紹介する。また、その実応用として児童に対する読み聞かせ支援について紹介し、感情的な制御が難しい人々への支援につながる可能性について述べる。},
  day      = {11},
  etitle   = {Reducing anxiety and stress through a huggable communication medium},
  month    = sep,
  number   = {11},
  pages    = {962-966},
  url      = {https://www.ishiyaku.co.jp/magazines/ayumi/AyumiBookDetail.aspx?BC=927811},
  volume   = {278},
西尾修一, 港隆史, 石黒浩, "アンドロイドによる高齢者のコミュニケーション支援", ITUジャーナル, vol. 45, no. 9, pp. 18-21, September, 2015.
  author   = {西尾修一 and 港隆史 and 石黒浩},
  title    = {アンドロイドによる高齢者のコミュニケーション支援},
  journal  = {ITUジャーナル},
  year     = {2015},
  volume   = {45},
  number   = {9},
  pages    = {18-21},
  month    = SEP,
  url      = {https://www.ituaj.jp/?itujournal=2015_09},
  file     = {Nishio2015b.pdf:pdf/Nishio2015b.pdf:PDF},
港隆史, 石黒浩, "エルフォイド:人のミニマルデザインを持つロボット型通信メディア", 日本ロボット学会誌, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 704-708, October, 2014.
Abstract: 本稿では,人と人を親密に結びつける新たなコミュニケーション技術としてい,人のミニマルデザインを持つロボット型通信メディアについて,著者らが開発してきた「テレノイド」,「エルフォイド」,「ハグビー」の研究を紹介しながら,解説する.
  author   = {港隆史 and 石黒浩},
  title    = {エルフォイド:人のミニマルデザインを持つロボット型通信メディア},
  journal  = {日本ロボット学会誌},
  year     = {2014},
  volume   = {32},
  number   = {8},
  pages    = {704-708},
  month    = Oct,
  abstract = {本稿では,人と人を親密に結びつける新たなコミュニケーション技術としてい,人のミニマルデザインを持つロボット型通信メディアについて,著者らが開発してきた「テレノイド」,「エルフォイド」,「ハグビー」の研究を紹介しながら,解説する.},
  etitle   = {Elfoid: A Robotic Communication Media with a Minimalistic Human Design},
  file     = {港隆史2014a.pdf:pdf/港隆史2014a.pdf:PDF;::PDF},
石黒浩, 港隆史, 西尾修一, "人としてのミニマルデザインを持つ遠隔操作型ロボット", 情報処理, vol. 54, no. 7, pp. 694-697, July, 2013.
  author   = {石黒浩 and 港隆史 and 西尾修一},
  title    = {人としてのミニマルデザインを持つ遠隔操作型ロボット},
  journal  = {情報処理},
  year     = {2013},
  volume   = {54},
  number   = {7},
  pages    = {694--697},
  month    = Jul,
  day      = {15},
  url      = {ttps://ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp/ej/?action=pages_view_main&active_action=repository_view_main_item_detail&item_id=92591&item_no=1&page_id=13&block_id=8},
  etitle   = {Tele-operated Robot with a Minimal Design of Human},
  file     = {:pdf/石黒浩2013.pdf:PDF},
山本文香, 堀磨伊也, 岩井儀雄, 石黒浩, "事例データを用いた移動物体領域の抽出", 画像ラボ, June, 2013.
  author = {山本文香 and 堀磨伊也 and 岩井儀雄 and 石黒浩},
  title = {事例データを用いた移動物体領域の抽出},
  journal = {画像ラボ},
  year = {2013},
  month = Jun,
西尾修一, 山崎竜二, 石黒浩, "遠隔操作アンドロイドを用いた認知症高齢者のコミュニケーション支援", システム/制御/情報, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 31-36, January, 2013.
  author          = {西尾修一 and 山崎竜二 and 石黒浩},
  title           = {遠隔操作アンドロイドを用いた認知症高齢者のコミュニケーション支援},
  journal         = {システム/制御/情報},
  year            = {2013},
  volume          = {57},
  number          = {1},
  pages           = {31--36},
  month           = Jan,
  etitle          = {Communication Support for Demented Elderies using Teleoperated Android},
  file            = {西尾修一2012.pdf:pdf/西尾修一2012.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {dementia; elderly care; teleoperated android; communication support},
Kohei Ogawa, Shuichi Nishio, Takashi Minato, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Android Robots as Tele-presence Media", Biomedical Engineering and Cognitive Neuroscience for Healthcare: Interdisciplinary Applications, Medical Information Science Reference, Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 54-63, September, 2012.
Abstract: In this chapter, the authors describe two human-like android robots, known as Geminoid and Telenoid, which they have developed. Geminoid was developed for two reasons: (1) to explore how humans react or respond the android during face-to-face communication and (2) to investigate the advantages of the android as a communication medium compared to traditional communication media, such as the telephone or the television conference system. The authors conducted two experiments: the first was targeted to an interlocutor of Geminoid, and the second was targeted to an operator of it. The results of these experiments showed that Geminoid could emulate a human's presence in a natural-conversation situation. Additionally, Geminoid could be as persuasive to the interlocutor as a human. The operators of Geminoid were also influenced by the android: during operation, they felt as if their bodies were one and the same with the Geminoid body. The latest challenge has been to develop Telenoid, an android with a more abstract appearance than Geminoid, which looks and behaves as a minimalistic human. At first glance, Telenoid resembles a human; however, its appearance can be interpreted as any sex or any age. Two field experiments were conducted with Telenoid. The results of these experiments showed that Telenoid could be an acceptable communication medium for both young and elderly people. In particular, physical interaction, such as a hug, positively affected the experience of communicating with Telenoid.
  author    = {Kohei Ogawa and Shuichi Nishio and Takashi Minato and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title     = {Android Robots as Tele-presence Media},
  journal   = {Biomedical Engineering and Cognitive Neuroscience for Healthcare: Interdisciplinary Applications},
  year      = {2012},
  pages     = {54-63},
  month     = Sep,
  abstract  = {In this chapter, the authors describe two human-like android robots, known as Geminoid and Telenoid, which they have developed. Geminoid was developed for two reasons: (1) to explore how humans react or respond the android during face-to-face communication and (2) to investigate the advantages of the android as a communication medium compared to traditional communication media, such as the telephone or the television conference system. The authors conducted two experiments: the first was targeted to an interlocutor of Geminoid, and the second was targeted to an operator of it. The results of these experiments showed that Geminoid could emulate a human's presence in a natural-conversation situation. Additionally, Geminoid could be as persuasive to the interlocutor as a human. The operators of Geminoid were also influenced by the android: during operation, they felt as if their bodies were one and the same with the Geminoid body. The latest challenge has been to develop Telenoid, an android with a more abstract appearance than Geminoid, which looks and behaves as a minimalistic human. At first glance, Telenoid resembles a human; however, its appearance can be interpreted as any sex or any age. Two field experiments were conducted with Telenoid. The results of these experiments showed that Telenoid could be an acceptable communication medium for both young and elderly people. In particular, physical interaction, such as a hug, positively affected the experience of communicating with Telenoid.},
  url       = {http://www.igi-global.com/chapter/android-robots-telepresence-media/69905},
  doi       = {10.4018/978-1-4666-2113-8.ch006},
  address   = {Pennsylvania, USA},
  chapter   = {6},
  editor    = {Jinglong Wu},
  file      = {Ogawa2012b.pdf:Ogawa2012b.pdf:PDF},
  isbn      = {9781466621138},
  publisher = {Medical Information Science Reference},
中江文, "痛みと脳波", 第6回日本神経麻酔集中治療学会セミナー『脳波』, オンライン, November, 2024.
Abstract: 以下について講演 1.脳波を用いた痛みの見える化 2.術後の痛みへの応用 3.慢性疼痛患者の痛みへの応用
  author    = {中江文},
  booktitle = {第6回日本神経麻酔集中治療学会セミナー『脳波』},
  title     = {痛みと脳波},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {オンライン},
  day       = {9},
  month     = nov,
  url       = {http://www.jsnacc.jp/seminar/main.html},
  abstract  = {以下について講演 1.脳波を用いた痛みの見える化 2.術後の痛みへの応用 3.慢性疼痛患者の痛みへの応用},
ブオマル・ハニ・マハムード・ムハンマド, 中江文, 青野修一, 牛田享宏, "ICD-11の一次性慢性疼痛の検討 愛知医科大学患者データの給与水準・学歴に着目して", 日本疼痛学会 第3回デジタルヘルスサイエンス分科会, TOC有明コンベンションホール, 東京, November, 2024.
Abstract: ICD-11の一次性慢性疼痛について、愛知医科大学で集積された2,531名のデータから、一次性慢性疼痛741名に対して検討した。今回は、学歴と収入に着目した検討を行った。学歴と収入の検討に関しては、25歳から64歳のデータに絞って検討した。 日本人の患者データについての検討を行ったところ、日本においても、収入や教育レベルと慢性疼痛の重症度とに関連があり、その情報の取得の重要性が明らかになった。
  author    = {ブオマル・ハニ・マハムード・ムハンマド and 中江文 and 青野修一 and 牛田享宏},
  booktitle = {日本疼痛学会 第3回デジタルヘルスサイエンス分科会},
  title     = {ICD-11の一次性慢性疼痛の検討 愛知医科大学患者データの給与水準・学歴に着目して},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {TOC有明コンベンションホール, 東京},
  day       = {16},
  month     = nov,
  url       = {https://jasp-sig03.peatix.com/},
  abstract  = {ICD-11の一次性慢性疼痛について、愛知医科大学で集積された2,531名のデータから、一次性慢性疼痛741名に対して検討した。今回は、学歴と収入に着目した検討を行った。学歴と収入の検討に関しては、25歳から64歳のデータに絞って検討した。 日本人の患者データについての検討を行ったところ、日本においても、収入や教育レベルと慢性疼痛の重症度とに関連があり、その情報の取得の重要性が明らかになった。},
Hidenobu Sumioka, Shintaro Okazaki, "Therapeutic social robots in elderly care: reflections from Japan", In King's Festival for Artificial Intelligence, London, UK (online), May, 2024.
Abstract: In this session, we introduce a faceless huggable robot, 'Hiro-chan', which is used for dementia patients to improve their cognitive deterioration. ATR has been trying to equip Hiro-chan with ChatGPT to express emotions through a sensor embedded in its body. In this session, we show a video demonstration of Hiro-chan as well as other therapeutic social robots for patients with mental illness. We call for interfaculty collaboration to plan a future grant application. Scholars from diverse disciplines are encouraged to attend.
  author    = {Hidenobu Sumioka and Shintaro Okazaki},
  booktitle = {King's Festival for Artificial Intelligence},
  title     = {Therapeutic social robots in elderly care: reflections from Japan},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {London, UK (online)},
  day       = {22},
  month     = may,
  url       = {https://www.kcl.ac.uk/events/therapeutic-social-robots-in-elderly-care-reflections-from-japan},
  abstract  = {In this session, we introduce a faceless huggable robot, 'Hiro-chan', which is used for dementia patients to improve their cognitive deterioration. ATR has been trying to equip Hiro-chan with ChatGPT to express emotions through a sensor embedded in its body. In this session, we show a video demonstration of Hiro-chan as well as other therapeutic social robots for patients with mental illness. We call for interfaculty collaboration to plan a future grant application. Scholars from diverse disciplines are encouraged to attend.},
住岡英信, "認知行動療法対話ロボットを用いたデイケアでの精神疾患患者支援", 第42回日本社会精神医学会, 東北医科薬科大学小松島キャンパス, 宮城, March, 2024.
Abstract: 本発表では、これまで進めてきた対話ロボットによるカウンセリングについての取り組みを紹介する
  author    = {住岡英信},
  booktitle = {第42回日本社会精神医学会},
  title     = {認知行動療法対話ロボットを用いたデイケアでの精神疾患患者支援},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {東北医科薬科大学小松島キャンパス, 宮城},
  day       = {14-15},
  month     = mar,
  url       = {http://jssp42.umin.jp/},
  abstract  = {本発表では、これまで進めてきた対話ロボットによるカウンセリングについての取り組みを紹介する},
Hidenobu Sumioka, "Social robots for older people with dementia and care staff toward all-stakeholder-centered care.", In The History & Future of Care Robots, Claremont, USA, March, 2024.
Abstract: This symposium brings together scholars and students across diverse disciplines such as history, anthropology, engineering, technology, information sciences, and Japan studies, along with experts in the care industry, to share their research findings and experiences experiences related to the integration of assistive technologies in elderly and disability care in Japan, Denmark, and the US. We will also discuss strategies for enhancing the practicality and accessibility of care robots and other technological devices.
  author    = {Hidenobu Sumioka},
  booktitle = {The History & Future of Care Robots},
  title     = {Social robots for older people with dementia and care staff toward all-stakeholder-centered care.},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {Claremont, USA},
  day       = {30},
  month     = mar,
  abstract  = {This symposium brings together scholars and students across diverse disciplines such as history, anthropology, engineering, technology, information sciences, and Japan studies, along with experts in the care industry, to share their research findings and experiences experiences related to the integration of assistive technologies in elderly and disability care in Japan, Denmark, and the US. We will also discuss strategies for enhancing the practicality and accessibility of care robots and other technological devices.},
中江文, "痛みの見える化とその先に見えるもの ~人工知能は我々の感覚を代弁できるか?~", 日本ペインクリニック学会 第4回中国・四国支部学術集会, 高知商工会館, 高知, February, 2024.
Abstract: いたみは主観的な感覚で、本人が痛いと言えばそれが尊重されるべきであるが、治療を行う上ではその表出の個人差で判断に迷う例が存在する。我々は誰でも等しく同じ医療が受けられる未来を目指し、痛みを脳波で見える化する試みを行ってきた。それには、出来ることと出来ないこと、将来できることがある。CHAT-GPTをはじめとする生成AIが注目される中、人間の持つ様々な感覚がどのくらい人工知能で代弁できるかなど、楽しみな未来についても議論したい。
  author    = {中江文},
  booktitle = {日本ペインクリニック学会 第4回中国・四国支部学術集会},
  title     = {痛みの見える化とその先に見えるもの ~人工知能は我々の感覚を代弁できるか?~},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {高知商工会館, 高知},
  day       = {3},
  month     = feb,
  url       = {https://www.jspc.gr.jp/branch/meeting/7},
  abstract  = {いたみは主観的な感覚で、本人が痛いと言えばそれが尊重されるべきであるが、治療を行う上ではその表出の個人差で判断に迷う例が存在する。我々は誰でも等しく同じ医療が受けられる未来を目指し、痛みを脳波で見える化する試みを行ってきた。それには、出来ることと出来ないこと、将来できることがある。CHAT-GPTをはじめとする生成AIが注目される中、人間の持つ様々な感覚がどのくらい人工知能で代弁できるかなど、楽しみな未来についても議論したい。},
中江文, "痛みの見える化を目指して ~脳波と人工知能を用いた挑戦~", 第30回高知いたみの研究会, 高知商工会館, 高知, January, 2024.
Abstract: いたみは主観的なものであり、本人の訴えに耳を傾けることは重要であることは言うまでもないが、本人の訴え方に個人差が大きいのも事実である。我々は公平な医療を提供する助けとなる機器を開発することを目的に痛みの見える化を目指して取り組んでいる。その内容について紹介する。
  author    = {中江文},
  booktitle = {第30回高知いたみの研究会},
  title     = {痛みの見える化を目指して ~脳波と人工知能を用いた挑戦~},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {高知商工会館, 高知},
  day       = {20},
  month     = jan,
  abstract  = {いたみは主観的なものであり、本人の訴えに耳を傾けることは重要であることは言うまでもないが、本人の訴え方に個人差が大きいのも事実である。我々は公平な医療を提供する助けとなる機器を開発することを目的に痛みの見える化を目指して取り組んでいる。その内容について紹介する。},
住岡英信, "ロボット×医療の未来", CSPOR-BCオンライン講演会, オンライン, September, 2023.
Abstract: 本発表では、コミュニケーションロボットを用いた我々の取り組みを紹介しながら、未来の医療にどのように関わるのかについて議論する
  author    = {住岡英信},
  booktitle = {CSPOR-BCオンライン講演会},
  title     = {ロボット×医療の未来},
  year      = {2023},
  address   = {オンライン},
  day       = {2},
  month     = sep,
  abstract  = {本発表では、コミュニケーションロボットを用いた我々の取り組みを紹介しながら、未来の医療にどのように関わるのかについて議論する},
Hidenobu Sumioka, "Humanlike Robots that connect people in Elderly Nursing Home", In 精準智慧照護 國際技術交流論壇, 新竹, 台湾(オンライン), October, 2022.
Abstract: BPSD (Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia), often exhibited by older people with dementia, is not only a burden on caregivers but also a major social issue that increases the economic burden on society. Robot therapy is a promising approach to reducing BPSD. In this talk, I will present our study with humanlike robot for older people with dementia.
  author    = {Hidenobu Sumioka},
  booktitle = {精準智慧照護 國際技術交流論壇},
  title     = {Humanlike Robots that connect people in Elderly Nursing Home},
  year      = {2022},
  address   = {新竹, 台湾(オンライン)},
  day       = {24},
  month     = oct,
  url       = {https://aicspht.org.tw/news/精準健康與智慧照護-國際技術交流論壇/},
  abstract  = {BPSD (Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia), often exhibited by older people with dementia, is not only a burden on caregivers but also a major social issue that increases the economic burden on society. Robot therapy is a promising approach to reducing BPSD. In this talk, I will present our study with humanlike robot for older people with dementia.},
Hidenobu Sumioka, "Ethical consideration of companion robots for people with dementia", In 3rd joint ERCIM-JST Workshop 2022, Rocquencourt, France, October, 2022.
Abstract: BPSD (Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia), often exhibited by older people with dementia, is not only a burden on caregivers but also a major social issue that increases the economic burden on society. Robot therapy is a promising approach to reducing BPSD. However, it also offers us ethical and legal issues. In this talk, I will discuss some issues, presenting short- and long-term experiments we have conducted with our baby-like interactive robot. I point out that there are no guidelines on robot therapy for people with dementia and indicate that the efforts made in doll therapy may be helpful. In addition, I will discuss that the caregiver's perspective must also be considered in developing a robot for the elderly with dementia.
  author    = {Hidenobu Sumioka},
  booktitle = {3rd joint ERCIM-JST Workshop 2022},
  title     = {Ethical consideration of companion robots for people with dementia},
  year      = {2022},
  address   = {Rocquencourt, France},
  day       = {20-21},
  month     = oct,
  url       = {https://www.ercim.eu/events/3rd-joint-ercim-jst-workshop},
  abstract  = {BPSD (Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia), often exhibited by older people with dementia, is not only a burden on caregivers but also a major social issue that increases the economic burden on society. Robot therapy is a promising approach to reducing BPSD. However, it also offers us ethical and legal issues. In this talk, I will discuss some issues, presenting short- and long-term experiments we have conducted with our baby-like interactive robot. I point out that there are no guidelines on robot therapy for people with dementia and indicate that the efforts made in doll therapy may be helpful. In addition, I will discuss that the caregiver's perspective must also be considered in developing a robot for the elderly with dementia.},
住岡英信, "ロボット技術でめざす優しいケア", 第4回日本ユマニチュード学会総会, 京都大学国際科学イノベーション棟シンポジウムホール, 京都, September, 2022.
Abstract: 『「優しい介護」インタラクションの計算的・脳科学解明』は2017年に科学技術振興機構の戦略的創造研究推進事業(CREST)の研究テーマとして採択され、国の研究プロジェクトとして、情報学・工学・心理学・医学・看護学などさまざまな分野の専門家が「ユマニチュードはなぜ有効なのか?」に関する研究を進めてきました。 1日目の市民公開講座では、このプロジェクトの歩みと成果についてご紹介します。研究チームが開発した、仮想現実によるユマニチュード・トレーニングシステムや、触れる技術を搭載したロボット、ケア技術を評価する計測システムなども会場で体験できます。 2日目の学会総会では、ユマニチュードの実践、教育、研修効果、家族介護などに関する研究成果について、口頭発表やポスター発表、シンポジウムを通して学びを深めていきます。加えて、4月から開始した『ユマニチュード認証制度』への取り組むパイロット施設20事業所の進捗の報告と、第3回学会定時社員総会も開催いたします。
  author    = {住岡英信},
  booktitle = {第4回日本ユマニチュード学会総会},
  title     = {ロボット技術でめざす優しいケア},
  year      = {2022},
  address   = {京都大学国際科学イノベーション棟シンポジウムホール, 京都},
  day       = {24-25},
  month     = sep,
  url       = {https://jhuma.org/soukai4/},
  abstract  = {『「優しい介護」インタラクションの計算的・脳科学解明』は2017年に科学技術振興機構の戦略的創造研究推進事業(CREST)の研究テーマとして採択され、国の研究プロジェクトとして、情報学・工学・心理学・医学・看護学などさまざまな分野の専門家が「ユマニチュードはなぜ有効なのか?」に関する研究を進めてきました。 1日目の市民公開講座では、このプロジェクトの歩みと成果についてご紹介します。研究チームが開発した、仮想現実によるユマニチュード・トレーニングシステムや、触れる技術を搭載したロボット、ケア技術を評価する計測システムなども会場で体験できます。 2日目の学会総会では、ユマニチュードの実践、教育、研修効果、家族介護などに関する研究成果について、口頭発表やポスター発表、シンポジウムを通して学びを深めていきます。加えて、4月から開始した『ユマニチュード認証制度』への取り組むパイロット施設20事業所の進捗の報告と、第3回学会定時社員総会も開催いたします。},
Hidenobu Sumioka, "Social Robots for Touch interaction and Education", In 2019 International Conference on Advances in STEM Education (ASTEM 2019), The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), Hong Kong, December, 2019.
Abstract: In this talk, I will present the potential applications of social robots in education, introducing three aspects. First, social robots can easily change its relationship with us by playing different roles. They can become our teacher, our student, care-receiver, and our peer, depending on their social contexts. Second, by referring to our field experiment with a teleoperated android, I will show that they can facilitate human-human communication and can also provide opportunities for us to improve relationship between elderly people and care staffs. Finally, I present the physical embodiment of the robot enables us to overcome our limitation to build social bond with people and provide us with a new way of making close human relationship.
  author    = {Hidenobu Sumioka},
  booktitle = {2019 International Conference on Advances in STEM Education (ASTEM 2019)},
  title     = {Social Robots for Touch interaction and Education},
  year      = {2019},
  address   = {The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), Hong Kong},
  day       = {18-20},
  month     = dec,
  url       = {https://www.eduhk.hk/astem/},
  abstract  = {In this talk, I will present the potential applications of social robots in education, introducing three aspects. First, social robots can easily change its relationship with us by playing different roles. They can become our teacher, our student, care-receiver, and our peer, depending on their social contexts. Second, by referring to our field experiment with a teleoperated android, I will show that they can facilitate human-human communication and can also provide opportunities for us to improve relationship between elderly people and care staffs. Finally, I present the physical embodiment of the robot enables us to overcome our limitation to build social bond with people and provide us with a new way of making close human relationship.},
Hidenobu Sumioka, "Emerging Education with Social Robots", In The 11th Asian Conference on Education (ACE2019), Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, November, 2019.
Abstract: Recent advances in robotic technologies enable robots to support us in our daily activities such as social interactions. Such robots, called social robots, often make us interact in more intuitive and casual ways than a real human because of the lack of nonverbal cues and demographic messages. Thanks to this characteristic, they are just beginning to be applied to various fields of social interaction such as education. In this talk, I will present the potential applications of social robots in education, introducing three aspects. First, social robots can easily change their relationship with us by playing different roles. They can become our teachers, our students, and our peers, depending on their social contexts. Second, by referring to our field experiment with a teleoperated android, I will show that they can facilitate human-human communication and can also provide opportunities for us to improve communication skills. Finally, I will present the physical embodiment of the robot that enables us to overcome our limitation to build social bonds with people and provide us with a new way of making close human relationships.
  author    = {Hidenobu Sumioka},
  booktitle = {The 11th Asian Conference on Education (ACE2019)},
  title     = {Emerging Education with Social Robots},
  year      = {2019},
  address   = {Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo},
  day       = {1-3},
  month     = nov,
  url       = {https://ace.iafor.org/},
  abstract  = {Recent advances in robotic technologies enable robots to support us in our daily activities such as social interactions. Such robots, called social robots, often make us interact in more intuitive and casual ways than a real human because of the lack of nonverbal cues and demographic messages. Thanks to this characteristic, they are just beginning to be applied to various fields of social interaction such as education. In this talk, I will present the potential applications of social robots in education, introducing three aspects. First, social robots can easily change their relationship with us by playing different roles. They can become our teachers, our students, and our peers, depending on their social contexts. Second, by referring to our field experiment with a teleoperated android, I will show that they can facilitate human-human communication and can also provide opportunities for us to improve communication skills. Finally, I will present the physical embodiment of the robot that enables us to overcome our limitation to build social bonds with people and provide us with a new way of making close human relationships.},
Soheil Keshmiri, "Human-Robot Physical Interaction: The recent Findings and their Utilities for preventing age-related cognitive decline, improving the quality of child care, and advancing quality of mental disorder services", In Big Data and AI Congress 5th Edition 2019, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 1-33, October, 2019.
  author    = {Soheil Keshmiri},
  title     = {Human-Robot Physical Interaction: The recent Findings and their Utilities for preventing age-related cognitive decline, improving the quality of child care, and advancing quality of mental disorder services},
  booktitle = {Big Data and AI Congress 5th Edition 2019},
  year      = {2019},
  pages     = {1-33},
  address   = {Barcelona, Spain},
  month     = oct,
  day       = {17},
  url       = {https://bigdatacongress.barcelona/en/},
Hidenobu Sumioka, "Robotics For Elderly Society", In Long term care system & scientific technology in Japan aging society, 大阪大学, 大阪, July, 2019.
Abstract: In this talk, I present current elderly care with communication robots in Japan
  author    = {Hidenobu Sumioka},
  booktitle = {Long term care system \& scientific technology in Japan aging society},
  title     = {Robotics For Elderly Society},
  year      = {2019},
  address   = {大阪大学, 大阪},
  day       = {22},
  month     = jul,
  abstract  = {In this talk, I present current elderly care with communication robots in Japan},
住岡英信, "ロボットとの対話を用いた健康支援", 第19回日本抗加齢医学会総会, パシフィコ横浜, 神奈川, June, 2019.
Abstract: 近年,対話ロボットによるコミュニケーション支援の研究が盛んに行われている.しかし一方でその効果については質問紙やインタビューによる主観的な評価が多く,脳科学的,生理学的な検証は不十分と言える.本発表では,著者らが近年進めている脳活動やホルモン検査を用いた対話ロボットメディアの効果検証について紹介する.
  author    = {住岡英信},
  booktitle = {第19回日本抗加齢医学会総会},
  title     = {ロボットとの対話を用いた健康支援},
  year      = {2019},
  address   = {パシフィコ横浜, 神奈川},
  day       = {14-16},
  month     = jun,
  url       = {http://www.c-linkage.co.jp/19jaam/index.html},
  abstract  = {近年,対話ロボットによるコミュニケーション支援の研究が盛んに行われている.しかし一方でその効果については質問紙やインタビューによる主観的な評価が多く,脳科学的,生理学的な検証は不十分と言える.本発表では,著者らが近年進めている脳活動やホルモン検査を用いた対話ロボットメディアの効果検証について紹介する.},
Hidenobu Sumioka, "Robotics for Elderly and Stressful Society", In The Kansai Resilience Forum 2019, The Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, 兵庫, February, 2019.
Abstract: The Kansai Resilience Forum 2019 is an event organised by The Government of Japan in collaboration with The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), which re-examines resilience from interdisciplinary perspectives and paradigms, from the abstract concept to the concrete, with contributions from thought leaders in academia, business and government.
  author    = {Hidenobu Sumioka},
  booktitle = {The Kansai Resilience Forum 2019},
  title     = {Robotics for Elderly and Stressful Society},
  year      = {2019},
  address   = {The Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, 兵庫},
  day       = {22},
  month     = feb,
  url       = {https://kansai-resilience-forum.jp/},
  abstract  = {The Kansai Resilience Forum 2019 is an event organised by The Government of Japan in collaboration with The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), which re-examines resilience from interdisciplinary perspectives and paradigms, from the abstract concept to the concrete, with contributions from thought leaders in academia, business and government.},
住岡英信, "触れ合いを伴うロボットとの共生", アメニティフォーラム23, びわ湖大津プリンスホテル, 滋賀, February, 2019.
Abstract: 本発表では、人とロボットの触れ合いに関する研究を紹介し、ロボットによる社会的弱者支援について議論する
  author    = {住岡英信},
  title     = {触れ合いを伴うロボットとの共生},
  booktitle = {アメニティフォーラム23},
  year      = {2019},
  address   = {びわ湖大津プリンスホテル, 滋賀},
  month     = Feb,
  day       = {8-10},
  url       = {http://amenity-forum-shiga.blogspot.com/},
  abstract  = {本発表では、人とロボットの触れ合いに関する研究を紹介し、ロボットによる社会的弱者支援について議論する},
住岡英信, "人に近づくロボット", 京都工学院高等学校特別講義, 京都, 京都工学院高等学校 , 京都, February, 2019.
Abstract: 本講演では、現在研究の進む人と共存するロボットについて紹介する。
  author    = {住岡英信},
  booktitle = {京都工学院高等学校特別講義},
  title     = {人に近づくロボット},
  year      = {2019},
  address   = {京都工学院高等学校 , 京都},
  day       = {6},
  month     = Feb,
  publisher = {京都},
  url       = {http://cms.edu.city.kyoto.jp/weblog/index.php?id=300254},
  abstract  = {本講演では、現在研究の進む人と共存するロボットについて紹介する。},
Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Minimum design of interactive robots", In International Symposium on Pedagogical Machines CREST 国際シンポジウム-「ペダゴジカル・マシンの探求」, 東京, March, 2015.
  author    = {Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title     = {Minimum design of interactive robots},
  booktitle = {International Symposium on Pedagogical Machines CREST 国際シンポジウム-「ペダゴジカル・マシンの探求」},
  year      = {2015},
  address   = {東京},
  month     = Mar,
  file      = {Ishiguro2015a.pdf:pdf/Ishiguro2015a.pdf:PDF},
Shuichi Nishio, "Teleoperated android robots - Fundamentals, applications and future", In China International Advanced Manufacturing Conference 2014, Mianyang, China, October, 2014.
Abstract: I will introduce our various experiences on teleoperated android robots, how their are manufactured, scientific findings, applications to real world issues and how they will be used in our society in future.
  author    = {Shuichi Nishio},
  title     = {Teleoperated android robots - Fundamentals, applications and future},
  booktitle = {China International Advanced Manufacturing Conference 2014},
  year      = {2014},
  address   = {Mianyang, China},
  month     = Oct,
  abstract  = {I will introduce our various experiences on teleoperated android robots, how their are manufactured, scientific findings, applications to real world issues and how they will be used in our society in future.},
西尾修一, "遠隔操作アンドロイドを通じた他者の認識", 第16回日本感性工学会大会, 東京, September, 2014.
  author    = {西尾修一},
  title     = {遠隔操作アンドロイドを通じた他者の認識},
  booktitle = {第16回日本感性工学会大会},
  year      = {2014},
  address   = {東京},
  month     = SEP,
  file      = {Nishio2014a.pdf:pdf/Nishio2014a.pdf:PDF},
Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Android Philosophy", In Sociable Robots and the Future of Social Relations: Proceedings of Robo-Philosophy 2014, IOS Press, vol. 273, Aarhus, Denmark, pp. 3, August, 2014.
  author    = {Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title     = {Android Philosophy},
  booktitle = {Sociable Robots and the Future of Social Relations: Proceedings of Robo-Philosophy 2014},
  year      = {2014},
  editor    = {Johanna Seibt and Raul Hakli and Marco N\orskov},
  volume    = {273},
  pages     = {3},
  address   = {Aarhus, Denmark},
  month     = Aug,
  publisher = {IOS Press},
  doi       = {10.3233/978-1-61499-480-0-3},
  url       = {http://ebooks.iospress.nl/volumearticle/38527},
石黒浩, "アンドロイドと生きる未来 ~技術と芸術の融合~", 国立情報学研究所市民講座 未来を紡ぐ情報学, 学術総合センター. 東京, July, 2014.
Abstract: 国立情報学研究所の研究者が「情報学」の先端を一般向けに解説するプログラムにおいて、講演を行う。国立情報学研究所の客員教授として参加。
  author    = {石黒浩},
  title     = {アンドロイドと生きる未来 ~技術と芸術の融合~},
  booktitle = {国立情報学研究所市民講座 未来を紡ぐ情報学},
  year      = {2014},
  address   = {学術総合センター. 東京},
  month     = JUL,
  url       = {http://www.nii.ac.jp/event/shimin/},
  abstract  = {国立情報学研究所の研究者が「情報学」の先端を一般向けに解説するプログラムにおいて、講演を行う。国立情報学研究所の客員教授として参加。},
  file      = {石黒浩2014j.pdf:pdf/石黒浩2014j.pdf:PDF},
石黒浩, "ロボットと脳", 応用脳科学コンソーシアム2014年度キックオフミーティング, 東京, June, 2014.
  author    = {石黒浩},
  title     = {ロボットと脳},
  booktitle = {応用脳科学コンソーシアム2014年度キックオフミーティング},
  year      = {2014},
  address   = {東京},
  month     = Jun,
Hiroshi Ishiguro, "The Future Life Supported by Robotic Avatars", In The Global Mobile Internet Conference Beijing, Beijing, China, May, 2014.
  author    = {Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title     = {The Future Life Supported by Robotic Avatars},
  booktitle = {The Global Mobile Internet Conference Beijing},
  year      = {2014},
  address   = {Beijing, China},
  month     = May,
  day       = {5-6},
  file      = {ishiguro2014a.pdf:pdf/ishiguro2014a.pdf:PDF},
Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Telenoid : A Teleoperated Android with a Minimalistic Human Design", In Robo Business Europe, Billund, Denmark, May, 2014.
  author    = {Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title     = {Telenoid : A Teleoperated Android with a Minimalistic Human Design},
  booktitle = {Robo Business Europe},
  year      = {2014},
  address   = {Billund, Denmark},
  month     = May,
  day       = {26-28},
石黒浩, "人間型ロボットと未来社会", 電気設備学会関西支部総会, 大阪, May, 2014.
  author    = {石黒浩},
  title     = {人間型ロボットと未来社会},
  booktitle = {電気設備学会関西支部総会},
  year      = {2014},
  address   = {大阪},
  month     = May,
石黒浩, "ロボットと未来社会", 第31回吹田産業フェア, 大阪, May, 2014.
  author    = {石黒浩},
  title     = {ロボットと未来社会},
  booktitle = {第31回吹田産業フェア},
  year      = {2014},
  address   = {大阪},
  month     = May,
石黒浩, "人と関わるロボットの実現", ニコニコ超会議3, 千葉, April, 2014.
  author    = {石黒浩},
  title     = {人と関わるロボットの実現},
  booktitle = {ニコニコ超会議3},
  year      = {2014},
  address   = {千葉},
  month     = Apr,
  day       = {26-27},
石黒浩, "人を知るためのロボット研究", 日本大阪大学石黒浩教授学術報告会, 中国, April, 2014.
  author    = {石黒浩},
  title     = {人を知るためのロボット研究},
  booktitle = {日本大阪大学石黒浩教授学術報告会},
  year      = {2014},
  address   = {中国},
  month     = Apr,
  day       = {15},
Ryuji Yamazaki, "Teleoperated Android in Elderly Care", In Patient@home seminar, Denmark, February, 2014.
Abstract: We explore the potential of teleoperated androids, which are embodied telecommunication media with humanlike appearances. By conducting pilot studies in Japan and Denmark, we investigate how Telenoid, a teleoperated android designed as a minimalistic human, affect people in the real world. As populations age, the isolation issue of senior citizens is one of the leading issues in healthcare promotion. In order to solve the isolation issue resulting in geriatric syndromes and improve seniors' well-being by enhancing social connectedness, we propose to employ Telenoid that might facilitate their communication with others. By introducing Telenoid into care facilities and senior's homes, we found various influences on the elderly with or without dementia. Most senior participants had positive impressions of Telenoid from the very beginning, even though, ironically, their caretaker had a negative one. Especially the elderly with dementia showed strong attachment to Telenoid and created its identity imaginatively and interactively. In a long-term study, we also found that demented elderly increasingly showed prosocial behaviors to Telenoid and it encouraged them to be more communicative and open. With a focus on elderly care, this presentation will introduce our field trials and discuss the potential of interactions between the android robot and human users for further research.
  author    = {Ryuji Yamazaki},
  title     = {Teleoperated Android in Elderly Care},
  booktitle = {Patient@home seminar},
  year      = {2014},
  address   = {Denmark},
  month     = Feb,
  day       = {5},
  abstract  = {We explore the potential of teleoperated androids, which are embodied telecommunication media with humanlike appearances. By conducting pilot studies in Japan and Denmark, we investigate how Telenoid, a teleoperated android designed as a minimalistic human, affect people in the real world. As populations age, the isolation issue of senior citizens is one of the leading issues in healthcare promotion. In order to solve the isolation issue resulting in geriatric syndromes and improve seniors' well-being by enhancing social connectedness, we propose to employ Telenoid that might facilitate their communication with others. By introducing Telenoid into care facilities and senior's homes, we found various influences on the elderly with or without dementia. Most senior participants had positive impressions of Telenoid from the very beginning, even though, ironically, their caretaker had a negative one. Especially the elderly with dementia showed strong attachment to Telenoid and created its identity imaginatively and interactively. In a long-term study, we also found that demented elderly increasingly showed prosocial behaviors to Telenoid and it encouraged them to be more communicative and open. With a focus on elderly care, this presentation will introduce our field trials and discuss the potential of interactions between the android robot and human users for further research.},
Shuichi Nishio, "The Impact of the Care‐Robot ‘Telenoid' on Elderly Persons in Japan", In International Conference : Going Beyond the Laboratory - Ethical and Societal Challenges for Robotics, Delmenhorst, Germany, February, 2014.
  author    = {Shuichi Nishio},
  title     = {The Impact of the Care‐Robot ‘Telenoid' on Elderly Persons in Japan},
  booktitle = {International Conference : Going Beyond the Laboratory - Ethical and Societal Challenges for Robotics},
  year      = {2014},
  address   = {Delmenhorst, Germany},
  month     = Feb,
  day       = {13-15},
石黒浩, "人を知るためのロボット研究", 第24回日本頭頸部外科学会総会ならびに学術講演会, 香川, January, 2014.
  author    = {石黒浩},
  title     = {人を知るためのロボット研究},
  booktitle = {第24回日本頭頸部外科学会総会ならびに学術講演会},
  year      = {2014},
  address   = {香川},
  month     = Jan,
  day       = {30},
石黒浩, "遠隔操作型ロボットと未来社会", JUAS FUTURE ASPECT 2014 「ワクワクする未来へ これからの社会をデザインしよう ~2020年、そしてその先へ~」, 東京, January, 2014.
  author    = {石黒浩},
  title     = {遠隔操作型ロボットと未来社会},
  booktitle = {JUAS FUTURE ASPECT 2014 「ワクワクする未来へ これからの社会をデザインしよう ~2020年、そしてその先へ~」},
  year      = {2014},
  address   = {東京},
  month     = Jan,
  day       = {30},
石黒浩, "子どもと類人猿とロボットにおける共感と協調と「心の理論」", 日本心理学会 第78回大会, 2014.
  author    = {石黒浩},
  title     = {子どもと類人猿とロボットにおける共感と協調と「心の理論」},
  booktitle = {日本心理学会 第78回大会},
  year      = {2014},
石黒浩, "感情の表現-ロボットによる感情の表現と想起-", 日本情動学会第3回大会, 京都, December, 2013.
  author    = {石黒浩},
  title     = {感情の表現-ロボットによる感情の表現と想起-},
  booktitle = {日本情動学会第3回大会},
  year      = {2013},
  address   = {京都},
  month     = Dec,
  day       = {7},
港隆史, 中西惇也, 桑村海光, 西尾修一, 石黒浩, "ロボットメディアとの身体的相互作用による感情喚起", 信学技報(クラウドネットワークロボット研究会), no. CNR2013-23, 東京, pp. 13-18, December, 2013.
Abstract: 本研究では,ユーザの感情を喚起することでコミュニケーションを支援するメディアの実現に向けて,ロボットメディアとの相互作用における身体的状態が感情変化をもたらすメカニズムを明らかにする研究に着手している.これまでに,人型ロボットメディアを抱擁しながら対話することが,対話相手への関心や好意を高めることを確かめる実験をいくつか行ってきたので,本報告ではそれらの実験を紹介する.
  author          = {港隆史 and 中西惇也 and 桑村海光 and 西尾修一 and 石黒浩},
  title           = {ロボットメディアとの身体的相互作用による感情喚起},
  booktitle       = {信学技報(クラウドネットワークロボット研究会)},
  year            = {2013},
  number          = {CNR2013-23},
  pages           = {13-18},
  address         = {東京},
  month           = {Dec},
  day             = {20},
  url             = {http://www.ieice.org/ken/program/index.php?tgs_regid=5802ef7c9533d904b64bd7870b994f877e54bc26c06845254e7fff21647f7176&tgid=IEICE-CNR&lang=},
  etitle          = {Emotional Arousal by Physical Interaction with Robotic Media},
  abstract        = {本研究では,ユーザの感情を喚起することでコミュニケーションを支援するメディアの実現に向けて,ロボットメディアとの相互作用における身体的状態が感情変化をもたらすメカニズムを明らかにする研究に着手している.これまでに,人型ロボットメディアを抱擁しながら対話することが,対話相手への関心や好意を高めることを確かめる実験をいくつか行ってきたので,本報告ではそれらの実験を紹介する.},
  eabstract       = {We are studying a mechanism of an emotional arousal owing to person's bodily state (e.g., body posture and motion) in human-robotic media interaction towards a development of robotic media to support users' communication by controlling their emotion. This paper shows several experimental results in which persons show an interest or affection in their communication partner by talking while hugging a robotic media.},
  file            = {港隆史2013.pdf:pdf/港隆史2013.pdf:PDF},
  funding         = {{CREST}},
  keywords        = {ロボットメディア; 身体的相互作用; 感情喚起; 抱擁},
住岡英信, "ホルモンの評価事例:抱き枕型通信メディア「ハグビー」によるストレス軽減", 第1回コンフォータブルブレイン研究会, 東京, October, 2013.
  author    = {住岡英信},
  title     = {ホルモンの評価事例:抱き枕型通信メディア「ハグビー」によるストレス軽減},
  booktitle = {第1回コンフォータブルブレイン研究会},
  year      = {2013},
  address   = {東京},
  month     = Oct,
  day       = {16},
  file      = {住岡英信2013b.pdf:pdf/住岡英信2013b.pdf:PDF},
石黒浩, "遠隔操作型ロボットとロボット社会", 組込みシステムシンポジウム2013, 東京, October, 2013.
  author       = {石黒浩},
  title        = {遠隔操作型ロボットとロボット社会},
  booktitle    = {組込みシステムシンポジウム2013},
  year         = {2013},
  address      = {東京},
  month        = Oct,
  organization = {情報処理学会 組込みシステム研究会},
石黒浩, "知能ロボット技術の将来", 日本食品工業倶楽部会 大阪例会, 大阪, October, 2013.
  author    = {石黒浩},
  title     = {知能ロボット技術の将来},
  booktitle = {日本食品工業倶楽部会 大阪例会},
  year      = {2013},
  address   = {大阪},
  month     = Oct,
  day       = {17},
石黒浩, "ものとヒトの関係", コンフォータブルブレイン研究会, 東京, October, 2013.
  author    = {石黒浩},
  title     = {ものとヒトの関係},
  booktitle = {コンフォータブルブレイン研究会},
  year      = {2013},
  address   = {東京},
  month     = Oct,
  day       = {16},
Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Studies on very humanlike robots", In International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, Information Technology and System Integration, Aichi, September, 2013.
Abstract: Studies on interactive robots and androids are not just in robotics but they are also closely coupled in cognitive science and neuroscience. It is a research area for investigating fundamental issues of interface and media technology. This talks introduce the series of androids developed in both Osaka University and ATR and propose a new information medium realized based on the studies.
  author    = {Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title     = {Studies on very humanlike robots},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, Information Technology and System Integration},
  year      = {2013},
  address   = {Aichi},
  month     = Sep,
  day       = {14},
  abstract  = {Studies on interactive robots and androids are not just in robotics but they are also closely coupled in cognitive science and neuroscience. It is a research area for investigating fundamental issues of interface and media technology. This talks introduce the series of androids developed in both Osaka University and ATR and propose a new information medium realized based on the studies.},
石黒浩, "ヒューマノイド・アンドロイド研究と未来社会", 第2回KECテクノフォーラム, 大阪, September, 2013.
Abstract: 工場の外で人と関わりながら、様々なサービスを提供するロボットの実用は既にアメリカを中心に始まりつつある。講演者はこの人と関わるロボットの研究開発において世界を先導してきた。本講演では、人と関わるロボットの現状の研究開発を紹介するとともに、今後我々がどのような未来社会を迎えるかを議論する。
  author       = {石黒浩},
  title        = {ヒューマノイド・アンドロイド研究と未来社会},
  booktitle    = {第2回KECテクノフォーラム},
  year         = {2013},
  address      = {大阪},
  month        = Sep,
  day          = {17},
  abstract     = {工場の外で人と関わりながら、様々なサービスを提供するロボットの実用は既にアメリカを中心に始まりつつある。講演者はこの人と関わるロボットの研究開発において世界を先導してきた。本講演では、人と関わるロボットの現状の研究開発を紹介するとともに、今後我々がどのような未来社会を迎えるかを議論する。},
  organization = {一般社団法人KEC関西電子工業振興センター研究専門委員会},
Hiroshi Ishiguro, "The Future Life Supported by Robotic Avatars", In Global Future 2045 International Congress, NY, USA, June, 2013.
Abstract: Robotic avatars or tele-operated robots are already available and working in practical situations, especially in USA. The robot society has started. In our future life we are going to use various tele-operated and autonomous robots. The speaker is taking the leadership for developing tele-operated robots and androids. The tele-opereated android copy of himself is well-known in the world. By means of robots and androids, he has studied the cognitive and social aspects of human-robot interaction. Thus, he has contributed to establishing this research area. In this talk, he will introduce the series of robots and androids developed at the Intelligent Robot Laboratory of the Department of Systems Innovation of Osaka University and at the Hiroshi Ishiguro Laboratory of the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR).
  author    = {Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title     = {The Future Life Supported by Robotic Avatars},
  booktitle = {Global Future 2045 International Congress},
  year      = {2013},
  address   = {NY, USA},
  month     = Jun,
  abstract  = {Robotic avatars or tele-operated robots are already available and working in practical situations, especially in USA. The robot society has started. In our future life we are going to use various tele-operated and autonomous robots. The speaker is taking the leadership for developing tele-operated robots and androids. The tele-opereated android copy of himself is well-known in the world. By means of robots and androids, he has studied the cognitive and social aspects of human-robot interaction. Thus, he has contributed to establishing this research area. In this talk, he will introduce the series of robots and androids developed at the Intelligent Robot Laboratory of the Department of Systems Innovation of Osaka University and at the Hiroshi Ishiguro Laboratory of the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR).},
石黒浩, "Feel the Telenoid - 人型メディアが人間とビジネスを変える", DMNワークショップ2013, 東京, May, 2013.
  author    = {石黒浩},
  title     = {Feel the Telenoid - 人型メディアが人間とビジネスを変える},
  booktitle = {{DMN}ワークショップ2013},
  year      = {2013},
  address   = {東京},
  month     = May,
  day       = {30},
山崎 竜二, "遠隔操作型ロボットを介した コミュニケーションの可能性:石川県宮竹小学校の授業を通して考える", 第30回臨床哲学研究会, 大阪, October, 2012.
  author    = {山崎 竜二},
  title     = {遠隔操作型ロボットを介した コミュニケーションの可能性:石川県宮竹小学校の授業を通して考える},
  booktitle = {第30回臨床哲学研究会},
  year      = {2012},
  address   = {大阪},
  month     = Oct,
  day       = {21},
  file      = {山崎竜二2012.pdf:pdf/山崎竜二2012.pdf:PDF},
Hideyuki Nakanishi, "Robotic Social Telepresence", In Anglo-Japanese Seminar on Technology and Social Interaction, London, UK, September, 2011.
  author = {Hideyuki Nakanishi},
  title = {Robotic Social Telepresence},
  booktitle = {Anglo-Japanese Seminar on Technology and Social Interaction},
  year = {2011},
  address = {London, UK},
  month = Sep,
山崎 竜二, "認知症高齢者の地域住居(aging in place)と情報機器", 情報処理学会関西支部大会, 大阪, September, 2011.
Abstract: 日本の高齢化は世界に例を見ない速度で進行し、空前の 長寿社会が到来している。高齢化の進展に伴って認知症を 抱える人も急増し、認知症高齢者が住み慣れた地域住居で 暮らす(aging in place)仕組みをどのように構築できるの かということが切迫した課題となる。認知症高齢者の独居 生活にも対応できるケアシステムが必要とされており、孤 立の果てに死にまで至る問題を未然に防ぐことが重要性を 増している。高齢者の孤立化の問題が深刻化する現況に対 して認知症ケアのシステムを構築するため、情報通信技術 を活用するアプローチがどのような問題に直面し、新たな 役割を果たしうるのかを検討する。
  author          = {山崎 竜二},
  title           = {認知症高齢者の地域住居(aging in place)と情報機器},
  booktitle       = {情報処理学会関西支部大会},
  year            = {2011},
  address         = {大阪},
  month           = Sep,
  day             = {22},
  etitle          = {Aging in Place and Assistive Technology for the Elderly with Dementia},
  abstract        = {日本の高齢化は世界に例を見ない速度で進行し、空前の 長寿社会が到来している。高齢化の進展に伴って認知症を 抱える人も急増し、認知症高齢者が住み慣れた地域住居で 暮らす(aging in place)仕組みをどのように構築できるの かということが切迫した課題となる。認知症高齢者の独居 生活にも対応できるケアシステムが必要とされており、孤 立の果てに死にまで至る問題を未然に防ぐことが重要性を 増している。高齢者の孤立化の問題が深刻化する現況に対 して認知症ケアのシステムを構築するため、情報通信技術 を活用するアプローチがどのような問題に直面し、新たな 役割を果たしうるのかを検討する。},
  file            = {山崎竜二2011a.pdf:山崎竜二2011a.pdf:PDF},
Aya Nakae, Hani M. Bu-Omer, Wei-Chuan Chang, Chie Kishimoto, Yuya Onishi, Hidenobu Sumioka, Masahiro Shiomi, "The Potential of a Robot Presence in Close Relationship to Influence Human Responses to Experimental Pain", Life, vol. 15, no. 2, Article Number 229, pp. 1-20, February, 2025.
Abstract: Pain management is a critical challenge in healthcare, often exacerbated by loneliness and emotional distress. This study investigated the potential of a communication robot, Moffuly, to reduce pain perception and influence hormonal responses in a controlled experimental setting. Nineteen healthy participants underwent heat pain stimulation under two conditions: with and without robotic interaction. Pain levels were assessed using the Short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire and the Visual Analogue Scale, while mood and mental states were evaluated through established questionnaires including the Profile of Mood States, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and Self-Rating Depression Scale. Hormonal changes, including cortisol, growth hormone, oxytocin, estradiol, and dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate, were measured from blood samples collected at key time points. The results demonstrated significant reductions in subjective pain and improvements in mood following robotic interaction. These effects were accompanied by favorable hormonal changes, including increased oxytocin and decreased cortisol and growth hormone levels. The findings suggest that robotic interaction may serve as an innovative approach to pain management by addressing both physiological and psychological factors. This study highlights the potential of robotics to complement traditional therapies in alleviating pain and enhancing emotional well-being. By mitigating emotional distress and loneliness, robotic interventions may enhance existing pain therapies and offer innovative solutions for resource-limited healthcare systems.
  author   = {Aya Nakae and Hani M. Bu-Omer and Wei-Chuan Chang and Chie Kishimoto and Yuya Onishi and Hidenobu Sumioka and Masahiro Shiomi},
  journal  = {Life},
  title    = {The Potential of a Robot Presence in Close Relationship to Influence Human Responses to Experimental Pain},
  year     = {2025},
  abstract = {Pain management is a critical challenge in healthcare, often exacerbated by loneliness and emotional distress. This study investigated the potential of a communication robot, Moffuly, to reduce pain perception and influence hormonal responses in a controlled experimental setting. Nineteen healthy participants underwent heat pain stimulation under two conditions: with and without robotic interaction. Pain levels were assessed using the Short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire and the Visual Analogue Scale, while mood and mental states were evaluated through established questionnaires including the Profile of Mood States, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and Self-Rating Depression Scale. Hormonal changes, including cortisol, growth hormone, oxytocin, estradiol, and dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate, were measured from blood samples collected at key time points. The results demonstrated significant reductions in subjective pain and improvements in mood following robotic interaction. These effects were accompanied by favorable hormonal changes, including increased oxytocin and decreased cortisol and growth hormone levels. The findings suggest that robotic interaction may serve as an innovative approach to pain management by addressing both physiological and psychological factors. This study highlights the potential of robotics to complement traditional therapies in alleviating pain and enhancing emotional well-being. By mitigating emotional distress and loneliness, robotic interventions may enhance existing pain therapies and offer innovative solutions for resource-limited healthcare systems.},
  day      = {4},
  doi      = {10.3390/life15020229},
  issn     = {2075-1729},
  month    = feb,
  number   = {2, Article Number 229},
  pages    = {1-20},
  url      = {https://www.mdpi.com/2075-1729/15/2/229},
  volume   = {15},
  keywords = {communication robots; human–robot interaction; robotic healthcare applications; hormonal responses; experimental pain; pain management; mood enhancement},
Aya Nakae, Hani M. Bu-Omer, Chie Kishimoto, Wei-Chuan Chang, Hidenobu Sumioka, "Personality and Its Influence on Pain Sensitivity Based on Different Hormonal Responses to Individual vs. Group Exercise Styles", Life, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 1-21, February, 2025.
Abstract: Individual differences in pain sensitivity are thought to relate to personality traits, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Exercise influences hormonal secretion via the hypothalamic–pituitary system, which may link personality, hormonal responses, and pain perception. This study investigated these relationships in 14 healthy participants (3 females, 11 males, aged 20–50 years, mean 28 ± 9.25 years). Participants rated thermal pain stimuli and completed the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R) to identify their personality. Each participant engaged in personal and group training sessions, with blood samples collected to measure cortisol, growth hormone, and other indicators. Participants were clustered into cortisol hypersecretors and hyposecretors based on their hormonal response. Hypersecretors exhibited significantly lower neuroticism scores and pain ratings than hyposecretors. These findings suggest a potential association between cortisol responsiveness during exercise, neuroticism, and pain sensitivity. This study highlights potential links between personality traits and reactive hormonal patterns, offering insights into the psychophysiological mechanisms underlying pain expression.
  author   = {Aya Nakae and Hani M. Bu-Omer and Chie Kishimoto and Wei-Chuan Chang and Hidenobu Sumioka},
  journal  = {Life},
  title    = {Personality and Its Influence on Pain Sensitivity Based on Different Hormonal Responses to Individual vs. Group Exercise Styles},
  year     = {2025},
  abstract = {Individual differences in pain sensitivity are thought to relate to personality traits, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Exercise influences hormonal secretion via the hypothalamic–pituitary system, which may link personality, hormonal responses, and pain perception. This study investigated these relationships in 14 healthy participants (3 females, 11 males, aged 20–50 years, mean 28 ± 9.25 years). Participants rated thermal pain stimuli and completed the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R) to identify their personality. Each participant engaged in personal and group training sessions, with blood samples collected to measure cortisol, growth hormone, and other indicators. Participants were clustered into cortisol hypersecretors and hyposecretors based on their hormonal response. Hypersecretors exhibited significantly lower neuroticism scores and pain ratings than hyposecretors. These findings suggest a potential association between cortisol responsiveness during exercise, neuroticism, and pain sensitivity. This study highlights potential links between personality traits and reactive hormonal patterns, offering insights into the psychophysiological mechanisms underlying pain expression.},
  day      = {2},
  doi      = {10.3390/life15020222},
  month    = feb,
  number   = {2},
  pages    = {1-21},
  url      = {https://www.mdpi.com/2075-1729/15/2/222},
  volume   = {15},
  keywords = {personality differences; pain sensitivity; cortisol; growth hormone; KAATSU training; group training; NEO-PI-R; hormonal changes},
Takuto Akiyoshi, Hidenobu Sumioka, Junya Nakanishi, Hirokazu Kato, Masahiro Shiomi, "Modeling and Implementation of Intra-Hug Gestures During Dialogue for a Huggable Robot", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (IEEE RA-L), vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 136-143, November, 2024.
Abstract: The potential of social touch, a behavior that uses physical embodiment, has been actively studied for adaptation to social robots because of both physical and mental benefits. Social touch from robots, including hugs, reports similar positive effects as those from human-human interaction. Huggable robots have been developed that can make such intra-hug gestures as patting and stroking during hugs. However, guidelines have not yet been established for determining the frequency, type, area, initiation timing, and duration of such gestures in dialogues that provide support. As a first step toward resolving this gap, this study built a model of intra-hug gestures in dialogues. We collected data on them from participants who performed as addressees and developed a dialogue with a mannequin as a speaker. From the probability distribution acquired from data analysis, we constructed a model to determine the parameters of the gestures. We achieved an autonomous dialogue system with intra-hug gestures by implementing it through a robot. The findings of this study have implications for dialogue designs with social touch for robots.
  author   = {Takuto Akiyoshi and Hidenobu Sumioka and Junya Nakanishi and Hirokazu Kato and Masahiro Shiomi},
  journal  = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (IEEE RA-L)},
  title    = {Modeling and Implementation of Intra-Hug Gestures During Dialogue for a Huggable Robot},
  year     = {2024},
  abstract = {The potential of social touch, a behavior that uses physical embodiment, has been actively studied for adaptation to social robots because of both physical and mental benefits. Social touch from robots, including hugs, reports similar positive effects as those from human-human interaction. Huggable robots have been developed that can make such intra-hug gestures as patting and stroking during hugs. However, guidelines have not yet been established for determining the frequency, type, area, initiation timing, and duration of such gestures in dialogues that provide support. As a first step toward resolving this gap, this study built a model of intra-hug gestures in dialogues. We collected data on them from participants who performed as addressees and developed a dialogue with a mannequin as a speaker. From the probability distribution acquired from data analysis, we constructed a model to determine the parameters of the gestures. We achieved an autonomous dialogue system with intra-hug gestures by implementing it through a robot. The findings of this study have implications for dialogue designs with social touch for robots.},
  day      = {14},
  doi      = {10.1109/LRA.2024.3498697},
  month    = nov,
  number   = {1},
  pages    = {136-143},
  url      = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10753004},
  volume   = {10},
  keywords = {Human-robot interaction, hugging interaction},
大和信夫, 住岡英信, 塩見昌裕, 神田陽治, "赤ちゃん型コンパニオンロボットによる介護職員の精神健康度の改善", サービスプラクティス, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-5, June, 2024.
Abstract: 介護現場で利用されるコンパニオンロボットが認知症高齢者に良い効果をもたらす半面,その運用に関わる介護職員に対しては,ストレス,責任,業務負担を増やす側面があり,介護施設で提供されるサービスの質の低下を招く.この課題に対し,コロナ禍の最も厳しい時期に,介護施設において現場の介護職員のみで実施した,赤ちゃん型コンパニオンロボットの約1カ月に渡る長期導入実験における,介護職員の精神健康度の改善について報告する.
  author   = {大和信夫 and 住岡英信 and 塩見昌裕 and 神田陽治},
  journal  = {サービスプラクティス},
  title    = {赤ちゃん型コンパニオンロボットによる介護職員の精神健康度の改善},
  year     = {2024},
  abstract = {介護現場で利用されるコンパニオンロボットが認知症高齢者に良い効果をもたらす半面,その運用に関わる介護職員に対しては,ストレス,責任,業務負担を増やす側面があり,介護施設で提供されるサービスの質の低下を招く.この課題に対し,コロナ禍の最も厳しい時期に,介護施設において現場の介護職員のみで実施した,赤ちゃん型コンパニオンロボットの約1カ月に渡る長期導入実験における,介護職員の精神健康度の改善について報告する.},
  day      = {27},
  month    = jun,
  number   = {1},
  pages    = {1-5},
  url      = {http://ja.serviceology.org/publish/service_practice.html},
  volume   = {1},
Nobuo Yamato, Hidenobu Sumioka, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Masahiro Shiomi, Youji Kohda, "Technology Acceptance Models from Different Viewpoints of Caregiver, Receiver, and Care Facility Administrator: Lessons from Long-Term Implementation Using Baby-Like Interactive Robot for Nursing Home Residents with Dementia", Journal of Technology in Human Services, vol. 41, pp. 296-321, December, 2023.
Abstract: The introduction of companion robots into nursing homes has positive effects on older people with dementia (PwD) but increases the physical and psychological burden on the nursing staff, such as learning how to use them, fear of breakdowns, and concern about hygiene, and the concerns of the nursing home administrator, such as increased turnover and reduced quality of care due to this. To solve this problem, it is necessary to investigate the acceptability of robots from the viewpoints of all stakeholders: PwD as receivers, nursing staff as caregivers, and nursing home administrator as a care facility administrator. However, there is still missing hypothesis about how their acceptability is structured and involved with each other. This study proposes three technology acceptance model (TAMs) from the perspectives of PwD, nursing staff, and nursing home administrator. The models are conceptualized based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results of our two experiments involving a baby-like interactive robot to stimulate PwD in the same nursing home (one with low acceptance of all stakeholders and the other with their high acceptance) in addition to the comparison with other companion robots. Based on the proposed models, we discuss an integrated TAM for the acceptance of companion robots in long-term care facilities. We also discuss the possibility of applying our approach, which examines the perspectives of various stakeholders on technology acceptance, to other areas such as health care and education, followed by the ethical consideration of introducing a baby-like robot and some limitations.
  author   = {Nobuo Yamato and Hidenobu Sumioka and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Masahiro Shiomi and Youji Kohda},
  journal  = {Journal of Technology in Human Services},
  title    = {Technology Acceptance Models from Different Viewpoints of Caregiver, Receiver, and Care Facility Administrator: Lessons from Long-Term Implementation Using Baby-Like Interactive Robot for Nursing Home Residents with Dementia},
  year     = {2023},
  abstract = {The introduction of companion robots into nursing homes has positive effects on older people with dementia (PwD) but increases the physical and psychological burden on the nursing staff, such as learning how to use them, fear of breakdowns, and concern about hygiene, and the concerns of the nursing home administrator, such as increased turnover and reduced quality of care due to this. To solve this problem, it is necessary to investigate the acceptability of robots from the viewpoints of all stakeholders: PwD as receivers, nursing staff as caregivers, and nursing home administrator as a care facility administrator. However, there is still missing hypothesis about how their acceptability is structured and involved with each other. This study proposes three technology acceptance model (TAMs) from the perspectives of PwD, nursing staff, and nursing home administrator. The models are conceptualized based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results of our two experiments involving a baby-like interactive robot to stimulate PwD in the same nursing home (one with low acceptance of all stakeholders and the other with their high acceptance) in addition to the comparison with other companion robots. Based on the proposed models, we discuss an integrated TAM for the acceptance of companion robots in long-term care facilities. We also discuss the possibility of applying our approach, which examines the perspectives of various stakeholders on technology acceptance, to other areas such as health care and education, followed by the ethical consideration of introducing a baby-like robot and some limitations.},
  day      = {24},
  doi      = {10.1080/15228835.2023.2292058},
  month    = dec,
  pages    = {296-321},
  url      = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15228835.2023.2292058},
  volume   = {41},
  issue    = {4},
  keywords = {TAM, BPSD, robot therapy, interactive doll therapy, dementia},
Satomi Doi, Aya Isumi, Yui Yamaoka, Shiori Noguchi, Juri Yamazaki, Kanako Ito, Masahiro Shiomi, Hidenobu Sumioka, Takeo Fujiwara, "The effect of breathing relaxation using a huggable human-shaped device on sleep quality among people with sleep problems: A randomized controlled trial", Sleep and Breathing, pp. 1-11, July, 2023.
Abstract: 研究に参加した外来患者67名(ハグビー介入群:29名、対照群:38名)が解析対象となりました。ピッツバーグ睡眠質問票という睡眠障害の程度を評価するツール(PSQI)を使って、介入前、介入開始から2週間後、介入開始から4週間後に睡眠の問題を評価しました。 統計解析の結果、対照群と比べて、介入群のPSQI合計得点が低下していることが示されました。PSQIには複数の下位項目があますが、なかでも主観的な睡眠の質に関する得点が低下していました。つまり、ハグビーを用いた呼吸法によって、睡眠の質が著名に改善することが明らかになりました。また、睡眠改善の効果は、介入開始から2週間後にすでに現れていることも示されました。
  author   = {Satomi Doi and Aya Isumi and Yui Yamaoka and Shiori Noguchi and Juri Yamazaki and Kanako Ito and Masahiro Shiomi and Hidenobu Sumioka and Takeo Fujiwara},
  journal  = {Sleep and Breathing},
  title    = {The effect of breathing relaxation using a huggable human-shaped device on sleep quality among people with sleep problems: A randomized controlled trial},
  year     = {2023},
  abstract = {研究に参加した外来患者67名(ハグビー介入群:29名、対照群:38名)が解析対象となりました。ピッツバーグ睡眠質問票という睡眠障害の程度を評価するツール(PSQI)を使って、介入前、介入開始から2週間後、介入開始から4週間後に睡眠の問題を評価しました。 統計解析の結果、対照群と比べて、介入群のPSQI合計得点が低下していることが示されました。PSQIには複数の下位項目があますが、なかでも主観的な睡眠の質に関する得点が低下していました。つまり、ハグビーを用いた呼吸法によって、睡眠の質が著名に改善することが明らかになりました。また、睡眠改善の効果は、介入開始から2週間後にすでに現れていることも示されました。},
  day      = {10},
  doi      = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11325-023-02858-5},
  month    = jul,
  pages    = {1-11},
  url      = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11325-023-02858-5},
  keywords = {Sleep quality, Breathing relaxation, Huggable human-shaped device, Hugvie, Adverse childhood experience},
大和信夫, 住岡英信, 石黒浩, 神田陽治, 塩見昌裕, "認知症高齢者向け赤ちゃん型対話ロボット -介護施設での長期導入の実現-", 情報処理学会論文誌 デジタルプラクティス, vol. 3, no. 4, November, 2022.
Abstract: 認知症高齢者の暴言や暴行,徘徊といった問題行動,妄想や意欲低減といった心理的な症状(BPSD)は介護者の負担にとどまらず,社会全体の経済的な負担増として大きな社会課題となっている.BPSD への対処では,非薬理学的手法が推奨される.我々は,非薬理学療法の一つである人形療法を参考に,人形にインタラクティブな機能を持たせた赤ちゃん型対話ロボットを開発してきた.このロボットは,ミニマルデザイン発想で,構造・機能ともに非常にシンプルに設計されており,利用者・運用者にとって取り扱いが容易で,低廉さの実現を目指した.これまでに短期間の実証実験を行ってきたが,今回,介護施設での長期導入実験を実施し,認知症高齢者の生活の質の向上やBPSD 対策だけでなく,介護職員,介護施設への影響調査も行った.その結果,我々が開発したミニマルデザインの赤ちゃん型対話ロボットでも対話仕様と運用の工夫により長期運用の可能性が確認できた.また,ロボットとは直接には関わっていなかった認知症高齢者や介護職員にも受動的に影響を与えるパッシブソーシャルな状況も観測された.導入実験の過程でコロナ禍となり,通常以上に多忙で負担の多い介護現場での実験となったにも関わらず,介護職員のみで継続的に運用されたということの意義は大きい.最後に,この実験を通してわかったこと,今後の課題について述べる.
  author   = {大和信夫 and 住岡英信 and 石黒浩 and 神田陽治 and 塩見昌裕},
  journal  = {情報処理学会論文誌 デジタルプラクティス},
  title    = {認知症高齢者向け赤ちゃん型対話ロボット -介護施設での長期導入の実現-},
  year     = {2022},
  abstract = {認知症高齢者の暴言や暴行,徘徊といった問題行動,妄想や意欲低減といった心理的な症状(BPSD)は介護者の負担にとどまらず,社会全体の経済的な負担増として大きな社会課題となっている.BPSD への対処では,非薬理学的手法が推奨される.我々は,非薬理学療法の一つである人形療法を参考に,人形にインタラクティブな機能を持たせた赤ちゃん型対話ロボットを開発してきた.このロボットは,ミニマルデザイン発想で,構造・機能ともに非常にシンプルに設計されており,利用者・運用者にとって取り扱いが容易で,低廉さの実現を目指した.これまでに短期間の実証実験を行ってきたが,今回,介護施設での長期導入実験を実施し,認知症高齢者の生活の質の向上やBPSD 対策だけでなく,介護職員,介護施設への影響調査も行った.その結果,我々が開発したミニマルデザインの赤ちゃん型対話ロボットでも対話仕様と運用の工夫により長期運用の可能性が確認できた.また,ロボットとは直接には関わっていなかった認知症高齢者や介護職員にも受動的に影響を与えるパッシブソーシャルな状況も観測された.導入実験の過程でコロナ禍となり,通常以上に多忙で負担の多い介護現場での実験となったにも関わらず,介護職員のみで継続的に運用されたということの意義は大きい.最後に,この実験を通してわかったこと,今後の課題について述べる.},
  day      = {15},
  month    = nov,
  number   = {4},
  url      = {https://www.ipsj.or.jp/dp/index.html},
  volume   = {3},
  keywords = {認知症,BPSD,ロボット,介護},
Hidenobu Sumioka, Jim Torresen, Masahiro Shiomi, Liang-Kung Chen, Atsushi Nakazawa, "Editorial: Interaction in robot-assistive elderly care", Frontiers in Robotics and AI, pp. 1-3, September, 2022.
Abstract: This Research Topic focuses on scientific and technical advances in methods, models, techniques, algorithms, and interaction design developed to understand and facilitate verbal and non-verbal interaction between older people and caregivers/artificial systems. In this collection containing seven peer-reviewed articles, the studies can be divided into two categories.
  author    = {Hidenobu Sumioka and Jim Torresen and Masahiro Shiomi and Liang-Kung Chen and Atsushi Nakazawa},
  journal   = {Frontiers in Robotics and AI},
  title     = {Editorial: Interaction in robot-assistive elderly care},
  year      = {2022},
  abstract  = {This Research Topic focuses on scientific and technical advances in methods, models, techniques, algorithms, and interaction design developed to understand and facilitate verbal and non-verbal interaction between older people and caregivers/artificial systems. In this collection containing seven peer-reviewed articles, the studies can be divided into two categories.},
  day       = {29},
  doi       = {10.3389/frobt.2022.1020103},
  month     = sep,
  pages     = {1-3},
  url       = {https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frobt.2022.1020103/full},
  booktitle = {Frontiers in Robotics and AI},
Takuto Akiyoshi, Junya Nakanishi, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Hidenobu Sumioka, Masahiro Shiomi, "A Robot that Encourages Self-Disclosure to Reduce Anger Mood", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 6, Issue 4, pp. 7925-7932, August, 2021.
Abstract: Oneessential role of social robots is supportinghumanmental health by interaction with people. In this study, we focusedon making people’s moods more positive through conversationsabout their problems as our first step to achieving a robot that caresabout mental health. We employed the column method, typicalstress coping technique in Japan, and designed conversational contentsfor a robot. We implemented conversational functions basedon the column method for a social robot as well as a self-schema estimationfunction using conversational data, and proposed conversationalstrategies to support awareness of their self-schemas andautomatic thoughts, which are related to mental health support.We experimentally evaluated our system’s effectiveness and foundthat participants who used it with our proposed conversationalstrategies made more self-disclosures and experienced less angerthan those who did not use our proposed conversational strategies.Unfortunately, the strategies did not significantly increase the performanceof the self-schema estimation function.
  author   = {Takuto Akiyoshi and Junya Nakanishi and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Hidenobu Sumioka and Masahiro Shiomi},
  journal  = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)},
  title    = {A Robot that Encourages Self-Disclosure to Reduce Anger Mood},
  year     = {2021},
  abstract = {Oneessential role of social robots is supportinghumanmental health by interaction with people. In this study, we focusedon making people’s moods more positive through conversationsabout their problems as our first step to achieving a robot that caresabout mental health. We employed the column method, typicalstress coping technique in Japan, and designed conversational contentsfor a robot. We implemented conversational functions basedon the column method for a social robot as well as a self-schema estimationfunction using conversational data, and proposed conversationalstrategies to support awareness of their self-schemas andautomatic thoughts, which are related to mental health support.We experimentally evaluated our system’s effectiveness and foundthat participants who used it with our proposed conversationalstrategies made more self-disclosures and experienced less angerthan those who did not use our proposed conversational strategies.Unfortunately, the strategies did not significantly increase the performanceof the self-schema estimation function.},
  day      = {6},
  doi      = {10.1109/LRA.2021.3102326},
  month    = aug,
  pages    = {7925-7932},
  url      = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9508832},
  volume   = {6, Issue 4},
  comment  = {(The contents of this paper were also selected by IROS2021 Program Committee for presentation at the Conference)},
  keywords = {Human-robot interaction, Stress coping},
Hidenobu Sumioka, Hirokazu Kumazaki, Taro Muramatsu, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Haruhiro Higashida, Teruko Yuhi, Masaru Mumura, "A huggable device can reduce the stress of calling an unfamiliar person on the phone for individuals with ASD", PLOS ONE, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 1-14, July, 2021.
Abstract: Individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are often not comfortable with calling unfamiliar people on a mobile phone. “Hugvie”, a pillow with a human-like shape, was designed to provide users with the tactile sensation of hugging a person during phone conversations to improve their positive feelings (e.g., comfort and trust) toward phone conversation partners. The primary aim of this study is to examine whether physical contact by hugging a Hugvie can reduce the stress of calling an unfamiliar person on the phone. In this study, 24 individuals with ASD participated. After a phone conversation using only a mobile phone or a mobile phone plus Hugvie, all participants completed questionnaires on their self-confidence in talking on the phone. In addition, participants provided salivary cortisol samples four times each day. Our analysis showed a significant effect of the communication medium, indicating that individuals with ASD who talked on the phone with an unfamiliar person while hugging a Hugvie had stronger self-confidence and lower stress than those who did not use Hugvie. Given the results of this study, we recommend that huggable devices be used as adjunctive tools to support individuals with ASD when they call unfamiliar people on mobile phones.
  author   = {Hidenobu Sumioka and Hirokazu Kumazaki and Taro Muramatsu and Yuichiro Yoshikawa and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Haruhiro Higashida and Teruko Yuhi and Masaru Mumura},
  journal  = {PLOS ONE},
  title    = {A huggable device can reduce the stress of calling an unfamiliar person on the phone for individuals with ASD},
  year     = {2021},
  abstract = {Individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are often not comfortable with calling unfamiliar people on a mobile phone. “Hugvie”, a pillow with a human-like shape, was designed to provide users with the tactile sensation of hugging a person during phone conversations to improve their positive feelings (e.g., comfort and trust) toward phone conversation partners. The primary aim of this study is to examine whether physical contact by hugging a Hugvie can reduce the stress of calling an unfamiliar person on the phone. In this study, 24 individuals with ASD participated. After a phone conversation using only a mobile phone or a mobile phone plus Hugvie, all participants completed questionnaires on their self-confidence in talking on the phone. In addition, participants provided salivary cortisol samples four times each day. Our analysis showed a significant effect of the communication medium, indicating that individuals with ASD who talked on the phone with an unfamiliar person while hugging a Hugvie had stronger self-confidence and lower stress than those who did not use Hugvie. Given the results of this study, we recommend that huggable devices be used as adjunctive tools to support individuals with ASD when they call unfamiliar people on mobile phones.},
  day      = {23},
  doi      = {10.1371/journal.pone.0254675},
  month    = jul,
  number   = {7},
  pages    = {1-14},
  url      = {https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0254675},
  volume   = {16},
  keywords = {autism spectrum disorders, tactile, huggable device, self-confidence, cortisol},
Hidenobu Sumioka, Masahiro Shiomi, Miwako Honda, Atsushi Nakazawa, "Technical Challenges for Smooth Interaction With Seniors With Dementia: Lessons From Humanitude™", Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 8, no. 650906, pp. 1-14, June, 2021.
Abstract: Due to cognitive and socio-emotional decline and mental diseases, senior citizens, especially people with dementia (PwD), struggle to interact smoothly with their caregivers. Therefore, various care techniques have been proposed to develop good relationships with seniors. Among them, Humanitude is one promising technique that provides caregivers with useful interaction skills to improve their relationships with PwD, from four perspectives: face-to-face interaction, verbal communication, touch interaction, and helping care receivers stand up (physical interaction). Regardless of advances in elderly care techniques, since current social robots interact with seniors in the same manner as they do with younger adults, they lack several important functions. For example, Humanitude emphasizes the importance of interaction at a relatively intimate distance to facilitate communication with seniors. Unfortunately, few studies have developed an interaction model for clinical care communication. In this paper, we discuss the current challenges to develop a social robot that can smoothly interact with PwDs and overview the interaction skills used in Humanitude as well as the existing technologies.
  author   = {Hidenobu Sumioka and Masahiro Shiomi and Miwako Honda and Atsushi Nakazawa},
  journal  = {Frontiers in Robotics and AI},
  title    = {Technical Challenges for Smooth Interaction With Seniors With Dementia: Lessons From Humanitude™},
  year     = {2021},
  abstract = {Due to cognitive and socio-emotional decline and mental diseases, senior citizens, especially people with dementia (PwD), struggle to interact smoothly with their caregivers. Therefore, various care techniques have been proposed to develop good relationships with seniors. Among them, Humanitude is one promising technique that provides caregivers with useful interaction skills to improve their relationships with PwD, from four perspectives: face-to-face interaction, verbal communication, touch interaction, and helping care receivers stand up (physical interaction). Regardless of advances in elderly care techniques, since current social robots interact with seniors in the same manner as they do with younger adults, they lack several important functions. For example, Humanitude emphasizes the importance of interaction at a relatively intimate distance to facilitate communication with seniors. Unfortunately, few studies have developed an interaction model for clinical care communication. In this paper, we discuss the current challenges to develop a social robot that can smoothly interact with PwDs and overview the interaction skills used in Humanitude as well as the existing technologies.},
  day      = {2},
  doi      = {10.3389/frobt.2021.650906},
  month    = jun,
  number   = {650906},
  pages    = {1-14},
  url      = {https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frobt.2021.650906/full},
  volume   = {8},
  keywords = {Humanitude, dementia care, social robot, human-robot interaction, skill evaluation, dementia},
Hidenobu Sumioka, Nobuo Yamato, Masahiro Shiomi, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "A Minimal Design of a Human Infant Presence: A Case Study Toward Interactive Doll Therapy for Older Adults With Dementia", Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 8, no. 633378, pp. 1-12, June, 2021.
Abstract: We introduce a minimal design approach to manufacture an infant-like robot for interactive doll therapy that provides emotional interactions for older people with dementia. Our approach stimulates their imaginations and then facilitates positive engagement with the robot by just expressing the most basic elements of humanlike features. Based on this approach, we developed HIRO, a baby-sized robot with an abstract body representation and no facial features. The recorded voice of a real human infant emitted by robots enhances the robot’s human-likeness and facilitates positive interaction between older adults and the robot. Although we did not find any significant difference between HIRO and an infant-like robot with a smiling face, a field study showed that HIRO was accepted by older adults with dementia and facilitated positive interaction by stimulating their imagination. We also discuss the importance of a minimal design approach in elderly care during post–COVID-19 world.
  author   = {Hidenobu Sumioka and Nobuo Yamato and Masahiro Shiomi and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title    = {A Minimal Design of a Human Infant Presence: A Case Study Toward Interactive Doll Therapy for Older Adults With Dementia},
  journal  = {Frontiers in Robotics and AI},
  year     = {2021},
  volume   = {8},
  number   = {633378},
  pages    = {1-12},
  month    = jun,
  abstract = {We introduce a minimal design approach to manufacture an infant-like robot for interactive doll therapy that provides emotional interactions for older people with dementia. Our approach stimulates their imaginations and then facilitates positive engagement with the robot by just expressing the most basic elements of humanlike features. Based on this approach, we developed HIRO, a baby-sized robot with an abstract body representation and no facial features. The recorded voice of a real human infant emitted by robots enhances the robot’s human-likeness and facilitates positive interaction between older adults and the robot. Although we did not find any significant difference between HIRO and an infant-like robot with a smiling face, a field study showed that HIRO was accepted by older adults with dementia and facilitated positive interaction by stimulating their imagination. We also discuss the importance of a minimal design approach in elderly care during post–COVID-19 world.},
  day      = {17},
  url      = {https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frobt.2021.633378/full},
  doi      = {10.3389/frobt.2021.633378},
Liang-Yu Chen, Hidenobu Sumioka, Li-Ju Ke, Masahiro Shiomi, Liang-Kung Chen, "Effects of Teleoperated Humanoid Robot Application in Older Adults with Neurocognitive Disorders in Taiwan: A Report of Three Cases", Aging Medicine and Healtlcare, Full Universe Integrated Marketing Limited, pp. 67-71, May, 2020.
Abstract: Rising prevalence of major neurocognitive disorders (NCDs) is associated with a great variety of care needs and care stress for caregivers and families. A holistic care pathway to empower person-centered care is recommended, and non-pharmacological strategies are prioritized to manage neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) of people with NCDs. However, limited formal services, shortage of manpower, and unpleasant experiences related to NPS of these patients often discourage caregivers and cause the care stress and psychological burnout. Telenoid, a teleoperated humanoid robot, is a new technology that aims to improve the quality of life and to reduce the severity of NPS for persons with major NCDs by facilitating meaningful connection and social engagement. Herein, we presented 3 cases with major NCDs in a day care center in Taiwan who experienced interaction with the Telenoid. Overall, no fear neither distressed emotional response was observed during their conversation, neither worsening of delusion or hallucination after interaction with Telenoid. The severity of NCDs seemed to affect the verbal communication and the attention during conversation with Telenoid. Other factors, such as hearing impairment, insomnia, and environmental stimuli, may also hinder the efficacy of Telenoid in long-term care settings. Further studies with proper study design are needed to evaluate the effects of Telenoid application on older adults with major NCDs.
  author    = {Liang-Yu Chen and Hidenobu Sumioka and Li-Ju Ke and Masahiro Shiomi and Liang-Kung Chen},
  journal   = {Aging Medicine and Healtlcare},
  title     = {Effects of Teleoperated Humanoid Robot Application in Older Adults with Neurocognitive Disorders in Taiwan: A Report of Three Cases},
  year      = {2020},
  abstract  = {Rising prevalence of major neurocognitive disorders (NCDs) is associated with a great variety of care needs and care stress for caregivers and families. A holistic care pathway to empower person-centered care is recommended, and non-pharmacological strategies are prioritized to manage neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) of people with NCDs. However, limited formal services, shortage of manpower, and unpleasant experiences related to NPS of these patients often discourage caregivers and cause the care stress and psychological burnout. Telenoid, a teleoperated humanoid robot, is a new technology that aims to improve the quality of life and to reduce the severity of NPS for persons with major NCDs by facilitating meaningful connection and social engagement. Herein, we presented 3 cases with major NCDs in a day care center in Taiwan who experienced interaction with the Telenoid. Overall, no fear neither distressed emotional response was observed during their conversation, neither worsening of delusion or hallucination after interaction with Telenoid. The severity of NCDs seemed to affect the verbal communication and the attention during conversation with Telenoid. Other factors, such as hearing impairment, insomnia, and environmental stimuli, may also hinder the efficacy of Telenoid in long-term care settings. Further studies with proper study design are needed to evaluate the effects of Telenoid application on older adults with major NCDs.},
  day       = {27},
  doi       = {10.33879/AMH.2020.066-2001.003},
  month     = may,
  pages     = {67-71},
  url       = {https://www.agingmedhealthc.com/?p=21602},
  booktitle = {Aging Medicine and Healtlcare},
  editor    = {Asian Association for Frailty and Sarcopenia and Taiwan Association for Integrated Care},
  keywords  = {Dementia, neurocognitive disorder, neuropsychiatric symptom, Telenoid, uncanny valley},
  publisher = {Full Universe Integrated Marketing Limited},
Soheil Keshmiri, Masahiro Shiomi, Kodai Shatani, Takashi Minato, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Critical Examination of the Parametric Approaches to Analysis of the Non-Verbal Human Behaviour: a Case Study in Facial Pre-Touch Interaction", Applied Sciences, vol. 10, Issue 11, no. 3817, pp. 1-15, May, 2020.
Abstract: A prevailing assumption in many behavioral studies is the underlying normal distribution of the data under investigation. In this regard, although it appears plausible to presume a certain degree of similarity among individuals, this presumption does not necessarily warrant such simplifying assumptions as average or normally distributed human behavioral responses. In the present study, we examine the extent of such assumptions by considering the case of human–human touch interaction in which individuals signal their face area pre-touch distance boundaries. We then use these pre-touch distances along with their respective azimuth and elevation angles around the face area and perform three types of regression-based analyses to estimate a generalized facial pre-touch distance boundary. First, we use a Gaussian processes regression to evaluate whether assumption of normal distribution in participants’ reactions warrants a reliable estimate of this boundary. Second, we apply a support vector regression (SVR) to determine whether estimating this space by minimizing the orthogonal distance between participants’ pre-touch data and its corresponding pre-touch boundary can yield a better result. Third, we use ordinary regression to validate the utility of a non-parametric regressor with a simple regularization criterion in estimating such a pre-touch space. In addition, we compare these models with the scenarios in which a fixed boundary distance (i.e., a spherical boundary) is adopted. We show that within the context of facial pre-touch interaction, normal distribution does not capture the variability that is exhibited by human subjects during such non-verbal interaction. We also provide evidence that such interactions can be more adequately estimated by considering the individuals’ variable behavior and preferences through such estimation strategies as ordinary regression that solely relies on the distribution of their observed behavior which may not necessarily follow a parametric distribution.
  author   = {Soheil Keshmiri and Masahiro Shiomi and Kodai Shatani and Takashi Minato and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  journal  = {Applied Sciences},
  title    = {Critical Examination of the Parametric Approaches to Analysis of the Non-Verbal Human Behaviour: a Case Study in Facial Pre-Touch Interaction},
  year     = {2020},
  abstract = {A prevailing assumption in many behavioral studies is the underlying normal distribution of the data under investigation. In this regard, although it appears plausible to presume a certain degree of similarity among individuals, this presumption does not necessarily warrant such simplifying assumptions as average or normally distributed human behavioral responses. In the present study, we examine the extent of such assumptions by considering the case of human–human touch interaction in which individuals signal their face area pre-touch distance boundaries. We then use these pre-touch distances along with their respective azimuth and elevation angles around the face area and perform three types of regression-based analyses to estimate a generalized facial pre-touch distance boundary. First, we use a Gaussian processes regression to evaluate whether assumption of normal distribution in participants’ reactions warrants a reliable estimate of this boundary. Second, we apply a support vector regression (SVR) to determine whether estimating this space by minimizing the orthogonal distance between participants’ pre-touch data and its corresponding pre-touch boundary can yield a better result. Third, we use ordinary regression to validate the utility of a non-parametric regressor with a simple regularization criterion in estimating such a pre-touch space. In addition, we compare these models with the scenarios in which a fixed boundary distance (i.e., a spherical boundary) is adopted. We show that within the context of facial pre-touch interaction, normal distribution does not capture the variability that is exhibited by human subjects during such non-verbal interaction. We also provide evidence that such interactions can be more adequately estimated by considering the individuals’ variable behavior and preferences through such estimation strategies as ordinary regression that solely relies on the distribution of their observed behavior which may not necessarily follow a parametric distribution.},
  day      = {30},
  doi      = {10.3390/app10113817},
  month    = may,
  number   = {3817},
  pages    = {1-15},
  url      = {https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/10/11/3817},
  volume   = {10, Issue 11},
  keywords = {physical interaction; physical pre-touch distance; parametric analysis; non-parametric analysis; non-verbal behavior},
Soheil Keshmiri, Masahiro Shiomi, Hidenobu Sumioka, Takashi Minato, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Gentle Versus Strong Touch Classification: Preliminary Results, Challenges, and Potentials", Sensors, vol. 20, Issue 11, no. 3033, pp. 1-22, May, 2020.
Abstract: Touch plays a crucial role in humans’ nonverbal social and affective communication. It then comes as no surprise to observe a considerable effort that has been placed on devising methodologies for automated touch classification. For instance, such an ability allows for the use of smart touch sensors in such real-life application domains as socially-assistive robots and embodied telecommunication. In fact, touch classification literature represents an undeniably progressive result. However, these results are limited in two important ways. First, they are mostly based on overall (i.e., average) accuracy of different classifiers. As a result, they fall short in providing an insight on performance of these approaches as per different types of touch. Second, they do not consider the same type of touch with different level of strength (e.g., gentle versus strong touch). This is certainly an important factor that deserves investigating since the intensity of a touch can utterly transform its meaning (e.g., from an affectionate gesture to a sign of punishment). The current study provides a preliminary investigation of these shortcomings by considering the accuracy of a number of classifiers for both, within- (i.e., same type of touch with differing strengths) and between-touch (i.e., different types of touch) classifications. Our results help verify the strength and shortcoming of different machine learning algorithms for touch classification. They also highlight some of the challenges whose solution concepts can pave the path for integration of touch sensors in such application domains as human–robot interaction (HRI).
  author   = {Soheil Keshmiri and Masahiro Shiomi and Hidenobu Sumioka and Takashi Minato and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  journal  = {Sensors},
  title    = {Gentle Versus Strong Touch Classification: Preliminary Results, Challenges, and Potentials},
  year     = {2020},
  abstract = {Touch plays a crucial role in humans’ nonverbal social and affective communication. It then comes as no surprise to observe a considerable effort that has been placed on devising methodologies for automated touch classification. For instance, such an ability allows for the use of smart touch sensors in such real-life application domains as socially-assistive robots and embodied telecommunication. In fact, touch classification literature represents an undeniably progressive result. However, these results are limited in two important ways. First, they are mostly based on overall (i.e., average) accuracy of different classifiers. As a result, they fall short in providing an insight on performance of these approaches as per different types of touch. Second, they do not consider the same type of touch with different level of strength (e.g., gentle versus strong touch). This is certainly an important factor that deserves investigating since the intensity of a touch can utterly transform its meaning (e.g., from an affectionate gesture to a sign of punishment). The current study provides a preliminary investigation of these shortcomings by considering the accuracy of a number of classifiers for both, within- (i.e., same type of touch with differing strengths) and between-touch (i.e., different types of touch) classifications. Our results help verify the strength and shortcoming of different machine learning algorithms for touch classification. They also highlight some of the challenges whose solution concepts can pave the path for integration of touch sensors in such application domains as human–robot interaction (HRI).},
  day      = {27},
  doi      = {10.3390/s20113033},
  month    = may,
  number   = {3033},
  pages    = {1-22},
  url      = {https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/20/11/3033},
  volume   = {20, Issue 11},
  keywords = {physical interaction; touch classification; human–agent physical interaction},
Soheil Keshmiri, Maryam Alimardani, Masahiro Shiomi, Hidenobu Sumioka, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Kazuo Hiraki, "Higher hypnotic suggestibility is associated with the lower EEG signal variability in theta, alpha, and beta frequency bands", PLOS ONE, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 1-20, April, 2020.
Abstract: Variation of information in the firing rate of neural population, as reflected in different frequency bands of electroencephalographic (EEG) time series, provides direct evidence for change in neural responses of the brain to hypnotic suggestibility. However, realization of an effective biomarker for spiking behaviour of neural population proves to be an elusive subject matter with its impact evident in highly contrasting results in the literature. In this article, we took an information-theoretic stance on analysis of the EEG time series of the brain activity during hypnotic suggestions, thereby capturing the variability in pattern of brain neural activity in terms of its information content. For this purpose, we utilized differential entropy (DE, i.e., the average information content in a continuous time series) of theta, alpha, and beta frequency bands of fourteen-channel EEG time series recordings that pertain to the brain neural responses of twelve carefully selected high and low hypnotically suggestible individuals. Our results show that the higher hypnotic suggestibility is associated with a significantly lower variability in information content of theta, alpha, and beta frequencies. Moreover, they indicate that such a lower variability is accompanied by a significantly higher functional connectivity (FC, a measure of spatiotemporal synchronization) in the parietal and the parieto-occipital regions in the case of theta and alpha frequency bands and a non-significantly lower FC in the central region’s beta frequency band. Our results contribute to the field in two ways. First, they identify the applicability of DE as a unifying measure to reproduce the similar observations that are separately reported through adaptation of different hypnotic biomarkers in the literature. Second, they extend these previous findings that were based on neutral hypnosis (i.e., a hypnotic procedure that involves no specific suggestions other than those for becoming hypnotized) to the case of hypnotic suggestions, thereby identifying their presence as a potential signature of hypnotic experience.
  author   = {Soheil Keshmiri and Maryam Alimardani and Masahiro Shiomi and Hidenobu Sumioka and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Kazuo Hiraki},
  title    = {Higher hypnotic suggestibility is associated with the lower EEG signal variability in theta, alpha, and beta frequency bands},
  journal  = {PLOS ONE},
  year     = {2020},
  volume   = {15},
  number   = {4},
  pages    = {1-20},
  month    = apr,
  abstract = {Variation of information in the firing rate of neural population, as reflected in different frequency bands of electroencephalographic (EEG) time series, provides direct evidence for change in neural responses of the brain to hypnotic suggestibility. However, realization of an effective biomarker for spiking behaviour of neural population proves to be an elusive subject matter with its impact evident in highly contrasting results in the literature. In this article, we took an information-theoretic stance on analysis of the EEG time series of the brain activity during hypnotic suggestions, thereby capturing the variability in pattern of brain neural activity in terms of its information content. For this purpose, we utilized differential entropy (DE, i.e., the average information content in a continuous time series) of theta, alpha, and beta frequency bands of fourteen-channel EEG time series recordings that pertain to the brain neural responses of twelve carefully selected high and low hypnotically suggestible individuals. Our results show that the higher hypnotic suggestibility is associated with a significantly lower variability in information content of theta, alpha, and beta frequencies. Moreover, they indicate that such a lower variability is accompanied by a significantly higher functional connectivity (FC, a measure of spatiotemporal synchronization) in the parietal and the parieto-occipital regions in the case of theta and alpha frequency bands and a non-significantly lower FC in the central region’s beta frequency band. Our results contribute to the field in two ways. First, they identify the applicability of DE as a unifying measure to reproduce the similar observations that are separately reported through adaptation of different hypnotic biomarkers in the literature. Second, they extend these previous findings that were based on neutral hypnosis (i.e., a hypnotic procedure that involves no specific suggestions other than those for becoming hypnotized) to the case of hypnotic suggestions, thereby identifying their presence as a potential signature of hypnotic experience.},
  day      = {9},
  url      = {https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0230853},
  doi      = {10.1371/journal.pone.0230853},
Nobuhiro Jinnai, Hidenobu Sumioka, Takashi Minato, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Multi-modal Interaction through Anthropomorphically Designed Communication Medium to Enhance the Self-Disclosures of Personal Information", Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 76-85, February, 2020.
Abstract: Although current communication media facilitate the interaction among individuals, researchers have warned that human relationships constructed by these media tend to lack the level of intimacy acquired through face-to-face communications. In this paper, \textcolorredwe investigate how long-term use of humanlike communication media affects the development of intimate relationships between human users. We examine changes in the relationship between individuals while having conversation with each other through humanlike communication media or mobile phones for about a month. The intimacy of their relationship was evaluated with the amount of self-disclosure of personal information. The result shows that a communication medium with humanlike appearance and soft material \textcolorredsignificantly increases the total amount of self-disclosure through the experiment, compared with typical mobile phone. The amount of self-disclosure showed cyclic variation through the experiment in humanlike communication media condition. Furthermore, we discuss a possible underlying mechanism of this effect from misattribution of a feeling caused by intimate distance with the medium to a conversation partner.
  author   = {Nobuhiro Jinnai and Hidenobu Sumioka and Takashi Minato and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  journal  = {Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics},
  title    = {Multi-modal Interaction through Anthropomorphically Designed Communication Medium to Enhance the Self-Disclosures of Personal Information},
  year     = {2020},
  abstract = {Although current communication media facilitate the interaction among individuals, researchers have warned that human relationships constructed by these media tend to lack the level of intimacy acquired through face-to-face communications. In this paper, \textcolor{red}{we investigate how long-term use of humanlike communication media affects the development of intimate relationships between human users.} We examine changes in the relationship between individuals while having conversation with each other through humanlike communication media or mobile phones for about a month. The intimacy of their relationship was evaluated with the amount of self-disclosure of personal information. The result shows that a communication medium with humanlike appearance and soft material \textcolor{red}{significantly increases the total amount of self-disclosure through the experiment, compared with typical mobile phone. The amount of self-disclosure showed cyclic variation through the experiment in humanlike communication media condition.} Furthermore, we discuss a possible underlying mechanism of this effect from misattribution of a feeling caused by intimate distance with the medium to a conversation partner.},
  day      = {20},
  doi      = {10.20965/jrm.2020.p0076},
  month    = feb,
  number   = {1},
  pages    = {76-85},
  url      = {https://www.fujipress.jp/jrm/rb_ja/},
  volume   = {32},
  keywords = {social presence, mediated social interaction, human relationship},
Soheil Keshmiri, Masahiro Shiomi, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Emergence of the Affect from the Variation in the Whole-Brain Flow of Information", Brain Sciences, vol. 10, Issue 1, no. 8, pp. 1-32, January, 2020.
Abstract: Over the past few decades, the quest for discovering the brain substrates of the affect to understand the underlying neural basis of the human’s emotions has resulted in substantial and yet contrasting results. Whereas some point at distinct and independent brain systems for the Positive and Negative affects, others propose the presence of flexible brain regions. In this respect, there are two factors that are common among these previous studies. First, they all focused on the change in brain activation, thereby neglecting the findings that indicate that the stimuli with equivalent sensory and behavioral processing demands may not necessarily result in differential brain activation. Second, they did not take into consideration the brain regional interactivity and the findings that identify that the signals from individual cortical neurons are shared across multiple areas and thus concurrently contribute to multiple functional pathways. To address these limitations, we performed Granger causal analysis on the electroencephalography (EEG) recordings of the human subjects who watched movie clips that elicited Negative, Neutral, and Positive affects. This allowed us to look beyond the brain regional activation in isolation to investigate whether the brain regional interactivity can provide further insights for understanding the neural substrates of the affect. Our results indicated that the differential affect states emerged from subtle variation in information flow of the brain cortical regions that were in both hemispheres. They also showed that these regions that were rather common between affect states than distinct to a specific affect were characterized with both short- as well as long-range information flow. This provided evidence for the presence of simultaneous integration and differentiation in the brain functioning that leads to the emergence of different affects. These results are in line with the findings on the presence of intrinsic large-scale interacting brain networks that underlie the production of psychological events. These findings can help advance our understanding of the neural basis of the human’s emotions by identifying the signatures of differential affect in subtle variation that occurs in the whole-brain cortical flow of information.
  author   = {Soheil Keshmiri and Masahiro Shiomi and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  journal  = {Brain Sciences},
  title    = {Emergence of the Affect from the Variation in the Whole-Brain Flow of Information},
  year     = {2020},
  abstract = {Over the past few decades, the quest for discovering the brain substrates of the affect to understand the underlying neural basis of the human’s emotions has resulted in substantial and yet contrasting results. Whereas some point at distinct and independent brain systems for the Positive and Negative affects, others propose the presence of flexible brain regions. In this respect, there are two factors that are common among these previous studies. First, they all focused on the change in brain activation, thereby neglecting the findings that indicate that the stimuli with equivalent sensory and behavioral processing demands may not necessarily result in differential brain activation. Second, they did not take into consideration the brain regional interactivity and the findings that identify that the signals from individual cortical neurons are shared across multiple areas and thus concurrently contribute to multiple functional pathways. To address these limitations, we performed Granger causal analysis on the electroencephalography (EEG) recordings of the human subjects who watched movie clips that elicited Negative, Neutral, and Positive affects. This allowed us to look beyond the brain regional activation in isolation to investigate whether the brain regional interactivity can provide further insights for understanding the neural substrates of the affect. Our results indicated that the differential affect states emerged from subtle variation in information flow of the brain cortical regions that were in both hemispheres. They also showed that these regions that were rather common between affect states than distinct to a specific affect were characterized with both short- as well as long-range information flow. This provided evidence for the presence of simultaneous integration and differentiation in the brain functioning that leads to the emergence of different affects. These results are in line with the findings on the presence of intrinsic large-scale interacting brain networks that underlie the production of psychological events. These findings can help advance our understanding of the neural basis of the human’s emotions by identifying the signatures of differential affect in subtle variation that occurs in the whole-brain cortical flow of information.},
  day      = {1},
  doi      = {10.3390/brainsci10010008},
  month    = jan,
  number   = {8},
  pages    = {1-32},
  url      = {https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3425/10/1/8},
  volume   = {10, Issue 1},
  keywords = {Granger causality; functional connectivity; information flow; affect; brain signal variability},
Xiqian Zheng, Masahiro Shiomi, Takashi Minato, Hirosh Ishiguro, "What Kinds of Robot's Touch Will Match Expressed Emotions?", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 5, Issue1, pp. 127-134, January, 2020.
Abstract: This study investigated the effects of touch characteristics that change the strength and the naturalness of the emotions perceived by people in human-robot touch interaction with an android robot that has a feminine, human-like appearance. Past studies on human-robot touch interaction focused on understanding what kinds of human touches conveyed emotion to robots, i.e., the robot's touch characteristics that can affect people's perceived emotions received less focus. In this study, we concentrated on three touch characteristics (length, type, and part) based on arousal/valence perspectives, and their effects on the perceived strength/naturalness of a commonly used emotion in human-robot interaction, i.e., happiness, and its counterpart emotion, (i.e., sadness), borrowing Ekman's definitions. Our results showed that the touch length and its type are useful to change the perceived strengths and the naturalness of the expressed emotions based on the arousal/valence perspective, although the touch part did not fit such perspective assumptions. Finally, our results suggest that a brief pat and a longer contact by the fingers are better combinations to express happy and sad emotions with our robot. Since we only used a female android, we discussed future works with a male humanoid robot and/or a robot whose appearance is less humanoid.
  author   = {Xiqian Zheng and Masahiro Shiomi and Takashi Minato and Hirosh Ishiguro},
  journal  = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)},
  title    = {What Kinds of Robot's Touch Will Match Expressed Emotions?},
  year     = {2020},
  abstract = {This study investigated the effects of touch characteristics that change the strength and the naturalness of the emotions perceived by people in human-robot touch interaction with an android robot that has a feminine, human-like appearance. Past studies on human-robot touch interaction focused on understanding what kinds of human touches conveyed emotion to robots, i.e., the robot's touch characteristics that can affect people's perceived emotions received less focus. In this study, we concentrated on three touch characteristics (length, type, and part) based on arousal/valence perspectives, and their effects on the perceived strength/naturalness of a commonly used emotion in human-robot interaction, i.e., happiness, and its counterpart emotion, (i.e., sadness), borrowing Ekman's definitions. Our results showed that the touch length and its type are useful to change the perceived strengths and the naturalness of the expressed emotions based on the arousal/valence perspective, although the touch part did not fit such perspective assumptions. Finally, our results suggest that a brief pat and a longer contact by the fingers are better combinations to express happy and sad emotions with our robot. Since we only used a female android, we discussed future works with a male humanoid robot and/or a robot whose appearance is less humanoid.},
  doi      = {10.1109/LRA.2019.2947010},
  month    = jan,
  pages    = {127-134},
  url      = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8865356?source=authoralert},
  volume   = {5, Issue1},
  comment  = {(The contents of this paper were also selected by Humanoids 2019 Program Committee for presentation at the Conference)},
Soheil Keshmiri, Masahiro Shiomi, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Entropy of the Multi-Channel EEG Recordings Identifies the Distributed Signatures of Negative, Neutral and Positive Affect in Whole-Brain Variability", Entropy, vol. 21, Issue 12, no. 1228, pp. 1-25, December, 2019.
Abstract: Individuals’ ability to express their subjective experiences in terms of such attributes as pleasant/unpleasant or positive/negative feelings forms a fundamental property of their affect and emotion. However, neuroscientific findings on the underlying neural substrates of the affect appear to be inconclusive with some reporting the presence of distinct and independent brain systems and others identifying flexible and distributed brain regions. A common theme among these studies is the focus on the change in brain activation. As a result, they do not take into account the findings that indicate the brain activation and its information content does not necessarily modulate and that the stimuli with equivalent sensory and behavioural processing demands may not necessarily result in differential brain activation. In this article, we take a different stance on the analysis of the differential effect of the negative, neutral and positive affect on the brain functioning in which we look into the whole-brain variability: that is the change in the brain information processing measured in multiple distributed regions. For this purpose, we compute the entropy of individuals’ muti-channel EEG recordings who watched movie clips with differing affect. Our results suggest that the whole-brain variability significantly differentiates between the negative, neutral and positive affect. They also indicate that although some brain regions contribute more to such differences, it is the whole-brain variational pattern that results in their significantly above chance level prediction. These results imply that although the underlying brain substrates for negative, neutral and positive affect exhibit quantitatively differing degrees of variability, their differences are rather subtly encoded in the whole-brain variational patterns that are distributed across its entire activity.
  author   = {Soheil Keshmiri and Masahiro Shiomi and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  journal  = {Entropy},
  title    = {Entropy of the Multi-Channel EEG Recordings Identifies the Distributed Signatures of Negative, Neutral and Positive Affect in Whole-Brain Variability},
  year     = {2019},
  abstract = {Individuals’ ability to express their subjective experiences in terms of such attributes as pleasant/unpleasant or positive/negative feelings forms a fundamental property of their affect and emotion. However, neuroscientific findings on the underlying neural substrates of the affect appear to be inconclusive with some reporting the presence of distinct and independent brain systems and others identifying flexible and distributed brain regions. A common theme among these studies is the focus on the change in brain activation. As a result, they do not take into account the findings that indicate the brain activation and its information content does not necessarily modulate and that the stimuli with equivalent sensory and behavioural processing demands may not necessarily result in differential brain activation. In this article, we take a different stance on the analysis of the differential effect of the negative, neutral and positive affect on the brain functioning in which we look into the whole-brain variability: that is the change in the brain information processing measured in multiple distributed regions. For this purpose, we compute the entropy of individuals’ muti-channel EEG recordings who watched movie clips with differing affect. Our results suggest that the whole-brain variability significantly differentiates between the negative, neutral and positive affect. They also indicate that although some brain regions contribute more to such differences, it is the whole-brain variational pattern that results in their significantly above chance level prediction. These results imply that although the underlying brain substrates for negative, neutral and positive affect exhibit quantitatively differing degrees of variability, their differences are rather subtly encoded in the whole-brain variational patterns that are distributed across its entire activity.},
  day      = {16},
  doi      = {10.3390/e21121228},
  month    = dec,
  number   = {1228},
  pages    = {1-25},
  url      = {https://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/21/12/1228/htm},
  volume   = {21, Issue 12},
  keywords = {entropy; differential entropy; affect; brain variability},
Soheil Keshmiri, Hidenobu Sumioka, Ryuji Yamazaki, Masahiro Shiomi, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Information Content of Prefrontal Cortex Activity Quantifies the Difficulty of Narrated Stories", Scientific Reports, vol. 9, no. 17959, November, 2019.
Abstract: The ability to realize the individuals' impressions during the verbal communication can enable social robots to play a significant role in facilitating our social interactions in such areas as child education and elderly care. However, such impressions are highly subjective and internalized and therefore cannot be easily comprehended through behavioural observations. Although brain-machine interface suggests the utility of the brain information in human-robot interaction, previous studies did not consider its potential for estimating the internal impressions during verbal communication. In this article, we introduce a novel approach to estimation of the individuals' perceived difficulty of stories using their prefrontal cortex activity. We demonstrate the robustness of our approach by showing its comparable performance in in-person, humanoid, speaker, and video-chat system. Our results contribute to the field of socially assistive robotics by taking a step toward enabling robots determine their human companions' perceived difficulty of conversations to sustain their communication by adapting to individuals' pace and interest in response to conversational nuances and complexity. They also verify the use of brain information to complement the behavioural-based study of a robotic theory of mind through critical investigation of its implications in humans' neurological responses while interacting with their synthetic companions.
  author   = {Soheil Keshmiri and Hidenobu Sumioka and Ryuji Yamazaki and Masahiro Shiomi and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  journal  = {Scientific Reports},
  title    = {Information Content of Prefrontal Cortex Activity Quantifies the Difficulty of Narrated Stories},
  year     = {2019},
  abstract = {The ability to realize the individuals' impressions during the verbal communication can enable social robots to play a significant role in facilitating our social interactions in such areas as child education and elderly care. However, such impressions are highly subjective and internalized and therefore cannot be easily comprehended through behavioural observations. Although brain-machine interface suggests the utility of the brain information in human-robot interaction, previous studies did not consider its potential for estimating the internal impressions during verbal communication. In this article, we introduce a novel approach to estimation of the individuals' perceived difficulty of stories using their prefrontal cortex activity. We demonstrate the robustness of our approach by showing its comparable performance in in-person, humanoid, speaker, and video-chat system. Our results contribute to the field of socially assistive robotics by taking a step toward enabling robots determine their human companions' perceived difficulty of conversations to sustain their communication by adapting to individuals' pace and interest in response to conversational nuances and complexity. They also verify the use of brain information to complement the behavioural-based study of a robotic theory of mind through critical investigation of its implications in humans' neurological responses while interacting with their synthetic companions.},
  day      = {29},
  doi      = {10.1038/s41598-019-54280-1},
  month    = nov,
  number   = {17959},
  url      = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-54280-1},
  volume   = {9},
Soheil Keshmiri, Hidenobu Sumioka, Ryuji Yamazaki, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Older People Prefrontal Cortex Activation Estimates Their Perceived Difficulty of a Humanoid-Mediated Conversation", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 4, Issue 4, pp. 4108-4115, October, 2019.
Abstract: In this article, we extend our recent results on prediction of the older peoples’ perceived difficulty of verbal communication during a humanoid-mediated storytelling experiment to the case of a longitudinal conversation that was conducted over a four-week period and included a battery of conversational topics. For this purpose, we used our model that estimates the older people’s perceived difficulty by mapping their prefrontal cortex (PFC) activity during the verbal communication onto fine-grained cluster spaces of a working memory (WM) task that induces loads on human’s PFC through modulation of its difficulty level. This enables us to differentially quantify the observed changes in PFC activity during the conversation based on the difficulty level of the WM task. We show that such a quantification forms a reliable basis for learning the PFC activation patterns in response to conversational contents. Our results indicate the ability of our model for predicting the older peoples’ perceived difficulty of a wide range of humanoid-mediated tele-conversations, regardless of their type, topic, and duration.
  author   = {Soheil Keshmiri and Hidenobu Sumioka and Ryuji Yamazaki and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  journal  = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)},
  title    = {Older People Prefrontal Cortex Activation Estimates Their Perceived Difficulty of a Humanoid-Mediated Conversation},
  year     = {2019},
  abstract = {In this article, we extend our recent results on prediction of the older peoples’ perceived difficulty of verbal communication during a humanoid-mediated storytelling experiment to the case of a longitudinal conversation that was conducted over a four-week period and included a battery of conversational topics. For this purpose, we used our model that estimates the older people’s perceived difficulty by mapping their prefrontal cortex (PFC) activity during the verbal communication onto fine-grained cluster spaces of a working memory (WM) task that induces loads on human’s PFC through modulation of its difficulty level. This enables us to differentially quantify the observed changes in PFC activity during the conversation based on the difficulty level of the WM task. We show that such a quantification forms a reliable basis for learning the PFC activation patterns in response to conversational contents. Our results indicate the ability of our model for predicting the older peoples’ perceived difficulty of a wide range of humanoid-mediated tele-conversations, regardless of their type, topic, and duration.},
  doi      = {10.1109/LRA.2019.2930495},
  month    = oct,
  pages    = {4108-4115},
  url      = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8769897},
  volume   = {4, Issue 4},
  comment  = {(The contents of this paper were also selected by IROS2019 Program Committee for presentation at the Conference)},
Soheil Keshmiri, Hidenobu Sumioka, Ryuji Yamazaki, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Decoding the Perceived Difficulty of Communicated Contents by Older People: Toward Conversational Robot-Assistive Elderly Care", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 4, Issue 4, pp. 3263-3269, October, 2019.
Abstract: In this study, we propose a semi-supervised learning model for decoding of the perceived difficulty of communicated content by older people. Our model is based on mapping of the older people’s prefrontal cortex (PFC) activity during their verbal communication onto fine-grained cluster spaces of a working memory (WM) task that induces loads on human’s PFC through modulation of its difficulty level. This allows for differential quantification of the observed changes in pattern of PFC activation during verbal communication with respect to the difficulty level of the WM task. We show that such a quantification establishes a reliable basis for categorization and subsequently learning of the PFC responses to more naturalistic contents such as story comprehension. Our contribution is to present evidence on effectiveness of our method for estimation of the older peoples’ perceived difficulty of the communicated contents during an online storytelling scenario.
  author   = {Soheil Keshmiri and Hidenobu Sumioka and Ryuji Yamazaki and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  journal  = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)},
  title    = {Decoding the Perceived Difficulty of Communicated Contents by Older People: Toward Conversational Robot-Assistive Elderly Care},
  year     = {2019},
  abstract = {In this study, we propose a semi-supervised learning model for decoding of the perceived difficulty of communicated content by older people. Our model is based on mapping of the older people’s prefrontal cortex (PFC) activity during their verbal communication onto fine-grained cluster spaces of a working memory (WM) task that induces loads on human’s PFC through modulation of its difficulty level. This allows for differential quantification of the observed changes in pattern of PFC activation during verbal communication with respect to the difficulty level of the WM task. We show that such a quantification establishes a reliable basis for categorization and subsequently learning of the PFC responses to more naturalistic contents such as story comprehension. Our contribution is to present evidence on effectiveness of our method for estimation of the older peoples’ perceived difficulty of the communicated contents during an online storytelling scenario.},
  doi      = {10.1109/LRA.2019.2925732},
  month    = oct,
  pages    = {3263-3269},
  url      = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8750900},
  volume   = {4, Issue 4},
  comment  = {(The contents of this paper were also selected by IROS2019 Program Committee for presentation at the Conference)},
Soheil Keshmiri, Hidenobu Suioka, Hiroshi Ishiguro Ryuji Yamazaki, "Differential Effect of the Physical Embodiment on the Prefrontal Cortex Activity as Quantified by Its Entropy", Entropy, vol. 21, Issue 9, no. 875, pp. 1-26, September, 2019.
Abstract: Computer-mediated-communication (CMC) research suggests that unembodied media can surpass in-person communication due to their utility to bypass the nonverbal components of verbal communication such as physical presence and facial expressions. However, recent results on communicative humanoids suggest the importance of the physical embodiment of conversational partners. These contradictory findings are strengthened by the fact that almost all of these results are based on the subjective assessments of the behavioural impacts of these systems. To investigate these opposing views of the potential role of the embodiment during communication, we compare the effect of a physically embodied medium that is remotely controlled by a human operator with such unembodied media as telephones and video-chat systems on the frontal brain activity of human subjects, given the pivotal role of this region in social cognition and verbal comprehension. Our results provide evidence that communicating through a physically embodied medium affects the frontal brain activity of humans whose patterns potentially resemble those of in-person communication. These findings argue for the significance of embodiment in naturalistic scenarios of social interaction, such as storytelling and verbal comprehension, and the potential application of brain information as a promising sensory gateway in the characterization of behavioural responses in human-robot interaction.
  author   = {Soheil Keshmiri and Hidenobu Suioka and Ryuji Yamazaki, Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title    = {Differential Effect of the Physical Embodiment on the Prefrontal Cortex Activity as Quantified by Its Entropy},
  journal  = {Entropy},
  year     = {2019},
  volume   = {21, Issue 9},
  number   = {875},
  pages    = {1-26},
  month    = sep,
  abstract = {Computer-mediated-communication (CMC) research suggests that unembodied media can surpass in-person communication due to their utility to bypass the nonverbal components of verbal communication such as physical presence and facial expressions. However, recent results on communicative humanoids suggest the importance of the physical embodiment of conversational partners. These contradictory findings are strengthened by the fact that almost all of these results are based on the subjective assessments of the behavioural impacts of these systems. To investigate these opposing views of the potential role of the embodiment during communication, we compare the effect of a physically embodied medium that is remotely controlled by a human operator with such unembodied media as telephones and video-chat systems on the frontal brain activity of human subjects, given the pivotal role of this region in social cognition and verbal comprehension. Our results provide evidence that communicating through a physically embodied medium affects the frontal brain activity of humans whose patterns potentially resemble those of in-person communication. These findings argue for the significance of embodiment in naturalistic scenarios of social interaction, such as storytelling and verbal comprehension, and the potential application of brain information as a promising sensory gateway in the characterization of behavioural responses in human-robot interaction.},
  day      = {8},
  url      = {https://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/21/9/875},
  doi      = {10.3390/e21090875},
  keywords = {differential entropy; embodied media; tele-communication; humanoid; prefrontal cortex},
Soheil Keshmiri, Masahiro Shiomi, Kodai Shatani, Takashi Minato, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Facial Pre-Touch Space Differentiates the Level of Openness Among Individuals", Scientific Reports, vol. 9, no. 11924, August, 2019.
Abstract: Social and cognitive psychology provide a rich map of our personality landscape. What appears to be unexplored is the correspondence between these findings and our behavioural responses during day-to-day life interaction. In this article, we utilize cluster analysis to show that the individuals’ facial pre-touch space can be divided into three well-defined subspaces and that within the first two immediate clusters around the face area such distance information significantly correlate with their openness in the five-factor model (FFM). In these two clusters, we also identify that the individuals’ facial pre-touch space can predict their level of openness that are further categorized into six distinct levels with a highly above chance accuracy. Our results suggest that such personality factors as openness are not only reflected in individuals’ behavioural responses but also these responses allow for a fine-grained categorization of individuals’ personality.
  author   = {Soheil Keshmiri and Masahiro Shiomi and Kodai Shatani and Takashi Minato and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title    = {Facial Pre-Touch Space Differentiates the Level of Openness Among Individuals},
  journal  = {Scientific Reports},
  year     = {2019},
  volume   = {9},
  number   = {11924},
  month    = aug,
  abstract = {Social and cognitive psychology provide a rich map of our personality landscape. What appears to be unexplored is the correspondence between these findings and our behavioural responses during day-to-day life interaction. In this article, we utilize cluster analysis to show that the individuals’ facial pre-touch space can be divided into three well-defined subspaces and that within the first two immediate clusters around the face area such distance information significantly correlate with their openness in the five-factor model (FFM). In these two clusters, we also identify that the individuals’ facial pre-touch space can predict their level of openness that are further categorized into six distinct levels with a highly above chance accuracy. Our results suggest that such personality factors as openness are not only reflected in individuals’ behavioural responses but also these responses allow for a fine-grained categorization of individuals’ personality.},
  day      = {15},
  url      = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-48481-x},
  doi      = {10.1038/s41598-019-48481-x},
Hidenobu Sumioka, Soheil Keshmiri, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Information-theoretic investigation of impact of huggable communication medium on prefrontal brain activation", Advanced Robotics, vol. 33, Issue19, pp. 1019-1029, August, 2019.
Abstract: This paper examines the effect of mediated hugs that are achieved with a huggable communication medium on the brain activities of users during conversations. We measured their brain activities with functional near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and evaluated them with two information theoretic measures: permutation entropy, an indicator of relaxation, and multiscale entropy, which captures complexity in brain activation at multiple time scales. We first verify the influence of lip movements on brain activities during conversation and then compare brain activities during tele-conversation through a huggable communication medium with a mobile phone. Our analysis of NIRS signals shows that mediated hugs decrease permutation entropy and increase multiscale entropy. These results suggest that touch interaction through a mediated hug induces a relaxed state in our brain but increases complex patterns of brain activation.
  author   = {Hidenobu Sumioka and Soheil Keshmiri and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  journal  = {Advanced Robotics},
  title    = {Information-theoretic investigation of impact of huggable communication medium on prefrontal brain activation},
  year     = {2019},
  abstract = {This paper examines the effect of mediated hugs that are achieved with a huggable communication medium on the brain activities of users during conversations. We measured their brain activities with functional near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and evaluated them with two information theoretic measures: permutation entropy, an indicator of relaxation, and multiscale entropy, which captures complexity in brain activation at multiple time scales. We first verify the influence of lip movements on brain activities during conversation and then compare brain activities during tele-conversation through a huggable communication medium with a mobile phone. Our analysis of NIRS signals shows that mediated hugs decrease permutation entropy and increase multiscale entropy. These results suggest that touch interaction through a mediated hug induces a relaxed state in our brain but increases complex patterns of brain activation.},
  day      = {12},
  doi      = {10.1080/01691864.2019.1652114},
  month    = aug,
  pages    = {1019-1029},
  url      = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01691864.2019.1652114},
  volume   = {33, Issue19},
  keywords = {Mediated hug, huggable communication, telecommunication, information theory, permutation entropy, multiscale entropy analysis},
船山智, 港隆史, 石井カルロス寿憲, 石黒浩, "操作者の笑い声に基づく遠隔操作型アンドロイドの笑い動作生成", 情報処理学会論文誌, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 932-944, April, 2017.
Abstract: 遠隔操作型アンドロイドは強い存在感を伝達するコミュニケーションメディアであるが,動作自由度の制約により人間と同様に動くことができず,人の動作を複製する遠隔操作方法では不自然な振る舞いとなることがある.本論文ではコミュニケーション中の重要な要素である“笑い"に注目し,限られた自由度の中で動きの誇張によって自然に見える笑い動作を設計し,その有効性を検証した.また,操作者の笑い声を認識するシステムを開発し,操作者の笑い声に合わせて自動的に笑い動作を付加する遠隔操作システムの実用性を検証した.
  author          = {船山智 and 港隆史 and 石井カルロス寿憲 and 石黒浩},
  title           = {操作者の笑い声に基づく遠隔操作型アンドロイドの笑い動作生成},
  journal         = {情報処理学会論文誌},
  year            = {2017},
  volume          = {58},
  number          = {4},
  pages           = {932-944},
  month           = Apr,
  abstract        = {遠隔操作型アンドロイドは強い存在感を伝達するコミュニケーションメディアであるが,動作自由度の制約により人間と同様に動くことができず,人の動作を複製する遠隔操作方法では不自然な振る舞いとなることがある.本論文ではコミュニケーション中の重要な要素である“笑い"に注目し,限られた自由度の中で動きの誇張によって自然に見える笑い動作を設計し,その有効性を検証した.また,操作者の笑い声を認識するシステムを開発し,操作者の笑い声に合わせて自動的に笑い動作を付加する遠隔操作システムの実用性を検証した.},
  url             = {http://www.ipsj.or.jp/journal/},
  etitle          = {Speech Driven Laughter Generation of Teleoperated Android},
  eabstract       = {Teleoperated androids are developed as communication media which can share strong human presence. However, android cannot move like humans since the degrees of freedom are limited. Therefore, a behavior of sndroid is not always natural. In this paper, we focus on "laughter", that is an automatic laughtergeneration system of teleoperated android. Prychological experiments verified the effectiveness of proposed method, and also the results suggest the exaggeration should depend on the appearance of android.},
  file            = {船山智2017.pdf:pdf/船山智2017.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {Android, Teleoperation, Laughter, Exaggeration, Laughter detection},
Jakub Zlotowski, Hidenobu Sumioka, Shuichi Nishio, Dylan F. Glas, Christoph Bartneck, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Appearance of a Robot Affects the Impact of its Behaviour on Perceived Trustworthiness and Empathy", Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 55-66, December, 2016.
Abstract: An increasing number of companion robots started reaching the public in the recent years. These robots vary in their appearance and behavior. Since these two factors can have an impact on lasting human-robot relationships, it is important to understand their effect for companion robots. We have conducted an experiment that evaluated the impact of a robot's appearance and its behaviour in repeated interactions on its perceived empathy, trustworthiness and anxiety experienced by a human. The results indicate that a highly humanlike robot is perceived as less trustworthy and empathic than a more machinelike robot. Moreover, negative behaviour of a machinelike robot reduces its trustworthiness and perceived empathy stronger than for highly humanlike robot. In addition, we found that a robot which disapproves of what a human says can induce anxiety felt towards its communication capabilities. Our findings suggest that more machinelike robots can be more suitable as companions than highly humanlike robots. Moreover, a robot disagreeing with a human interaction partner should be able to provide feedback on its understanding of the partner's message in order to reduce her anxiety.
  author   = {Jakub Zlotowski and Hidenobu Sumioka and Shuichi Nishio and Dylan F. Glas and Christoph Bartneck and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title    = {Appearance of a Robot Affects the Impact of its Behaviour on Perceived Trustworthiness and Empathy},
  journal  = {Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics},
  year     = {2016},
  volume   = {7},
  number   = {1},
  pages    = {55-66},
  month    = Dec,
  abstract = {An increasing number of companion robots started reaching the public in the recent years. These robots vary in their appearance and behavior. Since these two factors can have an impact on lasting human-robot relationships, it is important to understand their effect for companion robots. We have conducted an experiment that evaluated the impact of a robot's appearance and its behaviour in repeated interactions on its perceived empathy, trustworthiness and anxiety experienced by a human. The results indicate that a highly humanlike robot is perceived as less trustworthy and empathic than a more machinelike robot. Moreover, negative behaviour of a machinelike robot reduces its trustworthiness and perceived empathy stronger than for highly humanlike robot. In addition, we found that a robot which disapproves of what a human says can induce anxiety felt towards its communication capabilities. Our findings suggest that more machinelike robots can be more suitable as companions than highly humanlike robots. Moreover, a robot disagreeing with a human interaction partner should be able to provide feedback on its understanding of the partner's message in order to reduce her anxiety.},
  url      = {https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/pjbr.2016.7.issue-1/pjbr-2016-0005/pjbr-2016-0005.xml},
  file     = {Zlotowski2016a.pdf:pdf/Zlotowski2016a.pdf:PDF},
Junya Nakanishi, Hidenobu Sumioka, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Impact of Mediated Intimate Interaction on Education: A Huggable Communication Medium that Encourages Listening", Frontiers in Psychology, section Human-Media Interaction, vol. 7, no. 510, pp. 1-10, April, 2016.
Abstract: In this paper, we propose the introduction of human-like communication media as a proxy for teachers to support the listening of children in school education. Three case studies are presented on storytime fieldwork for children using our huggable communication medium called Hugvie, through which children are encouraged to concentrate on listening by intimate interaction between children and storytellers. We investigate the effect of Hugvie on children's listening and how they and their teachers react to it through observations and interviews. Our results suggest that Hugvie increased the number of children who concentrated on listening to a story and was welcomed by almost all the children and educators. We also discuss improvement and research issues to introduce huggable communication media into classrooms, potential applications, and their contributions to other education situations through improved listening.
  author   = {Junya Nakanishi and Hidenobu Sumioka and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title    = {Impact of Mediated Intimate Interaction on Education: A Huggable Communication Medium that Encourages Listening},
  journal  = {Frontiers in Psychology, section Human-Media Interaction},
  year     = {2016},
  volume   = {7},
  number   = {510},
  pages    = {1-10},
  month    = Apr,
  abstract = {In this paper, we propose the introduction of human-like communication media as a proxy for teachers to support the listening of children in school education. Three case studies are presented on storytime fieldwork for children using our huggable communication medium called Hugvie, through which children are encouraged to concentrate on listening by intimate interaction between children and storytellers. We investigate the effect of Hugvie on children's listening and how they and their teachers react to it through observations and interviews. Our results suggest that Hugvie increased the number of children who concentrated on listening to a story and was welcomed by almost all the children and educators. We also discuss improvement and research issues to introduce huggable communication media into classrooms, potential applications, and their contributions to other education situations through improved listening.},
  day      = {19},
  url      = {http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00510},
  doi      = {10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00510},
  file     = {Nakanishi2016.pdf:pdf/Nakanishi2016.pdf:PDF},
中西惇也, 桑村海光, 港隆史, 西尾修一, 石黒浩, "人型対話メディアにおける抱擁から生まれる好意", 電子情報通信学会和文論文誌, vol. J99-A, no. 1, pp. 36-44, January, 2016.
Abstract: 本研究は人型対話メディアを用いた身体的相互作用が,使用者の対話相手に対する感情に与える影響を検証した.身体的相互作用として抱擁に着目し,人型対話メディアの抱擁が対話者が感じる対話相手への関心や好意を向上させるという仮説を立てた.身体的相互作用を促す仕様の対話メディアを提案し,従来の対話メディアと違い,親密な人間関係を築くサポートメディアとしての可能性を示した.
  author          = {中西惇也 and 桑村海光 and 港隆史 and 西尾修一 and 石黒浩},
  title           = {人型対話メディアにおける抱擁から生まれる好意},
  journal         = {電子情報通信学会和文論文誌},
  year            = {2016},
  volume          = {J99-A},
  number          = {1},
  pages           = {36-44},
  month           = Jan,
  abstract        = {本研究は人型対話メディアを用いた身体的相互作用が,使用者の対話相手に対する感情に与える影響を検証した.身体的相互作用として抱擁に着目し,人型対話メディアの抱擁が対話者が感じる対話相手への関心や好意を向上させるという仮説を立てた.身体的相互作用を促す仕様の対話メディアを提案し,従来の対話メディアと違い,親密な人間関係を築くサポートメディアとしての可能性を示した.},
  etitle          = {Evoking affection by hugging a human-like telecommunication medium},
  file            = {中西惇也2015.pdf:pdf/中西惇也2015.pdf:PDF},
境くりま, 石井カルロス寿憲, 港隆史, 石黒浩, "音声に対応する頭部動作のオンライン生成システムと遠隔操作における効果", 電子情報通信学会和文論文誌A, vol. J99-A, no. 1, pp. 14-24, January, 2016.
Abstract: ロボットアバターを用いた遠隔対話システムは,操作者の声と動作をロボットアバターで再現することで,対話相手に電話やビデオチャット以上の対話感をもたらす. しかし,対面とは勝手の異なる操作インタフェースでは,操作者の動きは対面時よりも制限されるため,ロボットアバターの効果が十分に発揮できない. そこで本論文では,制限されていない操作者の音声から頭部動作をオンラインで生成し,それをロボットアバターの頭部動作に重ね合わせる遠隔操作システムを提案した. 発話の言語情報と韻律情報を用いることにより,多種類の頭部動作を生成可能である. 被験者実験では,提案システムにより自動生成された頭部動作は不自然ではなく,生成された頭部動作を付加したロボットアバターとの対話がよい印象を与えることが示された.
  author          = {境くりま and 石井カルロス寿憲 and 港隆史 and 石黒浩},
  title           = {音声に対応する頭部動作のオンライン生成システムと遠隔操作における効果},
  journal         = {電子情報通信学会和文論文誌A},
  year            = {2016},
  volume          = {J99-A},
  number          = {1},
  pages           = {14-24},
  month           = Jan,
  abstract        = {ロボットアバターを用いた遠隔対話システムは,操作者の声と動作をロボットアバターで再現することで,対話相手に電話やビデオチャット以上の対話感をもたらす. しかし,対面とは勝手の異なる操作インタフェースでは,操作者の動きは対面時よりも制限されるため,ロボットアバターの効果が十分に発揮できない. そこで本論文では,制限されていない操作者の音声から頭部動作をオンラインで生成し,それをロボットアバターの頭部動作に重ね合わせる遠隔操作システムを提案した. 発話の言語情報と韻律情報を用いることにより,多種類の頭部動作を生成可能である. 被験者実験では,提案システムにより自動生成された頭部動作は不自然ではなく,生成された頭部動作を付加したロボットアバターとの対話がよい印象を与えることが示された.},
  etitle          = {Online speech-driven head motion generating system and evaluation on a tele-operated robot},
  file            = {kurima_IEICE_2015.pdf:pdf/kurima_IEICE_2015.pdf:PDF},
Kaiko Kuwamura, Takashi Minato, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Inconsistency of Personality Evaluation Caused by Appearance Gap in Robotic Telecommunication", Interaction Studies, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 249-271, November, 2015.
Abstract: In this paper, we discuss the problem of the appearance of teleoperated robots that are used as telecommunication media. Teleoperated robots have a physical existence that increases the feeling of copresence, compared with recent communication media such as cellphones and video chat. However, their appearance is xed, for example stuffed bear, or a image displayed on a monitor. Since people can determine their partner's personality merely from their appearance, a teleoperated robot's appearance which is different from the operator might construct a personality that conflicts with the operator's original personality. We compared the appearances of three communication media (nonhuman-like appearance robot, human-like appearance robot, and video chat) and found that due to the appearance gap, the human-like appearance robot prevented confusion better than the nonhuman-like appearance robot or the video chat and also transmitted an appropriate atmosphere due to the operator.
  author          = {Kaiko Kuwamura and Takashi Minato and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Inconsistency of Personality Evaluation Caused by Appearance Gap in Robotic Telecommunication},
  journal         = {Interaction Studies},
  year            = {2015},
  volume          = {16},
  number          = {2},
  pages           = {249-271},
  month           = NOV,
  abstract        = {In this paper, we discuss the problem of the appearance of teleoperated robots that are used as telecommunication media. Teleoperated robots have a physical existence that increases the feeling of copresence, compared with recent communication media such as cellphones and video chat. However, their appearance is xed, for example stuffed bear, or a image displayed on a monitor. Since people can determine their partner's personality merely from their appearance, a teleoperated robot's appearance which is different from the operator might construct a personality that conflicts with the operator's original personality. We compared the appearances of three communication media (nonhuman-like appearance robot, human-like appearance robot, and video chat) and found that due to the appearance gap, the human-like appearance robot prevented confusion better than the nonhuman-like appearance robot or the video chat and also transmitted an appropriate atmosphere due to the operator.},
  file            = {Kuwamura2013a.pdf:pdf/Kuwamura2013a.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {teleoperated android; telecomunication; robot; appearance; personality},
Jakub Zlotowski, Hidenobu Sumioka, Shuichi Nishio, Dylan Glas, Christoph Bartneck, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Persistence of the Uncanny Valley: the Influence of Repeated Interactions and a Robot's Attitude on Its Perception", Frontiers in Psychology, June, 2015.
Abstract: The uncanny valley theory proposed by Mori has been heavily investigated in the recent years by researchers from various fields. However, the videos and images used in these studies did not permit any human interaction with the uncanny objects. Therefore, in the field of human-robot interaction it is still unclear what and whether an uncanny looking robot will have an impact on an interaction. In this paper we describe an exploratory empirical study that involved repeated interactions with robots that differed in embodiment and their attitude towards a human. We found that both investigated components of the uncanniness (likeability and eeriness) can be affected by an interaction with a robot. Likeability of a robot was mainly affected by its attitude and this effect was especially prominent for a machine-like robot. On the other hand, mere repeated interactions was sufficient to reduce eeriness irrespective of a robot's embodiment. As a result we urge other researchers to investigate Mori's theory in studies that involve actual human-robot interaction in order to fully understand the changing nature of this phenomenon.
  author   = {Jakub Zlotowski and Hidenobu Sumioka and Shuichi Nishio and Dylan Glas and Christoph Bartneck and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title    = {Persistence of the Uncanny Valley: the Influence of Repeated Interactions and a Robot's Attitude on Its Perception},
  journal  = {Frontiers in Psychology},
  year     = {2015},
  month    = JUN,
  abstract = {The uncanny valley theory proposed by Mori has been heavily investigated in the recent years by researchers from various fields. However, the videos and images used in these studies did not permit any human interaction with the uncanny objects. Therefore, in the field of human-robot interaction it is still unclear what and whether an uncanny looking robot will have an impact on an interaction. In this paper we describe an exploratory empirical study that involved repeated interactions with robots that differed in embodiment and their attitude towards a human. We found that both investigated components of the uncanniness (likeability and eeriness) can be affected by an interaction with a robot. Likeability of a robot was mainly affected by its attitude and this effect was especially prominent for a machine-like robot. On the other hand, mere repeated interactions was sufficient to reduce eeriness irrespective of a robot's embodiment. As a result we urge other researchers to investigate Mori's theory in studies that involve actual human-robot interaction in order to fully understand the changing nature of this phenomenon.},
  url      = {http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00883/abstract},
  doi      = {10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00883},
  file     = {Jakub2014a.pdf:pdf/Jakub2014a.pdf:PDF},
Martin Cooney, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Importance of Touch for Conveying Affection in a Multimodal Interaction with a Small Humanoid Robot", International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, vol. 12, issue 01, pp. 1550002 (22 pages), 2015.
Abstract: To be accepted as a part of our everyday lives, companion robots will require the capability to recognize people's behavior and respond appropriately. In the current work, we investigated which characteristics of behavior could be used by a small humanoid robot to recognize when a human is seeking to convey affection. A main challenge in doing so was that human social norms are complex, comprising behavior which exhibits high spatiotemporal variance, consists of multiple channels and can express different meanings. To deal with this difficulty, we adopted a combined approach in which we analyzed free interactions and also asked participants to rate short video-clips depicting human-robot interaction. As a result, we are able to present a wide range of findings related to the current topic, including on the fundamental role (prevalence, affectionate impact, and motivations) of actions, channels, and modalities; effects of posture and a robot's behavior; expected reactions; and contributions of modalities in complementary and conflicting configurations. This article extends the existing literature by identifying some useful multimodal affectionate cues which can be leveraged by a robot during interactions; we aim to use the acquired knowledge in a small humanoid robot to provide affection during play toward improving quality of life for lonely persons.
  author          = {Martin Cooney and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Importance of Touch for Conveying Affection in a Multimodal Interaction with a Small Humanoid Robot},
  journal         = {International Journal of Humanoid Robotics},
  year            = {2015},
  volume          = {12, issue 01},
  pages           = {1550002 (22 pages)},
  abstract        = {To be accepted as a part of our everyday lives, companion robots will require the capability to recognize people's behavior and respond appropriately. In the current work, we investigated which characteristics of behavior could be used by a small humanoid robot to recognize when a human is seeking to convey affection. A main challenge in doing so was that human social norms are complex, comprising behavior which exhibits high spatiotemporal variance, consists of multiple channels and can express different meanings. To deal with this difficulty, we adopted a combined approach in which we analyzed free interactions and also asked participants to rate short video-clips depicting human-robot interaction. As a result, we are able to present a wide range of findings related to the current topic, including on the fundamental role (prevalence, affectionate impact, and motivations) of actions, channels, and modalities; effects of posture and a robot's behavior; expected reactions; and contributions of modalities in complementary and conflicting configurations. This article extends the existing literature by identifying some useful multimodal affectionate cues which can be leveraged by a robot during interactions; we aim to use the acquired knowledge in a small humanoid robot to provide affection during play toward improving quality of life for lonely persons.},
  doi             = {10.1142/S0219843615500024},
  file            = {Cooney2014a.pdf:pdf/Cooney2014a.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {Affection; multi-modal; play; small humanoid robot, human-robot interaction},
Martin Cooney, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Affectionate Interaction with a Small Humanoid Robot Capable of Recognizing Social Touch Behavior", ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 32, December, 2014.
Abstract: Activity recognition, involving a capability to automatically recognize people's behavior and its underlying significance, will play a crucial role in facilitating the integration of interactive robotic artifacts into everyday human environments. In particular, social intelligence in recognizing affectionate behavior will offer value by allowing companion robots to bond meaningfully with persons involved. The current article addresses the issue of designing an affectionate haptic interaction between a person and a companion robot by a) furthering understanding of how people's attempts to communicate affection to a robot through touch can be recognized, and b) exploring how a small humanoid robot can behave in conjunction with such touches to elicit affection. We report on an experiment conducted to gain insight into how people perceive three fundamental interactive strategies in which a robot is either always highly affectionate, appropriately affectionate, or superficially unaffectionate (emphasizing positivity, contingency, and challenge respectively). Results provide insight into the structure of affectionate interaction between humans and humanoid robots—underlining the importance of an interaction design expressing sincerity, liking, stability and variation—and suggest the usefulness of novel modalities such as warmth and cold.
  author          = {Martin Cooney and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Affectionate Interaction with a Small Humanoid Robot Capable of Recognizing Social Touch Behavior},
  journal         = {{ACM} Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems},
  year            = {2014},
  volume          = {4},
  number          = {4},
  pages           = {32},
  month           = Dec,
  abstract        = {Activity recognition, involving a capability to automatically recognize people's behavior and its underlying significance, will play a crucial role in facilitating the integration of interactive robotic artifacts into everyday human environments. In particular, social intelligence in recognizing affectionate behavior will offer value by allowing companion robots to bond meaningfully with persons involved. The current article addresses the issue of designing an affectionate haptic interaction between a person and a companion robot by a) furthering understanding of how people's attempts to communicate affection to a robot through touch can be recognized, and b) exploring how a small humanoid robot can behave in conjunction with such touches to elicit affection. We report on an experiment conducted to gain insight into how people perceive three fundamental interactive strategies in which a robot is either always highly affectionate, appropriately affectionate, or superficially unaffectionate (emphasizing positivity, contingency, and challenge respectively). Results provide insight into the structure of affectionate interaction between humans and humanoid robots—underlining the importance of an interaction design expressing sincerity, liking, stability and variation—and suggest the usefulness of novel modalities such as warmth and cold.},
  url             = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2688469.2685395},
  doi             = {10.1145/2685395},
  file            = {Cooney2014b.pdf:pdf/Cooney2014b.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {human-robot interaction; activity recognition; small humanoid companion robot; affectionate touch behavior; intelligent systems},
Rosario Sorbello, Antonio Chella, Carmelo Cali, Marcello Giardina, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Telenoid Android Robot as an Embodied Perceptual Social Regulation Medium Engaging Natural Human-Humanoid Interaction", Robotics and Autonomous Systems Journal, vol. 62, issue 9, pp. 1329-1341, September, 2014.
Abstract: The present paper aims to validate our research on Human-Humanoid Interaction (HHI) using the minimalist humanoid robot Telenoid. We conducted the human-robot interaction test with 142 young people who had no prior interaction experience with this robot. The main goal is the analysis of the two social dimensions ("Perception" and "Believability" ) useful for increasing the natural behaviour between users and Telenoid. We administered our custom questionnaire to human subjects in association with a well defined experimental setting ("ordinary and goal-guided task"). A thorough analysis of the questionnaires has been carried out and reliability and internal consistency in correlation between the multiple items has been calculated. Our experimental results show that the perceptual behavior and believability, as implicit social competences, could improve the meaningfulness and the natural-like sense of human-humanoid interaction in everyday life taskdriven activities. Telenoid is perceived as an autonomous cooperative agent for a shared environment by human beings.
  author   = {Rosario Sorbello and Antonio Chella and Carmelo Cali and Marcello Giardina and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title    = {Telenoid Android Robot as an Embodied Perceptual Social Regulation Medium Engaging Natural Human-Humanoid Interaction},
  journal  = {Robotics and Autonomous Systems Journal},
  year     = {2014},
  volume   = {62, issue 9},
  pages    = {1329-1341},
  month    = SEP,
  abstract = {The present paper aims to validate our research on Human-Humanoid Interaction (HHI) using the minimalist humanoid robot Telenoid. We conducted the human-robot interaction test with 142 young people who had no prior interaction experience with this robot. The main goal is the analysis of the two social dimensions ("Perception" and "Believability" ) useful for increasing the natural behaviour between users and Telenoid. We administered our custom questionnaire to human subjects in association with a well defined experimental setting ("ordinary and goal-guided task"). A thorough analysis of the questionnaires has been carried out and reliability and internal consistency in correlation between the multiple items has been calculated. Our experimental results show that the perceptual behavior and believability, as implicit social competences, could improve the meaningfulness and the natural-like sense of human-humanoid interaction in everyday life taskdriven activities. Telenoid is perceived as an autonomous cooperative agent for a shared environment by human beings.},
  url      = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S092188901400061X},
  doi      = {10.1016/j.robot.2014.03.017},
  file     = {Sorbello2013a.pdf:pdf/Sorbello2013a.pdf:PDF},
  keywords = {Telenoid; Geminoid; Social Robot; Human-Humanoid Robot Interaction},
Kaiko Kuwamura, Kurima Sakai, Takashi Minato, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Hugvie: communication device for encouraging good relationship through the act of hugging", Lovotics, vol. Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 10000104, February, 2014.
Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a communication device which encourages users to establish a good relationship with others. We designed the device so that it allows users to virtually hug the person in the remote site through the medium. In this paper, we report that when a participant talks to his communication partner during their first encounter while hugging the communication medium, he mistakenly feels as if they are establishing a good relationship and that he is being loved rather than just being liked. From this result, we discuss Active Co-Presence, a new method to enhance co-presence of people in remote through active behavior.
  author          = {Kaiko Kuwamura and Kurima Sakai and Takashi Minato and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Hugvie: communication device for encouraging good relationship through the act of hugging},
  journal         = {Lovotics},
  year            = {2014},
  volume          = {Vol. 1, Issue 1},
  pages           = {10000104},
  month           = Feb,
  abstract        = {In this paper, we introduce a communication device which encourages users to establish a good relationship with others. We designed the device so that it allows users to virtually hug the person in the remote site through the medium. In this paper, we report that when a participant talks to his communication partner during their first encounter while hugging the communication medium, he mistakenly feels as if they are establishing a good relationship and that he is being loved rather than just being liked. From this result, we discuss Active Co-Presence, a new method to enhance co-presence of people in remote through active behavior.},
  url             = {http://www.omicsonline.com/open-access/hugvie_communication_device_for_encouraging_good_relationship_through_the_act_of_hugging.pdf?aid=24445},
  doi             = {10.4172/2090-9888.10000104},
  file            = {Kuwamura2014a.pdf:pdf/Kuwamura2014a.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {hug; co-presence; telecommunication},
Ryuji Yamazaki, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Marco Nørskov, Nobu Ishiguro, Giuseppe Balistreri, "Acceptability of a Teleoperated Android by Senior Citizens in Danish Society: A Case Study on the Application of an Embodied Communication Medium to Home Care", International Journal of Social Robotics, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 429-442, 2014.
Abstract: We explore the potential of teleoperated androids,which are embodied telecommunication media with humanlike appearances. By conducting field experiments, we investigated how Telenoid, a teleoperated android designed as a minimalistic human, affect people in the real world when it is employed to express telepresence and a sense of ‘being there'. Our exploratory study focused on the social aspects of the android robot, which might facilitate communication between the elderly and Telenoid's operator. This new way of creating social relationships can be used to solve a problem in society, the social isolation of senior citizens. It has been becoming a major issue even in Denmark that is known as one of countries with advanced welfare systems. After asking elderly people to use Te-lenoid at their homes, we found that the elderly with or without dementia showed positive attitudes toward Telenoid and imaginatively developed various dialogue strategies. Their positivity and strong attachment to its minimalistic human design were cross-culturally shared in Denmark and Japan. Contrary to the negative reactions by non-users in media reports, our result suggests that teleoperated androids can be accepted by the elderly as a kind of universal design medium for social inclusion.
  author          = {Ryuji Yamazaki and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Marco N\orskov and Nobu Ishiguro and Giuseppe Balistreri},
  title           = {Acceptability of a Teleoperated Android by Senior Citizens in Danish Society: A Case Study on the Application of an Embodied Communication Medium to Home Care},
  journal         = {International Journal of Social Robotics},
  year            = {2014},
  volume          = {6},
  number          = {3},
  pages           = {429-442},
  abstract        = {We explore the potential of teleoperated androids,which are embodied telecommunication media with humanlike appearances. By conducting field experiments, we investigated how Telenoid, a teleoperated android designed as a minimalistic human, affect people in the real world when it is employed to express telepresence and a sense of ‘being there'. Our exploratory study focused on the social aspects of the android robot, which might facilitate communication between the elderly and Telenoid's operator. This new way of creating social relationships can be used to solve a problem in society, the social isolation of senior citizens. It has been becoming a major issue even in Denmark that is known as one of countries with advanced welfare systems. After asking elderly people to use Te-lenoid at their homes, we found that the elderly with or without dementia showed positive attitudes toward Telenoid and imaginatively developed various dialogue strategies. Their positivity and strong attachment to its minimalistic human design were cross-culturally shared in Denmark and Japan. Contrary to the negative reactions by non-users in media reports, our result suggests that teleoperated androids can be accepted by the elderly as a kind of universal design medium for social inclusion.},
  doi             = {10.1007/s12369-014-0247-x},
  file            = {Yamazaki2013a.pdf:pdf/Yamazaki2013a.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {teleoperated android; minimal design; embodied communication; social isolation; elderly care; social acceptance},
Hidenobu Sumioka, Shuichi Nishio, Takashi Minato, Ryuji Yamazaki, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Minimal human design approach for sonzai-kan media: investigation of a feeling of human presence", Cognitive Computation, vol. 6, Issue 4, pp. 760-774, 2014.
Abstract: Even though human-like robotic media give the feeling of being with others and positively affect our physical and mental health, scant research has addressed how much information about a person should be reproduced to enhance the feeling of a human presence. We call this feeling sonzai-kan, which is a Japanese phrase that means the feeling of a presence. We propose a minimal design approach for exploring the requirements to enhance this feeling and hypothesize that it is enhanced if information is presented from at least two different modalities. In this approach, the exploration is conducted by designing sonzai-kan media through exploratory research with the media, their evaluations, and the development of their systems. In this paper, we give an overview of our current work with Telenoid, a teleoperated android designed with our approach, to illustrate how we explore the requirements and how such media impact our quality of life. We discuss the potential advantages of our approach for forging positive social relationships and designing an autonomous agent with minimal cognitive architecture.
  author          = {Hidenobu Sumioka and Shuichi Nishio and Takashi Minato and Ryuji Yamazaki and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Minimal human design approach for sonzai-kan media: investigation of a feeling of human presence},
  journal         = {Cognitive Computation},
  year            = {2014},
  volume          = {6, Issue 4},
  pages           = {760-774},
  abstract        = {Even though human-like robotic media give the feeling of being with others and positively affect our physical and mental health, scant research has addressed how much information about a person should be reproduced to enhance the feeling of a human presence. We call this feeling sonzai-kan, which is a Japanese phrase that means the feeling of a presence. We propose a minimal design approach for exploring the requirements to enhance this feeling and hypothesize that it is enhanced if information is presented from at least two different modalities. In this approach, the exploration is conducted by designing sonzai-kan media through exploratory research with the media, their evaluations, and the development of their systems. In this paper, we give an overview of our current work with Telenoid, a teleoperated android designed with our approach, to illustrate how we explore the requirements and how such media impact our quality of life. We discuss the potential advantages of our approach for forging positive social relationships and designing an autonomous agent with minimal cognitive architecture.},
  url             = {http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12559-014-9270-3},
  doi             = {10.1007/s12559-014-9270-3},
  file            = {Sumioka2014.pdf:pdf/Sumioka2014.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {Human–robot Interaction; Minimal design; Elderly care; Android science},
Kurima Sakai, Hidenobu Sumioka, Takashi Minato, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Motion Design of Interactive Small Humanoid Robot with Visual Illusion", International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 4725-4736, December, 2013.
Abstract: This paper presents a novel method to express motions of a small human-like robotic avatar that can be a portable communication medium: a user can talk with another person while feeling the other's presence at anytime, anywhere. The human-like robotic avatar is expected to express human-like movements; however, there are technical and cost problems in implementing actuators in the small body. The method is to induce illusory motion of the robot's extremities with blinking lights. This idea needs only Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) and avoids the above problems. This paper presents the design of an LED blinking pattern to induce an illusory nodding motion of Elfoid, which is a hand-held tele-operated humanoid robot. A psychological experiment shows that the illusory nodding motion gives a better impression to people than a symbolic blinking pattern. This result suggests that even the illusory motion of a robotic avatar can improve tele-communications.
  author          = {Kurima Sakai and Hidenobu Sumioka and Takashi Minato and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Motion Design of Interactive Small Humanoid Robot with Visual Illusion},
  journal         = {International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control},
  year            = {2013},
  volume          = {9},
  number          = {12},
  pages           = {4725-4736},
  month           = Dec,
  abstract        = {This paper presents a novel method to express motions of a small human-like robotic avatar that can be a portable communication medium: a user can talk with another person while feeling the other's presence at anytime, anywhere. The human-like robotic avatar is expected to express human-like movements; however, there are technical and cost problems in implementing actuators in the small body. The method is to induce illusory motion of the robot's extremities with blinking lights. This idea needs only Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) and avoids the above problems. This paper presents the design of an LED blinking pattern to induce an illusory nodding motion of Elfoid, which is a hand-held tele-operated humanoid robot. A psychological experiment shows that the illusory nodding motion gives a better impression to people than a symbolic blinking pattern. This result suggests that even the illusory motion of a robotic avatar can improve tele-communications.},
  url             = {http://www.ijicic.org/apchi12-275.pdf},
  file            = {Sakai2013.pdf:pdf/Sakai2013.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {Tele-communication; Nonverbal communication; Portable robot avatar; Visual illusion of motion},
Martin Cooney, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Designing Robots for Well-being: Theoretical Background and Visual Scenes of Affectionate Play with a Small Humanoid Robot", Lovotics, November, 2013.
Abstract: Social well-being, referring to a subjectively perceived long-term state of happiness, life satisfaction, health, and other prosperity afforded by social interactions, is increasingly being employed to rate the success of human social systems. Although short-term changes in well-being can be difficult to measure directly, two important determinants can be assessed: perceived enjoyment and affection from relationships. The current article chronicles our work over several years toward achieving enjoyable and affectionate interactions with robots, with the aim of contributing to perception of social well-being in interacting persons. Emphasis has been placed on both describing in detail the theoretical basis underlying our work, and relating the story of each of several designs from idea to evaluation in a visual fashion. For the latter, we trace the course of designing four different robotic artifacts intended to further our understanding of how to provide enjoyment, elicit affection, and realize one specific scenario for affectionate play. As a result, by describing (a) how perceived enjoyment and affection contribute to social well-being, and (b) how a small humanoid robot can proactively engage in enjoyable and affectionate play—recognizing people's behavior and leveraging this knowledge—the current article informs the design of companion robots intended to facilitate a perception of social well-being in interacting persons during affectionate play.
  author          = {Martin Cooney and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Designing Robots for Well-being: Theoretical Background and Visual Scenes of Affectionate Play with a Small Humanoid Robot},
  journal         = {Lovotics},
  year            = {2013},
  month           = Nov,
  abstract        = {Social well-being, referring to a subjectively perceived long-term state of happiness, life satisfaction, health, and other prosperity afforded by social interactions, is increasingly being employed to rate the success of human social systems. Although short-term changes in well-being can be difficult to measure directly, two important determinants can be assessed: perceived enjoyment and affection from relationships. The current article chronicles our work over several years toward achieving enjoyable and affectionate interactions with robots, with the aim of contributing to perception of social well-being in interacting persons. Emphasis has been placed on both describing in detail the theoretical basis underlying our work, and relating the story of each of several designs from idea to evaluation in a visual fashion. For the latter, we trace the course of designing four different robotic artifacts intended to further our understanding of how to provide enjoyment, elicit affection, and realize one specific scenario for affectionate play. As a result, by describing (a) how perceived enjoyment and affection contribute to social well-being, and (b) how a small humanoid robot can proactively engage in enjoyable and affectionate play—recognizing people's behavior and leveraging this knowledge—the current article informs the design of companion robots intended to facilitate a perception of social well-being in interacting persons during affectionate play.},
  url             = {http://www.omicsonline.com/open-access/designing_robots_for_well_being_theoretical_background_and_visual.pdf?aid=24444},
  doi             = {10.4172/2090-9888.1000101},
  file            = {Cooney2013d.pdf:pdf/Cooney2013d.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {Human-robot interaction; well-being; enjoyment; affection; recognizing typical behavior; small humanoid robot},
Hidenobu Sumioka, Aya Nakae, Ryota Kanai, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Huggable communication medium decreases cortisol levels", Scientific Reports, vol. 3, no. 3034, October, 2013.
Abstract: Interpersonal touch is a fundamental component of social interactions because it can mitigate physical and psychological distress. To reproduce the psychological and physiological effects associated with interpersonal touch, interest is growing in introducing tactile sensations to communication devices. However, it remains unknown whether physical contact with such devices can produce objectively measurable endocrine effects like real interpersonal touching can. We directly tested this possibility by examining changes in stress hormone cortisol before and after a conversation with a huggable communication device. Participants had 15-minute conversations with a remote partner that was carried out either with a huggable human-shaped device or with a mobile phone. Our experiment revealed significant reduction in the cortisol levels for those who had conversations with the huggable device. Our approach to evaluate communication media with biological markers suggests new design directions for interpersonal communication media to improve social support systems in modern highly networked societies.
  author          = {Hidenobu Sumioka and Aya Nakae and Ryota Kanai and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Huggable communication medium decreases cortisol levels},
  journal         = {Scientific Reports},
  year            = {2013},
  volume          = {3},
  number          = {3034},
  month           = Oct,
  abstract        = {Interpersonal touch is a fundamental component of social interactions because it can mitigate physical and psychological distress. To reproduce the psychological and physiological effects associated with interpersonal touch, interest is growing in introducing tactile sensations to communication devices. However, it remains unknown whether physical contact with such devices can produce objectively measurable endocrine effects like real interpersonal touching can. We directly tested this possibility by examining changes in stress hormone cortisol before and after a conversation with a huggable communication device. Participants had 15-minute conversations with a remote partner that was carried out either with a huggable human-shaped device or with a mobile phone. Our experiment revealed significant reduction in the cortisol levels for those who had conversations with the huggable device. Our approach to evaluate communication media with biological markers suggests new design directions for interpersonal communication media to improve social support systems in modern highly networked societies.},
  url             = {http://www.nature.com/srep/2013/131023/srep03034/full/srep03034.html},
  doi             = {10.1038/srep03034},
  file            = {Sumioka2013d.pdf:pdf/Sumioka2013d.pdf:PDF},
Martin Cooney, Takayuki Kanda, Aris Alissandrakis, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Designing Enjoyable Motion-Based Play Interactions with a Small Humanoid Robot", International Journal of Social Robotics, vol. 6, pp. 173-193, September, 2013.
Abstract: Robots designed to co-exist with humans in domestic and public environments should be capable of interacting with people in an enjoyable fashion in order to be socially accepted. In this research, we seek to set up a small humanoid robot with the capability to provide enjoyment to people who pick up the robot and play with it by hugging, shaking and moving the robot in various ways. Inertial sensors inside a robot can capture how the robot‘s body is moved when people perform such full-body gestures. Unclear is how a robot can recognize what people do during play, and how such knowledge can be used to provide enjoyment. People‘s behavior is complex, and naïve designs for a robot‘s behavior based only on intuitive knowledge from previous designs may lead to failed interactions. To solve these problems, we model people‘s behavior using typical full-body gestures observed in free interaction trials, and devise an interaction design based on avoiding typical failures observed in play sessions with a naïve version of our robot. The interaction design is completed by investigating how a robot can provide reward and itself suggest ways to play during an interaction. We then verify experimentally that our design can be used to provide enjoyment during a playful interaction. By describing the process of how a small humanoid robot can be designed to provide enjoyment, we seek to move one step closer to realizing companion robots which can be successfully integrated into human society.
  author          = {Martin Cooney and Takayuki Kanda and Aris Alissandrakis and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Designing Enjoyable Motion-Based Play Interactions with a Small Humanoid Robot},
  journal         = {International Journal of Social Robotics},
  year            = {2013},
  volume          = {6},
  pages           = {173-193},
  month           = Sep,
  abstract        = {Robots designed to co-exist with humans in domestic and public environments should be capable of interacting with people in an enjoyable fashion in order to be socially accepted. In this research, we seek to set up a small humanoid robot with the capability to provide enjoyment to people who pick up the robot and play with it by hugging, shaking and moving the robot in various ways. Inertial sensors inside a robot can capture how the robot‘s body is moved when people perform such full-body gestures. Unclear is how a robot can recognize what people do during play, and how such knowledge can be used to provide enjoyment. People‘s behavior is complex, and na\"{i}ve designs for a robot‘s behavior based only on intuitive knowledge from previous designs may lead to failed interactions. To solve these problems, we model people‘s behavior using typical full-body gestures observed in free interaction trials, and devise an interaction design based on avoiding typical failures observed in play sessions with a na\"{i}ve version of our robot. The interaction design is completed by investigating how a robot can provide reward and itself suggest ways to play during an interaction. We then verify experimentally that our design can be used to provide enjoyment during a playful interaction. By describing the process of how a small humanoid robot can be designed to provide enjoyment, we seek to move one step closer to realizing companion robots which can be successfully integrated into human society.},
  url             = {http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12369-013-0212-0},
  doi             = {10.1007/s12369-013-0212-0},
  file            = {Cooney2013.pdf:pdf/Cooney2013.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {Interaction design for enjoyment; Playful human-robot interaction; Full-body gesture recognition; Inertial sensing; Small humanoid robot},
石井カルロス寿憲, 劉超然, 石黒浩, 萩田紀博, "遠隔存在感ロボットのためのフォルマントによる口唇動作生成手法", 日本ロボット学会誌, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 83-90, May, 2013.
Abstract: Generating natural motion in robots is important for improving human-robot interaction. We developed a tele-operation system where the lip motion of a remote humanoid robot is automatically controlled from the operator's voice. In the present work, we introduce an improved version of our proposed speech-driven lip motion generation method, where lip height and width degrees are estimated based on vowel formant information. The method requires the calibration of only one parameter for speaker normalization. Lip height control is evaluated in two types of humanoid robots (Geminoid-F and Telenoid-R2). Subjective evaluation indicated that the proposed audio-based method is able to generate lip motion with naturalness superior to vision-based and motion capture-based approaches. Partial lip width control was shown to improve lip motion naturalness in Geminoid-F, which also has an actuator for stretching the lip corners. Issues regarding synchronization of audio and motion streams, and online real-time processing are also discussed.
  author          = {石井カルロス寿憲 and 劉超然 and 石黒浩 and 萩田紀博},
  title           = {遠隔存在感ロボットのためのフォルマントによる口唇動作生成手法},
  journal         = {日本ロボット学会誌},
  year            = {2013},
  volume          = {31},
  number          = {4},
  pages           = {83-90},
  month           = May,
  abstract        = {Generating natural motion in robots is important for improving human-robot interaction. We developed a tele-operation system where the lip motion of a remote humanoid robot is automatically controlled from the operator's voice. In the present work, we introduce an improved version of our proposed speech-driven lip motion generation method, where lip height and width degrees are estimated based on vowel formant information. The method requires the calibration of only one parameter for speaker normalization. Lip height control is evaluated in two types of humanoid robots (Geminoid-F and Telenoid-R2). Subjective evaluation indicated that the proposed audio-based method is able to generate lip motion with naturalness superior to vision-based and motion capture-based approaches. Partial lip width control was shown to improve lip motion naturalness in Geminoid-F, which also has an actuator for stretching the lip corners. Issues regarding synchronization of audio and motion streams, and online real-time processing are also discussed.},
  doi             = {10.7210/jrsj.31.401},
  etitle          = {Lip motion generation method based on formants for tele-presence humanoid robots},
  eabstract       = {Generating natural motion in robots is important for improving human-robot interaction. We developed a tele-operation system where the lip motion of a remote humanoid robot is automatically controlled from the operator's voice. In the present work, we introduce an improved version of our proposed speech-driven lip motion generation method, where lip height and width degrees are estimated based on vowel formant information. The method requires the calibration of only one parameter for speaker normalization. Lip height control is evaluated in two types of humanoid robots (Geminoid-F and Telenoid-R2). Subjective evaluation indicated that the proposed audio-based method is able to generate lip motion with naturalness superior to vision-based and motion capture-based approaches. Partial lip width control was shown to improve lip motion naturalness in Geminoid-F, which also has an actuator for stretching the lip corners. Issues regarding synchronization of audio and motion streams, and online real-time processing are also discussed.},
  file            = {石井カルロス寿憲2012.pdf:pdf/石井カルロス寿憲2012.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {Lip motion; tele-presence; humanoid robots; formant; real-time processing},
Chaoran Liu, Carlos T. Ishi, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Norihiro Hagita, "Generation of Nodding, Head Tilting and Gazing for Human-Robot Speech Interaction", International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1350009(1-19), April, 2013.
Abstract: Head motion occurs naturally and in synchrony with speech during human dialogue communication, and may carry paralinguistic information, such as intentions, attitudes and emotions. Therefore, natural-looking head motion by a robot is important for smooth human-robot interaction. Based on rules inferred from analyses of the relationship between head motion and dialogue acts, this paperproposes a model for generating headtilting and nodding, and evaluates the model using three types of humanoid robot (a very human-like android, "Geminoid F", a typical humanoid robot with less facial degrees of freedom, "Robovie R2", and a robot with a 3-axis rotatable neck and movable lips, "Telenoid R2"). Analysis of subjective scores shows that the proposed model including head tilting and nodding can generate head motion with increased naturalness compared to nodding only or directly mapping peoples original motions without gaze information. We also nd that an upward motion of a robots face can be used by robots which do not have a mouth in order to provide the appearance that utterance is taking place. Finally, we conduct an experiment in which participants act as visitors to an information desk attended by robots. As a consequence, we verify that our generation model performs equally to directly mapping peoples original motions with gaze information in terms ofperceived naturalness.
  author          = {Chaoran Liu and Carlos T. Ishi and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Norihiro Hagita},
  title           = {Generation of Nodding, Head Tilting and Gazing for Human-Robot Speech Interaction},
  journal         = {International Journal of Humanoid Robotics},
  year            = {2013},
  volume          = {10},
  number          = {1},
  pages           = {1350009(1-19)},
  month           = Apr,
  abstract        = {Head motion occurs naturally and in synchrony with speech during human dialogue communication, and may carry paralinguistic information, such as intentions, attitudes and emotions. Therefore, natural-looking head motion by a robot is important for smooth human-robot interaction. Based on rules inferred from analyses of the relationship between head motion and dialogue acts, this paperproposes a model for generating headtilting and nodding, and evaluates the model using three types of humanoid robot (a very human-like android, "Geminoid F", a typical humanoid robot with less facial degrees of freedom, "Robovie R2", and a robot with a 3-axis rotatable neck and movable lips, "Telenoid R2"). Analysis of subjective scores shows that the proposed model including head tilting and nodding can generate head motion with increased naturalness compared to nodding only or directly mapping peoples original motions without gaze information. We also nd that an upward motion of a robots face can be used by robots which do not have a mouth in order to provide the appearance that utterance is taking place. Finally, we conduct an experiment in which participants act as visitors to an information desk attended by robots. As a consequence, we verify that our generation model performs equally to directly mapping peoples original motions with gaze information in terms ofperceived naturalness.},
  day             = {2},
  url             = {http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0219843613500096},
  doi             = {10.1142/S0219843613500096},
  file            = {Liu2012a.pdf:pdf/Liu2012a.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {Head motion; dialogue acts; gazing; motion generation},
尾上聡, 山本健太, 田中一晶, 中西英之, "遠隔対話者の身体動作の提示による音声コミュニケーションの円滑化", 情報処理学会論文誌, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 1462-1469, April, 2013.
Abstract: 遠隔地の対話者を視覚的に提示する方法として,ビデオ,アバタ,写真の3つの方法があげられる.しかし,これらの方法が音声コミュニケーションに与える効果を,観察データから明らかにしたという報告はない.我々はそのような観察データを得るために,1ターンの発話に含まれる途切れ回数と発話速度に着目した.そして,我々は音声コミュニケーションに対する視覚情報の有効性を示すため,提示する視覚情報を身体動作と外見の要因に分け,4つの条件を設定した.その4つの条件は,身体動作と外見を提示するビデオ条件,身体動作のみを提示するアバタ条件,外見のみを提示する写真条件,視覚情報を提示しない音声のみの条件である.我々はこれらの条件下で対話実験を行い,発話中に含まれる途切れ回数と発話速度を計測した.その結果,外見の提示の有無にかかわらず,身体動作の提示により途切れ回数が減少し発話速度が上昇していることが分かった.この結果は,身体動作の提示により音声コミュニケーションが円滑化されることを示しており,さらにアバタがビデオを代替する可能性が示唆された.
  author = {尾上聡 and 山本健太 and 田中一晶 and 中西英之},
  title = {遠隔対話者の身体動作の提示による音声コミュニケーションの円滑化},
  journal = {情報処理学会論文誌},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {54},
  pages = {1462--1469},
  number = {4},
  month = Apr,
  abstract = {遠隔地の対話者を視覚的に提示する方法として,ビデオ,アバタ,写真の3つの方法があげられる.しかし,これらの方法が音声コミュニケーションに与える効果を,観察データから明らかにしたという報告はない.我々はそのような観察データを得るために,1ターンの発話に含まれる途切れ回数と発話速度に着目した.そして,我々は音声コミュニケーションに対する視覚情報の有効性を示すため,提示する視覚情報を身体動作と外見の要因に分け,4つの条件を設定した.その4つの条件は,身体動作と外見を提示するビデオ条件,身体動作のみを提示するアバタ条件,外見のみを提示する写真条件,視覚情報を提示しない音声のみの条件である.我々はこれらの条件下で対話実験を行い,発話中に含まれる途切れ回数と発話速度を計測した.その結果,外見の提示の有無にかかわらず,身体動作の提示により途切れ回数が減少し発話速度が上昇していることが分かった.この結果は,身体動作の提示により音声コミュニケーションが円滑化されることを示しており,さらにアバタがビデオを代替する可能性が示唆された.},
  eabstract = {As methods to visually present a remote dialogue partner, there are
	video, avatar and photograph. However, there is no report that observational
	data showed an effect to audio communication by these methods. In
	order to obtain such data, we focused on the numbers of pauses included
	speech in audio communication and speech rate. We separated these
	methods into the factor of the partner's body motion and appearance,
	and thereby prepared four conditions: voice, photo, avatar and video.
	The video and the avatar conditions presented the body motion. The
	video and the photograph conditions presented the appearance. The
	audio condition didn't present either of them. We conducted an experiment
	in which the subjects spoke to the remote conversation partner under
	these conditions, and analyzed the number of pauses and the speech
	rate in the recorded speeches. As a result of the analyses, the presentation
	of the body motion reduced the number of pauses and increased the
	speech rate, regardless of the presentation of the appearance. These
	results indicate that the presentation of the body motion smoothens
	audio communication, and also imply the possibility that avatar replaces
  etitle = {Smoothing Audio Communication via Presentation of a Remote Partner's
	Body Motion},
  keywords = {アバタ; ビデオ会議; 身体動作; 音声コミュニケーション},
Ryuji Yamazaki, Shuichi Nishio, Kohei Ogawa, Kohei Matsumura, Takashi Minato, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Tsutomu Fujinami, Masaru Nishikawa, "Promoting Socialization of Schoolchildren Using a Teleoperated Android: An Interaction Study", International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1350007(1-25), April, 2013.
Abstract: Our research focuses on the social aspects of teleoperated androids as new media for human relationships and explores how they can contribute and encourage people to associate with others. We introduced Telenoid, a teleoperated android with a minimalistic human design, to elementary school classrooms to see how children respond to it. We found that Telenoid encourages children to work cooperatively and facilitates communication with senior citizens with dementia. Children differentiated their roles spontaneously and cooperatively participated in group work. In another class, we applied Telenoid to remote communication between schoolchildren and assisted living residents. The children felt relaxed about continuing their conversations with the elderly and positively participated in them. The results suggest that limited functionality may facilitate cooperation among participants, and varied embodiments may promote the learning process of the association with others, even those who are unfamiliar. We propose a teleoperated android as an educational tool to promote socialization.
  author          = {Ryuji Yamazaki and Shuichi Nishio and Kohei Ogawa and Kohei Matsumura and Takashi Minato and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Tsutomu Fujinami and Masaru Nishikawa},
  title           = {Promoting Socialization of Schoolchildren Using a Teleoperated Android: An Interaction Study},
  journal         = {International Journal of Humanoid Robotics},
  year            = {2013},
  volume          = {10},
  number          = {1},
  pages           = {1350007(1-25)},
  month           = Apr,
  abstract        = {Our research focuses on the social aspects of teleoperated androids as new media for human relationships and explores how they can contribute and encourage people to associate with others. We introduced Telenoid, a teleoperated android with a minimalistic human design, to elementary school classrooms to see how children respond to it. We found that Telenoid encourages children to work cooperatively and facilitates communication with senior citizens with dementia. Children differentiated their roles spontaneously and cooperatively participated in group work. In another class, we applied Telenoid to remote communication between schoolchildren and assisted living residents. The children felt relaxed about continuing their conversations with the elderly and positively participated in them. The results suggest that limited functionality may facilitate cooperation among participants, and varied embodiments may promote the learning process of the association with others, even those who are unfamiliar. We propose a teleoperated android as an educational tool to promote socialization.},
  day             = {2},
  url             = {http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0219843613500072},
  doi             = {10.1142/S0219843613500072},
  file            = {Yamazaki2012e.pdf:pdf/Yamazaki2012e.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {Telecommunication; android robot; minimal design; cooperation; role differentiation; inter-generational relationship; embodied communication; teleoperation; socialization},
港隆史, 境くりま, 西尾修一, 石黒浩, "運動錯視を利用した携帯型遠隔操作ヒューマノイドの運動表現", ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 51-62, February, 2013.
Abstract: A small (cellphone size) human-like robotic avatar in tele-communications will be a novel portable communication medium in that a user can talk with another person while feeling the other's presence at anytime, anywhere. The human-like robotic avatar is expected to express human-like movements; however, there are technical and cost problems to implement actuators in the small body. This paper proposes an idea to illusorily move the avatar's extremities with blinking lights. This idea needs only LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) and avoids the above problems. This paper designs a LED blinking pattern to invoke a nodding motion of a hand-held tele-operated humanoid robot. A psychological experiment shows that the designed blinking pattern gives better impression to subjects than an symbolic blinking pattern. This result suggests that even the illusory motion of robotic avatar can improve tele-communications and it is suitable for human-like robotic avatars with respect to a minimally human-like motion expression.
  author          = {港隆史 and 境くりま and 西尾修一 and 石黒浩},
  title           = {運動錯視を利用した携帯型遠隔操作ヒューマノイドの運動表現},
  journal         = {ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌},
  year            = {2013},
  volume          = {15},
  number          = {1},
  pages           = {51--62},
  month           = Feb,
  abstract        = {A small (cellphone size) human-like robotic avatar in tele-communications will be a novel portable communication medium in that a user can talk with another person while feeling the other's presence at anytime, anywhere. The human-like robotic avatar is expected to express human-like movements; however, there are technical and cost problems to implement actuators in the small body. This paper proposes an idea to illusorily move the avatar's extremities with blinking lights. This idea needs only LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) and avoids the above problems. This paper designs a LED blinking pattern to invoke a nodding motion of a hand-held tele-operated humanoid robot. A psychological experiment shows that the designed blinking pattern gives better impression to subjects than an symbolic blinking pattern. This result suggests that even the illusory motion of robotic avatar can improve tele-communications and it is suitable for human-like robotic avatars with respect to a minimally human-like motion expression.},
  etitle          = {Visual Illusory Motion Design of a Hand-held Tele-operated Humanoid Robot for Effective Communication},
  eabstract       = {A small (cellphone size) human-like robotic avatar in tele-communications will be a novel portable communication medium in that a user can talk with another person while feeling the other's presence at anytime, anywhere. The human-like robotic avatar is expected to express human-like movements; however, there are technical and cost problems to implement actuators in the small body. This paper proposes an idea to illusorily move the avatar's extremities with blinking lights. This idea needs only LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) and avoids the above problems. This paper designs a LED blinking pattern to invoke a nodding motion of a hand-held tele-operated humanoid robot. A psychological experiment shows that the designed blinking pattern gives better impression to subjects than an symbolic blinking pattern. This result suggests that even the illusory motion of robotic avatar can improve tele-communications and it is suitable for human-like robotic avatars with respect to a minimally human-like motion expression.},
  file            = {港隆史2012.pdf:pdf/港隆史2012.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {Robotic communication media; Tele-operated robot; Human-like motion; Illusory motion; Minimal design},
劉超然, 石井カルロス寿憲, 石黒浩, 萩田紀博, "人型コミュニケーションロボットのための首傾げ生成手法の提案および評価", 人工知能学会論文誌, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 112-121, January, 2013.
Abstract: 人とロボットの自然な対話インタラクションを実現するには,ロボットも発話に伴って自然な頭部動作を行うことが重要である.本研究では,人の対面対話における頭部動作の分析結果に基づいて,談話機能の情報を利用した首傾げ生成モデルを提案した.この生成モデルを異なった種類の人型ロボットに応用して評価実験を行った結果,提案した首傾げ生成モデルは,頷きのみを生成したモデルに比べて自然な動作を生成する結果が得られた.また,口が動かないロボットの発話時の視覚情報が乏しいという問題の対策として,発話区間中に顔を上げる動作を追加したモデルを評価した.その結果,頷きのみの生成モデルでは,ロボットの動作がより自然な印象を与える結果となったが,首傾げ生成モデルの場合は,印象評定に有意差はみられなかった.さらに,被験者とロボットが実際に対面して対話インタラクションを行った場合の評価実験も行った結果,ビデオによる実験結果と同様の評価が得られた.また,すべての実験において,提案の首傾げ生成動作手法が,話者の動きをロボットに再現したオリジナルの動作に比べて高い評定を得たが,オリジナルの動作に視線情報も追加した場合,提案手法と匹敵する自然さの評定が得られた.
  author          = {劉超然 and 石井カルロス寿憲 and 石黒浩 and 萩田紀博},
  title           = {人型コミュニケーションロボットのための首傾げ生成手法の提案および評価},
  journal         = {人工知能学会論文誌},
  year            = {2013},
  volume          = {28},
  number          = {2},
  pages           = {112--121},
  month           = Jan,
  abstract        = {人とロボットの自然な対話インタラクションを実現するには,ロボットも発話に伴って自然な頭部動作を行うことが重要である.本研究では,人の対面対話における頭部動作の分析結果に基づいて,談話機能の情報を利用した首傾げ生成モデルを提案した.この生成モデルを異なった種類の人型ロボットに応用して評価実験を行った結果,提案した首傾げ生成モデルは,頷きのみを生成したモデルに比べて自然な動作を生成する結果が得られた.また,口が動かないロボットの発話時の視覚情報が乏しいという問題の対策として,発話区間中に顔を上げる動作を追加したモデルを評価した.その結果,頷きのみの生成モデルでは,ロボットの動作がより自然な印象を与える結果となったが,首傾げ生成モデルの場合は,印象評定に有意差はみられなかった.さらに,被験者とロボットが実際に対面して対話インタラクションを行った場合の評価実験も行った結果,ビデオによる実験結果と同様の評価が得られた.また,すべての実験において,提案の首傾げ生成動作手法が,話者の動きをロボットに再現したオリジナルの動作に比べて高い評定を得たが,オリジナルの動作に視線情報も追加した場合,提案手法と匹敵する自然さの評定が得られた.},
  url             = {https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/tjsai/28/2/28_112/_article/-char/ja/},
  etitle          = {Proposal and Evaluation of a Head ilting Generation Method for Humanoid Communication Robot},
  eabstract       = {A Suitable control of head motion in robots synchronized with its utterances is important for having a smooth human-robot interaction. Based on rules inferred from analyses of the relationship between head motion and dialogue acts, this paper proposes a model for generating head tilting and evaluates the model using different types of humanoid robots. Analysis of subjective scores showed that the proposed model can generate head motion with increased naturalness compared to nodding only or directoly mapping people's original motions (without gaze information). We also found that an upward motion of the robot's face can be used by robots which do not have movable lips in order to provide the appearance that utterance is taking place. Finally, we evaluate the proposed model in a real human-robot interaction, by conducting an experiment in which participants act as visitors to an information desk attended by robots. The effects of gazing control were also taken into account when mapping the original motion to the robot. Evaluation results indicated that the proposed model performs equally to directly mapping people's original motion with gaze information, in terms of perceived naturalness.},
  file            = {劉超然2012a.pdf:pdf/劉超然2012a.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {head motion; dialogue acts; motion generation; human-robot interaction},
山本文香, 堀磨伊也, 岩井儀雄, 石黒浩, "事例データに基づく移動物体の抽出", 電子情報通信学会論文誌D, vol. J95-D, no. 8, pp. 1573-1584, August, 2012.
Abstract: 動画像から人などの移動物体を抽出するために背景差分法が広く用いられているが,背景色と同じ色をもつ物体領域を抽出できないという本質的問題が存在する.本論文では,背景差分により得られる人物領域に欠損が生じた画像に対して,事例データを用いることで欠損部を補完し,安定して人物領域を得る手法を提案する.事例データとして,人物領域に欠損を含んだパターンと欠損が補完された完全なパターンを組にしたものを使用する.そして,背景差分により人物領域に欠損が生じた場合に,事例データベースから似た欠損パターンを探し出し,その欠損パターンと組になっている完全な人物領域パターンを用いることで,人物領域の補完を行う.我々はこの補完処理を,入力画像上の欠損と人物領域パターンの関係をブロック単位で定式化し,最適化することで実現する.本手法を実画像に適用して得られる推定完全画像とその評価について報告する.
  author = {山本文香 and 堀磨伊也 and 岩井儀雄 and 石黒浩},
  title = {事例データに基づく移動物体の抽出},
  journal = {電子情報通信学会論文誌D},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {J95-D},
  pages = {1573-1584},
  number = {8},
  month = Aug,
  abstract = {動画像から人などの移動物体を抽出するために背景差分法が広く用いられているが,背景色と同じ色をもつ物体領域を抽出できないという本質的問題が存在する.本論文では,背景差分により得られる人物領域に欠損が生じた画像に対して,事例データを用いることで欠損部を補完し,安定して人物領域を得る手法を提案する.事例データとして,人物領域に欠損を含んだパターンと欠損が補完された完全なパターンを組にしたものを使用する.そして,背景差分により人物領域に欠損が生じた場合に,事例データベースから似た欠損パターンを探し出し,その欠損パターンと組になっている完全な人物領域パターンを用いることで,人物領域の補完を行う.我々はこの補完処理を,入力画像上の欠損と人物領域パターンの関係をブロック単位で定式化し,最適化することで実現する.本手法を実画像に適用して得られる推定完全画像とその評価について報告する.},
田中一晶, 加藤慶, 中西英之, 石黒浩, "人の移動の表現方法:ズームカメラと移動ディスプレイによる社会的テレプレゼンスの向上", 情報処理学会論文誌, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1393-1400, April, 2012.
Abstract: 概要:遠隔地間の対話において対話者の移動を表現する方法として,(a) 対話者のカメラへの接近・後退, (b) カメラのズームイン・アウトによる対話者の映像の拡大・縮小,(c) 対話者を表示したディスプレイの 前進・後退の 3 通りが考えられる.本論文では,これらの方法を用いて対話者の移動を強調することで, 社会的テレプレゼンスが向上することを示す.これら 3 つの方法の関係と,これらの方法を用いることに よる社会的テレプレゼンスへの影響を明らかにするため,我々は被験者実験を行った.その結果,対話者 の移動と,対話者の移動に同期しないカメラのズームは社会的テレプレゼンスを低下させるが,対話者の 移動に同期したカメラのズームは社会的テレプレゼンスを向上させることが分かった.さらに,対話者の 移動に同期するかどうかにかかわらず,6 cm のディスプレイの移動が社会的テレプレゼンスを向上させる ことも分かった.
  author = {田中一晶 and 加藤慶 and 中西英之 and 石黒浩},
  title = {人の移動の表現方法:ズームカメラと移動ディスプレイによる社会的テレプレゼンスの向上},
  journal = {情報処理学会論文誌},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {53},
  pages = {1393--1400},
  number = {4},
  month = Apr,
  abstract = {概要:遠隔地間の対話において対話者の移動を表現する方法として,(a) 対話者のカメラへの接近・後退, (b) カメラのズームイン・アウトによる対話者の映像の拡大・縮小,(c)
	対話者を表示したディスプレイの 前進・後退の 3 通りが考えられる.本論文では,これらの方法を用いて対話者の移動を強調することで,
	社会的テレプレゼンスが向上することを示す.これら 3 つの方法の関係と,これらの方法を用いることに よる社会的テレプレゼンスへの影響を明らかにするため,我々は被験者実験を行った.その結果,対話者
	の移動と,対話者の移動に同期しないカメラのズームは社会的テレプレゼンスを低下させるが,対話者の 移動に同期したカメラのズームは社会的テレプレゼンスを向上させることが分かった.さらに,対話者の
	移動に同期するかどうかにかかわらず,6 cm のディスプレイの移動が社会的テレプレゼンスを向上させる ことも分かった.},
  eabstract = {There are three possible ways of representing a remote person’s movement
	toward the user in visual communication: a) the remote person’s movement
	toward the remote camera, b) the remote camera’s zooming in to enlarge
	the remote person’s picture, and c) a forward movement of the display
	that is dis- playing the remote person. This paper shows that a remote
	person’s positional movement that is augmented by using these three
	ways enhances social telepresence. We conducted an experiment to
	see the relationship among these three ways and the effects of these
	three ways on social telepresence. In the experiment, we observed
	that the remote person’s movement and the remote camera’s zooming
	lowered social telepresence. However, social telepresence was enhanced
	when both the person’s movement and the camera’s zooming occurred
	simultaneously. We also observed that a 6-centimeter movement of
	the display enhanced social telepresence, whether the movement synchronized
	with the remote person’s movement or not.},
  etitle = {Representation of Human Movement: Enhancing Social Telepresence by
	Zoom Cameras and Movable Displays},
  file = {田中一晶2012.pdf:田中一晶2012.pdf:PDF},
  keywords = {社会的テレプレゼンス; ビデオ会議; テレロボティクス},
Kohei Ogawa, Shuichi Nishio, Kensuke Koda, Giuseppe Balistreri, Tetsuya Watanabe, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Exploring the Natural Reaction of Young and Aged Person with Telenoid in a Real World", Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 592-597, July, 2011.
Abstract: This paper describes two field tests conducted with shopping mall visitors and with aged persons defined as in their 70s to 90s. For both of the field tests, we used an android we developed called Telenoid R1 or just Telenoid. In the following field tests we interviewed participants about their impressions of the Telenoid. The results of the shopping mall showed that almost half of the interviewees felt negative toward Telenoid until they hugged it, after which opinions became positive. Results of the other test showed that the majority of aged persons reported a positive opinion and, interestingly, all aged persons who interacted with Telenoid gave it a hug without any suggestion to do so. This suggests that older persons find Telenoid to be acceptable medium for the elderly. Younger persons may also find Telenoid acceptable, seeing that visitors developed positive feelings toward the robot after giving it a hug. These results should prove valuable in our future work with androids.
  author          = {Kohei Ogawa and Shuichi Nishio and Kensuke Koda and Giuseppe Balistreri and Tetsuya Watanabe and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Exploring the Natural Reaction of Young and Aged Person with Telenoid in a Real World},
  journal         = {Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics},
  year            = {2011},
  volume          = {15},
  number          = {5},
  pages           = {592--597},
  month           = Jul,
  abstract        = {This paper describes two field tests conducted with shopping mall visitors and with aged persons defined as in their 70s to 90s. For both of the field tests, we used an android we developed called Telenoid R1 or just Telenoid. In the following field tests we interviewed participants about their impressions of the Telenoid. The results of the shopping mall showed that almost half of the interviewees felt negative toward Telenoid until they hugged it, after which opinions became positive. Results of the other test showed that the majority of aged persons reported a positive opinion and, interestingly, all aged persons who interacted with Telenoid gave it a hug without any suggestion to do so. This suggests that older persons find Telenoid to be acceptable medium for the elderly. Younger persons may also find Telenoid acceptable, seeing that visitors developed positive feelings toward the robot after giving it a hug. These results should prove valuable in our future work with androids.},
  url             = {http://www.fujipress.jp/finder/xslt.php?mode=present&inputfile=JACII001500050012.xml},
  file            = {Ogawa2011.pdf:Ogawa2011.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {Telenoid; Geminoid; human robot interaction},
ブオマル・ハニ・マハムード・ムハンマド, 中江文, 張維娟, 岸本千恵, 住岡英信, 塩見昌裕, "非観血式連続血圧計を用いた実験的痛みに対する生体反応~オフセット鎮痛と血圧の変化についての検討~", 第46回日本疼痛学会, vol. 39 (PAIN RESEARCH), TOC有明コンベンションホール, 東京, pp. 131, November, 2024.
Abstract: 【背景】オフセット鎮痛(OA)とは、強い刺激の後ほんの僅かに痛み刺激を弱めただけで、痛みが大幅に減少する現象である。OAは、内因性の疼痛抑制機構を反映していると考えられているが、その判定は被験者の主観的な申告に頼っている。今回我々は、実験的熱刺激による痛みに対する連続的な血圧の変化を捉えることで、OAを客観的にとらえることが出来ないか検討した。【方法】国際電気通信基礎技術研究所倫理審査委員会による許可を得て、文書による同意を得た健康被験者30名に対して検討した。温冷刺激装置(TSA2, Medoc, Israel)を用いて、段階的に温度が上昇・下降する刺激プログラムを作成し、同じ被験者に対して2回連続して刺激を行った。同時に非観血式連続血圧計(view phi, ミユキ技研)を刺激部位と同側の指先に装着した。統計はJMP17.0 で、対応のある検定を用い、有意水準を5%とした。【結果】最高温度による刺激区間(48.9度10秒間)とOAが生じうる最高温度による刺激区間から下降した直後の区間(48度15秒間)の平均血圧を比較した。その差は有意な減少を認めた(p<0.0001)。【考察】OAの有無は患者や被験者の主観的な申告に基づきその有無や程度を判定しているが、血圧の変化によってOAの有無を見極められる可能性がある。【結語】連続血圧計は、OAが生じているかどうかを同定するための補助的な手段になり得ると考えられた。
  author    = {ブオマル・ハニ・マハムード・ムハンマド and 中江文 and 張維娟 and 岸本千恵 and 住岡英信 and 塩見昌裕},
  booktitle = {第46回日本疼痛学会},
  title     = {非観血式連続血圧計を用いた実験的痛みに対する生体反応~オフセット鎮痛と血圧の変化についての検討~},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {TOC有明コンベンションホール, 東京},
  day       = {16-17},
  etitle    = {Biological Response to Experimental Pain Using a Non-Observed Continuous Blood Pressure Monitor},
  month     = nov,
  pages     = {131},
  url       = {https://cs-oto3.com/jasp2024/},
  volume    = {39 (PAIN RESEARCH)},
  abstract  = {【背景】オフセット鎮痛(OA)とは、強い刺激の後ほんの僅かに痛み刺激を弱めただけで、痛みが大幅に減少する現象である。OAは、内因性の疼痛抑制機構を反映していると考えられているが、その判定は被験者の主観的な申告に頼っている。今回我々は、実験的熱刺激による痛みに対する連続的な血圧の変化を捉えることで、OAを客観的にとらえることが出来ないか検討した。【方法】国際電気通信基礎技術研究所倫理審査委員会による許可を得て、文書による同意を得た健康被験者30名に対して検討した。温冷刺激装置(TSA2, Medoc, Israel)を用いて、段階的に温度が上昇・下降する刺激プログラムを作成し、同じ被験者に対して2回連続して刺激を行った。同時に非観血式連続血圧計(view phi, ミユキ技研)を刺激部位と同側の指先に装着した。統計はJMP17.0 で、対応のある検定を用い、有意水準を5%とした。【結果】最高温度による刺激区間(48.9度10秒間)とOAが生じうる最高温度による刺激区間から下降した直後の区間(48度15秒間)の平均血圧を比較した。その差は有意な減少を認めた(p<0.0001)。【考察】OAの有無は患者や被験者の主観的な申告に基づきその有無や程度を判定しているが、血圧の変化によってOAの有無を見極められる可能性がある。【結語】連続血圧計は、OAが生じているかどうかを同定するための補助的な手段になり得ると考えられた。},
ブオマル・ハニ・マハムード・ムハンマド, 中江文, 張維娟, 岸本千恵, 住岡英信, 塩見昌裕, "非観血式連続血圧計を用いた、実験的痛みに対する生体反応~痛みの大きさに応じた変動についての検討~", 第46回日本疼痛学会, vol. 39 (PAIN RESEARCH), TOC有明コンベンションホール, 東京, pp. 131, November, 2024.
Abstract: 【背景】痛みは本人の申告に基づいて判断されるべきであるが、その表出には個人差があり、客観的な指標が望まれている。全身麻酔中に手術操作による侵害刺激で交感神経優位となり、血圧の上昇を認めることが知られているが、実験的痛みに対して非観血式血圧が連続的にどの程度変動するかについての報告はない。今回我々は、実験的熱刺激による痛みに対する連続的な血圧の変化を健康被験者を対象に検討した。 【方法】国際電気通信基礎技術研究所倫理審査委員会による許可を得て、文書による同意を得た健康被験者30名に対して検討した。温冷刺激装置(TSA2, Medoc, Israel)を用いて、段階的に温度が上昇・下降する刺激プログラムを作成し、同じ被験者に2回連続して刺激を行った。同時に非観血式連続血圧計(view phi, ミユキ技研)を刺激部位と同側の指先に装着して連続的に血圧を測定した。その時の痛みを連続的にVASを評価する装置(CoVAS)を用いて評定した。統計はJMP17.0 で、対応のある検定、相関解析を行い、有意水準を5%とした。 【結果】温度がLow(38度から40度)、Middle(44度から46度)、High(48.9度)としてそれらの刺激温度間の平均血圧の差を検討したところ、Low-Mid、 Mid-High、Low-Highでそれぞれ有意な上昇を認めた(p<0.0001)。VASの平均値との相関は相関係数0.32であった。(p=0.0025)。 【考察と結語】非観血式連続血圧測定は、痛みの指標になり得ると考えられた。
  author    = {ブオマル・ハニ・マハムード・ムハンマド and 中江文 and 張維娟 and 岸本千恵 and 住岡英信 and 塩見昌裕},
  booktitle = {第46回日本疼痛学会},
  title     = {非観血式連続血圧計を用いた、実験的痛みに対する生体反応~痛みの大きさに応じた変動についての検討~},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {TOC有明コンベンションホール, 東京},
  day       = {16-17},
  etitle    = {Biological Response to Experimental Pain Using a Non-Observed Continuous Blood Pressure Monitor},
  month     = nov,
  pages     = {131},
  url       = {https://cs-oto3.com/jasp2024/},
  volume    = {39 (PAIN RESEARCH)},
  abstract  = {【背景】痛みは本人の申告に基づいて判断されるべきであるが、その表出には個人差があり、客観的な指標が望まれている。全身麻酔中に手術操作による侵害刺激で交感神経優位となり、血圧の上昇を認めることが知られているが、実験的痛みに対して非観血式血圧が連続的にどの程度変動するかについての報告はない。今回我々は、実験的熱刺激による痛みに対する連続的な血圧の変化を健康被験者を対象に検討した。 【方法】国際電気通信基礎技術研究所倫理審査委員会による許可を得て、文書による同意を得た健康被験者30名に対して検討した。温冷刺激装置(TSA2, Medoc, Israel)を用いて、段階的に温度が上昇・下降する刺激プログラムを作成し、同じ被験者に2回連続して刺激を行った。同時に非観血式連続血圧計(view phi, ミユキ技研)を刺激部位と同側の指先に装着して連続的に血圧を測定した。その時の痛みを連続的にVASを評価する装置(CoVAS)を用いて評定した。統計はJMP17.0 で、対応のある検定、相関解析を行い、有意水準を5%とした。 【結果】温度がLow(38度から40度)、Middle(44度から46度)、High(48.9度)としてそれらの刺激温度間の平均血圧の差を検討したところ、Low-Mid、 Mid-High、Low-Highでそれぞれ有意な上昇を認めた(p<0.0001)。VASの平均値との相関は相関係数0.32であった。(p=0.0025)。 【考察と結語】非観血式連続血圧測定は、痛みの指標になり得ると考えられた。},
ブオマル・ハニ・マハムード・ムハンマド, 岸本千恵, 張維娟, 中江文, "健康被験者における愛着障害質問票の回答と実験的痛みへの痛み評定についての検討~痛みの表出の差をもたらす因子の解明に向けて~", 第46回日本疼痛学会, vol. 39 (PAIN RESEARCH), TOC有明コンベンションホール, 東京, pp. 130, November, 2024.
Abstract: 【背景】 慢性痛患者の研究では、愛着障害をもつ患者において難治性の傾向が強いという報告があるが、慢性痛があるからとらわれが強くなるのか、生来の性格傾向が関与しているのかについては明らかではない。今回我々は愛着障害質問票に対する回答と痛み表出について、健康被験者に対して検討を行った。 【方法】大阪大学生命機能研究科倫理審査委員会による許可を得て、文書による同意を得た健康被験者450名に対して検討した。愛着障害質問票を含む回答を得たのち、温冷刺激装置(TSA2, Medoc, Israel)を用いて、段階的に温度が上昇する刺激プログラムを作成し、同じ被験者に対して2回連続して刺激を行った。その時の痛みを連続的にVASを評価する装置(CoVAS)を用いて評定し、刺激終了後、SFMPQ-2の回答を得た。統計はJMP17.0 を用いて、有意水準を5%と設定した。 【結果と考察】SFMPQ-2の結果と愛着障害の各項目の得点との相関を検討したところ、安全型、拒絶型とは有意な相関を認めず、とらわれ型とすべてのSFMPQ-2の下位項目、おそれ型と神経障害性、感情的表現と有意な相関を認めた(p<0.05)。VASの評定では中等度の痛みととらわれ型で有意な相関を認めた(p<0.05)。 【考察と結語】慢性疼痛の経験のない健康被験者であっても愛着障害分類でとらわれ型の項目の得点と痛みの質の評定には正の相関を認め、とらわれの強い性格傾向と痛みの表出に関連があることが明らかとなった。
  author    = {ブオマル・ハニ・マハムード・ムハンマド and 岸本千恵 and 張維娟 and 中江文},
  booktitle = {第46回日本疼痛学会},
  title     = {健康被験者における愛着障害質問票の回答と実験的痛みへの痛み評定についての検討~痛みの表出の差をもたらす因子の解明に向けて~},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {TOC有明コンベンションホール, 東京},
  day       = {16-17},
  etitle    = {Attachment Disorder and Pain Rating to Experimental Pain in Healthy Subjects - Elucidating Factors to Differences in Pain Expression},
  month     = nov,
  pages     = {130},
  url       = {https://cs-oto3.com/jasp2024/},
  volume    = {39 (PAIN RESEARCH)},
  abstract  = {【背景】 慢性痛患者の研究では、愛着障害をもつ患者において難治性の傾向が強いという報告があるが、慢性痛があるからとらわれが強くなるのか、生来の性格傾向が関与しているのかについては明らかではない。今回我々は愛着障害質問票に対する回答と痛み表出について、健康被験者に対して検討を行った。 【方法】大阪大学生命機能研究科倫理審査委員会による許可を得て、文書による同意を得た健康被験者450名に対して検討した。愛着障害質問票を含む回答を得たのち、温冷刺激装置(TSA2, Medoc, Israel)を用いて、段階的に温度が上昇する刺激プログラムを作成し、同じ被験者に対して2回連続して刺激を行った。その時の痛みを連続的にVASを評価する装置(CoVAS)を用いて評定し、刺激終了後、SFMPQ-2の回答を得た。統計はJMP17.0 を用いて、有意水準を5%と設定した。 【結果と考察】SFMPQ-2の結果と愛着障害の各項目の得点との相関を検討したところ、安全型、拒絶型とは有意な相関を認めず、とらわれ型とすべてのSFMPQ-2の下位項目、おそれ型と神経障害性、感情的表現と有意な相関を認めた(p<0.05)。VASの評定では中等度の痛みととらわれ型で有意な相関を認めた(p<0.05)。 【考察と結語】慢性疼痛の経験のない健康被験者であっても愛着障害分類でとらわれ型の項目の得点と痛みの質の評定には正の相関を認め、とらわれの強い性格傾向と痛みの表出に関連があることが明らかとなった。},
Aya Nakae, Wei-Chuan Chang, Chie Kishimoto, Hani M Bu-Omer, Hidenobu Sumioka, "Endocrinological Investigation of Exercise Effects of Pain Using Group and Individual instruction", In The International Association on the Study of Pain 2024 World Congress on Pain (IASP 2024), no. FR272, Amsterdam, Netherlands, August, 2024.
Abstract: Fourteen participants have been recruited in this study. They answered Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI- R) to evaluate their personality traits. By using ELISA methods, we measured five hormones, including cortisol and GH in serum, before, during, and after 45-minute group and individual supervised exercise task. Participants received experimental heat stimulation and requested to evaluate their pain continuously. After the heat stimulation, they answered the Short Form-McGill Pain Questionnaire-2 (SF-MPQ-2). Statistics were performed using JMP17.0 with an appropriate one-tailed test and a significance level of 5%.To the best of our knowledge, this work might be the first study to investigate the relationship between personality traits, hormonal responses to training exercises, and individual differences in pain perception. The study results implied a causal relationship between personality trait, especially the trait of neuroticism, and cortisol secretion via the HPA axis after training exercise; suggestion therefore, an association between personality trait and pain perception. Moreover, individual differences in training effectiveness and motivation may be related to the HPA-axis function.but it has been suggested that repeated intensive interventions, such as personal training, could bring the pattern of hormone secretion of individuals with poor training efficiency closer to that of a more autonomously trained people. As a result, pain hypersensitivity, which is disadvantageous in painful conditions, may change for the better following regular training.
  author    = {Aya Nakae and Wei-Chuan Chang and Chie Kishimoto and Hani M Bu-Omer and Hidenobu Sumioka},
  booktitle = {The International Association on the Study of Pain 2024 World Congress on Pain (IASP 2024)},
  title     = {Endocrinological Investigation of Exercise Effects of Pain Using Group and Individual instruction},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {Amsterdam, Netherlands},
  day       = {5-9},
  month     = aug,
  number    = {FR272},
  url       = {https://posters.worldcongress2024.org/poster/endocrinological-investigation-of-exercise-effects-on-pain-using-group-and-individual-instruction/},
  abstract  = {Fourteen participants have been recruited in this study. They answered Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI- R) to evaluate their personality traits. By using ELISA methods, we measured five hormones, including cortisol and GH in serum, before, during, and after 45-minute group and individual supervised exercise task. Participants received experimental heat stimulation and requested to evaluate their pain continuously. After the heat stimulation, they answered the Short Form-McGill Pain Questionnaire-2 (SF-MPQ-2). Statistics were performed using JMP17.0 with an appropriate one-tailed test and a significance level of 5%.To the best of our knowledge, this work might be the first study to investigate the relationship between personality traits, hormonal responses to training exercises, and individual differences in pain perception. The study results implied a causal relationship between personality trait, especially the trait of neuroticism, and cortisol secretion via the HPA axis after training exercise; suggestion therefore, an association between personality trait and pain perception. Moreover, individual differences in training effectiveness and motivation may be related to the HPA-axis function.but it has been suggested that repeated intensive interventions, such as personal training, could bring the pattern of hormone secretion of individuals with poor training efficiency closer to that of a more autonomously trained people. As a result, pain hypersensitivity, which is disadvantageous in painful conditions, may change for the better following regular training.},
中江文, ブオマル・ハニ・マハムード・ムハンマド, 岸本千恵, "Big5理論による性格傾向と愛着尺度とオフセット鎮痛の程度との関係~健康被検者450名での検討~", 日本ペインクリニック学会第58回学術集会, 栃木県総合文化センター, 栃木, July, 2024.
Abstract: オフセット鎮痛(OA)とは、強い刺激の後ほんの僅かに痛み刺激を弱めただけで、痛みが大幅に減少する現象で、慢性痛患者では消失することが知られている。慢性痛患者には偏った性格傾向と愛着障害との関係が報告されているが、その傾向は慢性痛患者に限らないと考え、健康被検者450名で、OAの程度と性格傾向と愛着尺度との関係を明らかにする目的で研究を行った。 文書による同意を得た450名に、温冷痛覚刺激装置Pathwayを用いて、OAを測定する痛み刺激を2回行った。最高温度に達したときのVASと温度下降時のVASの低下割合(ΔOA)を算出し、NEO-PIR(Big5理論に基づく性格検査)とRQ(愛着尺度)の回答との相関をJMP17.0でペアワイズ法を用いて解析した。 2回のΔOAの平均値と神経症性傾向(合計得点、不安・抑うつ・自意識・衝動性)は負の相関があり(p<0.05)、誠実性の下位項目である達成追及、自己鍛錬と正の相関(p<0.05)を認め、性格傾向とOAとの関係があると考えられた。慢性痛患者で高いことが報告されているRQのtype4得点と2回のΔOAの差の絶対値とに正の相関を認め、痛み評定の不安定さと愛着との関連が考えられ慢性痛への移行しやすさの指標としてΔOAは有用である可能性が考えられた。
  author    = {中江文 and ブオマル・ハニ・マハムード・ムハンマド and 岸本千恵},
  booktitle = {日本ペインクリニック学会第58回学術集会},
  title     = {Big5理論による性格傾向と愛着尺度とオフセット鎮痛の程度との関係~健康被検者450名での検討~},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {栃木県総合文化センター, 栃木},
  day       = {18-20},
  etitle    = {Relationship Between Personality Traits and Attachment Styles and the Degree of Offset Analgesia - A Study of 450 Healthy Subjects},
  month     = jul,
  url       = {https://www.c-linkage.co.jp/pain58/index.html},
  abstract  = {オフセット鎮痛(OA)とは、強い刺激の後ほんの僅かに痛み刺激を弱めただけで、痛みが大幅に減少する現象で、慢性痛患者では消失することが知られている。慢性痛患者には偏った性格傾向と愛着障害との関係が報告されているが、その傾向は慢性痛患者に限らないと考え、健康被検者450名で、OAの程度と性格傾向と愛着尺度との関係を明らかにする目的で研究を行った。 文書による同意を得た450名に、温冷痛覚刺激装置Pathwayを用いて、OAを測定する痛み刺激を2回行った。最高温度に達したときのVASと温度下降時のVASの低下割合(ΔOA)を算出し、NEO-PIR(Big5理論に基づく性格検査)とRQ(愛着尺度)の回答との相関をJMP17.0でペアワイズ法を用いて解析した。 2回のΔOAの平均値と神経症性傾向(合計得点、不安・抑うつ・自意識・衝動性)は負の相関があり(p<0.05)、誠実性の下位項目である達成追及、自己鍛錬と正の相関(p<0.05)を認め、性格傾向とOAとの関係があると考えられた。慢性痛患者で高いことが報告されているRQのtype4得点と2回のΔOAの差の絶対値とに正の相関を認め、痛み評定の不安定さと愛着との関連が考えられ慢性痛への移行しやすさの指標としてΔOAは有用である可能性が考えられた。},
Takehiro Hasegawa, Max Austin, Hidenobu Sumioka, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Kohei Nakajima, "Takorobo V1: Towards Closed-Loop Body Driven Locomotion Processing", In The 2024 Conference on Artificial Life(ALIFE2024), no. 81, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 1-9, July, 2024.
Abstract: The potential softness of robots that navigate the real worldis frequently hamstrung by the requirement of rigid elementssuch as traditional computing technology. One avenue thatmay remedy this is the application of physical reservoir computing.It has been shown that by leveraging the underactuatednonlinear dynamics of soft mechanisms complexcomputing tasks can be achieved. In this study we presenta new octopus inspired walking and swimming robot: Takorobo.Using its four soft sensory tentacles, we investigate thedegree to which locomotion significant tasks (including bodymotion prediction and direct actuator control) can be embeddedinto this robot. It was found that the robot was able toaccurately compute its body motions and successfully implementdirect closed-loop PRC control both on land and waterfor some control signals.
  author    = {Takehiro Hasegawa and Max Austin and Hidenobu Sumioka and Yasuo Kuniyoshi and Kohei Nakajima},
  booktitle = {The 2024 Conference on Artificial Life(ALIFE2024)},
  title     = {Takorobo V1: Towards Closed-Loop Body Driven Locomotion Processing},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {Copenhagen, Denmark},
  day       = {22-26},
  month     = jul,
  number    = {81},
  pages     = {1-9},
  url       = {https://2024.alife.org/detailed_program.html},
  abstract  = {The potential softness of robots that navigate the real worldis frequently hamstrung by the requirement of rigid elementssuch as traditional computing technology. One avenue thatmay remedy this is the application of physical reservoir computing.It has been shown that by leveraging the underactuatednonlinear dynamics of soft mechanisms complexcomputing tasks can be achieved. In this study we presenta new octopus inspired walking and swimming robot: Takorobo.Using its four soft sensory tentacles, we investigate thedegree to which locomotion significant tasks (including bodymotion prediction and direct actuator control) can be embeddedinto this robot. It was found that the robot was able toaccurately compute its body motions and successfully implementdirect closed-loop PRC control both on land and waterfor some control signals.},
中江文, アナム・アサド, アリザデ・カシュテバン・エヘサン, 岸本千恵, ブオマル・ハニ・マハムード・ムハンマド, "痛み判定補助システムPMS-2実用化に向けた痛みの判別アルゴリズムの検証", 日本麻酔科学会第71回学術集会, no. Q11-05, 神戸ポートピアホテル 他, 兵庫, pp. 1, June, 2024.
Abstract: 【目的】痛みは外からは見えない感覚であり、把握することは時に困難である。そのため、本来ケアすべき患者が見過ごされ、特に周術期では疼痛管理が行き届かないことで術後遷延性疼痛をひき起こすことが知られており、必要な治療を行うために、痛みを客観的にとらえることは重要である。我々は、脳波を人工知能の技術を使った処理でスコア化する試みを行ってきた。手術後の患者に対して、痛み判定補助システムPMS-2の実用化に向けた痛み判別アルゴリズムの検証を行ったので報告する。 【方法】施設の倫理審査で承認を受けたのち、文書による同意を得た健康被検者75名に対して研究を行った。Pathway(Medoc, Ltd)を用いて、被検者の左前腕に段階的に最高温度48.9度まで上昇した後、下降するタイプの熱刺激を与え、PMS-2システムの脳波計を用いて、前額部8極、眉間にグラウンド電極、左耳にリファレンス電極を装着して脳波データを取得した。被験者は連続的にVASで痛みの程度を評価した。被験者のVAS30以上を痛みありと30以下を痛みなしと定義し、判別アルゴリズムは深層学習とニューラルネットの技術を用いて開発し、モデルの厳密な訓練と評価のために5重のクロスバリデーションが採用され、各データサブセットがテストセットとトレーニングセットの一部として別々に反復された。システムはPython上で機能させ、達成された分類結果の統計的有意性を検証するために二項検定を実施し、分類器の精度がランダムな偶然(すなわち、我々の場合は25%)より良くないという帰無仮説をp<0.001で棄却した。 【結果】今回開発したアルゴリズムは、平均クラス精度0.81、f1スコア0.71、再現率0.74、精度0.71で、痛みと痛みのない状況を区別することができた。 【結論】臨床の場面で重要なのは治療が必要な状況を把握できることである。今回のアルゴリズムで治療の必要性のあるVAS30以上を的確に判別可能と考えられた。
  author    = {中江文 and アナム・アサド and アリザデ・カシュテバン・エヘサン and 岸本千恵 and ブオマル・ハニ・マハムード・ムハンマド},
  booktitle = {日本麻酔科学会第71回学術集会},
  title     = {痛み判定補助システムPMS-2実用化に向けた痛みの判別アルゴリズムの検証},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {神戸ポートピアホテル 他, 兵庫},
  day       = {6-8},
  etitle    = {Validation of Pain Discrimination Algorithm for Practical Application of PMS-2 Pain Monitoring System},
  month     = jun,
  number    = {Q11-05},
  pages     = {1},
  url       = {https://anesth-71stmeeting.org/},
  abstract  = {【目的】痛みは外からは見えない感覚であり、把握することは時に困難である。そのため、本来ケアすべき患者が見過ごされ、特に周術期では疼痛管理が行き届かないことで術後遷延性疼痛をひき起こすことが知られており、必要な治療を行うために、痛みを客観的にとらえることは重要である。我々は、脳波を人工知能の技術を使った処理でスコア化する試みを行ってきた。手術後の患者に対して、痛み判定補助システムPMS-2の実用化に向けた痛み判別アルゴリズムの検証を行ったので報告する。 【方法】施設の倫理審査で承認を受けたのち、文書による同意を得た健康被検者75名に対して研究を行った。Pathway(Medoc, Ltd)を用いて、被検者の左前腕に段階的に最高温度48.9度まで上昇した後、下降するタイプの熱刺激を与え、PMS-2システムの脳波計を用いて、前額部8極、眉間にグラウンド電極、左耳にリファレンス電極を装着して脳波データを取得した。被験者は連続的にVASで痛みの程度を評価した。被験者のVAS30以上を痛みありと30以下を痛みなしと定義し、判別アルゴリズムは深層学習とニューラルネットの技術を用いて開発し、モデルの厳密な訓練と評価のために5重のクロスバリデーションが採用され、各データサブセットがテストセットとトレーニングセットの一部として別々に反復された。システムはPython上で機能させ、達成された分類結果の統計的有意性を検証するために二項検定を実施し、分類器の精度がランダムな偶然(すなわち、我々の場合は25%)より良くないという帰無仮説をp<0.001で棄却した。 【結果】今回開発したアルゴリズムは、平均クラス精度0.81、f1スコア0.71、再現率0.74、精度0.71で、痛みと痛みのない状況を区別することができた。 【結論】臨床の場面で重要なのは治療が必要な状況を把握できることである。今回のアルゴリズムで治療の必要性のあるVAS30以上を的確に判別可能と考えられた。},
中江文, 張維娟, ブオマル・ハニ・マハムード・ムハンマド, 岸本千恵, 住岡英信, "運動の集団指導・個人指導タスクを用いた運動効果の内分泌学的検討", 第28回ペインリハビリテーション学会学術集会, vol. 14, no. 2, 長崎大学, 長崎, pp. 102, June, 2024.
Abstract: 【目的】運動リハビリの治療に対する反応には個人差があるが、その原因は明らかではない。今回我々は健康被検者に対して、運動の個人指導と集団指導の2種類のタスクを行い、ホルモンを測定し、個性と運動に対する内分泌学的特性と痛みの感受性の関係を明らかにすることを目的とした。 【方法】施設の倫理審査で承認を受けたのち、文書による同意を得た健康被検者14名を対象とし、まず、Big5と実験的熱刺激に対するSFMPQ-2の回答を得た。45分の集団指導と個人指導の運動タスクをに対し、運動前中後の血清中のコルチゾール・GH等5種類のホルモン測定を行った。統計はJMP17.0を用い、前後の比較は対応のある片側検定を用い、有意水準を5%とした。 【結果】2種類の運動前後のコルチゾール分泌濃度を元にクラスター分類を行いGroup1(コルチゾール分泌の高い群)Group2(同低い群)に分類したところ、Big5の神経症性傾向、SFMPQ-2の持続的な痛みのスコアでGroup1で有意な低値(p<0.05)、を認めた。GHは運動開始15分後でGroup1でのみ、運動直後では両群とも有意な上昇を認めた(p<0.05)。 【結論】集団指導でコルチゾール分泌の高い被験者群は、神経症傾向が低く、個人指導のGH分泌の立ち上がりが早いことから、運動効果が出やすいと考えられた。一方、低い群であったとしても個人指導で運動直後にはGH分泌の上昇を認めており、丁寧な指導により、運動効果を出すことが可能であることが示唆された。
  author    = {中江文 and 張維娟 and ブオマル・ハニ・マハムード・ムハンマド and 岸本千恵 and 住岡英信},
  booktitle = {第28回ペインリハビリテーション学会学術集会},
  title     = {運動の集団指導・個人指導タスクを用いた運動効果の内分泌学的検討},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {長崎大学, 長崎},
  day       = {8-9},
  month     = jun,
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {102},
  url       = {https://www.painreha.com/},
  volume    = {14},
  abstract  = {【目的】運動リハビリの治療に対する反応には個人差があるが、その原因は明らかではない。今回我々は健康被検者に対して、運動の個人指導と集団指導の2種類のタスクを行い、ホルモンを測定し、個性と運動に対する内分泌学的特性と痛みの感受性の関係を明らかにすることを目的とした。 【方法】施設の倫理審査で承認を受けたのち、文書による同意を得た健康被検者14名を対象とし、まず、Big5と実験的熱刺激に対するSFMPQ-2の回答を得た。45分の集団指導と個人指導の運動タスクをに対し、運動前中後の血清中のコルチゾール・GH等5種類のホルモン測定を行った。統計はJMP17.0を用い、前後の比較は対応のある片側検定を用い、有意水準を5%とした。 【結果】2種類の運動前後のコルチゾール分泌濃度を元にクラスター分類を行いGroup1(コルチゾール分泌の高い群)Group2(同低い群)に分類したところ、Big5の神経症性傾向、SFMPQ-2の持続的な痛みのスコアでGroup1で有意な低値(p<0.05)、を認めた。GHは運動開始15分後でGroup1でのみ、運動直後では両群とも有意な上昇を認めた(p<0.05)。 【結論】集団指導でコルチゾール分泌の高い被験者群は、神経症傾向が低く、個人指導のGH分泌の立ち上がりが早いことから、運動効果が出やすいと考えられた。一方、低い群であったとしても個人指導で運動直後にはGH分泌の上昇を認めており、丁寧な指導により、運動効果を出すことが可能であることが示唆された。},
張維娟, 中江文, 岸本千恵, ブオマル・ハニ・マハムード・ムハンマド, 住岡英信, 塩見昌裕, "運動指導者のスタイルよる被験者の気分に対する影響とその効果の内分泌学的検討", 第28回ペインリハビリテーション学会学術集会, vol. 14, no. 2, 長崎大学, 長崎, pp. 102, June, 2024.
Abstract: 【目的】運動リハビリは指導の方法により治療に対する反応が異なるが、その内分泌学的背景は明らかではない。今回我々は健康被検者に対して、ボクシングの個人指導で同じ指導者が実際に衝撃を受け止めるミット打ち(ミット条件)と実際の衝撃を受け止めないマスボクシングのスタイル(マス条件)で運動タスクを行い、血清コルチゾールを測定し、気分の変化との関係を明らかにすることを目的とした。 【方法】施設の倫理審査で承認を受けたのち、文書による同意を得た健康被検者16名を対象とした。ミット条件とマス条件をそれぞれ3分行い7分休憩で合計3セット行った。運動前後の血清中のオキシトシン、コルチゾール測定を行い、気分の変化をPOMS-2の回答を得ることで測定した。統計はJMP17.0を用い、前後の比較は対応のある片側検定を用い、有意水準を5%とした。 【結果】コルチゾールはマス条件で有意に減少した(p<0.01)。POMS-2のT得点による検討では、ミット条件ではTA(緊張・不安)と総得点で有意な減少を認めた(p<0.05)。に有意差を認めた(p<0.001)。マス条件ではCB(混乱・当惑)、DD(抑うつ・落ち込み)、TA、で有意な減少、F(友好)で有意な増加を認め(p<0.05)総得点でも有意な減少を認めた(p<0.001)。 【考察】同じ指導者でも運動条件の違いにより気分に対する効果が異なり、ストレスホルモンであるコルチゾール分泌に反映されたと考えられた。
  author    = {張維娟 and 中江文 and 岸本千恵 and ブオマル・ハニ・マハムード・ムハンマド and 住岡英信 and 塩見昌裕},
  booktitle = {第28回ペインリハビリテーション学会学術集会},
  title     = {運動指導者のスタイルよる被験者の気分に対する影響とその効果の内分泌学的検討},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {長崎大学, 長崎},
  day       = {8-9},
  month     = jun,
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {102},
  url       = {https://www.painreha.com/},
  volume    = {14},
  abstract  = {【目的】運動リハビリは指導の方法により治療に対する反応が異なるが、その内分泌学的背景は明らかではない。今回我々は健康被検者に対して、ボクシングの個人指導で同じ指導者が実際に衝撃を受け止めるミット打ち(ミット条件)と実際の衝撃を受け止めないマスボクシングのスタイル(マス条件)で運動タスクを行い、血清コルチゾールを測定し、気分の変化との関係を明らかにすることを目的とした。 【方法】施設の倫理審査で承認を受けたのち、文書による同意を得た健康被検者16名を対象とした。ミット条件とマス条件をそれぞれ3分行い7分休憩で合計3セット行った。運動前後の血清中のオキシトシン、コルチゾール測定を行い、気分の変化をPOMS-2の回答を得ることで測定した。統計はJMP17.0を用い、前後の比較は対応のある片側検定を用い、有意水準を5%とした。 【結果】コルチゾールはマス条件で有意に減少した(p<0.01)。POMS-2のT得点による検討では、ミット条件ではTA(緊張・不安)と総得点で有意な減少を認めた(p<0.05)。に有意差を認めた(p<0.001)。マス条件ではCB(混乱・当惑)、DD(抑うつ・落ち込み)、TA、で有意な減少、F(友好)で有意な増加を認め(p<0.05)総得点でも有意な減少を認めた(p<0.001)。 【考察】同じ指導者でも運動条件の違いにより気分に対する効果が異なり、ストレスホルモンであるコルチゾール分泌に反映されたと考えられた。},
秋吉拓斗, 住岡英信, 熊崎博一, 中西惇也, 加藤博一, 塩見昌裕, "精神科患者の思考整理を支援する自律対話ロボットの評価", 第28回 一般社団法人情報処理学会シンポジウム インタラクション2024, no. 2P-84, 学術総合センター内 一橋記念講堂, 東京, pp. 937-939, March, 2024.
Abstract: 人と社会的に関わる対話ロボットの重要な役割の一つは,人との対話によって人のメンタルヘルスの支援を行うことである.本研究では,精神科デイケアプログラムの一環として取り入れられている思考整理を行うためのコラム法に着目した.精神科患者が柔軟な思考や自分自身の特性を理解するためにコラム法は有用である.本研究では,コラム法に基づいた対話ロボット用の対話シナリオを設計し,自律的な音声対話機能を実装した.本論文では,精神科デイケアにおいて実施した,精神科患者の参加者を対象とした本システムの評価実験について報告する.
  author    = {秋吉拓斗 and 住岡英信 and 熊崎博一 and 中西惇也 and 加藤博一 and 塩見昌裕},
  booktitle = {第28回 一般社団法人情報処理学会シンポジウム インタラクション2024},
  title     = {精神科患者の思考整理を支援する自律対話ロボットの評価},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {学術総合センター内 一橋記念講堂, 東京},
  day       = {6-8},
  month     = mar,
  number    = {2P-84},
  pages     = {937-939},
  url       = {https://www.interaction-ipsj.org/2024/},
  abstract  = {人と社会的に関わる対話ロボットの重要な役割の一つは,人との対話によって人のメンタルヘルスの支援を行うことである.本研究では,精神科デイケアプログラムの一環として取り入れられている思考整理を行うためのコラム法に着目した.精神科患者が柔軟な思考や自分自身の特性を理解するためにコラム法は有用である.本研究では,コラム法に基づいた対話ロボット用の対話シナリオを設計し,自律的な音声対話機能を実装した.本論文では,精神科デイケアにおいて実施した,精神科患者の参加者を対象とした本システムの評価実験について報告する.},
秋吉拓斗, 住岡英信, 熊崎博一, 中西惇也, 大西祐美, 前田洋佐, 前田沙和, 加藤博一, 塩見昌裕, "精神科デイケアにおける思考整理を支援する対話ロボットの評価", 第42回日本社会精神医学会, 東北医科薬科大学 小松島キャンパス, 宮城県, pp. 1-3, March, 2024.
Abstract: 【目的】 精神科リハビリテーションにおいて、自分自身の思考を整理し話すことは、対人関係やコミュニケーションスキルの回復に役立つ可能性がある。また、自己理解を深め、新たな気づきを得るきっかけとなる可能性がある。しかし、医療現場での専門家のリソースには限りがあるため、患者に気軽に思考整理の機会を提供することは困難である。そこで、本研究は患者の思考整理を支援する対話ロボットシステムの実現を目的とし、本稿では開発したシステムの評価について述べる。 【方法】 精神科デイケアに通院する精神科患者38人に参加してもらい、開発したシステムを評価した。実験参加者は、思考整理のために認知行動療法のコラム法に基づいて悩みや目標等について状況、気分、思考の観点から質問するロボットと対話した。また、実験参加者はロボットとの対話前後の体調・覚醒度・気分を0点から100点で回答した。期間は令和4年4月から令和5年10月で、毎月1回から2回の合計17回実施した。 【結果】 期間内に延べ100回対話を行った。各評価項目の平均点について、体調は対話前66.6点、対話後70.2点、覚醒度は対話前64.3点、対話後70.4点、気分は対話前69.5点、対話後71.7点であった。各項目において対話前後での得点の増加傾向が示唆された。また、アンケート後の口頭アンケートでは「モヤモヤしていたが話したら悩みが消え、今を楽しもうと思った」「普段楽しかったことを思い出さないが、楽しい気持ちを思い出せた」と感想を述べた実験参加者もいた。 【結論】 本研究では、コラム法を基に患者の思考整理を支援するロボットを評価した。評価実験に参加した精神科デイケアに通院する精神科患者のロボットとの対話前後での体調・覚醒度・気分の得点変化を分析し、対話による増加傾向が示唆された。今後の展望として、ロボット利用による発話量や自己開示量の変化に関する更なる分析を行う予定である。
  author    = {秋吉拓斗 and 住岡英信 and 熊崎博一 and 中西惇也 and 大西祐美 and 前田洋佐 and 前田沙和 and 加藤博一 and 塩見昌裕},
  booktitle = {第42回日本社会精神医学会},
  title     = {精神科デイケアにおける思考整理を支援する対話ロボットの評価},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {東北医科薬科大学 小松島キャンパス, 宮城県},
  day       = {14-15},
  month     = mar,
  pages     = {1-3},
  url       = {http://jssp42.umin.jp/},
  abstract  = {【目的】 精神科リハビリテーションにおいて、自分自身の思考を整理し話すことは、対人関係やコミュニケーションスキルの回復に役立つ可能性がある。また、自己理解を深め、新たな気づきを得るきっかけとなる可能性がある。しかし、医療現場での専門家のリソースには限りがあるため、患者に気軽に思考整理の機会を提供することは困難である。そこで、本研究は患者の思考整理を支援する対話ロボットシステムの実現を目的とし、本稿では開発したシステムの評価について述べる。 【方法】 精神科デイケアに通院する精神科患者38人に参加してもらい、開発したシステムを評価した。実験参加者は、思考整理のために認知行動療法のコラム法に基づいて悩みや目標等について状況、気分、思考の観点から質問するロボットと対話した。また、実験参加者はロボットとの対話前後の体調・覚醒度・気分を0点から100点で回答した。期間は令和4年4月から令和5年10月で、毎月1回から2回の合計17回実施した。 【結果】 期間内に延べ100回対話を行った。各評価項目の平均点について、体調は対話前66.6点、対話後70.2点、覚醒度は対話前64.3点、対話後70.4点、気分は対話前69.5点、対話後71.7点であった。各項目において対話前後での得点の増加傾向が示唆された。また、アンケート後の口頭アンケートでは「モヤモヤしていたが話したら悩みが消え、今を楽しもうと思った」「普段楽しかったことを思い出さないが、楽しい気持ちを思い出せた」と感想を述べた実験参加者もいた。 【結論】 本研究では、コラム法を基に患者の思考整理を支援するロボットを評価した。評価実験に参加した精神科デイケアに通院する精神科患者のロボットとの対話前後での体調・覚醒度・気分の得点変化を分析し、対話による増加傾向が示唆された。今後の展望として、ロボット利用による発話量や自己開示量の変化に関する更なる分析を行う予定である。},
大和信夫, 住岡英信, 石黒浩, 塩見昌裕, 神田陽治, "介護施設におけるコンパニオンロボットのTAM ―利用者、運用者及び施設管理者の各視点から考察した施設全体の技術受容モデル―", 日本MOT学会 第15回年次研究発表会, 東京工業大学, 東京(オンライン), March, 2024.
Abstract: 介護施設で使用されるコンパニオンロボットは、使用する認知症高齢者に良い影響を与える反面、介護スタッフのストレスや責任、さらには業務負担を増大させ、また高価であることから施設側が積極的に導入することが難しい。本稿では、この問題を解決するロボットを開発する過程で行われた2つの実験(受容性が低い実験と高い実験)を認知症高齢者、介護職員、施設管理者の視点から分析・考察し、TAM(技術受容モデル)を提案する。
  author    = {大和信夫 and 住岡英信 and 石黒浩 and 塩見昌裕 and 神田陽治},
  booktitle = {日本MOT学会 第15回年次研究発表会},
  title     = {介護施設におけるコンパニオンロボットのTAM ―利用者、運用者及び施設管理者の各視点から考察した施設全体の技術受容モデル―},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {東京工業大学, 東京(オンライン)},
  day       = {9},
  etitle    = {TAM for companion robots in nursing homes A facility-wide technology acceptance model from the different viewpoints of caregiver, receiver, and care facility administrator},
  month     = mar,
  url       = {http://www.js-mot.org/events/research-presentation/pre2023/conf15-240309/},
  abstract  = {介護施設で使用されるコンパニオンロボットは、使用する認知症高齢者に良い影響を与える反面、介護スタッフのストレスや責任、さらには業務負担を増大させ、また高価であることから施設側が積極的に導入することが難しい。本稿では、この問題を解決するロボットを開発する過程で行われた2つの実験(受容性が低い実験と高い実験)を認知症高齢者、介護職員、施設管理者の視点から分析・考察し、TAM(技術受容モデル)を提案する。},
中江文, ブオマル・ハニ・マハムード・ムハンマド, アリザデカシュテバン・エへサン, 大西裕也, 住岡英信, 塩見昌裕, "コミュニケーションロボットとの触れ合いによる実験的痛みに対する抑制効果の検討", 日本ペインクリニック学会第57回学術集会, 佐賀市文化会館 SAGAアリーナ, 佐賀, July, 2023.
Abstract: 【背景】痛みの認知は孤独感をはじめとしたストレスにより影響を受けることが知られている。人と対話を行うコミュニケーションロボットはストレス軽減効果を示すものがあり、今回ロボットの痛み認知への影響を評価した。 【方法】文書による同意を得た被検者24名に対しTSA-II(Medoc、イスラエル)を用いて実験的熱刺激による痛みを与えた後、ロボットと20分間の対話によるコミュニケーションの時間を確保し、ロボットと触れた状況で同じ実験的熱刺激の痛みを与えた。痛みの評価はNRSとSFMPQ2で行い、ストレスの評価をSRS18用いた。さらに、痛み刺激中の脳波を取得し、人工知能を用いて痛みの度合いを表すPS(Pain Score)を算出した。統計は対応のある片側検定を用い、有意水準を5%と設定した 【結果と考察】最も痛いときのNRS、SFMPQ2の持続的な痛み、脳波をもとに計算したPSはいずれも、ロボット無条件に比べ、ロボット有条件で有意に低値であった(P<0.05)。SRS18は各スコア、合計とも実験前後で有意に低下した(p<0.05)。以上よりコミュニケーションロボットがそばにいることで、ストレスが緩和されることにより痛みの認知に良い影響を与えたと考えられた。
  author    = {中江文 and ブオマル・ハニ・マハムード・ムハンマド and アリザデカシュテバン・エへサン and 大西裕也 and 住岡英信 and 塩見昌裕},
  booktitle = {日本ペインクリニック学会第57回学術集会},
  title     = {コミュニケーションロボットとの触れ合いによる実験的痛みに対する抑制効果の検討},
  year      = {2023},
  address   = {佐賀市文化会館 SAGAアリーナ, 佐賀},
  day       = {13-15},
  month     = jul,
  url       = {https://site.convention.co.jp/pain57/},
  abstract  = {【背景】痛みの認知は孤独感をはじめとしたストレスにより影響を受けることが知られている。人と対話を行うコミュニケーションロボットはストレス軽減効果を示すものがあり、今回ロボットの痛み認知への影響を評価した。 【方法】文書による同意を得た被検者24名に対しTSA-II(Medoc、イスラエル)を用いて実験的熱刺激による痛みを与えた後、ロボットと20分間の対話によるコミュニケーションの時間を確保し、ロボットと触れた状況で同じ実験的熱刺激の痛みを与えた。痛みの評価はNRSとSFMPQ2で行い、ストレスの評価をSRS18用いた。さらに、痛み刺激中の脳波を取得し、人工知能を用いて痛みの度合いを表すPS(Pain Score)を算出した。統計は対応のある片側検定を用い、有意水準を5%と設定した 【結果と考察】最も痛いときのNRS、SFMPQ2の持続的な痛み、脳波をもとに計算したPSはいずれも、ロボット無条件に比べ、ロボット有条件で有意に低値であった(P<0.05)。SRS18は各スコア、合計とも実験前後で有意に低下した(p<0.05)。以上よりコミュニケーションロボットがそばにいることで、ストレスが緩和されることにより痛みの認知に良い影響を与えたと考えられた。},
岸本千恵, 住岡英信, 塩見昌裕, 中江文, "パルスオキシメーターを用いた運動負荷に対するモニタリング運動療法への応用の可能性", 第34回日本臨床モニター学会総会, 高知県立県民文化ホール, 高知, April, 2023.
Abstract: 【背景】IASPはIntegrative Pain Careの1年として、運動療法にも着目している。パルスオキシメーターは一般へ普及し、スマートウォッチの機能として搭載され、身近になりつつある。今回我々は運動負荷に伴う身体変化をパルスオキシメーターで取得した。 【方法】大阪大学のイントラネットで公募した被験者に対し文書によるインフォームドコンセントを行い、ボクシングのトレーニング(ミット打ちとシャドーボクシング)を3分間3セット、インターバル7分で行った。パルスオキシメーター(日本光電製OLV-4202)でSpO2と脈拍数(PR)を、トレーニング前、直後、1分後、2分後、3分後を3セット分同様に記録した。統計はJMP14.0を用い、有意水準5%とした。 【結果と考察】PRは各セッション直後に有意に上昇、SpO2は有意に低下したが、その回復過程は7分のインターバルを設けたにもかかわらず、初回セッション後に比し、2、3回目では回復が得られないことが明らかになった。運動療法は有効性が証明されているものの、臨床現場で患者に促すのは難しい。これらのモニタリング指標が、患者に対する負荷の指標となり得る簡便な方法として確立できる可能性が考えられた。
  author    = {岸本千恵 and 住岡英信 and 塩見昌裕 and 中江文},
  booktitle = {第34回日本臨床モニター学会総会},
  title     = {パルスオキシメーターを用いた運動負荷に対するモニタリング運動療法への応用の可能性},
  year      = {2023},
  address   = {高知県立県民文化ホール, 高知},
  day       = {29-30},
  month     = apr,
  url       = {http://e-g.co.jp/jacm34/index.html},
  abstract  = {【背景】IASPはIntegrative Pain Careの1年として、運動療法にも着目している。パルスオキシメーターは一般へ普及し、スマートウォッチの機能として搭載され、身近になりつつある。今回我々は運動負荷に伴う身体変化をパルスオキシメーターで取得した。 【方法】大阪大学のイントラネットで公募した被験者に対し文書によるインフォームドコンセントを行い、ボクシングのトレーニング(ミット打ちとシャドーボクシング)を3分間3セット、インターバル7分で行った。パルスオキシメーター(日本光電製OLV-4202)でSpO2と脈拍数(PR)を、トレーニング前、直後、1分後、2分後、3分後を3セット分同様に記録した。統計はJMP14.0を用い、有意水準5%とした。 【結果と考察】PRは各セッション直後に有意に上昇、SpO2は有意に低下したが、その回復過程は7分のインターバルを設けたにもかかわらず、初回セッション後に比し、2、3回目では回復が得られないことが明らかになった。運動療法は有効性が証明されているものの、臨床現場で患者に促すのは難しい。これらのモニタリング指標が、患者に対する負荷の指標となり得る簡便な方法として確立できる可能性が考えられた。},
張維娟, 住岡英信, 塩見昌裕, 中江文, "運動負荷による酸素飽和度、脈拍数の変化と酸化ストレスとの関係の検討~効果的な運動療法を目指して~", 第34回日本臨床モニター学会総会, 高知県立県民文化ホール, 高知, April, 2023.
Abstract: 【背景】IASPはIntegrative Pain Careの1年として、運動療法にも着目している。今回我々は運動負荷に伴う身体変化をパルスオキシメーターで評価し、酸化ストレスとの関係を明らかにすることを目的とした。 【方法】大阪大学のイントラネットで公募した被験者に対し文書によるインフォームドコンセントを行い、ボクシングトレーニングのミット打ちを3分間3セット、インターバル7分で行った。前後で採血を行いdROMsとBAPの測定を行った。ミット打ち参加前にパルスオキシメーター(日本光電製OLV-4202)でSpO2と脈拍数を、ミット打ち直後、1分後、2分後、3分後の3セット分を同様に記録した。統計はJMP14.0を用い相関をペアワイズ法で推定し、前後の変化は対応のある検定を行い、有意水準5%とした。【結果】運動負荷後にdROMs, BAPは有意に上昇した。運動負荷後のSpO2, 脈拍数とdROMs、 BAPの間に有意な相関を認めた。 【考察】ミット打ちは有酸素運動と無酸素運動の混合型の運動であり、酸素需要が亢進する。SpO2の低下、脈拍数の上昇とその回復過程とdROMs、BAPが有意な相関を認めたことから、より負荷のかかる状況で抗酸化機能で相対的に高まることが示唆された。
  author    = {張維娟 and 住岡英信 and 塩見昌裕 and 中江文},
  booktitle = {第34回日本臨床モニター学会総会},
  title     = {運動負荷による酸素飽和度、脈拍数の変化と酸化ストレスとの関係の検討~効果的な運動療法を目指して~},
  year      = {2023},
  address   = {高知県立県民文化ホール, 高知},
  day       = {29-30},
  month     = apr,
  url       = {http://e-g.co.jp/jacm34/index.htm},
  abstract  = {【背景】IASPはIntegrative Pain Careの1年として、運動療法にも着目している。今回我々は運動負荷に伴う身体変化をパルスオキシメーターで評価し、酸化ストレスとの関係を明らかにすることを目的とした。
【方法】大阪大学のイントラネットで公募した被験者に対し文書によるインフォームドコンセントを行い、ボクシングトレーニングのミット打ちを3分間3セット、インターバル7分で行った。前後で採血を行いdROMsとBAPの測定を行った。ミット打ち参加前にパルスオキシメーター(日本光電製OLV-4202)でSpO2と脈拍数を、ミット打ち直後、1分後、2分後、3分後の3セット分を同様に記録した。統計はJMP14.0を用い相関をペアワイズ法で推定し、前後の変化は対応のある検定を行い、有意水準5%とした。【結果】運動負荷後にdROMs, BAPは有意に上昇した。運動負荷後のSpO2, 脈拍数とdROMs、
Shi Feng, 大和信夫, 石黒浩, 塩見昌裕, 住岡英信, "ロボットの赤ちゃんらしさは人にどんな影響を与えるのか? -赤ちゃんらしい見た目と声の影響調査-", 第27回 一般社団法人情報処理学会シンポジウム インタラクション2023, no. 1B-42, 学術総合センター内 一橋記念講堂, 東京, pp. 304-306, March, 2023.
Abstract: 本研究では,赤ちゃん型対話ロボットを用いた高齢者へのメンタルサポートを目指し,人から赤ちゃんとのインタラクションで見られるような行動や楽しみを引き出すための要素を調査するために,形状に着目した予備的検討を行った.乳児の音声を発する形状の異なる5種類のロボットを用意し,非高齢被験者に各ロボットと1分間遊んでもらった.実験後,それらのロボットに対して「遊びやすさ」,「楽しさ」,「赤ちゃんらしさ」を順位付けしてもらった.その結果,「赤ちゃんらしさ」「遊びやすさ」「楽しさ」ともに赤ちゃん形状をしているロボットが丸など他の形状よりも上位に選ばれることが示された.また,人が見せる赤ちゃんに対する特徴的な行動に着目した検討など,今後の研究の方向性についても議論する.
  author    = {Shi Feng and 大和信夫 and 石黒浩 and 塩見昌裕 and 住岡英信},
  booktitle = {第27回 一般社団法人情報処理学会シンポジウム インタラクション2023},
  title     = {ロボットの赤ちゃんらしさは人にどんな影響を与えるのか? -赤ちゃんらしい見た目と声の影響調査-},
  year      = {2023},
  address   = {学術総合センター内 一橋記念講堂, 東京},
  day       = {8-10},
  month     = mar,
  number    = {1B-42},
  pages     = {304-306},
  url       = {https://www.interaction-ipsj.org/2023/},
  abstract  = {本研究では,赤ちゃん型対話ロボットを用いた高齢者へのメンタルサポートを目指し,人から赤ちゃんとのインタラクションで見られるような行動や楽しみを引き出すための要素を調査するために,形状に着目した予備的検討を行った.乳児の音声を発する形状の異なる5種類のロボットを用意し,非高齢被験者に各ロボットと1分間遊んでもらった.実験後,それらのロボットに対して「遊びやすさ」,「楽しさ」,「赤ちゃんらしさ」を順位付けしてもらった.その結果,「赤ちゃんらしさ」「遊びやすさ」「楽しさ」ともに赤ちゃん形状をしているロボットが丸など他の形状よりも上位に選ばれることが示された.また,人が見せる赤ちゃんに対する特徴的な行動に着目した検討など,今後の研究の方向性についても議論する.},
Takuto Akiyoshi, Hidenobu Sumioka, Hirokazu Kumazaki, Junya Nakanishi, Masahiro Shiomi, Hirokazu Kato, "Practical Development of a Robot to Assist Cognitive Reconstruction in Psychiatric Day Care", In the 18th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI 2023), Stockholm, Sweden (online), pp. 572-575, March, 2023.
Abstract: One of the important roles of social robots is to support mentalhealth through conversations with people. In this study, we focusedon the column method to support cognitive restructuring, whichis also used as one of the programs in psychiatric day care, and tohelp patients think flexibly and understand their own characteristics.To develop a robot that assists psychiatric day care patients inorganizing their thoughts about their worries and goals throughconversation, we designed the robot’s conversation content basedon the column method and implemented its autonomous conversationfunction. This paper reports on the preliminary experimentsconducted to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of this prototypesystem in an actual psychiatric day care setting, and on thecomments from participants in the experiments and day care staff.
  author    = {Takuto Akiyoshi and Hidenobu Sumioka and Hirokazu Kumazaki and Junya Nakanishi and Masahiro Shiomi and Hirokazu Kato},
  booktitle = {the 18th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI 2023)},
  title     = {Practical Development of a Robot to Assist Cognitive Reconstruction in Psychiatric Day Care},
  year      = {2023},
  address   = {Stockholm, Sweden (online)},
  day       = {13-16},
  month     = mar,
  pages     = {572-575},
  url       = {https://humanrobotinteraction.org/2023/},
  abstract  = {One of the important roles of social robots is to support mentalhealth through conversations with people. In this study, we focusedon the column method to support cognitive restructuring, whichis also used as one of the programs in psychiatric day care, and tohelp patients think flexibly and understand their own characteristics.To develop a robot that assists psychiatric day care patients inorganizing their thoughts about their worries and goals throughconversation, we designed the robot’s conversation content basedon the column method and implemented its autonomous conversationfunction. This paper reports on the preliminary experimentsconducted to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of this prototypesystem in an actual psychiatric day care setting, and on thecomments from participants in the experiments and day care staff.},
  keywords  = {human-robot interaction, cognitive reconstruction, stress-coping, psychiatric day care},
秋吉拓斗, 住岡英信, 熊崎博一, 中西惇也, 大西祐美, 前田洋佐, 前田沙和, 加藤博一, 塩見昌裕, "思考の整理を支援する対話ロボットの精神科デイケアにおける実践的な開発", 第41回日本社会精神医学会, 神戸商工会議所会館, 兵庫 (online), pp. 117, March, 2023.
Abstract: 【目的】患者が自身の気分や考えを整理し表出する作業は、自身の状態に関する理解や新しい気づきを得るために重要である。しかし、患者に思考の整理を促す機会を気軽に提供することは、専門家の数が限られている現状では困難である。そこで、本研究は対話ロボットによる患者の思考の整理を支援するシステムの実現を目的とする。 【方法】提案システムは認知行動療法のコラム法を基に、患者の悩みや目標について、内容や気分、行動、考え等の観点でロボットが患者に質問し、患者が回答することで整理を促す。提案システムの実践的な開発のために、ありまこうげんホスピタル・精神科デイケアの利用者に、ロボットとの対話実験に参加していただき、実験後の感想や要望を収集した。期間は令和3年10月から令和4年12月で、毎月1回から2回、合計16回実施し、各実験の間に改良した。 【結果】期間内に40人に参加してもらい、延べ114回対話を行った。複数回体験した患者の中には「コミュニケーションの良い練習になるだけでなく、気分や体調が良くなった」と感想を述べた方もいた。また、実験を観察したデイケアスタッフは「複数回対話した参加者は、ロボットとの会話により気分が良くなることを理解しているように見える」と述べた。 【結論】本稿では、コラム法を基に患者の思考の整理を支援するロボットを提案した。ロボットとの対話実験に参加した精神科デイケア利用者から得た利用時の留意点や改善点を踏まえ、実践的な開発を通して提案システムを実現した。今後、開発したロボットの利用による気分状態の改善や自己開示量の促進等の効果の検証を行う。
  author    = {秋吉拓斗 and 住岡英信 and 熊崎博一 and 中西惇也 and 大西祐美 and 前田洋佐 and 前田沙和 and 加藤博一 and 塩見昌裕},
  booktitle = {第41回日本社会精神医学会},
  title     = {思考の整理を支援する対話ロボットの精神科デイケアにおける実践的な開発},
  year      = {2023},
  address   = {神戸商工会議所会館, 兵庫 (online)},
  day       = {16-17},
  month     = mar,
  pages     = {117},
  url       = {http://jssp41.umin.jp/index.html},
  abstract  = {【目的】患者が自身の気分や考えを整理し表出する作業は、自身の状態に関する理解や新しい気づきを得るために重要である。しかし、患者に思考の整理を促す機会を気軽に提供することは、専門家の数が限られている現状では困難である。そこで、本研究は対話ロボットによる患者の思考の整理を支援するシステムの実現を目的とする。 【方法】提案システムは認知行動療法のコラム法を基に、患者の悩みや目標について、内容や気分、行動、考え等の観点でロボットが患者に質問し、患者が回答することで整理を促す。提案システムの実践的な開発のために、ありまこうげんホスピタル・精神科デイケアの利用者に、ロボットとの対話実験に参加していただき、実験後の感想や要望を収集した。期間は令和3年10月から令和4年12月で、毎月1回から2回、合計16回実施し、各実験の間に改良した。 【結果】期間内に40人に参加してもらい、延べ114回対話を行った。複数回体験した患者の中には「コミュニケーションの良い練習になるだけでなく、気分や体調が良くなった」と感想を述べた方もいた。また、実験を観察したデイケアスタッフは「複数回対話した参加者は、ロボットとの会話により気分が良くなることを理解しているように見える」と述べた。 【結論】本稿では、コラム法を基に患者の思考の整理を支援するロボットを提案した。ロボットとの対話実験に参加した精神科デイケア利用者から得た利用時の留意点や改善点を踏まえ、実践的な開発を通して提案システムを実現した。今後、開発したロボットの利用による気分状態の改善や自己開示量の促進等の効果の検証を行う。},
住岡英信, 大和信夫, 塩見昌裕, "家族とのつながりを強める「私の分身 『 ひろちゃん 』 ワークショップ 」の提案", 第27回 一般社団法人情報処理学会シンポジウム インタラクション2023, no. 2P-27, 学術総合センター内 一橋記念講堂, 東京, pp. 782-783, March, 2023.
Abstract: 本研究では, 遠く離れた親族,特に祖父母との 社会的つながりを 強め るための取り組みとして 児童が自分の 分身ロボットを 制作し,それを親族に送る「私の分身ひろちゃんワークショップ」を提案する. 実際に 学童保育施設 に通う小学校低学年の生徒に対して ワークショップを行った 結果, 保護者や参加した生徒からはポジティブな反応が 見られた. ロボットを 送られた親族に対する調査など,ワークショップがもたらす効果 検討についての今後の 計画 に ついても述べる.
  author    = {住岡英信 and 大和信夫 and 塩見昌裕},
  booktitle = {第27回 一般社団法人情報処理学会シンポジウム インタラクション2023},
  title     = {家族とのつながりを強める「私の分身 『 ひろちゃん 』 ワークショップ 」の提案},
  year      = {2023},
  address   = {学術総合センター内 一橋記念講堂, 東京},
  day       = {8-10},
  month     = mar,
  number    = {2P-27},
  pages     = {782-783},
  url       = {https://www.interaction-ipsj.org/2023/},
  abstract  = {本研究では, 遠く離れた親族,特に祖父母との 社会的つながりを 強め るための取り組みとして 児童が自分の 分身ロボットを 制作し,それを親族に送る「私の分身ひろちゃんワークショップ」を提案する. 実際に 学童保育施設 に通う小学校低学年の生徒に対して ワークショップを行った 結果, 保護者や参加した生徒からはポジティブな反応が 見られた. ロボットを 送られた親族に対する調査など,ワークショップがもたらす効果 検討についての今後の 計画 に ついても述べる.},
Qi An, Akito Tanaka, Kazuto Nakashima, Hidenobu Sumioka, Masahiro Shiomi, Ryo Kurazume, "Understanding Humanitude Care for Sit-to-stand Motion by Wearable Sensors", In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2022), Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 1866-1871, October, 2022.
Abstract: Assisting patients with dementia is an importantsocial issue, and currently a mutli-modal care technique calledHumanitude is attracting attention. In Humanitude, it isimportant to have the patient stand up by utilizing theirown motor functions as much as possible. Humanitude caretechnique encourages caregivers to increase the area of contactwith patients during the sit-to-stand motion, but this caretechnique is not well understood for novice caregivers. Here, wedeveloped smock-type wearable sensors to measure proximitybetween caregivers and care recipients while assisting sit-tostandmotion. A measurement experiment was conducted toevaluate how proximity differs when the caregivers performsHumanitude care or they simulated care of novice. In addition,the effect of different care techniques on center of mass(CoM) trajectory and muscle activity of the care recipient wereinvestigated. As a result, it was found that the caregivers tendto bring their top and middle trunk closer in Humanitude carethan in novice simulated care. Furthermore, it resulted thatCoM trajectory and muscle activity under Humanitude carebecame more similar to those when the care recipient stood-upindependently than the condition with novice care. These resultsvalidate the effectiveness of Humanitude care and provideimportant aspect for learning techniques in Humanitude.
  author    = {Qi An and Akito Tanaka and Kazuto Nakashima and Hidenobu Sumioka and Masahiro Shiomi and Ryo Kurazume},
  booktitle = {2022 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2022)},
  title     = {Understanding Humanitude Care for Sit-to-stand Motion by Wearable Sensors},
  year      = {2022},
  address   = {Prague, Czech Republic},
  day       = {9-12},
  month     = oct,
  pages     = {1866-1871},
  url       = {https://ieeesmc2022.org/},
  abstract  = {Assisting patients with dementia is an importantsocial issue, and currently a mutli-modal care technique calledHumanitude is attracting attention. In Humanitude, it isimportant to have the patient stand up by utilizing theirown motor functions as much as possible. Humanitude caretechnique encourages caregivers to increase the area of contactwith patients during the sit-to-stand motion, but this caretechnique is not well understood for novice caregivers. Here, wedeveloped smock-type wearable sensors to measure proximitybetween caregivers and care recipients while assisting sit-tostandmotion. A measurement experiment was conducted toevaluate how proximity differs when the caregivers performsHumanitude care or they simulated care of novice. In addition,the effect of different care techniques on center of mass(CoM) trajectory and muscle activity of the care recipient wereinvestigated. As a result, it was found that the caregivers tendto bring their top and middle trunk closer in Humanitude carethan in novice simulated care. Furthermore, it resulted thatCoM trajectory and muscle activity under Humanitude carebecame more similar to those when the care recipient stood-upindependently than the condition with novice care. These resultsvalidate the effectiveness of Humanitude care and provideimportant aspect for learning techniques in Humanitude.},
  keywords  = {Wearable tactile sensor, Humanitude care, Sitto-stand},
Ehsan Alizadeh Kashtiban, Tetsuro Honda, Chie Kishimoto, Yuya Onishi, Hidenobu Sumioka, Masahiro Shiomi, Aya Nakae, "THE EFFECT OF BEING HUGGED BY A ROBOT ON PAIN", In 12th Congress of the European Pain Federation(EFIC2022), online, April, 2022.
Abstract: As human-to-human contact is limited in Covid_19, the role of robots is gaining attention. It has been reported that hugging can reduce people's mental stress and alleviate pain.Pain is a subjective symptom; however, it is sometimes difficult to prescribe analgesics based on subjective complaints. The development of an objective evaluation method is desired. We have developed an algorithm based on EEG data with experimental pain stimuli.The purpose of this study was to objectively evaluate the effect of hugging by a robot on pain, using pain score (PS). PS could allow us to objectively evaluate the effect of hugging by the robot on pain.
  author    = {Ehsan Alizadeh Kashtiban and Tetsuro Honda and Chie Kishimoto and Yuya Onishi and Hidenobu Sumioka and Masahiro Shiomi and Aya Nakae},
  booktitle = {12th Congress of the European Pain Federation(EFIC2022)},
  year      = {2022},
  address   = {online},
  day       = {27-30},
  month     = apr,
  url       = {https://efic-congress.org/},
  abstract  = {As human-to-human contact is limited in Covid_19, the role of robots is gaining attention. It has been reported that hugging can reduce people's mental stress and alleviate pain.Pain is a subjective symptom; however, it is sometimes difficult to prescribe analgesics based on subjective complaints. The development of an objective evaluation method is desired. We have developed an algorithm based on EEG data with experimental pain stimuli.The purpose of this study was to objectively evaluate the effect of hugging by a robot on pain, using pain score (PS). PS could allow us to objectively evaluate the effect of hugging by the robot on pain.},
Aya Nakae, Ikan Chou, Tetsuro Honda, Chie Kishimoto, Hidenobu Sumioka, Yuya Onishi, Masahiro Shiomi, "CAN ROBOT’S HUG ALLEVIATE HUMAN PAIN?", In 12th Congress of the European Pain Federation(EFIC2022), Dublin (online), April, 2022.
Abstract: As human-to-human contact is limited in Covid_19, the role of robots is gaining attention. It has been reported that hugging can reduce people's mental stress and alleviate pain. It has been reported that growth hormone secretion is decreased in fibromyalgia patients, and may be involved in the pain mechanism. We investigated the possibility that robot's hug could alleviate pain, along with changes in the secretion of growth hormone (GH). The results show that robots' hug has the potential to alleviate human pain. Its effects may be egulated via GH secretion.
  author    = {Aya Nakae and Ikan Chou and Tetsuro Honda and Chie Kishimoto and Hidenobu Sumioka and Yuya Onishi and Masahiro Shiomi},
  booktitle = {12th Congress of the European Pain Federation(EFIC2022)},
  year      = {2022},
  address   = {Dublin (online)},
  day       = {27-30},
  month     = apr,
  url       = {https://efic-congress.org/},
  abstract  = {As human-to-human contact is limited in Covid_19, the role of robots is gaining attention. It has been reported that hugging can reduce people's mental stress and alleviate pain. It has been reported that growth hormone secretion is decreased in fibromyalgia patients, and may be involved in the pain mechanism. We investigated the possibility that robot's hug could alleviate pain, along with changes in the secretion of growth hormone (GH). The results show that robots' hug has the potential to alleviate human pain. Its effects may be egulated via GH secretion.},
住岡英信, 倉爪亮, 塩見昌裕, "マスクを用いたユマニチュード訓練用近接センシングシステムの開発", 第26回一般社団法人情報処理学会シンポジウム インタラクション2022, no. 5D09, オンライン, pp. 670-672, March, 2022.
Abstract: ユマニチュードに基づく認知症ケアにおいて、介護者と被介護者の距離関係は重要な要素の一つであり、介護者の顔を被介護者の顔に20cm程度まで近づけ、極めて近距離からアイコンタクトを確立することが求められる。通常、健常者同士のコミュニケーションでは、これほど近くまで顔を近づけることがないため、この距離間隔を把握、維持することは、専門的知識に乏しい一般の人々には困難が伴う。このため、ユマニチュードの習得には有識者による専門的なトレーニングを受ける必要があり、普及の障害の一つとなっていた。そこで本研究では、学習者が介護、被介護者間の距離感を自ら学習できる、マスクに簡単に後付けできる近接センサを開発する。顔の近接状態を自動で検出、通知することで、誰でも簡単にユマニチュードのトレーニングを行えるシステムを目指す。
  author    = {住岡英信 and 倉爪亮 and 塩見昌裕},
  booktitle = {第26回一般社団法人情報処理学会シンポジウム インタラクション2022},
  title     = {マスクを用いたユマニチュード訓練用近接センシングシステムの開発},
  year      = {2022},
  address   = {オンライン},
  day       = {2},
  month     = mar,
  number    = {5D09},
  pages     = {670-672},
  url       = {https://www.interaction-ipsj.org/2022/},
  abstract  = {ユマニチュードに基づく認知症ケアにおいて、介護者と被介護者の距離関係は重要な要素の一つであり、介護者の顔を被介護者の顔に20cm程度まで近づけ、極めて近距離からアイコンタクトを確立することが求められる。通常、健常者同士のコミュニケーションでは、これほど近くまで顔を近づけることがないため、この距離間隔を把握、維持することは、専門的知識に乏しい一般の人々には困難が伴う。このため、ユマニチュードの習得には有識者による専門的なトレーニングを受ける必要があり、普及の障害の一つとなっていた。そこで本研究では、学習者が介護、被介護者間の距離感を自ら学習できる、マスクに簡単に後付けできる近接センサを開発する。顔の近接状態を自動で検出、通知することで、誰でも簡単にユマニチュードのトレーニングを行えるシステムを目指す。},
秋吉拓斗, 住岡英信, 熊崎博一, 中西淳也, 塩見昌裕, 加藤博一, "精神科デイケアにおける考え方の整理を支援するロボットの開発に向けた印象調査", 第26回一般社団法人情報処理学会シンポジウム インタラクション2022, no. 1D04, online, pp. 146-149, February, 2022.
Abstract: 社会的なコミュニケーションロボットの重要な役割の一つは,人との対話によって人のメンタルヘルスの支援を行うことである.本研究では,精神科デイケアにおいてプログラムの一環として取り入れられている考え方の整理を支援する「コラム法」により,患者が柔軟な考え方や自身の特性を理解することに着目した.本研究では音声対話によって考え方の整理を支援するロボットの開発に向け,コラム法に基づいたロボットの対話内容を設計し,自律的な音声対話機能を実装した.本論文では,実際の精神科デイケアにおいて本プロトタイプシステムの有効性を評価し改善するために行った予備実験について報告する.
  author    = {秋吉拓斗 and 住岡英信 and 熊崎博一 and 中西淳也 and 塩見昌裕 and 加藤博一},
  booktitle = {第26回一般社団法人情報処理学会シンポジウム インタラクション2022},
  title     = {精神科デイケアにおける考え方の整理を支援するロボットの開発に向けた印象調査},
  year      = {2022},
  address   = {online},
  day       = {28},
  month     = feb,
  number    = {1D04},
  pages     = {146-149},
  url       = {https://www.interaction-ipsj.org/2022/},
  abstract  = {社会的なコミュニケーションロボットの重要な役割の一つは,人との対話によって人のメンタルヘルスの支援を行うことである.本研究では,精神科デイケアにおいてプログラムの一環として取り入れられている考え方の整理を支援する「コラム法」により,患者が柔軟な考え方や自身の特性を理解することに着目した.本研究では音声対話によって考え方の整理を支援するロボットの開発に向け,コラム法に基づいたロボットの対話内容を設計し,自律的な音声対話機能を実装した.本論文では,実際の精神科デイケアにおいて本プロトタイプシステムの有効性を評価し改善するために行った予備実験について報告する.},
住岡英信, 安琪, 倉爪亮, 塩見昌裕, "ユマニチュードによる立ち上がり動作介助の理解に向けた接触・近接インタラクション計測システムの開発", 第26回一般社団法人情報処理学会シンポジウム インタラクション2022, no. 1D09, オンライン, pp. 168-170, February, 2022.
Abstract: ユマニチュードに基づく認知症ケアにおいて立たせる技術は重要な要素である 。被介護者を立たせる際、通常の介護では腰や腕を掴み、上に引っ張るが、ユマニチュードでは、介護者と被介護者の胸を密着させ、両者の足を結ぶ多角形内に重心を移動させて立ち上がりを介助する。この際、立ち上がるに従い胸や腹間の距離が近づくように引き上げるのがコツであり、体の密着度や距離を計測することで正しい動作かを評価できる。しかし、両者の距離が近いため、オクルージョンが発生しやすく、既存の画像による姿勢推定では、これらの情報を計測することが困難であった。そこで本研究では、ユマニチュードの技術に基づく立ち上がり介助動作訓練システムの実現を目指し、簡単に装着できる服型の近接・接触センサを開発した。これにより、立ち上がり動作を介助する際 の介護者と被介護者両者の体の密着度や距離の計測が可能となる。本提案システムは、動作の良し悪しを実時間で評価し学習者へ提示することを可能にするため、習得が難しいといわれるユマニチュードの訓練支援システムの実現につながる。
  author    = {住岡英信 and 安琪 and 倉爪亮 and 塩見昌裕},
  booktitle = {第26回一般社団法人情報処理学会シンポジウム インタラクション2022},
  title     = {ユマニチュードによる立ち上がり動作介助の理解に向けた接触・近接インタラクション計測システムの開発},
  year      = {2022},
  address   = {オンライン},
  day       = {28},
  month     = feb,
  number    = {1D09},
  pages     = {168-170},
  url       = {https://www.interaction-ipsj.org/2022/},
  abstract  = {ユマニチュードに基づく認知症ケアにおいて立たせる技術は重要な要素である 。被介護者を立たせる際、通常の介護では腰や腕を掴み、上に引っ張るが、ユマニチュードでは、介護者と被介護者の胸を密着させ、両者の足を結ぶ多角形内に重心を移動させて立ち上がりを介助する。この際、立ち上がるに従い胸や腹間の距離が近づくように引き上げるのがコツであり、体の密着度や距離を計測することで正しい動作かを評価できる。しかし、両者の距離が近いため、オクルージョンが発生しやすく、既存の画像による姿勢推定では、これらの情報を計測することが困難であった。そこで本研究では、ユマニチュードの技術に基づく立ち上がり介助動作訓練システムの実現を目指し、簡単に装着できる服型の近接・接触センサを開発した。これにより、立ち上がり動作を介助する際 の介護者と被介護者両者の体の密着度や距離の計測が可能となる。本提案システムは、動作の良し悪しを実時間で評価し学習者へ提示することを可能にするため、習得が難しいといわれるユマニチュードの訓練支援システムの実現につながる。},
Takashi Takuma, Koki Haruno, Kosuke Yamada, Hidenobu Sumioka, Takashi Minato, Masahiro Shiomi, "Stretchable Multi-modal Sensor using Capacitive Cloth for Soft Mobile Robot Passing through Gap", In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE ROBIO 2021), Sanya, China (online), pp. 1960-1967, December, 2021.
Abstract: A challenging issue for soft robots is developingsoft sensors that measure such non-contact informationas the distance between a robot and obstaclesas well as contact information such as stretch lengthby external force. Another issue is to adopt the sensorto the mobile robot to measure topography of pathway.We adopt capacitive cloth, which contains conductiveand insulation layers, and measure not only suchcontact information as the robot’s deformation but alsosuch non-contact information as the distance betweenthe cloth and objects. Because the cloth cannot stretchthough it deforms, it is processed by the Kirigami structureand embedded into a silicone plate. This papershows the cloth’s basic specifications by measuring therelationship between the capacitance and the stretchlength that corresponds to the contact information andthe one and distance that corresponds to the noncontactinformation. The cloth is also embedded ina soft mobile robot that passes through a narrowgap while making contact with it. The pathway’sshape is estimated by observing the profile of thecloth’s capacitance by using contact information. Fromthe results of the first experiment, which measuredthe stretch length, we observed a strong correlationbetween the stretch length and the capacitance. Inthe second experiment on non-contact information anddistance, the capacitance greatly changed when the conductive material was close to cloth, although lessconductivematerial did not greatly affect the capacitance. In the last experiment in which we embeddedthe cloth into the soft robot, the gap’s height andlength of the pathway were detected by observing theprofile of the cloth’s capacitance. These results suggestthat capacitive cloth has multi-modal sensing ability,including both conventional contact and novel non-contact information.
  author    = {Takashi Takuma and Koki Haruno and Kosuke Yamada and Hidenobu Sumioka and Takashi Minato and Masahiro Shiomi},
  booktitle = {2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE ROBIO 2021)},
  title     = {Stretchable Multi-modal Sensor using Capacitive Cloth for Soft Mobile Robot Passing through Gap},
  year      = {2021},
  address   = {Sanya, China (online)},
  day       = {27-31},
  month     = dec,
  pages     = {1960-1967},
  url       = {https://ieee-robio.org/2021/},
  abstract  = {A challenging issue for soft robots is developingsoft sensors that measure such non-contact informationas the distance between a robot and obstaclesas well as contact information such as stretch lengthby external force. Another issue is to adopt the sensorto the mobile robot to measure topography of pathway.We adopt capacitive cloth, which contains conductiveand insulation layers, and measure not only suchcontact information as the robot’s deformation but alsosuch non-contact information as the distance betweenthe cloth and objects. Because the cloth cannot stretchthough it deforms, it is processed by the Kirigami structureand embedded into a silicone plate. This papershows the cloth’s basic specifications by measuring therelationship between the capacitance and the stretchlength that corresponds to the contact information andthe one and distance that corresponds to the noncontactinformation. The cloth is also embedded ina soft mobile robot that passes through a narrowgap while making contact with it. The pathway’sshape is estimated by observing the profile of thecloth’s capacitance by using contact information. Fromthe results of the first experiment, which measuredthe stretch length, we observed a strong correlationbetween the stretch length and the capacitance. Inthe second experiment on non-contact information anddistance, the capacitance greatly changed when the conductive material was close to cloth, although lessconductivematerial did not greatly affect the capacitance. In the last experiment in which we embeddedthe cloth into the soft robot, the gap’s height andlength of the pathway were detected by observing theprofile of the cloth’s capacitance. These results suggestthat capacitive cloth has multi-modal sensing ability,including both conventional contact and novel non-contact information.},
Hidenobu Sumioka, Kohei Nakajima, Kurima Sakai, Minato Takashi, Mashiro Shiomi, "Wearable Tactile Sensor Suit for Natural Body Dynamics Extraction: Case Study on Posture Prediction Based on Physical Reservoir Computing", In 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2021), Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 9481-9488, September, 2021.
Abstract: We propose a wearable tactile sensor suit, which can be regarded as tactile sensor networks, for monitoring natural body dynamics to be exploited as a computational resource for estimating the posture of a human or robot that wears it. We emulated the periodic motions of a wearer (a human and an android robot) using a novel sensor suit with a 9-channel fabric tactile sensor on the left arm. The emulation was conducted by using a linear regression (LR) model of sensor states as readout modules that predict the next wearer’s movement using the current sensor data. Our result shows that the LR performance is comparable with other recurrent neural network approaches, suggesting that a fabric tactile sensor network is capable of monitoring the natural body motions, and further, this natural body dynamics itself can be used as an effective computational resource.
  author    = {Hidenobu Sumioka and Kohei Nakajima and Kurima Sakai and Minato Takashi and Mashiro Shiomi},
  booktitle = {2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2021)},
  title     = {Wearable Tactile Sensor Suit for Natural Body Dynamics Extraction: Case Study on Posture Prediction Based on Physical Reservoir Computing},
  year      = {2021},
  address   = {Prague, Czech Republic},
  day       = {27-01},
  month     = sep,
  pages     = {9481-9488},
  url       = {https://www.iros2021.org/},
  abstract  = {We propose a wearable tactile sensor suit, which can be regarded as tactile sensor networks, for monitoring natural body dynamics to be exploited as a computational resource for estimating the posture of a human or robot that wears it. We emulated the periodic motions of a wearer (a human and an android robot) using a novel sensor suit with a 9-channel fabric tactile sensor on the left arm. The emulation was conducted by using a linear regression (LR) model of sensor states as readout modules that predict the next wearer’s movement using the current sensor data. Our result shows that the LR performance is comparable with other recurrent neural network approaches, suggesting that a fabric tactile sensor network is capable of monitoring the natural body motions, and further, this natural body dynamics itself can be used as an effective computational resource.},
Takuto Akiyoshi, Junya Nakanishi, Hiroshi Ishiguro Hidenobu Sumioka, Masahiro Shiomi, "A Robot that Encourages Self-Disclosure to Reduce Anger Mood", In 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2021), Prague, Czech Republic, September, 2021.
Abstract: One essential role of social robots is supporting human mental health by interaction with people. In this study, we focused on making people’s moods more positive through conversations about their problems as our first step to achieving a robot that cares about mental health. We employed the column method, which is typical stress coping technique in Japan, and designed conversational contents for a robot. We implemented conversational functions based on the column method for a social robot as well as a self-schema estimation function using conversational data. In addition, we proposed conversational strategies to support noticing their self-schemas and automatic thoughts, which are related to mental health support. We experimentally evaluated our system’s effectiveness and found that participants who used our system with the proposed conversational strategies made more self-disclosures and experienced less anger compared to those who did not use the proposed conversational strategies. On the other hand, the strategies did not significantly increase the performance of the self-schema estimation function.
  author    = {Takuto Akiyoshi and Junya Nakanishi and Hiroshi Ishiguro Hidenobu Sumioka and Masahiro Shiomi},
  booktitle = {2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2021)},
  title     = {A Robot that Encourages Self-Disclosure to Reduce Anger Mood},
  year      = {2021},
  address   = {Prague, Czech Republic},
  day       = {27-01},
  month     = sep,
  url       = {https://www.iros2021.org/},
  abstract  = {One essential role of social robots is supporting human mental health by interaction with people. In this study, we focused on making people’s moods more positive through conversations about their problems as our first step to achieving a robot that cares about mental health. We employed the column method, which is typical stress coping technique in Japan, and designed conversational contents for a robot. We implemented conversational functions based on the column method for a social robot as well as a self-schema estimation function using conversational data. In addition, we proposed conversational strategies to support noticing their self-schemas and automatic thoughts, which are related to mental health support. We experimentally evaluated our system’s effectiveness and found that participants who used our system with the proposed conversational strategies made more self-disclosures and experienced less anger compared to those who did not use the proposed conversational strategies. On the other hand, the strategies did not significantly increase the performance of the self-schema estimation function.},
  comment   = {(also accepted and published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L))},
Nobuo Yamato, Hidenobu Sumioka, Masahiro Shiomi, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Youji Kohda, "Robotic Baby Doll with Minimal Designfor Interactive Doll Therapy in ElderlyDementia Care", In 12th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2021), Virtual Conference, pp. 417-422, July, 2021.
Abstract: We designed HIRO, a robotic baby doll, to be used in an interactive, non-pharmacological intervention that combines doll therapy with robot technol-ogy for elderly people with dementia. We took a minimal design approach; on-ly the most basic human-like features are represented on the robotic system to encourage users to use their imagination to fill in the missing details. The ro-bot emits baby voice recordings as the user interacts with it, giving the robot more realistic mannerisms and enhancing the interaction between user and ro-bot. In addition, the minimal design simplifies the system configuration of the robot, making it inexpensive and intuitive for users to handle. In this paper, we discuss the benefits of the developed robot for elderly dementia patients and their caregivers.
  author    = {Nobuo Yamato and Hidenobu Sumioka and Masahiro Shiomi and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Youji Kohda},
  booktitle = {12th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2021)},
  title     = {Robotic Baby Doll with Minimal Designfor Interactive Doll Therapy in ElderlyDementia Care},
  year      = {2021},
  address   = {Virtual Conference},
  day       = {25-29},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-030-80840-2_48},
  month     = jul,
  pages     = {417-422},
  url       = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-80840-2_48},
  abstract  = {We designed HIRO, a robotic baby doll, to be used in an interactive, non-pharmacological intervention that combines doll therapy with robot technol-ogy for elderly people with dementia. We took a minimal design approach; on-ly the most basic human-like features are represented on the robotic system to encourage users to use their imagination to fill in the missing details. The ro-bot emits baby voice recordings as the user interacts with it, giving the robot more realistic mannerisms and enhancing the interaction between user and ro-bot. In addition, the minimal design simplifies the system configuration of the robot, making it inexpensive and intuitive for users to handle. In this paper, we discuss the benefits of the developed robot for elderly dementia patients and their caregivers.},
  keywords  = {Elderly care, Therapy robot, Human-robot interaction, Welfare care, Dementia},
Hidenobu Sumioka, Masahiro Shiomi, Nobuo Yamato, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Acceptance of a minimal design of a human infant for facilitating affective interaction with older adults: A case study toward interactive doll therapy", In The 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2020), no. WeP1P.19, Virtual Conference, pp. 775-780, August, 2020.
Abstract: We introduce a minimal design approach to achieve a robot for interactive doll therapy. Our approach aims for positive interactions with older adults with dementia by just expressing the most basic elements of human-like features and relying on the user’s imagination to supplement the missing information. Based on this approach, we developed HIRO, a baby-sized robot with abstract body representation and without facial expressions. The recorded voice of a real human infant emitted by robots enhance human-like features of the robot and then facilitate emotional interaction between older people and the robot. A field study showed that HIRO was accepted by older adults with dementia and facilitated positive interaction by stimulating their imagination.
  author    = {Hidenobu Sumioka and Masahiro Shiomi and Nobuo Yamato and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  booktitle = {The 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2020)},
  title     = {Acceptance of a minimal design of a human infant for facilitating affective interaction with older adults: A case study toward interactive doll therapy},
  year      = {2020},
  address   = {Virtual Conference},
  day       = {31-4},
  month     = aug,
  number    = {WeP1P.19},
  pages     = {775-780},
  url       = {https://ras.papercept.net/conferences/conferences/ROMAN20/program/ROMAN20_ContentListWeb_3.html},
  abstract  = {We introduce a minimal design approach to achieve a robot for interactive doll therapy. Our approach aims for positive interactions with older adults with dementia by just expressing the most basic elements of human-like features and relying on the user’s imagination to supplement the missing information. Based on this approach, we developed HIRO, a baby-sized robot with abstract body representation and without facial expressions. The recorded voice of a real human infant emitted by robots enhance human-like features of the robot and then facilitate emotional interaction between older people and the robot. A field study showed that HIRO was accepted by older adults with dementia and facilitated positive interaction by stimulating their imagination.},
Masahiro Shiomi, Hidenobu Sumioka, Kurima Sakai, Tomo Funayama, Takashi Minato, "SOTO: An Android Platform with a Masculine Appearance for Social Touch Interaction", In The 15th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI2020), Cambridge, UK, pp. 447-449, March, 2020.
Abstract: In this paper, we report an android platform with a masculine appearance. In the human-human interaction research field, several studies reported the effects of gender in the social touch context. However, in the human-robot interaction research field, gender effects are mainly focused on human genders, i.e., a robot’s perceived gender is less focused. The purpose of developing the android is to investigate gender effects in social touch in the context of the human-robot interaction, comparing to existing android platforms with feminine appearances. For this purpose, we prepared a nonexistent face design in order to avoid appearance effects and fabric-based capacitance type upper-body touch sensors.
  author    = {Masahiro Shiomi and Hidenobu Sumioka and Kurima Sakai and Tomo Funayama and Takashi Minato},
  booktitle = {The 15th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI2020)},
  title     = {SOTO: An Android Platform with a Masculine Appearance for Social Touch Interaction},
  year      = {2020},
  address   = {Cambridge, UK},
  day       = {23-26},
  doi       = {10.1145/3371382.3378283},
  month     = mar,
  pages     = {447-449},
  url       = {https://humanrobotinteraction.org/2020/},
  abstract  = {In this paper, we report an android platform with a masculine appearance. In the human-human interaction research field, several studies reported the effects of gender in the social touch context. However, in the human-robot interaction research field, gender effects are mainly focused on human genders, i.e., a robot’s perceived gender is less focused. The purpose of developing the android is to investigate gender effects in social touch in the context of the human-robot interaction, comparing to existing android platforms with feminine appearances. For this purpose, we prepared a nonexistent face design in order to avoid appearance effects and fabric-based capacitance type upper-body touch sensors.},
住岡英信, 港隆史, 塩見昌裕, "ソーシャルタッチのためのセンサースーツの開発とその応用", インタラクション2020 第24回一般社団法人情報処理学会シンポジウム, 学術総合センター内一橋講堂, 東京, pp. 327-329, March, 2020.
Abstract: 本研究では,社会生活において重要な要素である他者との触れ合い(ソーシャルタッチ)に着目し,それを理解するロボットを実現するための柔らかい身体をもつロボット用センサースーツを開発した.ソーシャルタッチは相手から触れられた際の状態だけでなく,触れる相手の状態によっても影響を受ける. そのため,圧力センサだけでなく,近接センサとしても機能し,近接距離を計測することができる布型の静電容量方式センサを新たに開発し,それを80 個備えたスーツを開発した.これにより,他のセンサ情報を用いることなく,相手との触れ合いの計測だけでなく,相手との近接距離の計測も可能となり,例えば,初めての相手がロボットに触れようとすれば避け,親しい相手では接触を許して抱擁といった触れ合いを行うといった接触前から接触後にかけてのインタラクションが実現できる.また,布型であるため,人間が着用することも可能であり,新たなインタラクションメディアの開発にも利用が期待される.
  author    = {住岡英信 and 港隆史 and 塩見昌裕},
  booktitle = {インタラクション2020 第24回一般社団法人情報処理学会シンポジウム},
  title     = {ソーシャルタッチのためのセンサースーツの開発とその応用},
  year      = {2020},
  address   = {学術総合センター内一橋講堂, 東京},
  month     = mar,
  pages     = {327-329},
  url       = {https://www.interaction-ipsj.org/2020/},
  abstract  = {本研究では,社会生活において重要な要素である他者との触れ合い(ソーシャルタッチ)に着目し,それを理解するロボットを実現するための柔らかい身体をもつロボット用センサースーツを開発した.ソーシャルタッチは相手から触れられた際の状態だけでなく,触れる相手の状態によっても影響を受ける. そのため,圧力センサだけでなく,近接センサとしても機能し,近接距離を計測することができる布型の静電容量方式センサを新たに開発し,それを80 個備えたスーツを開発した.これにより,他のセンサ情報を用いることなく,相手との触れ合いの計測だけでなく,相手との近接距離の計測も可能となり,例えば,初めての相手がロボットに触れようとすれば避け,親しい相手では接触を許して抱擁といった触れ合いを行うといった接触前から接触後にかけてのインタラクションが実現できる.また,布型であるため,人間が着用することも可能であり,新たなインタラクションメディアの開発にも利用が期待される.},
Hidenobu Sumioka, Takashi Minato, Masahiro Shiomi, "Development of a sensor suit for touch and pre-touch perception toward close human-robot touch interaction", In RoboTac 2019: New Advances in Tactile Sensation, Perception, and Learning in Robotics: Emerging Materials and Technologies for Manipulation in a workshop on The 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS2019), Macau, China, November, 2019.
Abstract: In this paper, we propose that recognition of social touch from a human should be considered as both pre-touch inter-action and post-touch interaction. To build a social robot that facilitates both interactions, we aim to develop a touch sensor system that enables a robot to detect situations before being touched by a human as well as ones after being touched. In the rest of the paper, we first summarize a design concept of a sensor system for social touch. Next, as a first step, we develop a sensor suit that detect situations before being touched by a human, using fabric-based proximity sensors. Then, we report a preliminary experiment to evaluate the developed sensor as a proximity sensor for touch interaction. Finally, we discuss future studies.
  author    = {Hidenobu Sumioka and Takashi Minato and Masahiro Shiomi},
  booktitle = {RoboTac 2019: New Advances in Tactile Sensation, Perception, and Learning in Robotics: Emerging Materials and Technologies for Manipulation in a workshop on The 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS2019)},
  title     = {Development of a sensor suit for touch and pre-touch perception toward close human-robot touch interaction},
  year      = {2019},
  address   = {Macau, China},
  day       = {4-8},
  month     = nov,
  url       = {https://www.iros2019.org/about https://www.iros2019.org/workshops-and-tutorials https://robotac19.aau.at/},
  abstract  = {In this paper, we propose that recognition of social touch from a human should be considered as both pre-touch inter-action and post-touch interaction. To build a social robot that facilitates both interactions, we aim to develop a touch sensor system that enables a robot to detect situations before being touched by a human as well as ones after being touched. In the rest of the paper, we first summarize a design concept of a sensor system for social touch. Next, as a first step, we develop a sensor suit that detect situations before being touched by a human, using fabric-based proximity sensors. Then, we report a preliminary experiment to evaluate the developed sensor as a proximity sensor for touch interaction. Finally, we discuss future studies.},
Xiqian Zheng, Masahiro Shiomi, Takashi Minato, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Preliminary Investigation about Relationship between Perceived Intimacy and Touch Characteristics", In The 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019), Macau, China, pp. 3409, November, 2019.
Abstract: This study investigated the effects of touch characteristics that change the perceived intimacy of people in human-robot touch interaction with an android robot that has a feminine, human-like appearance. In this study, we investigate the effects of two kinds of touch characteristics (length and touch-part), and the results showed that the touch-part are useful to change the perceived intimacy, although the length did not show significant effects.
  author    = {Xiqian Zheng and Masahiro Shiomi and Takashi Minato and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  booktitle = {The 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019)},
  title     = {Preliminary Investigation about Relationship between Perceived Intimacy and Touch Characteristics},
  year      = {2019},
  address   = {Macau, China},
  day       = {4-8},
  month     = nov,
  pages     = {3409},
  url       = {https://www.iros2019.org/},
  abstract  = {This study investigated the effects of touch characteristics that change the perceived intimacy of people in human-robot touch interaction with an android robot that has a feminine, human-like appearance. In this study, we investigate the effects of two kinds of touch characteristics (length and touch-part), and the results showed that the touch-part are useful to change the perceived intimacy, although the length did not show significant effects.},
Soheil Keshmiri, Hidenobu Sumioka, Takashi Minato, Masahiro Shiomi, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Exploring the Causal Modeling of Human-Robot Touch Interaction", In The Eleventh International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR2019), Madrid, Spain, pp. 235-244, November, 2019.
Abstract: Interpersonal touch plays a pivotal role in individuals’ emotional and physical well-being which, despite its psychological and therapeutic effects, has been mostly neglected in such field of research as socially-assistive robotics. On the other hand, the growing emergence of such interactive social robots in our daily lives inevitably entails such interactions as touch and hug between robots and humans. Therefore, derivation of robust models for such physical interactions to enable robots to perform them in naturalistic fashion is highly desirable. In this study, we investigated whether it was possible to realize distinct patterns of different touch interactions that were general representations of their respective types. For this purpose, we adapted three touch interaction paradigms and asked human subjects to perform them on a mannequin that was equipped with a touch sensor on its torso. We then appliedWiener-Granger causality on the time series of activated channels of this touch sensor that were common (per touch paradigm) among all participants. The analyses of these touch time series suggested that different types of touch can be quantified in terms of causal association between sequential steps that form the variation information among their patterns. These results hinted at the potential utility of such generalized touch patterns for devising social robots with robust causal models of naturalistic touch behaviour for their human-robot touch interactions.
  author    = {Soheil Keshmiri and Hidenobu Sumioka and Takashi Minato and Masahiro Shiomi and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  booktitle = {The Eleventh International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR2019)},
  title     = {Exploring the Causal Modeling of Human-Robot Touch Interaction},
  year      = {2019},
  address   = {Madrid, Spain},
  day       = {26-29},
  doi       = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-35888-4_22},
  month     = nov,
  pages     = {235-244},
  url       = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-35888-4_22},
  abstract  = {Interpersonal touch plays a pivotal role in individuals’ emotional and physical well-being which, despite its psychological and therapeutic effects, has been mostly neglected in such field of research as socially-assistive robotics. On the other hand, the growing emergence of such interactive social robots in our daily lives inevitably entails such interactions as touch and hug between robots and humans. Therefore, derivation of robust models for such physical interactions to enable robots to perform them in naturalistic fashion is highly desirable. In this study, we investigated whether it was possible to realize distinct patterns of different touch interactions that were general representations of their respective types. For this purpose, we adapted three touch interaction paradigms and asked human subjects to perform them on a mannequin that was equipped with a touch sensor on its torso. We then appliedWiener-Granger causality on the time series of activated channels of this touch sensor that were common (per touch paradigm) among all participants. The analyses of these touch time series suggested that different types of touch can be quantified in terms of causal association between sequential steps that form the variation information among their patterns. These results hinted at the potential utility of such generalized touch patterns for devising social robots with robust causal models of naturalistic touch behaviour for their human-robot touch interactions.},
Carlos Ishi, Takayuki Kanda, "Prosodic and voice quality analyses of loud speech: differences of hot anger and far-directed speech", In Speech, Music and Mind 2019 (SMM 2019) Detecting and Influencing Mental States with Audio Satellite Workshop of Interspeech 2019, Vienna, Austria, pp. 1-5, September, 2019.
Abstract: Loud speech may appear in different attitudinal situations, so that in human-robot speech interactions, the robot should be able to understand such situations. In this study, we analyzed the differences in acoustic-prosodic and voice quality features of loud speech in two situations: hot anger (aggressive/frenzy speech) and far-directed speech (i.e., speech addressed to a person in a far distance). Analysis results indicated that both speaking styles are accompanied by louder power and higher pitch, while differences were observed in the intonation: far-directed voices tend to have large power and high pitch over the whole utterance, while angry speech has more pitch movements in a larger pitch range. Regarding voice quality, both styles tend to be tenser (higher vocal effort), but angry speech tends to be more pressed, with local appearance of harsh voices (with irregularities in the vocal fold vibrations).
  author    = {Carlos Ishi and Takayuki Kanda},
  booktitle = {Speech, Music and Mind 2019 (SMM 2019) Detecting and Influencing Mental States with Audio Satellite Workshop of Interspeech 2019},
  title     = {Prosodic and voice quality analyses of loud speech: differences of hot anger and far-directed speech},
  year      = {2019},
  address   = {Vienna, Austria},
  day       = {14},
  doi       = {10.21437/SMM.2019-1},
  month     = sep,
  pages     = {1-5},
  url       = {http://smm19.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/},
  abstract  = {Loud speech may appear in different attitudinal situations, so that in human-robot speech interactions, the robot should be able to understand such situations. In this study, we analyzed the differences in acoustic-prosodic and voice quality features of loud speech in two situations: hot anger (aggressive/frenzy speech) and far-directed speech (i.e., speech addressed to a person in a far distance). Analysis results indicated that both speaking styles are accompanied by louder power and higher pitch, while differences were observed in the intonation: far-directed voices tend to have large power and high pitch over the whole utterance, while angry speech has more pitch movements in a larger pitch range. Regarding voice quality, both styles tend to be tenser (higher vocal effort), but angry speech tends to be more pressed, with local appearance of harsh voices (with irregularities in the vocal fold vibrations).},
  keywords  = {loud speech, hot anger, prosody, voice quality, paralinguistics},
Carlos Ishi, Takayuki Kanda, "Prosodic and voice quality analyses of offensive speech", In International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2019), Melbourne, Autralia, pp. 2174-2178, August, 2019.
Abstract: In this study, differences in the acoustic-prosodic features are analyzed in the low-moral or offensive speech. The same contents were spoken by multiple speakers with different speaking styles, including reading out, aggressive speech, extremely aggressive (frenzy), and joking styles. Acoustic-prosodic analyses indicated that different speakers use different speaking styles for expressing offensive speech. Clear changes in voice quality, such as tense and harsh voices, were observed for high levels of expressivity of aggressiveness and threatening.
  author    = {Carlos Ishi and Takayuki Kanda},
  title     = {Prosodic and voice quality analyses of offensive speech},
  booktitle = {International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2019)},
  year      = {2019},
  pages     = {2174-2178},
  address   = {Melbourne, Autralia},
  month     = Aug,
  day       = {5-9},
  url       = {https://www.icphs2019.org/},
  abstract  = {In this study, differences in the acoustic-prosodic features are analyzed in the low-moral or offensive speech. The same contents were spoken by multiple speakers with different speaking styles, including reading out, aggressive speech, extremely aggressive (frenzy), and joking styles. Acoustic-prosodic analyses indicated that different speakers use different speaking styles for expressing offensive speech. Clear changes in voice quality, such as tense and harsh voices, were observed for high levels of expressivity of aggressiveness and threatening.},
  keywords  = {offensive speech, prosody, voice quality, acoustic features, speaking style},
Hidenobu Sumioka, Soheil Keshmiri, Junya Nakanishi, "Potential impact of Listening Support for Individuals with Developmental Disorders through A Huggable Communication Medium", In the 6th annual International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI2018), Southampton, UK, December, 2018.
Abstract: The 6th annual International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction aims to be the premier interdisciplinary venue for discussing and disseminating state-of-the-art research and results that reach across conventional interaction boundaries from people to a wide range of intelligent systems, including physical robots, software agents and digitally-mediated human-human communication. HAI focusses on technical as well as social aspects.
  author    = {Hidenobu Sumioka and Soheil Keshmiri and Junya Nakanishi},
  title     = {Potential impact of Listening Support for Individuals with Developmental Disorders through A Huggable Communication Medium},
  booktitle = {the 6th annual International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI2018)},
  year      = {2018},
  address   = {Southampton, UK},
  month     = Dec,
  day       = {15-18},
  url       = {http://hai-conference.net/hai2018/},
  abstract  = {The 6th annual International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction aims to be the premier interdisciplinary venue for discussing and disseminating state-of-the-art research and results that reach across conventional interaction boundaries from people to a wide range of intelligent systems, including physical robots, software agents and digitally-mediated human-human communication. HAI focusses on technical as well as social aspects.},
Jakub Zlotowski, Hidenobu Sumioka, Christoph Bartneck, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Understanding Anthropomorphism: Anthropomorphism is not a Reverse Process of Dehumanization", In The Ninth International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2017), Tsukuba, Japan, pp. 618-627, November, 2017.
Abstract: Anthropomorphism plays an important role in affecting human interaction with a robot. However, our understanding of this process is still limited. We argue that it is not possible to understand anthropomorphism without understanding what is humanness. In the previous research, we proposed to look at the work on dehumanization in order to understand what factors can affect a robot's anthropomorphism. Moreover, considering that there are two distinct dimensions of humanness, a two-dimensional model of anthropomorphism was proposed. We conducted a study in which we manipulated the perceived intentionality of a robot and its appearance, and measured how they affected the anthropomorphization of a robot on two dimensions of humanness and its perceived moral agency. The results do not support a two-dimensional model of anthropomorphism and indicate that the distinction between positive and negative traits may be more relevant in HRI studies in Japan.
  author    = {Jakub Zlotowski and Hidenobu Sumioka and Christoph Bartneck and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title     = {Understanding Anthropomorphism: Anthropomorphism is not a Reverse Process of Dehumanization},
  booktitle = {The Ninth International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2017)},
  year      = {2017},
  series    = {LNAI 10652},
  pages     = {618-627},
  address   = {Tsukuba, Japan},
  month     = Nov,
  day       = {22-24},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-70022-9_61},
  url       = {http://www.icsr2017.org/index.html},
  abstract  = {Anthropomorphism plays an important role in affecting human interaction with a robot. However, our understanding of this process is still limited. We argue that it is not possible to understand anthropomorphism without understanding what is humanness. In the previous research, we proposed to look at the work on dehumanization in order to understand what factors can affect a robot's anthropomorphism. Moreover, considering that there are two distinct dimensions of humanness, a two-dimensional model of anthropomorphism was proposed. We conducted a study in which we manipulated the perceived intentionality of a robot and its appearance, and measured how they affected the anthropomorphization of a robot on two dimensions of humanness and its perceived moral agency. The results do not support a two-dimensional model of anthropomorphism and indicate that the distinction between positive and negative traits may be more relevant in HRI studies in Japan.},
  file      = {Zlotowski2017a.pdf:pdf/Zlotowski2017a.pdf:PDF},
Kurima Sakai, Carlos T. Ishi, Takashi Minato, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Online speech-driven head motion generating system and evaluation on a tele-operated robot", In IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Kobe, Japan, pp. 529-534, August, 2015.
Abstract: We developed a tele-operated robot system where the head motions of the robot are controlled by combining those of the operator with the ones which are automatically generated from the operator's voice. The head motion generation is based on dialogue act functions which are estimated from linguistic and prosodic information extracted from the speech signal. The proposed system was evaluated through an experiment where participants interact with a tele-operated robot. Subjective scores indicated the effectiveness of the proposed head motion generation system, even under limitations in the dialogue act estimation
  author    = {Kurima Sakai and Carlos T. Ishi and Takashi Minato and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title     = {Online speech-driven head motion generating system and evaluation on a tele-operated robot},
  booktitle = {IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication},
  year      = {2015},
  pages     = {529-534},
  address   = {Kobe, Japan},
  month     = AUG,
  abstract  = {We developed a tele-operated robot system where the head motions of the robot are controlled by combining those of the operator with the ones which are automatically generated from the operator's voice. The head motion generation is based on dialogue act functions which are estimated from linguistic and prosodic information extracted from the speech signal. The proposed system was evaluated through an experiment where participants interact with a tele-operated robot. Subjective scores indicated the effectiveness of the proposed head motion generation system, even under limitations in the dialogue act estimation},
  file      = {Sakai2015.pdf:pdf/Sakai2015.pdf:PDF},
Junya Nakanishi, Hidenobu Sumioka, Kurima Sakai, Daisuke Nakamichi, Masahiro Shiomi, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Huggable Communication Medium Encourages Listening to Others", In 2nd International Conference on Human-Agent Interraction, Tsukuba, Japan, pp. pp 249-252, October, 2014.
Abstract: We propose that a huggable communication device helps children concentrate on listening to others by reducing their stress and feeling a storyteller's presence close to them. Our observation of storytelling to preschool children suggests that Hugvie, which is one of such devices, facilitates children's attention to the story. This indicates the usefulness of Hugvie to relieve the educational problem that children show selfish behavior during class. We discuss Hugvie's effect on learning and memory and potential application to children with special support.
  author    = {Junya Nakanishi and Hidenobu Sumioka and Kurima Sakai and Daisuke Nakamichi and Masahiro Shiomi and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title     = {Huggable Communication Medium Encourages Listening to Others},
  booktitle = {2nd International Conference on Human-Agent Interraction},
  year      = {2014},
  pages     = {pp 249-252},
  address   = {Tsukuba, Japan},
  month     = OCT,
  url       = {http://hai-conference.net/hai2014/},
  abstract  = {We propose that a huggable communication device helps children concentrate on listening to others by reducing their stress and feeling a storyteller's presence close to them. Our observation of storytelling to preschool children suggests that Hugvie, which is one of such devices, facilitates children's attention to the story. This indicates the usefulness of Hugvie to relieve the educational problem that children show selfish behavior during class. We discuss Hugvie's effect on learning and memory and potential application to children with special support.},
  file      = {Nakanishi2014.pdf:pdf/Nakanishi2014.pdf:PDF},
Daisuke Nakamichi, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Training of telecommunication through teleoperated android "Telenoid" and its effect", In The 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, pp. 1083-1088, August, 2014.
Abstract: Telenoid, a teleoperated android is a medium through which its teleoperators can transmit both verbal and nonverbal information to interlocutors. Telenoid promotes conversation with its interlocutors, especially elderly people. But since teleoperators admit that they have difficulty feeling that they are actually teleoperating their robots, they can't use them effectively to transmit nonverbal information; such nonverbal information is one of Telenoid's biggest merits. In this paper, we propose a training program for teleoperators so that they can understand Telenoid's teleoperation and how to transmit nonverbal information through it. We investigated its effect on teleoperation and communication and identified three results. First, our training improved Telenoid's head motions for clearer transmission of nonverbal information. Second, our training found different effects between genders. Females communicated with their interlocutors more smoothly than males. Males communicated with their interlocutors more smoothly by simply more talking practice. Third, correlations exist among freely controlling the robot, regarding the robot as themselves, and tele-presence in the interlocutors room as well as correlations between the interactions and themselves. But there are not correlations between feelings about Telenoids teleoperation and the head movements.
  author          = {Daisuke Nakamichi and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Training of telecommunication through teleoperated android "Telenoid" and its effect},
  booktitle       = {The 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication},
  year            = {2014},
  pages           = {1083-1088},
  address         = {Edinburgh, Scotland, UK},
  month           = Aug,
  day             = {25-29},
  url             = {http://rehabilitationrobotics.net/ro-man14/},
  abstract        = {Telenoid, a teleoperated android is a medium through which its teleoperators can transmit both verbal and nonverbal information to interlocutors. Telenoid promotes conversation with its interlocutors, especially elderly people. But since teleoperators admit that they have difficulty feeling that they are actually teleoperating their robots, they can't use them effectively to transmit nonverbal information; such nonverbal information is one of Telenoid's biggest merits. In this paper, we propose a training program for teleoperators so that they can understand Telenoid's teleoperation and how to transmit nonverbal information through it. We investigated its effect on teleoperation and communication and identified three results. First, our training improved Telenoid's head motions for clearer transmission of nonverbal information. Second, our training found different effects between genders. Females communicated with their interlocutors more smoothly than males. Males communicated with their interlocutors more smoothly by simply more talking practice. Third, correlations exist among freely controlling the robot, regarding the robot as themselves, and tele-presence in the interlocutors room as well as correlations between the interactions and themselves. But there are not correlations between feelings about Telenoids teleoperation and the head movements.},
  file            = {Nakamichi2014.pdf:pdf/Nakamichi2014.pdf:PDF},
Rosario Sorbello, Antonio Chella, Marcello Giardina, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "An Architecture for Telenoid Robot as Empathic Conversational Android Companion for Elderly People", In the 13th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Padova, Italy, July, 2014.
Abstract: In Human-Humanoid Interaction (HHI), empathy is a crucial key in order to overcome the current limitations of social robots. In facts, a principal de ning characteristic of human social behaviour is empathy. The present paper presents a robotic architecture for an android robot as a basis for natural empathic human-android interaction. We start from the hypothesis that the robots, in order to become personal companions need to know how to empathic interact with human beings. To validate our research, we have used the proposed system with the minimalistic humanoid robot Telenoid. We have conducted human-robot interactions test with elderly people with no prior interaction experience with robot. During the experiment the elderly persons engaged a stimulated conversation with the humanoid robot. Our goal is to overcome the state of loneliness of elderly people using this minimalistic humanoid robot capa- ble to exhibit a dialogue similar to what usually happens in the real life between human beings.The experimental results have shown a humanoid robotic system capable to exhibit a natural and empathic interaction and conversation with a human user.
  author    = {Rosario Sorbello and Antonio Chella and Marcello Giardina and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title     = {An Architecture for Telenoid Robot as Empathic Conversational Android Companion for Elderly People},
  booktitle = {the 13th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems},
  year      = {2014},
  address   = {Padova, Italy},
  month     = Jul,
  day       = {15-19},
  abstract  = {In Human-Humanoid Interaction (HHI), empathy is a crucial key in order to overcome the current limitations of social robots. In facts, a principal dening characteristic of human social behaviour is empathy. The present paper presents a robotic architecture for an android robot as a basis for natural empathic human-android interaction. We start from the hypothesis that the robots, in order to become personal companions need to know how to empathic interact with human beings. To validate our research, we have used the proposed system with the minimalistic humanoid robot Telenoid. We have conducted human-robot interactions test with elderly people with no prior interaction experience with robot. During the experiment the elderly persons engaged a stimulated conversation with the humanoid robot. Our goal is to overcome the state of loneliness of elderly people using this minimalistic humanoid robot capa- ble to exhibit a dialogue similar to what usually happens in the real life between human beings.The experimental results have shown a humanoid robotic system capable to exhibit a natural and empathic interaction and conversation with a human user.},
  file      = {Sorbello2014.pdf:pdf/Sorbello2014.pdf:PDF},
  keywords  = {Humanoid Robot; Humanoid Robot Interaction; Life Support Empathic Robot; Telenoid},
Kaiko Kuwamura, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Designing Robots for Positive Communication with Senior Citizens", In The 13th Intelligent Autonomous Systems conference, Padova, Italy, July, 2014.
Abstract: Several previous researches indicated that the elderly, especially those with cognitive disorders, have positive impressions of Telenoid, a teleoperated android covered with soft vinyl. Senior citizens with cognitive disorders have low cognitive ability and duller senses due to their age. To communicate, we believe that they have to imagine the information that is missing because they failed to completely receive it in their mind. We hypothesize that Telenoid triggers and enhances such an ability to imagine and positively complete the information, and so they become attracted to Telenoid. Based on this hypothesis, we discuss the factors that trigger imagination and complete positive impressions toward a robot for elderly care.
  author          = {Kaiko Kuwamura and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Designing Robots for Positive Communication with Senior Citizens},
  booktitle       = {The 13th Intelligent Autonomous Systems conference},
  year            = {2014},
  address         = {Padova, Italy},
  month           = Jul,
  day             = {15-19},
  url             = {http://www.ias-13.org/},
  abstract        = {Several previous researches indicated that the elderly, especially those with cognitive disorders, have positive impressions of Telenoid, a teleoperated android covered with soft vinyl. Senior citizens with cognitive disorders have low cognitive ability and duller senses due to their age. To communicate, we believe that they have to imagine the information that is missing because they failed to completely receive it in their mind. We hypothesize that Telenoid triggers and enhances such an ability to imagine and positively complete the information, and so they become attracted to Telenoid. Based on this hypothesis, we discuss the factors that trigger imagination and complete positive impressions toward a robot for elderly care.},
  file            = {Kuwamura2014c.pdf:pdf/Kuwamura2014c.pdf:PDF},
Kaiko Kuwamura, Ryuji Yamazaki, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Elderly Care Using Teleoperated Android Telenoid", In The 9th World Conference of Gerontechnology, vol. 13, no. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 226, June, 2014.
  author    = {Kaiko Kuwamura and Ryuji Yamazaki and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title     = {Elderly Care Using Teleoperated Android Telenoid},
  booktitle = {The 9th World Conference of Gerontechnology},
  year      = {2014},
  volume    = {13},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {226},
  address   = {Taipei, Taiwan},
  month     = Jun,
  day       = {18-21},
  doi       = {10.4017/gt.2014.},
  url       = {http://gerontechnology.info/index.php/journal/article/view/gt.2014.},
  file      = {Kuwamura2014.pdf:pdf/Kuwamura2014.pdf:PDF},
  keywords  = {Elderly care robot; teleoperated android; cognitive disorder},
Ryuji Yamazaki, Kaiko Kuwamura, Shuichi Nishio, Takashi Minato, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Activating Embodied Communication: A Case Study of People with Dementia Using a Teleoperated Android Robot", In The 9th World Conference of Gerontechnology, vol. 13, no. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 311, June, 2014.
  author    = {Ryuji Yamazaki and Kaiko Kuwamura and Shuichi Nishio and Takashi Minato and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title     = {Activating Embodied Communication: A Case Study of People with Dementia Using a Teleoperated Android Robot},
  booktitle = {The 9th World Conference of Gerontechnology},
  year      = {2014},
  volume    = {13},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {311},
  address   = {Taipei, Taiwan},
  month     = Jun,
  day       = {18-21},
  doi       = {10.4017/gt.2014.},
  url       = {http://gerontechnology.info/index.php/journal/article/view/gt.2014.},
  file      = {Yamazaki2014a.pdf:pdf/Yamazaki2014a.pdf:PDF},
  keywords  = {Elderly care robot; social isolation; embodied communication; community design},
Carlos T. Ishi, Hiroaki Hatano, Miyako Kiso, "Acoustic-prosodic and paralinguistic analyses of “uun" and “unun"", In Speech Prosody 7, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 100-104, May, 2014.
Abstract: The speaking style of an interjection contains discriminative features on its expressed intention, attitude or emotion. In the present work, we analyzed acoustic-prosodic features and the paralinguistic functions of two variations of the interjection “un", a lengthened pattern “uun" and a repeated pattern “unun", which are often found in Japanese conversational speech. Analysis results indicate that there are differences in the paralinguistic function expressed by “uun" and “unun", as well as different trends on F0 contour types according to the conveyed paralinguistic information.
  author          = {Carlos T. Ishi and Hiroaki Hatano and Miyako Kiso},
  title           = {Acoustic-prosodic and paralinguistic analyses of “uun" and “unun"},
  booktitle       = {Speech Prosody 7},
  year            = {2014},
  pages           = {100-104},
  address         = {Dublin, Ireland},
  month           = May,
  day             = {20-23},
  abstract        = {The speaking style of an interjection contains discriminative features on its expressed intention, attitude or emotion. In the present work, we analyzed acoustic-prosodic features and the paralinguistic functions of two variations of the interjection “un", a lengthened pattern “uun" and a repeated pattern “unun", which are often found in Japanese conversational speech. Analysis results indicate that there are differences in the paralinguistic function expressed by “uun" and “unun", as well as different trends on F0 contour types according to the conveyed paralinguistic information.},
  file            = {Ishi2014.pdf:pdf/Ishi2014.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {interjections; acoustic-prosodic features; paralinguistic information; spontaneous conversational speech},
Kaiko Kuwamura, Shuichi Nishio, "Modality reduction for enhancing human likeliness", In Selected papers of the 50th annual convention of the Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour, London, UK, pp. 83-89, April, 2014.
Abstract: We proposed a method to enhance one's affection by reducing number of transferred modalities. When we dream of an artificial partner for “love", its appearance is the first thing of con- cern; a very humanlike, beautiful robot. However, we did not design a medium with a beautiful appearance but a medium which ignores the appearance and let users imagine and complete the appearance. By reducing the number of transferred modalities, we can enhance one's affection toward a robot. Moreover, not just by transmitting, but by inducing active, unconscious behavior of users, we can increase this effect. In this paper, we will introduce supporting results from our experiments and discuss further applicability of our findings.
  author          = {Kaiko Kuwamura and Shuichi Nishio},
  title           = {Modality reduction for enhancing human likeliness},
  booktitle       = {Selected papers of the 50th annual convention of the Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour},
  year            = {2014},
  pages           = {83-89},
  address         = {London, UK},
  month           = Apr,
  day             = {1-4},
  url             = {http://doc.gold.ac.uk/aisb50/AISB50-S16/AISB50-S16-Kuwamura-paper.pdf},
  abstract        = {We proposed a method to enhance one's affection by reducing number of transferred modalities. When we dream of an artificial partner for “love", its appearance is the first thing of con- cern; a very humanlike, beautiful robot. However, we did not design a medium with a beautiful appearance but a medium which ignores the appearance and let users imagine and complete the appearance. By reducing the number of transferred modalities, we can enhance one's affection toward a robot. Moreover, not just by transmitting, but by inducing active, unconscious behavior of users, we can increase this effect. In this paper, we will introduce supporting results from our experiments and discuss further applicability of our findings.},
  file            = {Kuwamura2014b.pdf:pdf/Kuwamura2014b.pdf:PDF},
Kaiko Kuwamura, Kurima Sakai, Takashi Minato, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Hugvie: A medium that fosters love", In IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Gyeongju, Korea, pp. 70-75, August, 2013.
Abstract: We introduce a communication medium that en- courages users to fall in love with their counterparts. Hugvie, the huggable tele-presence medium, enables users to feel like hugging their counterparts while chatting. In this paper, we report that when a participant talks to his communication partner during their first encounter while hugging Hugvie, he mistakenly feels as if they are establishing a good relationship and that he is being loved rather than just being liked.
  author          = {Kaiko Kuwamura and Kurima Sakai and Takashi Minato and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Hugvie: A medium that fosters love},
  booktitle       = {{IEEE} International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication},
  year            = {2013},
  pages           = {70-75},
  address         = {Gyeongju, Korea},
  month           = Aug,
  day             = {26-29},
  doi             = {10.1109/ROMAN.2013.6628533},
  abstract        = {We introduce a communication medium that en- courages users to fall in love with their counterparts. Hugvie, the huggable tele-presence medium, enables users to feel like hugging their counterparts while chatting. In this paper, we report that when a participant talks to his communication partner during their first encounter while hugging Hugvie, he mistakenly feels as if they are establishing a good relationship and that he is being loved rather than just being liked.},
  file            = {Kuwamura2013.pdf:pdf/Kuwamura2013.pdf:PDF},
Junya Nakanishi, Kaiko Kuwamura, Takashi Minato, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Evoking Affection for a Communication Partner by a Robotic Communication Medium", In the First International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, pp. III-1-4, August, 2013.
Abstract: This paper reveals a new effect of robotic communication media that can function as avatars of communication partners. Users interaction with a medium may alter feelings their toward partners. The paper hypothesized that talking while hugging a robotic medium increases romantic feelings or attraction toward a partner in robot-mediated tele-communication. Our experiment used Hugvie, a human-shaped medium, for talking in a hugging state. We found that people subconsciously increased their romantic attraction toward opposite sex partners by hugging Hugvie. This resultant effect is novel because we revealed the effect of user hugging on the user's own feelings instead of being hugged by a partner.
  author          = {Junya Nakanishi and Kaiko Kuwamura and Takashi Minato and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Evoking Affection for a Communication Partner by a Robotic Communication Medium},
  booktitle       = {the First International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction},
  year            = {2013},
  pages           = {III-1-4},
  address         = {Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan},
  month           = Aug,
  day             = {7-9},
  url             = {http://hai-conference.net/ihai2013/proceedings/html/paper/paper-III-1-4.html},
  abstract        = {This paper reveals a new effect of robotic communication media that can function as avatars of communication partners. Users interaction with a medium may alter feelings their toward partners. The paper hypothesized that talking while hugging a robotic medium increases romantic feelings or attraction toward a partner in robot-mediated tele-communication. Our experiment used Hugvie, a human-shaped medium, for talking in a hugging state. We found that people subconsciously increased their romantic attraction toward opposite sex partners by hugging Hugvie. This resultant effect is novel because we revealed the effect of user hugging on the user's own feelings instead of being hugged by a partner.},
  file            = {Nakanishi2013.pdf:pdf/Nakanishi2013.pdf:PDF},
Shuichi Nishio, Koichi Taura, Hidenobu Sumioka, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Effect of Social Interaction on Body Ownership Transfer to Teleoperated Android", In IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Gyeonguju, Korea, pp. 565-570, August, 2013.
Abstract: Body Ownership Transfer (BOT) is an illusion that we feel external objects as parts of our own body that occurs when teleoperating android robots. In past studies, we have been investigating under what conditions this illusion occurs. However, past studies were only conducted with simple operation tasks such as by only moving the robot's hand. Does this illusion occur under much complex tasks such as having a conversation? What kind of conversation setting is required to invoke this illusion? In this paper, we examined how factors in social interaction affects occurrence of BOT. Participants had conversation using the teleoperated robot under different situations and teleoperation settings. The results revealed that BOT does occur by the act of having a conversation, and that conversation partner's presence and appropriate responses are necessary for enhancement of BOT.
  author          = {Shuichi Nishio and Koichi Taura and Hidenobu Sumioka and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Effect of Social Interaction on Body Ownership Transfer to Teleoperated Android},
  booktitle       = {{IEEE} International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication},
  year            = {2013},
  pages           = {565-570},
  address         = {Gyeonguju, Korea},
  month           = Aug,
  day             = {26-29},
  doi             = {10.1109/ROMAN.2013.6628539},
  abstract        = {Body Ownership Transfer (BOT) is an illusion that we feel external objects as parts of our own body that occurs when teleoperating android robots. In past studies, we have been investigating under what conditions this illusion occurs. However, past studies were only conducted with simple operation tasks such as by only moving the robot's hand. Does this illusion occur under much complex tasks such as having a conversation? What kind of conversation setting is required to invoke this illusion? In this paper, we examined how factors in social interaction affects occurrence of BOT. Participants had conversation using the teleoperated robot under different situations and teleoperation settings. The results revealed that BOT does occur by the act of having a conversation, and that conversation partner's presence and appropriate responses are necessary for enhancement of BOT.},
  file            = {Nishio2013.pdf:pdf/Nishio2013.pdf:PDF},
Hidenobu Sumioka, Kensuke Koda, Shuichi Nishio, Takashi Minato, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Revisiting ancient design of human form for communication avatar: Design considerations from chronological development of Dogu", In IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Gyeongju, Korea, pp. 726-731, August, 2013.
Abstract: Robot avatar systems give the feeling we share a space with people who are actually at a distant location. Since our cognitive system specializes in recognizing a human, avatars of the distant people can make us strongly feel that we share space with them, provided that their appearance has been designed to sufficiently resemble humans. In this paper, we investigate the minimal requirements of robot avatars for distant people to feel their presence, Toward this aim, we give an overview of the chronological development of Dogu, which are human figurines made in ancient Japan. This survey of the Dogu shows that the torso, not the face, was considered the primary element for representing a human. It also suggests that some body parts can be represented in a simple form. Following the development of Dogu, we also use a conversation task to examine what kind of body representation is necessary to feel a distant person's presence. The experimental results show that the forms for the torso and head are required to enhance this feeling, while other body parts have less impact. We discuss the connection between our findings and an avatar's facial expression and motion.
  author          = {Hidenobu Sumioka and Kensuke Koda and Shuichi Nishio and Takashi Minato and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Revisiting ancient design of human form for communication avatar: Design considerations from chronological development of Dogu},
  booktitle       = {{IEEE} International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication},
  year            = {2013},
  pages           = {726-731},
  address         = {Gyeongju, Korea},
  month           = Aug,
  day             = {26-29},
  doi             = {10.1109/ROMAN.2013.6628399},
  abstract        = {Robot avatar systems give the feeling we share a space with people who are actually at a distant location. Since our cognitive system specializes in recognizing a human, avatars of the distant people can make us strongly feel that we share space with them, provided that their appearance has been designed to sufficiently resemble humans. In this paper, we investigate the minimal requirements of robot avatars for distant people to feel their presence, Toward this aim, we give an overview of the chronological development of Dogu, which are human figurines made in ancient Japan. This survey of the Dogu shows that the torso, not the face, was considered the primary element for representing a human. It also suggests that some body parts can be represented in a simple form. Following the development of Dogu, we also use a conversation task to examine what kind of body representation is necessary to feel a distant person's presence. The experimental results show that the forms for the torso and head are required to enhance this feeling, while other body parts have less impact. We discuss the connection between our findings and an avatar's facial expression and motion.},
  file            = {Sumioka2013b.pdf:pdf/Sumioka2013b.pdf:PDF},
Yu Tsuruda, Maiya Hori, Hiroki Yoshimura, Yoshio Iwai, "Generation of Facial Expression Emphasized with Cartoon Techniques Using a Cellular-phone-type Teleoperated Robot with a Mobile Projector", In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2013), Human-Computer Interaction. Towards Intelligent and Implicit Interaction, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, vol. 8008, Las Vegas, NV, USA, pp. 391-400, July, 2013.
Abstract: We propose a method for generating facial expressions emphasized with cartoon techniques using a cellular-phone-type teleoperated android with a mobile projector. Elfoid is designed to transmit the speaker’s presence to their communication partner using a camera and microphone, and has a soft exterior that provides the look and feel of human skin. To transmit the speaker’s presence, Elfoid sends not only the voice of the speaker but also emotional information captured by the camera and microphone. Elfoid cannot, however, display facial expressions because of its compactness and a lack of sufficiently small actuator motors. In this research, facial expressions are generated using Elfoid’s head-mounted mobile projector to overcome the problem. Additionally, facial expressions are emphasized using cartoon techniques: movements around the mouth and eyes are emphasized, the silhouette of the face and shapes of the eyes are varied by projection effects, and color stimuli that induce a particular emotion are added. In an experiment, representative face expressions are generated with Elfoid and emotions conveyed to users are investigated by subjective evaluation.
  author = {Yu Tsuruda and Maiya Hori and Hiroki Yoshimura and Yoshio Iwai},
  title = {Generation of Facial Expression Emphasized with Cartoon Techniques
	Using a Cellular-phone-type Teleoperated Robot with a Mobile Projector},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2013),
	Human-Computer Interaction. Towards Intelligent and Implicit Interaction},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {8008},
  pages = {391-400},
  address = {Las Vegas, NV, USA},
  month = Jul,
  publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
  abstract = {We propose a method for generating facial expressions emphasized with
	cartoon techniques using a cellular-phone-type teleoperated android
	with a mobile projector. Elfoid is designed to transmit the speaker’s
	presence to their communication partner using a camera and microphone,
	and has a soft exterior that provides the look and feel of human
	skin. To transmit the speaker’s presence, Elfoid sends not only the
	voice of the speaker but also emotional information captured by the
	camera and microphone. Elfoid cannot, however, display facial expressions
	because of its compactness and a lack of sufficiently small actuator
	motors. In this research, facial expressions are generated using
	Elfoid’s head-mounted mobile projector to overcome the problem. Additionally,
	facial expressions are emphasized using cartoon techniques: movements
	around the mouth and eyes are emphasized, the silhouette of the face
	and shapes of the eyes are varied by projection effects, and color
	stimuli that induce a particular emotion are added. In an experiment,
	representative face expressions are generated with Elfoid and emotions
	conveyed to users are investigated by subjective evaluation.},
  day = {21-26},
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-39342-6_43},
  file = {Tsuruda2013.pdf:pdf/Tsuruda2013.pdf:PDF},
  url = {http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-39342-6_43}
Rosario Sorbello, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Antonio Chella, Shuichi Nishio, Giovan Battista Presti, Marcello Giardina, "Telenoid mediated ACT Protocol to Increase Acceptance of Disease among Siblings of Autistic Children", In HRI2013 Workshop on Design of Humanlikeness in HRI : from uncanny valley to minimal design, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 26, March, 2013.
Abstract: We introduce a novel research proposal project aimed to build a robotic setup in which the Telenoid[1] is used as therapist for the sibling of children with autism. Many existing research studies have shown good results relating to the important impact of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)[2] applied to siblings of children with autism. The overall behaviors of the siblings may potentially benefit from treatment with a humanoid robot therapist instead of a real one. In particular in the present study, Telenoid humanoid robot[3] is used as therapist to achieve a specific therapeutic objective: the acceptance of diversity from the sibling of children with autism. In the proposed architecture, the Telenoid acts[4] in teleoperated mode[5] during the learning phase, while it becomes more and more autonomous during the working phase with patients. A goal of the research is to improve siblings tolerance and acceptance towards their brothers. The use of ACT[6] will reinforce the acceptance of diversity and it will create a psicological flexibilty along the dimension of diversity. In the present article, we briefly introduce Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) as a clinical model and its theoretical foundations (Relational Frame Theory). We then explain the six core processes of Hexaflex model of ACT adapted to Telenoid behaviors acting as humanoid robotic therapist. Finally, we present an experimental example about how Telenoid could apply the six processes[7] of hexaflex model of ACT to the patient during its human-humanoid interaction (HHI) in order to realize an applied clinical behavior analysis[8] that increase in the sibling their acceptance of brother' disease.
  author    = {Rosario Sorbello and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Antonio Chella and Shuichi Nishio and Giovan Battista Presti and Marcello Giardina},
  title     = {Telenoid mediated {ACT} Protocol to Increase Acceptance of Disease among Siblings of Autistic Children},
  booktitle = {{HRI}2013 Workshop on Design of Humanlikeness in {HRI} : from uncanny valley to minimal design},
  year      = {2013},
  pages     = {26},
  address   = {Tokyo, Japan},
  month     = Mar,
  day       = {3},
  abstract  = {We introduce a novel research proposal project aimed to build a robotic setup in which the Telenoid[1] is used as therapist for the sibling of children with autism. Many existing research studies have shown good results relating to the important impact of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)[2] applied to siblings of children with autism. The overall behaviors of the siblings may potentially benefit from treatment with a humanoid robot therapist instead of a real one. In particular in the present study, Telenoid humanoid robot[3] is used as therapist to achieve a specific therapeutic objective: the acceptance of diversity from the sibling of children with autism. In the proposed architecture, the Telenoid acts[4] in teleoperated mode[5] during the learning phase, while it becomes more and more autonomous during the working phase with patients. A goal of the research is to improve siblings tolerance and acceptance towards their brothers. The use of ACT[6] will reinforce the acceptance of diversity and it will create a psicological flexibilty along the dimension of diversity. In the present article, we briefly introduce Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) as a clinical model and its theoretical foundations (Relational Frame Theory). We then explain the six core processes of Hexaflex model of ACT adapted to Telenoid behaviors acting as humanoid robotic therapist. Finally, we present an experimental example about how Telenoid could apply the six processes[7] of hexaflex model of ACT to the patient during its human-humanoid interaction (HHI) in order to realize an applied clinical behavior analysis[8] that increase in the sibling their acceptance of brother' disease.},
  file      = {Sorbello2013.pdf:pdf/Sorbello2013.pdf:PDF},
Yuhei Fujie, Maiya Hori, Hiroki Yoshimura, Yoshio Iwai, "Emotion Transmission by Color Effects for a Teleoperated Mobile Communication Robot", In HRI 2013 Workshop on Design of Humanlikeness in HRI from uncanny valley to minimal design, Tokyo, pp. 19-25, March, 2013.
Abstract: We propose a method to convey emotions by us- ing color effects for a cellular-phone-type teleoperated android called Elfoid. Video-conferencing and videotelephony are used as tools for communication between people in remote locations. These conventional systems are insufficient to convey the human presence that plays an important role in communication with a partner. Elfoid is designed to transmit the speaker’s presence to their communication partner using a camera and microphone, and has a soft exterior that provides the look and feel of human skin. To transmit the speaker’s presence, Elfoid sends not only the voice of the speaker, but also emotional information captured by the camera and microphone. Elfoid cannot, however, display facial expressions because of its compactness and a lack of sufficiently small actuator motors. We therefore use light-emitting diodes and generate color patterns to represent the speaker’s emotion as estimated by the camera. We focus on emotions that can be conveyed by Elfoid through light emission. It is widely recognized that colors have a strong effect on our emotions and feelings. However, conventional studies using robots with similar appearances to humans have not investigated the color effects. In our experiments, we investigate the emotions conveyed by Elfoid by emitting various light patterns.
  author = {Yuhei Fujie and Maiya Hori and Hiroki Yoshimura and Yoshio Iwai},
  title = {Emotion Transmission by Color Effects for a Teleoperated Mobile Communication
  booktitle = {{HRI} 2013 Workshop on Design of Humanlikeness in {HRI} from uncanny
	valley to minimal design},
  year = {2013},
  pages = {19-25},
  address = {Tokyo},
  month = Mar,
  abstract = {We propose a method to convey emotions by us- ing color effects for
	a cellular-phone-type teleoperated android called Elfoid. Video-conferencing
	and videotelephony are used as tools for communication between people
	in remote locations. These conventional systems are insufficient
	to convey the human presence that plays an important role in communication
	with a partner. Elfoid is designed to transmit the speaker’s presence
	to their communication partner using a camera and microphone, and
	has a soft exterior that provides the look and feel of human skin.
	To transmit the speaker’s presence, Elfoid sends not only the voice
	of the speaker, but also emotional information captured by the camera
	and microphone. Elfoid cannot, however, display facial expressions
	because of its compactness and a lack of sufficiently small actuator
	motors. We therefore use light-emitting diodes and generate color
	patterns to represent the speaker’s emotion as estimated by the camera.
	We focus on emotions that can be conveyed by Elfoid through light
	emission. It is widely recognized that colors have a strong effect
	on our emotions and feelings. However, conventional studies using
	robots with similar appearances to humans have not investigated the
	color effects. In our experiments, we investigate the emotions conveyed
	by Elfoid by emitting various light patterns.},
  day = {3},
田中一晶, 中西英之, 石黒浩, "実体で身体動作を提示するロボット会議によるソーシャルテレプレゼンスの強化", インタラクション2013, 日本科学未来館、東京, pp. 125-132, February, 2013.
Abstract: 近年,新たな遠隔会議の方法としてロボットを介して遠隔地にいる相手と対話するロボット会議が研究され始めた. ロボット会議の特徴は,対話相手の身体動作を実体のあるロボットで提示することである.しかし,実体のあるメデ ィアを介して対話することが遠隔会議においてどのような効果をもたらすかは明らかになっていない.本研究の目的 は,遠隔会議における実体の効果を明らかにし,ロボット会議の有効性を検証することである.我々は,ロボットや 様々な既存の遠隔対話メディアを介して対話する被験者実験を実施した.その結果,実体は対話相手のソーシャルテ レプレゼンス(相手と対面で対話している感覚の度合)を強化することが分かった.さらに,実体は対面会議で感じ るような緊張感を生み出すことも分かった.これらの結果からロボット会議の有効性が示唆された.
  author = {田中一晶 and 中西英之 and 石黒浩},
  title = {実体で身体動作を提示するロボット会議によるソーシャルテレプレゼンスの強化},
  booktitle = {インタラクション2013},
  year = {2013},
  pages = {125--132},
  address = {日本科学未来館、東京},
  month = Feb,
  abstract = {近年,新たな遠隔会議の方法としてロボットを介して遠隔地にいる相手と対話するロボット会議が研究され始めた. ロボット会議の特徴は,対話相手の身体動作を実体のあるロボットで提示することである.しかし,実体のあるメデ
	ィアを介して対話することが遠隔会議においてどのような効果をもたらすかは明らかになっていない.本研究の目的 は,遠隔会議における実体の効果を明らかにし,ロボット会議の有効性を検証することである.我々は,ロボットや
	様々な既存の遠隔対話メディアを介して対話する被験者実験を実施した.その結果,実体は対話相手のソーシャルテ レプレゼンス(相手と対面で対話している感覚の度合)を強化することが分かった.さらに,実体は対面会議で感じ
  day = {28-2},
  eabstract = {In recent years, studies have begun on robot conferencing in which
	people talk with a remote conversation partner through a robot as
	a new teleconferencing method. The main feature of robot conferencing
	is that the robot presents the bodily motions of the conversation
	partner with a physical embodiment. However, the effects of physical
	embodiment on teleconferencing had not yet been demonstrated. The
	purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of physical embodiment
	on teleconferencing to investigate the effectiveness of robot conferencing.
	We conducted an experiment in which subjects talked with a partner
	through a robot and various existing telecommunication media. As
	a result, we observed that the physical embodiment enhanced social
	telepresence, i.e., the sense of resembling face-to-face interaction.
	Furthermore, we also observed that physical embodiment enhances the
	sense of tension as in the case of a face-to-face meeting. These
	results indicated the effectiveness of robot conferencing.},
  etitle = {Robot Conferencing that Presents Physically Embodied Body Motions
	Enhances Social Telepresence},
  file = {田中一晶2013.pdf:田中一晶2013.pdf:PDF},
  journal = {インタラクション2013},
塩崎恭平, 田中一晶, 中西英之, "遠隔対話における存在感向上に向けた指相撲ロボットハンドの開発 (ポスター発表)", HAIシンポジウム, 京都工芸繊維大学, 京都, pp. 2D-3, December, 2012.
Abstract: There is a problem that is less presence of a remote person in remote conversation than in face-to-face environments.In this study,we developed a thumb wrestling robot hand that reproduced the thumb motion and the warmth of the remote person’s hand.We expect that a pseudo-thumb wrestling with the remote person enhances his/her social telepresence.Furthermore,another expected effect of the thumb wrestling is enhancing a sense of intimacy with the remote person.
  author = {塩崎恭平 and 田中一晶 and 中西英之},
  title = {遠隔対話における存在感向上に向けた指相撲ロボットハンドの開発},
  booktitle = {HAIシンポジウム},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {2D-3},
  address = {京都工芸繊維大学, 京都},
  month = Dec,
  abstract = {There is a problem that is less presence of a remote person in remote
	conversation than in face-to-face environments.In this study,we developed
	a thumb wrestling robot hand that reproduced the thumb motion and
	the warmth of the remote person’s hand.We expect that a pseudo-thumb
	wrestling with the remote person enhances his/her social telepresence.Furthermore,another
	expected effect of the thumb wrestling is enhancing a sense of intimacy
	with the remote person.},
  day = {7-9},
  etitle = {Development of a Thumb Wrestling Robot Hand Enhancing Social Telepresence
	in Remote Conversation},
  ile = {塩崎恭平2012.pdf:塩崎恭平2012.pdf:PDF},
幸田健介, 住岡英信, 西尾修一, 石黒浩, "土偶の変遷から見るコミュニケーションメディアのミニマルデザイン", HAIシンポジウム, 京都工芸繊維大学, pp. 1C-4, December, 2012.
Abstract: Investigation of minimal elements of human-like appearance is important not only for designing communication media but also for considering how appearances affect interaction. This paper addresses design issues of communication media to convey person's presence to a distant location. Inspired from analogies between design strategies of such media and "Dogu", a clay doll built during the Jomon period, we investigate minimal elements of human-like appearance by tracing the evolution of Dogu. The survey of Dogu's evolution suggests that 1) human-like torso had a priority over other body representations including facial expression; 2) the arms and legs were represented in abstract forms; 3) eyes, mouth, and nose were essential; and 4) portability was a key feature to change design strategy. Minimal elements for communication media to convey person's presence are discussed based on the results of the survey.
  author          = {幸田健介 and 住岡英信 and 西尾修一 and 石黒浩},
  title           = {土偶の変遷から見るコミュニケーションメディアのミニマルデザイン},
  booktitle       = {{HAI}シンポジウム},
  year            = {2012},
  pages           = {1{C}-4},
  address         = {京都工芸繊維大学},
  month           = Dec,
  day             = {7-9},
  url             = {http://www.ii.is.kit.ac.jp/hai2012/proceedings/pdf/1C-4.pdf},
  etitle          = {Minimal Design of Communication Media Based on "Dogu" Evolution},
  abstract        = {Investigation of minimal elements of human-like appearance is important not only for designing communication media but also for considering how appearances affect interaction. This paper addresses design issues of communication media to convey person's presence to a distant location. Inspired from analogies between design strategies of such media and "Dogu", a clay doll built during the Jomon period, we investigate minimal elements of human-like appearance by tracing the evolution of Dogu. The survey of Dogu's evolution suggests that 1) human-like torso had a priority over other body representations including facial expression; 2) the arms and legs were represented in abstract forms; 3) eyes, mouth, and nose were essential; and 4) portability was a key feature to change design strategy. Minimal elements for communication media to convey person's presence are discussed based on the results of the survey.},
  file            = {幸田健介2012.pdf:pdf/幸田健介2012.pdf:PDF},
桑村海光, 境くりま, 港隆史, 西尾修一, 石黒浩, "遠隔コミュニケーションにおける抱擁の効果", HAIシンポジウム, 京都工芸繊維大学, pp. 1B-3, December, 2012.
Abstract: The act of physical interaction, such as hugging, is one important factor in communication for establishing and maintaining good relationship. This is, at the same time, one of the factors that are often lost in telecommunication between distant locations. Recently, several studies attempted to provide feeling of being hugged by person in remote and showed their effectiveness. However, there have been no study which focused on the effect of hugging a telecommunication medium. In this study, we investigated the effect of hugging on telecommunication by using Hugvie. The experiment with Hugvie revealed that the one who talks to his first meeting while virtually hugging through the medium feels like being loved rather than being liked.
  author          = {桑村海光 and 境くりま and 港隆史 and 西尾修一 and 石黒浩},
  title           = {遠隔コミュニケーションにおける抱擁の効果},
  booktitle       = {{HAI}シンポジウム},
  year            = {2012},
  pages           = {1B-3},
  address         = {京都工芸繊維大学},
  month           = Dec,
  day             = {7-9},
  url             = {http://www.ii.is.kit.ac.jp/hai2012/proceedings/pdf/1B-3.pdf},
  etitle          = {The Effect of Hugging on Telecommunication},
  abstract        = {The act of physical interaction, such as hugging, is one important factor in communication for establishing and maintaining good relationship. This is, at the same time, one of the factors that are often lost in telecommunication between distant locations. Recently, several studies attempted to provide feeling of being hugged by person in remote and showed their effectiveness. However, there have been no study which focused on the effect of hugging a telecommunication medium. In this study, we investigated the effect of hugging on telecommunication by using Hugvie. The experiment with Hugvie revealed that the one who talks to his first meeting while virtually hugging through the medium feels like being loved rather than being liked.},
  file            = {桑村海光2012.pdf:pdf/桑村海光2012.pdf:PDF},
Carlos T. Ishi, Chaoran Liu, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Norihiro Hagita, "Evaluation of formant-based lip motion generation in tele-operated humanoid robots", In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, pp. 2377-2382, October, 2012.
Abstract: Generating natural motion in robots is important for improving human-robot interaction. We developed a tele-operation system where the lip motion of a remote humanoid robot is automatically controlled from the operator's voice. In the present work, we introduce an improved version of our proposed speech-driven lip motion generation method, where lip height and width degrees are estimated based on vowel formant information. The method requires the calibration of only one parameter for speaker normalization. Lip height control is evaluated in two types of humanoid robots (Telenoid-R2 and Geminoid-F). Subjective evaluation indicated that the proposed audio-based method can generate lip motion with naturalness superior to vision-based and motion capture-based approaches. Partial lip width control was shown to improve lip motion naturalness in Geminoid-F, which also has an actuator for stretching the lip corners. Issues regarding online real-time processing are also discussed.
  author    = {Carlos T. Ishi and Chaoran Liu and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Norihiro Hagita},
  title     = {Evaluation of formant-based lip motion generation in tele-operated humanoid robots},
  booktitle = {{IEEE/RSJ} International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems},
  year      = {2012},
  pages     = {2377--2382},
  address   = {Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal},
  month     = Oct,
  day       = {7-12},
  abstract  = {Generating natural motion in robots is important for improving human-robot interaction. We developed a tele-operation system where the lip motion of a remote humanoid robot is automatically controlled from the operator's voice. In the present work, we introduce an improved version of our proposed speech-driven lip motion generation method, where lip height and width degrees are estimated based on vowel formant information. The method requires the calibration of only one parameter for speaker normalization. Lip height control is evaluated in two types of humanoid robots (Telenoid-R2 and Geminoid-F). Subjective evaluation indicated that the proposed audio-based method can generate lip motion with naturalness superior to vision-based and motion capture-based approaches. Partial lip width control was shown to improve lip motion naturalness in Geminoid-F, which also has an actuator for stretching the lip corners. Issues regarding online real-time processing are also discussed.},
  file      = {Ishi2012.pdf:pdf/Ishi2012.pdf:PDF},
Hiroshi Ishiguro, Shuichi Nishi, Antonio Chella, Rosario Sorbello, Giuseppe Balistreri, Marcello Giardina, Carmelo Cali, "Investigating Perceptual Features for a Natural Human - Humanoid Robot Interaction inside a Spontaneous Setting", In Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2012, Palermo, Italy, October, 2012.
Abstract: The present paper aims to validate our research on human-humanoid interaction (HHMI) using the minimalistic humanoid robot Telenoid. We have conducted human-robot interactions test with 100 young people with no prier interaction experience with this robot. The main goal is the analysis of the two social dimension (perception and believability) useful for increasing the natural behavior between users and Telenoid. We administrated our custom questionnaire to these subjects after a well defined experimental setting (ordinary and goal-guided task). After the analysis of the questionnaires, we obtained the proof that perceptual and believability conditions are necessary social dimensions for a success fully and efficiency HHI interaction in every daylife activities.
  author    = {Hiroshi Ishiguro and Shuichi Nishi and Antonio Chella and Rosario Sorbello and Giuseppe Balistreri and Marcello Giardina and Carmelo Cali},
  title     = {Investigating Perceptual Features for a Natural Human - Humanoid Robot Interaction inside a Spontaneous Setting},
  booktitle = {Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2012},
  year      = {2012},
  address   = {Palermo, Italy},
  month     = Oct,
  abstract  = {The present paper aims to validate our research on human-humanoid interaction (HHMI) using the minimalistic humanoid robot Telenoid. We have conducted human-robot interactions test with 100 young people with no prier interaction experience with this robot. The main goal is the analysis of the two social dimension (perception and believability) useful for increasing the natural behavior between users and Telenoid. We administrated our custom questionnaire to these subjects after a well defined experimental setting (ordinary and goal-guided task). After the analysis of the questionnaires, we obtained the proof that perceptual and believability conditions are necessary social dimensions for a success fully and efficiency HHI interaction in every daylife activities.},
Ryuji Yamazaki, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Marco Nørskov, Nobu Ishiguro, Giuseppe Balistreri, "Social Acceptance of a Teleoperated Android: Field Study on Elderly's Engagement with an Embodied Communication Medium in Denmark", In International Conference on Social Robotics, Chengdu, China, pp. 428-437, October, 2012.
Abstract: We explored the potential of teleoperated android robots, which are embodied telecommunication media with humanlike appearances, and how they affect people in the real world when they are employed to express a telepresence and a sense of ‘being there'. In Denmark, our exploratory study focused on the social aspects of Telenoid, a teleoperated android, which might facilitate communication between senior citizens and Telenoid's operator. After applying it to the elderly in their homes, we found that the elderly assumed positive attitudes toward Telenoid, and their positivity and strong attachment to its huggable minimalistic human design were cross-culturally shared in Denmark and Japan. Contrary to the negative reactions by non-users in media reports, our result suggests that teleoperated androids can be accepted by the elderly as a kind of universal design medium for social inclusion.
  author          = {Ryuji Yamazaki and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Marco N\orskov and Nobu Ishiguro and Giuseppe Balistreri},
  title           = {Social Acceptance of a Teleoperated Android: Field Study on Elderly's Engagement with an Embodied Communication Medium in Denmark},
  booktitle       = {International Conference on Social Robotics},
  year            = {2012},
  pages           = {428-437},
  address         = {Chengdu, China},
  month           = Oct,
  day             = {29-31},
  doi             = {10.1007/978-3-642-34103-8_43},
  url             = {http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-34103-8_43},
  abstract        = {We explored the potential of teleoperated android robots, which are embodied telecommunication media with humanlike appearances, and how they affect people in the real world when they are employed to express a telepresence and a sense of ‘being there'. In Denmark, our exploratory study focused on the social aspects of Telenoid, a teleoperated android, which might facilitate communication between senior citizens and Telenoid's operator. After applying it to the elderly in their homes, we found that the elderly assumed positive attitudes toward Telenoid, and their positivity and strong attachment to its huggable minimalistic human design were cross-culturally shared in Denmark and Japan. Contrary to the negative reactions by non-users in media reports, our result suggests that teleoperated androids can be accepted by the elderly as a kind of universal design medium for social inclusion.},
  file            = {Yamazaki2012c.pdf:pdf/Yamazaki2012c.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {android;teleoperation;minimal design;communication;embodiment;inclusion;acceptability;elderly care},
Ryuji Yamazaki, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Takashi Minato, Marco Nørskov, Nobu Ishiguro, Masaru Nishikawa, Tsutomu Fujinami, "Social Inclusion of Senior Citizens by a Teleoperated Android : Toward Inter-generational TeleCommunity Creation", In 2012 IEEE International Workshop on Assistance and Service Robotics in a Human Environment, International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, pp. 53-58, October, 2012.
Abstract: As populations continue to age, there is a growing need for assistive technologies that help senior citizens maintain their autonomy and enjoy their lives. We explore the potential of teleoperated androids, which are embodied telecommunication media with humanlike appearances. Our exploratory study focused on the social aspects of Telenoid, a teleoperated android designed as a minimalistic human, which might facilitate communication between senior citizens and its operators. We conducted cross-cultural field trials in Japan and Denmark by introducing Telenoid into care facilities and the private homes of seniors to observe how they responded to it. In Japan, we set up a teleoperation system in an elementary school and investigated how it shaped communication through the internet between the elderly in a care facility and the children who acted as teleoperators. In both countries, the elderly commonly assumed positive attitudes toward Telenoid and imaginatively developed various dialogue strategies. Telenoid lowered the barriers for the children as operators for communicating with demented seniors so that they became more relaxed to participate in and positively continue conversations using Telenoid. Our results suggest that its minimalistic human design is inclusive for seniors with or without dementia and facilitates inter-generational communication, which may be expanded to a social network of trans-national supportive relationships among all generations.
  author    = {Ryuji Yamazaki and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Takashi Minato and Marco N\orskov and Nobu Ishiguro and Masaru Nishikawa and Tsutomu Fujinami},
  title     = {Social Inclusion of Senior Citizens by a Teleoperated Android : Toward Inter-generational TeleCommunity Creation},
  booktitle = {2012 {IEEE} International Workshop on Assistance and Service Robotics in a Human Environment, International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems},
  year      = {2012},
  pages     = {53--58},
  address   = {Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal},
  month     = Oct,
  day       = {7-12},
  abstract  = {As populations continue to age, there is a growing need for assistive technologies that help senior citizens maintain their autonomy and enjoy their lives. We explore the potential of teleoperated androids, which are embodied telecommunication media with humanlike appearances. Our exploratory study focused on the social aspects of Telenoid, a teleoperated android designed as a minimalistic human, which might facilitate communication between senior citizens and its operators. We conducted cross-cultural field trials in Japan and Denmark by introducing Telenoid into care facilities and the private homes of seniors to observe how they responded to it. In Japan, we set up a teleoperation system in an elementary school and investigated how it shaped communication through the internet between the elderly in a care facility and the children who acted as teleoperators. In both countries, the elderly commonly assumed positive attitudes toward Telenoid and imaginatively developed various dialogue strategies. Telenoid lowered the barriers for the children as operators for communicating with demented seniors so that they became more relaxed to participate in and positively continue conversations using Telenoid. Our results suggest that its minimalistic human design is inclusive for seniors with or without dementia and facilitates inter-generational communication, which may be expanded to a social network of trans-national supportive relationships among all generations.},
  file      = {Yamazaki2012d.pdf:Yamazaki2012d.pdf:PDF},
Martin Cooney, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Recognizing Affection for a Touch-based Interaction with a Humanoid Robot", In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, pp. 1420-1427, October, 2012.
Abstract: In order to facilitate integration into domestic and public environments, companion robots can seek to communicate in a familiar, socially intelligent´ manner, recognizing typical behaviors which people direct toward them. One important type of behavior to recognize is the displaying and seeking of affection, which is fundamentally associated with the modality of touch. This paper identifies how people communicate affection through touching a humanoid robot appearance, and reports on the development of a recognition system exploring the modalities of touch and vision. Results of evaluation indicate the proposed system can recognize people's affectionate behavior in the designated context.
  author          = {Martin Cooney and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Recognizing Affection for a Touch-based Interaction with a Humanoid Robot},
  booktitle       = {{IEEE/RSJ} International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems},
  year            = {2012},
  pages           = {1420--1427},
  address         = {Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal},
  month           = Oct,
  day             = {7-12},
  abstract        = {In order to facilitate integration into domestic and public environments, companion robots can seek to communicate in a familiar, socially intelligent´ manner, recognizing typical behaviors which people direct toward them. One important type of behavior to recognize is the displaying and seeking of affection, which is fundamentally associated with the modality of touch. This paper identifies how people communicate affection through touching a humanoid robot appearance, and reports on the development of a recognition system exploring the modalities of touch and vision. Results of evaluation indicate the proposed system can recognize people's affectionate behavior in the designated context.},
  file            = {Cooney2012a.pdf:Cooney2012a.pdf:PDF},
Kaiko Kuwamura, Takashi Minato, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Personality Distortion in Communication through Teleoperated Robots", In IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Paris, France, pp. 49-54, September, 2012.
Abstract: Recent research has focused on such physical communication media as teleoperated robots, which provide a feeling of being with people in remote places. Recent invented media resemble cute animals or imaginary creatures that quickly attract attention. However, such appearances could distort tele-communications because they are different from human beings. This paper studies the effect on the speaker's personality that is transmitted through physical media by regarding appearances as a function that transmits the speaker's information. Although communication media's capability to transmit information reportedly influences conversations in many aspects, the effect of appearances remains unclear. To reveal the effect of appearance, we compared three appearances of communication media: stuffed-bear teleoperated robot, human-like teleoperated robot, and video chat. Our results show that communication media whose appearance greatly differs from that of the speaker distorts the personality perceived by interlocutors. This paper suggests that the design of the appearance of physical communication media needs to be carefully selected.
  author    = {Kaiko Kuwamura and Takashi Minato and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title     = {Personality Distortion in Communication through Teleoperated Robots},
  booktitle = {{IEEE} International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication},
  year      = {2012},
  pages     = {49--54},
  address   = {Paris, France},
  month     = Sep,
  day       = {9-13},
  abstract  = {Recent research has focused on such physical communication media as teleoperated robots, which provide a feeling of being with people in remote places. Recent invented media resemble cute animals or imaginary creatures that quickly attract attention. However, such appearances could distort tele-communications because they are different from human beings. This paper studies the effect on the speaker's personality that is transmitted through physical media by regarding appearances as a function that transmits the speaker's information. Although communication media's capability to transmit information reportedly influences conversations in many aspects, the effect of appearances remains unclear. To reveal the effect of appearance, we compared three appearances of communication media: stuffed-bear teleoperated robot, human-like teleoperated robot, and video chat. Our results show that communication media whose appearance greatly differs from that of the speaker distorts the personality perceived by interlocutors. This paper suggests that the design of the appearance of physical communication media needs to be carefully selected.},
  file      = {Kuwamura2012.pdf:pdf/Kuwamura2012.pdf:PDF},
Martin Cooney, Francesco Zanlungo, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Designing a Flying Humanoid Robot (FHR): Effects of Flight on Interactive Communication", In IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Paris, France, pp. 364-371, September, 2012.
Abstract: This research constitutes an initial investigation into key issues which arise in designing a flying humanoid robot (FHR), with a focus on human-robot interaction (HRI). The humanoid form offers an interface for natural communication; flight offers excellent mobility. Combining both will yield companion robots capable of approaching, accompanying, and communicating naturally with humans in difficult environments. Problematic is how such a robot should best fly around humans, and what effect the robot's flight will have on a person in terms of paralinguistic (non-verbal) cues. To answer these questions, we propose an extension to existing proxemics theory (“z-proxemics") and predict how typical humanoid flight motions will be perceived. Data obtained from participants watching animated sequences are analyzed to check our predictions. The paper also reports on the building of a flying humanoid robot, which we will use in interactions.
  author          = {Martin Cooney and Francesco Zanlungo and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Designing a Flying Humanoid Robot ({FHR}): Effects of Flight on Interactive Communication},
  booktitle       = {{IEEE} International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication},
  year            = {2012},
  pages           = {364--371},
  address         = {Paris, France},
  month           = Sep,
  day             = {9-13},
  doi             = {10.1109/ROMAN.2012.6343780},
  abstract        = {This research constitutes an initial investigation into key issues which arise in designing a flying humanoid robot ({FHR}), with a focus on human-robot interaction ({HRI}). The humanoid form offers an interface for natural communication; flight offers excellent mobility. Combining both will yield companion robots capable of approaching, accompanying, and communicating naturally with humans in difficult environments. Problematic is how such a robot should best fly around humans, and what effect the robot's flight will have on a person in terms of paralinguistic (non-verbal) cues. To answer these questions, we propose an extension to existing proxemics theory (“z-proxemics") and predict how typical humanoid flight motions will be perceived. Data obtained from participants watching animated sequences are analyzed to check our predictions. The paper also reports on the building of a flying humanoid robot, which we will use in interactions.},
  file            = {Cooney2012b.pdf:Cooney2012b.pdf:PDF},
Carlos T. Ishi, Chaoran Liu, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Norihiro Hagita, "Evaluation of a formant-based speech-driven lip motion generation", In 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Portland, Oregon, pp. P1a.04, September, 2012.
Abstract: The background of the present work is the development of a tele-presence robot system where the lip motion of a remote humanoid robot is automatically controlled from the operator's voice. In the present paper, we introduce an improved version of our proposed speech-driven lip motion generation method, where lip height and width degrees are estimated based on vowel formant information. The method requires the calibration of only one parameter for speaker normalization, so that no training of dedicated models is necessary. Lip height control is evaluated in a female android robot and in animated lips. Subjective evaluation indicated that naturalness of lip motion generated in the robot is improved by the inclusion of a partial lip width control (with stretching of the lip corners). Highest naturalness scores were achieved for the animated lips, showing the effectiveness of the proposed method.
  author          = {Carlos T. Ishi and Chaoran Liu and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Norihiro Hagita},
  title           = {Evaluation of a formant-based speech-driven lip motion generation},
  booktitle       = {13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association},
  year            = {2012},
  pages           = {P1a.04},
  address         = {Portland, Oregon},
  month           = Sep,
  day             = {9-13},
  abstract        = {The background of the present work is the development of a tele-presence robot system where the lip motion of a remote humanoid robot is automatically controlled from the operator's voice. In the present paper, we introduce an improved version of our proposed speech-driven lip motion generation method, where lip height and width degrees are estimated based on vowel formant information. The method requires the calibration of only one parameter for speaker normalization, so that no training of dedicated models is necessary. Lip height control is evaluated in a female android robot and in animated lips. Subjective evaluation indicated that naturalness of lip motion generated in the robot is improved by the inclusion of a partial lip width control (with stretching of the lip corners). Highest naturalness scores were achieved for the animated lips, showing the effectiveness of the proposed method.},
  file            = {Ishi2012b.pdf:pdf/Ishi2012b.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {lip motion, formant, tele-operation, humanoid robot},
Takashi Minato, Hidenobu Sumioka, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Studying the Influence of Handheld Robotic Media on Social Communications", In the RO-MAN 2012 workshop on social robotic telepresence, Paris, France, pp. 15-16, September, 2012.
Abstract: This paper describes research issues on social robotic telepresence using “Elfoid". It is a portable tele-operated humanoid that is designed to transfer individuals' presence to remote places at anytime, anywhere, to provide a new communication style in which individuals talk with persons in remote locations in such a way that they feel each other's presence. However, it is not known how people adapt to the new communication style and how social communications change by Elfoid. Investigating the influence of Elfoid on social communications are very interesting in the view of social robotic telepresence. This paper introduces Elfoid and shows the position of our studies in social robotic telepresence.
  author    = {Takashi Minato and Hidenobu Sumioka and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title     = {Studying the Influence of Handheld Robotic Media on Social Communications},
  booktitle = {the {RO-MAN} 2012 workshop on social robotic telepresence},
  year      = {2012},
  pages     = {15--16},
  address   = {Paris, France},
  month     = Sep,
  day       = {9-13},
  abstract  = {This paper describes research issues on social robotic telepresence using “Elfoid". It is a portable tele-operated humanoid that is designed to transfer individuals' presence to remote places at anytime, anywhere, to provide a new communication style in which individuals talk with persons in remote locations in such a way that they feel each other's presence. However, it is not known how people adapt to the new communication style and how social communications change by Elfoid. Investigating the influence of Elfoid on social communications are very interesting in the view of social robotic telepresence. This paper introduces Elfoid and shows the position of our studies in social robotic telepresence.},
  file      = {Minato2012c.pdf:Minato2012c.pdf:PDF},
Ryuji Yamazaki, Shuichi Nishio, Kohei Ogawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Teleoperated Android as an Embodied Communication Medium: A Case Study with Demented Elderlies in a Care Facility", In IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Paris, France, pp. 1066-1071, September, 2012.
Abstract: Teleoperated androids, which are robots with humanlike appearances, are being produced as new media of human relationships. We explored the potential of humanoid robots and how they affect people in the real world when they are employed to express a telecommunication presence and a sense of ‘being there'. We introduced Telenoid, a teleoperated android, to a residential care facility to see how the elderly with dementia respond to it. Our exploratory study focused on the social aspects that might facilitate communication between the elderly and Telenoid's operator. Telenoid elicited positive images and interactive reactions from the elderly with mild dementia, even from those with severe cognitive impairment. They showed strong attachment to its child-like huggable design and became willing to converse with it. Our result suggests that an affectionate bond may be formed between the elderly and the android to provide the operator with easy communication to elicit responses from senior citizens.
  author    = {Ryuji Yamazaki and Shuichi Nishio and Kohei Ogawa and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title     = {Teleoperated Android as an Embodied Communication Medium: A Case Study with Demented Elderlies in a Care Facility},
  booktitle = {{IEEE} International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication},
  year      = {2012},
  pages     = {1066--1071},
  address   = {Paris, France},
  month     = Sep,
  day       = {9-13},
  abstract  = {Teleoperated androids, which are robots with humanlike appearances, are being produced as new media of human relationships. We explored the potential of humanoid robots and how they affect people in the real world when they are employed to express a telecommunication presence and a sense of ‘being there'. We introduced Telenoid, a teleoperated android, to a residential care facility to see how the elderly with dementia respond to it. Our exploratory study focused on the social aspects that might facilitate communication between the elderly and Telenoid's operator. Telenoid elicited positive images and interactive reactions from the elderly with mild dementia, even from those with severe cognitive impairment. They showed strong attachment to its child-like huggable design and became willing to converse with it. Our result suggests that an affectionate bond may be formed between the elderly and the android to provide the operator with easy communication to elicit responses from senior citizens.},
  file      = {Yamazaki2012b.pdf:Yamazaki2012b.pdf:PDF},
Hidenobu Sumioka, Shuichi Nishio, Erina Okamoto, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Isolation of physical traits and conversational content for personality design", Poster presentation at IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Paris, France, pp. 596-601, September, 2012.
Abstract: In this paper, we propose the "Doppel teleoperation system,'' which isolates several physical traits from a speaker, to investigate how personal information is conveyed to others during conversation. An underlying problem on designing personality in social robots is that it remains unclear how humans judge the personalities of conversation partners. With the Doppel system, for each of the communication channels to be transferred, one can choose it in its original form or in the one generated by the system. For example, voice and body motions can be replaced by the Doppel system while preserving the speech content. This allows us to analyze the individual effects of the physical traits of the speaker and the content in the speaker's speech on the identification of personality. This selectivity of personal traits provides a useful approach to investigate which information conveys our personality through conversation. To show the potential of our system, we experimentally tested how much the conversation content conveys the personality of speakers to interlocutors without any of their physical traits. Preliminary results show that although interlocutors have difficulty identifying speakers only using conversational contents, they can recognize their acquaintances when their acquaintances are the speakers. We point out some potential physical traits to convey personality
  author          = {Hidenobu Sumioka and Shuichi Nishio and Erina Okamoto and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Isolation of physical traits and conversational content for personality design},
  booktitle       = {{IEEE} International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication},
  year            = {2012},
  pages           = {596--601},
  address         = {Paris, France},
  month           = Sep,
  day             = {9-13},
  doi             = {10.1109/ROMAN.2012.6343816},
  abstract        = {In this paper, we propose the "Doppel teleoperation system,'' which isolates several physical traits from a speaker, to investigate how personal information is conveyed to others during conversation. An underlying problem on designing personality in social robots is that it remains unclear how humans judge the personalities of conversation partners. With the Doppel system, for each of the communication channels to be transferred, one can choose it in its original form or in the one generated by the system. For example, voice and body motions can be replaced by the Doppel system while preserving the speech content. This allows us to analyze the individual effects of the physical traits of the speaker and the content in the speaker's speech on the identification of personality. This selectivity of personal traits provides a useful approach to investigate which information conveys our personality through conversation. To show the potential of our system, we experimentally tested how much the conversation content conveys the personality of speakers to interlocutors without any of their physical traits. Preliminary results show that although interlocutors have difficulty identifying speakers only using conversational contents, they can recognize their acquaintances when their acquaintances are the speakers. We point out some potential physical traits to convey personality},
  file            = {Sumioka2012d.pdf:Sumioka2012d.pdf:PDF},
Hidenobu Sumioka, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Teleoperated android for mediated communication : body ownership, personality distortion, and minimal human design", In the RO-MAN 2012 workshop on social robotic telepresence, Paris, France, pp. 32-39, September, 2012.
Abstract: In this paper we discuss the impact of humanlike appearance on telecommunication, giving an overview of studies with teleoperated androids. We show that, due to humanlike appearance, teleoperated androids do not only affect interlocutors communicating with them but also teleoperators controlling them in another location. They enhance teleoperator's feeling of telepresence by inducing a sense of ownership over their body parts. It is also pointed out that a mismatch between an android and a teleoperator in appearance distorts the teleoperator's personality to be conveyed to an interlocutor. To overcome this problem, the concept of minimal human likeness design is introduced. We demonstrate that a new teleoperated android developed with the concept reduces the distortion in telecommunication. Finally, some research issues are discussed on a sense of ownership over telerobot's body, minimal human likeness design, and interface design.
  author          = {Hidenobu Sumioka and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Teleoperated android for mediated communication : body ownership, personality distortion, and minimal human design},
  booktitle       = {the {RO-MAN} 2012 workshop on social robotic telepresence},
  year            = {2012},
  pages           = {32--39},
  address         = {Paris, France},
  month           = Sep,
  day             = {9-13},
  abstract        = {In this paper we discuss the impact of humanlike appearance on telecommunication, giving an overview of studies with teleoperated androids. We show that, due to humanlike appearance, teleoperated androids do not only affect interlocutors communicating with them but also teleoperators controlling them in another location. They enhance teleoperator's feeling of telepresence by inducing a sense of ownership over their body parts. It is also pointed out that a mismatch between an android and a teleoperator in appearance distorts the teleoperator's personality to be conveyed to an interlocutor. To overcome this problem, the concept of minimal human likeness design is introduced. We demonstrate that a new teleoperated android developed with the concept reduces the distortion in telecommunication. Finally, some research issues are discussed on a sense of ownership over telerobot's body, minimal human likeness design, and interface design.},
  file            = {Sumioka2012c.pdf:Sumioka2012c.pdf:PDF},
Takashi Minato, Shuichi Nishio, Kohei Ogawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Development of Cellphone-type Tele-operated Android", Poster presentation at The 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction, Matsue, Japan, pp. 665-666, August, 2012.
Abstract: This paper presents a newly developed portable human-like robotic avatar “Elfoid" which can be a novel communication medium in that a user can talk with another person in a remote location in such a way that they feel each other's presence. It is designed to convey individuals' presence using voice, human-like appearance, and touch. Thanks to its cellphone capability, it can be used at anytime, anywhere. The paper describes the design concept of Elfoid and argues research issues on this communication medium.
  author    = {Takashi Minato and Shuichi Nishio and Kohei Ogawa and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title     = {Development of Cellphone-type Tele-operated Android},
  booktitle = {The 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction},
  year      = {2012},
  pages     = {665-666},
  address   = {Matsue, Japan},
  month     = Aug,
  day       = {28-31},
  abstract  = {This paper presents a newly developed portable human-like robotic avatar “Elfoid" which can be a novel communication medium in that a user can talk with another person in a remote location in such a way that they feel each other's presence. It is designed to convey individuals' presence using voice, human-like appearance, and touch. Thanks to its cellphone capability, it can be used at anytime, anywhere. The paper describes the design concept of Elfoid and argues research issues on this communication medium.},
  file      = {Minato2012b.pdf:Minato2012b.pdf:PDF},
  keywords  = {Communication media; minimal design; human's presence},
堀磨伊也, 高倉秀基, 吉村宏紀, 岩井儀雄, "携帯型遠隔操作アンドロイドにおけるモバイルプロジェクタを用いた表情の生成", 第15回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU 2012), no. IS1-79, 福岡国際会議場、福岡, August, 2012.
  author = {堀磨伊也 and 高倉秀基 and 吉村宏紀 and 岩井儀雄},
  title = {携帯型遠隔操作アンドロイドにおけるモバイルプロジェクタを用いた表情の生成},
  booktitle = {第15回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム({MIRU} 2012)},
  year = {2012},
  number = {IS1-79},
  address = {福岡国際会議場、福岡},
  month = Aug,
  day = {6-8},
Shuichi Nishio, "Transmitting human presence with teleoperated androids: from proprioceptive transfer to elderly care", In CogSci2012 Workshop on Teleopearted Android as a Tool for Cognitive Studies, Communication and Art, Sapporo, Japan, August, 2012.
Abstract: Teleoperated androids, robots owning humanlike appearance equipped with semi-autonomous teleoperation facility, was first introduce in 2007 with the public release of Geminoid HI-1. Both its appearance that resembles the source person and its teleoperation functionality serves in making Geminoid as a research tool for seeking the nature of human presence and personality traits, tracing their origins and implementing into robots. Since the development of the first teleoperated android, we have been using them in a variety of domains, from studies on basic human natures to practical applications such as elderly care. In this talk, I will introduce some of our findings and ongoing projects.
  author    = {Shuichi Nishio},
  title     = {Transmitting human presence with teleoperated androids: from proprioceptive transfer to elderly care},
  booktitle = {CogSci2012 Workshop on Teleopearted Android as a Tool for Cognitive Studies, Communication and Art},
  year      = {2012},
  address   = {Sapporo, Japan},
  month     = Aug,
  abstract  = {Teleoperated androids, robots owning humanlike appearance equipped with semi-autonomous teleoperation facility, was first introduce in 2007 with the public release of Geminoid HI-1. Both its appearance that resembles the source person and its teleoperation functionality serves in making Geminoid as a research tool for seeking the nature of human presence and personality traits, tracing their origins and implementing into robots. Since the development of the first teleoperated android, we have been using them in a variety of domains, from studies on basic human natures to practical applications such as elderly care. In this talk, I will introduce some of our findings and ongoing projects.},
Hidenobu Sumioka, Takashi Minato, Kurima Sakai, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Motion Design of an Interactive Small Humanoid Robot with Visual Illusion", In The 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction, Matsue, Japan, pp. 93-100, August, 2012.
Abstract: We propose a method that enables users to convey nonver- bal information, especially their gestures, through portable robot avatar based on illusory motion. The illusory mo- tion of head nodding is realized with blinking lights for a human-like mobile phone called Elfoid. Two blinking pat- terns of LEDs are designed based on biological motion and illusory motion from shadows. The patterns are compared to select an appropriate pattern for the illusion of motion in terms of the naturalness of movements and quick percep- tion. The result shows that illusory motions show better per- formance than biological motion. We also test whether the illusory motion of head nodding provides a positive effect compared with just blinking lights. In experiments, subjects, who are engaged in role-playing game, are asked to com- plain to Elfoids about their unpleasant situation. The results show that the subject frustration is eased by Elfoid's illusory head nodding.
  author    = {Hidenobu Sumioka and Takashi Minato and Kurima Sakai and Shuichi Nishio and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title     = {Motion Design of an Interactive Small Humanoid Robot with Visual Illusion},
  booktitle = {The 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction},
  year      = {2012},
  pages     = {93-100},
  address   = {Matsue, Japan},
  month     = Aug,
  day       = {28-31},
  url       = {http://dl.acm.org/authorize?6720741},
  abstract  = {We propose a method that enables users to convey nonver- bal information, especially their gestures, through portable robot avatar based on illusory motion. The illusory mo- tion of head nodding is realized with blinking lights for a human-like mobile phone called Elfoid. Two blinking pat- terns of LEDs are designed based on biological motion and illusory motion from shadows. The patterns are compared to select an appropriate pattern for the illusion of motion in terms of the naturalness of movements and quick percep- tion. The result shows that illusory motions show better per- formance than biological motion. We also test whether the illusory motion of head nodding provides a positive effect compared with just blinking lights. In experiments, subjects, who are engaged in role-playing game, are asked to com- plain to Elfoids about their unpleasant situation. The results show that the subject frustration is eased by Elfoid's illusory head nodding.},
  file      = {Sumioka2012a.pdf:Sumioka2012a.pdf:PDF},
  keywords  = {telecommunication; nonverbal communication; portable robot avatar; visual illusion of motion},
Hidenobu Sumioka, Shuichi Nishio, Erina Okamoto, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Doppel Teleoperation System: Isolation of physical traits and intelligence for personality study", In Annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci2012), Sapporo Convention Center, pp. 2375-2380, August, 2012.
Abstract: We introduce the “Doppel teleoperation system", which isolates several physical traits from a speaker, to investigate how personal information is conveyed to other people during conversation. With the Doppel system, one can choose for each of the communication channels to be transferred whether in its original form or in the one generated by the system. For example, the voice and body motion can be replaced by the Doppel system while the speech content is preserved. This will allow us to analyze individual effects of physical traits of the speaker and content in the speaker's speech on identification of personality. This selectivity of personal traits provides us with useful approach to investigate which information conveys our personality through conversation. To show a potential of this proposed system, we conduct an experiment to test how much the content of conversation conveys the personality of speakers to interlocutors, without any physical traits of the speakers. Preliminary results show that although interlocutors have difficulty identifying their speakers only by using conversational contents, they can recognize their acquaintances when their acquaintances are the speakers. We point out some potential physical traits to convey our personality.
  author          = {Hidenobu Sumioka and Shuichi Nishio and Erina Okamoto and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Doppel Teleoperation System: Isolation of physical traits and intelligence for personality study},
  booktitle       = {Annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society ({C}og{S}ci2012)},
  year            = {2012},
  pages           = {2375-2380},
  address         = {Sapporo Convention Center},
  month           = Aug,
  day             = {1-4},
  url             = {http://mindmodeling.org/cogsci2012/papers/0413/paper0413.pdf},
  abstract        = {We introduce the “Doppel teleoperation system", which isolates several physical traits from a speaker, to investigate how personal information is conveyed to other people during conversation. With the Doppel system, one can choose for each of the communication channels to be transferred whether in its original form or in the one generated by the system. For example, the voice and body motion can be replaced by the Doppel system while the speech content is preserved. This will allow us to analyze individual effects of physical traits of the speaker and content in the speaker's speech on identification of personality. This selectivity of personal traits provides us with useful approach to investigate which information conveys our personality through conversation. To show a potential of this proposed system, we conduct an experiment to test how much the content of conversation conveys the personality of speakers to interlocutors, without any physical traits of the speakers. Preliminary results show that although interlocutors have difficulty identifying their speakers only by using conversational contents, they can recognize their acquaintances when their acquaintances are the speakers. We point out some potential physical traits to convey our personality.},
  file            = {Sumioka2012.pdf:Sumioka2012.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {social cognition; android science; human-robot interaction; personality psychology; personal presence},
Hiroshi Ishiguro, Shuichi Nishio, Antonio Chella, Rosario Sorbello, Giuseppe Balistreri, Marcello Giardina, Carmelo Cali, "Perceptual Social Dimensions of Human-Humanoid Robot Interaction", In The 12th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, vol. 194, Jeju International Convention Center, Korea, pp. 409-421, June, 2012.
Abstract: The present paper aims at a descriptive analysis of the main perceptual and social features of natural conditions of agent interaction, which can be specified by agent in human- humanoid robot interaction. A principled approach to human- robot interaction may be assumed to comply with the natural conditions of agents overt perceptual and social behaviour. To validate our research we used the minimalistic humanoid robot Telenoid. We have conducted human-robot interactions test with people with no prior interaction experience with robot. By administrating our questionnaire to subject after well defined experimental conditions, an analysis of significant variance corre- lation among dimensions in ordinary and goal guided contexts of interaction has been performed in order to prove that perception and believability are indicators of social interaction and increase the degree of interaction in human-humanoid interaction. The experimental results showed that Telenoid is seen from the users as an autonomous agent on its own rather than a teleoperated artificial agent and as a believable agent for its naturally acting in response to human agent actions.
  author    = {Hiroshi Ishiguro and Shuichi Nishio and Antonio Chella and Rosario Sorbello and Giuseppe Balistreri and Marcello Giardina and Carmelo Cali},
  title     = {Perceptual Social Dimensions of Human-Humanoid Robot Interaction},
  booktitle = {The 12th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems},
  year      = {2012},
  volume    = {194},
  series    = {Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing},
  pages     = {409-421},
  address   = {Jeju International Convention Center, Korea},
  month     = Jun,
  publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
  day       = {26-29},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-33932-5_38},
  url       = {http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-33932-5_38},
  abstract  = {The present paper aims at a descriptive analysis of the main perceptual and social features of natural conditions of agent interaction, which can be specified by agent in human- humanoid robot interaction. A principled approach to human- robot interaction may be assumed to comply with the natural conditions of agents overt perceptual and social behaviour. To validate our research we used the minimalistic humanoid robot Telenoid. We have conducted human-robot interactions test with people with no prior interaction experience with robot. By administrating our questionnaire to subject after well defined experimental conditions, an analysis of significant variance corre- lation among dimensions in ordinary and goal guided contexts of interaction has been performed in order to prove that perception and believability are indicators of social interaction and increase the degree of interaction in human-humanoid interaction. The experimental results showed that Telenoid is seen from the users as an autonomous agent on its own rather than a teleoperated artificial agent and as a believable agent for its naturally acting in response to human agent actions.},
  file      = {Ishiguro2012.pdf:Ishiguro2012.pdf:PDF},
  keywords  = {Telenoid, Geminoid, Human Robot Interaction, Social Robot, Humanoid Robot},
Ryuji Yamazaki, Shuichi Nishio, Kohei Ogawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Kohei Matsumura, Kensuke Koda, Tsutomu Fujinami, "How Does Telenoid Affect the Communication between Children in Classroom Setting ?", In Extended Abstracts of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Austin, Texas, USA, pp. 351-366, May, 2012.
Abstract: Recent advances in robotics have produced kinds of robots that are not only autonomous but can also tele- operated and have humanlike appearances. However, it is not sufficiently investigated how the tele-operated humanoid robots can affect and be accepted by people in a real world. In the present study, we investigated how elementary school children accepted Telenoid R1, a tele-operated humanoid robot. We conducted a school-based action research project to explore their responses to the robot. Our research theme was the social aspects that might facilitate communication and the purpose was problem finding. There have been considerable studies for resolving the remote disadvantage; although face-to-face is always supposed to be the best way for our communication, we ask whether it is possible to determine the primacy of remote communication over face-to-face. As a result of the field experiment in a school, the structure of children's group work changed and their attitude turned more positive than usual. Their spontaneity was brought out and role differentiation occurred with them. Mainly due to the limitations by Telenoid, children changed their attitude and could cooperatively work. The result suggested that the remote communication that set a limit to our capability could be useful for us to know and be trained the effective way to work more cooperatively than usual face-to-face. It remained as future work to compare Telenoid with various media and to explore the appropriate conditions that promote our cooperation.
  author          = {Ryuji Yamazaki and Shuichi Nishio and Kohei Ogawa and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Kohei Matsumura and Kensuke Koda and Tsutomu Fujinami},
  title           = {How Does Telenoid Affect the Communication between Children in Classroom Setting ?},
  booktitle       = {Extended Abstracts of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems},
  year            = {2012},
  pages           = {351-366},
  address         = {Austin, Texas, {USA}},
  month           = May,
  day             = {5-10},
  doi             = {10.1145/2212776.2212814},
  url             = {http://dl.acm.org/authorize?6764060},
  abstract        = {Recent advances in robotics have produced kinds of robots that are not only autonomous but can also tele- operated and have humanlike appearances. However, it is not sufficiently investigated how the tele-operated humanoid robots can affect and be accepted by people in a real world. In the present study, we investigated how elementary school children accepted Telenoid R1, a tele-operated humanoid robot. We conducted a school-based action research project to explore their responses to the robot. Our research theme was the social aspects that might facilitate communication and the purpose was problem finding. There have been considerable studies for resolving the remote disadvantage; although face-to-face is always supposed to be the best way for our communication, we ask whether it is possible to determine the primacy of remote communication over face-to-face. As a result of the field experiment in a school, the structure of children's group work changed and their attitude turned more positive than usual. Their spontaneity was brought out and role differentiation occurred with them. Mainly due to the limitations by Telenoid, children changed their attitude and could cooperatively work. The result suggested that the remote communication that set a limit to our capability could be useful for us to know and be trained the effective way to work more cooperatively than usual face-to-face. It remained as future work to compare Telenoid with various media and to explore the appropriate conditions that promote our cooperation.},
  file            = {Yamazaki2012.pdf:Yamazaki2012.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {Tele-operation; android; minimal design; human interaction; role differentiation; cooperation},
Chaoran Liu, Carlos T. Ishi, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Norihiro Hagita, "Generation of nodding, head tilting and eye gazing for human-robot dialogue interaction", In ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction, Boston, USA, pp. 285-292, March, 2012.
Abstract: Head motion occurs naturally and in synchrony with speech during human dialogue communication, and may carry paralinguistic information, such as intentions, attitudes and emotions. Therefore, natural-looking head motion by a robot is important for smooth human-robot interaction. Based on rules inferred from analyses of the relationship between head motion and dialogue acts, this paper proposes a model for generating head tilting and nodding, and evaluates the model using three types of humanoid robot (a very human-like android, ``Geminoid F'', a typical humanoid robot with less facial degrees of freedom, ``Robovie R2'', and a robot with a 3- axis rotatable neck and movable lips, ``Telenoid R2''). Analysis of subjective scores shows that the proposed model including head tilting and nodding can generate head motion with increased naturalness compared to nodding only and directly mapping people's original motions without gaze information. We also find that an upwards motion of a robot's face can be used by robots which do not have a mouth in order to provide the appearance that utterance is taking place. Finally, we conduct an experiment in which participants act as visitors to an information desk attended by robots. As a consequence, we verify that our generation model performs equally to directly mapping people's original motions with gaze information in terms of perceived naturalness.
  author          = {Chaoran Liu and Carlos T. Ishi and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Norihiro Hagita},
  title           = {Generation of nodding, head tilting and eye gazing for human-robot dialogue interaction},
  booktitle       = {{ACM/IEEE} International Conference on Human Robot Interaction},
  year            = {2012},
  pages           = {285--292},
  address         = {Boston, USA},
  month           = Mar,
  day             = {5-8},
  doi             = {10.1145/2157689.2157797},
  abstract        = {Head motion occurs naturally and in synchrony with speech during human dialogue communication, and may carry paralinguistic information, such as intentions, attitudes and emotions. Therefore, natural-looking head motion by a robot is important for smooth human-robot interaction. Based on rules inferred from analyses of the relationship between head motion and dialogue acts, this paper proposes a model for generating head tilting and nodding, and evaluates the model using three types of humanoid robot (a very human-like android, ``Geminoid F'', a typical humanoid robot with less facial degrees of freedom, ``Robovie R2'', and a robot with a 3- axis rotatable neck and movable lips, ``Telenoid R2''). Analysis of subjective scores shows that the proposed model including head tilting and nodding can generate head motion with increased naturalness compared to nodding only and directly mapping people's original motions without gaze information. We also find that an upwards motion of a robot's face can be used by robots which do not have a mouth in order to provide the appearance that utterance is taking place. Finally, we conduct an experiment in which participants act as visitors to an information desk attended by robots. As a consequence, we verify that our generation model performs equally to directly mapping people's original motions with gaze information in terms of perceived naturalness.},
  file            = {Liu2012.pdf:Liu2012.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {Head motion; dialogue acts; eye gazing; motion generation.},
境くりま, 港隆史, 西尾修一, 石黒浩, "LED点滅による運動錯覚を用いた携帯型アンドロイドの運動錯覚の生成", HAIシンポジウム, 京都工芸繊維大学, pp. II-1B-1, December, 2011.
Abstract: We can not naturally communicate through communication media such as cell phone compared with face to face communication because they can not transmit human presence. We try to transmit human presence by a small humanoid communication medium ``Elfoid''. Elfoid is a new information medium that harmonizes human with information-environment beyond existing personal computers and cellphones, and is designed according to minimum requirements to express humanlike appearance and motion, which are revealed in our past studies. To transmit human presence, Elfoid needs to express motions. However it is too small to equip actuators for motions. Instead of actuators, we proposed a way to have users recognize motions of Elfoid by using motion illusion with LED blinking. In this paper, we focused on motion of nodding that is important for talking. In the results of experiments, we revealed that a blinking pattern to manipulate a shadow of the face naturally elicits an illusion of nodding motion.
  author          = {境くりま and 港隆史 and 西尾修一 and 石黒浩},
  title           = {{LED}点滅による運動錯覚を用いた携帯型アンドロイドの運動錯覚の生成},
  booktitle       = {{HAI}シンポジウム},
  year            = {2011},
  pages           = {II-1B-1},
  address         = {京都工芸繊維大学},
  month           = Dec,
  day             = {3-5},
  url             = {http://www.ii.is.kit.ac.jp/hai2011/proceedings/html/paper/paper-2-1b-1.html},
  etitle          = {Creating Motion of Mobile Android by Motion Illusions with LED Blinking},
  abstract        = {We can not naturally communicate through communication media such as cell phone compared with face to face communication because they can not transmit human presence. We try to transmit human presence by a small humanoid communication medium ``Elfoid''. Elfoid is a new information medium that harmonizes human with information-environment beyond existing personal computers and cellphones, and is designed according to minimum requirements to express humanlike appearance and motion, which are revealed in our past studies. To transmit human presence, Elfoid needs to express motions. However it is too small to equip actuators for motions. Instead of actuators, we proposed a way to have users recognize motions of Elfoid by using motion illusion with LED blinking. In this paper, we focused on motion of nodding that is important for talking. In the results of experiments, we revealed that a blinking pattern to manipulate a shadow of the face naturally elicits an illusion of nodding motion.},
  file            = {境くりま2011.pdf:境くりま2011.pdf:PDF;II-1B-1.pdf:http\://www.ii.is.kit.ac.jp/hai2011/proceedings/pdf/II-1B-1.pdf:PDF},
Ryohei Kimura, Noriko Takemura, Yoshio Iwai, Kosuke Sato, "Extracting Interval Distribution of Human Interactions", Poster presentation at Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT), Gwangju, Korea, pp. 262-273, November, 2011.
  author = {Ryohei Kimura and Noriko Takemura and Yoshio Iwai and Kosuke Sato},
  title = {Extracting Interval Distribution of Human Interactions},
  booktitle = {Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT)},
  year = {2011},
  pages = {262--273},
  address = {Gwangju, Korea},
  month = Nov,
  day = {1},
Martin Cooney, Takayuki Kanda, Aris Alissandrakis, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Interaction Design for an Enjoyable Play Interaction with a Small Humanoid Robot", In IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), Bled, Slovenia, pp. 112-119, October, 2011.
Abstract: Robots designed to act as companions are expected to be able to interact with people in an enjoyable fashion. In particular, our aim is to enable small companion robots to respond in a pleasant way when people pick them up and play with them. To this end, we developed a gesture recognition system capable of recognizing play gestures which involve a person moving a small humanoid robot's full body ("full-body gestures"). However, such recognition by itself is not enough to provide a nice interaction. In fact, interactions with an initial, naive version of our system frequently fail. The question then becomes: what more is required? I.e., what sort of interaction design is required in order to create successful interactions? To answer this question, we analyze typical failures which occur and compile a list of guidelines. Then, we implement this model in our robot, proposing strategies for how a robot can provide ``reward'' and suggest goals for the interaction. As a consequence, we conduct a validation experiment. We find that our interaction design with ``persisting intentions'' can be used to establish an enjoyable play interaction.
  author          = {Martin Cooney and Takayuki Kanda and Aris Alissandrakis and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Interaction Design for an Enjoyable Play Interaction with a Small Humanoid Robot},
  booktitle       = {{IEEE-RAS} International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)},
  year            = {2011},
  pages           = {112--119},
  address         = {Bled, Slovenia},
  month           = Oct,
  day             = {26-28},
  abstract        = {Robots designed to act as companions are expected to be able to interact with people in an enjoyable fashion. In particular, our aim is to enable small companion robots to respond in a pleasant way when people pick them up and play with them. To this end, we developed a gesture recognition system capable of recognizing play gestures which involve a person moving a small humanoid robot's full body ("full-body gestures"). However, such recognition by itself is not enough to provide a nice interaction. In fact, interactions with an initial, naive version of our system frequently fail. The question then becomes: what more is required? I.e., what sort of interaction design is required in order to create successful interactions? To answer this question, we analyze typical failures which occur and compile a list of guidelines. Then, we implement this model in our robot, proposing strategies for how a robot can provide ``reward'' and suggest goals for the interaction. As a consequence, we conduct a validation experiment. We find that our interaction design with ``persisting intentions'' can be used to establish an enjoyable play interaction.},
  file            = {Cooney2011.pdf:Cooney2011.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {interaction design; enjoyment; playful human-robot interaction; small humanoid robot},
Giuseppe Balistreri, Shuichi Nishio, Rosario Sorbello, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Integrating Built-in Sensors of an Android with Sensors Embedded in the Environment for Studying a More Natural Human-Robot Interaction", In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (12th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence), Springer, vol. 6934, Palermo, Italy, pp. 432-437, September, 2011.
Abstract: Several studies supported that there is a strict and complex relationship between outer appearance and the behavior showed by the robot and that a human-like appearance is not enough for give a positive impression. The robot should behave closely to humans, and should have a sense of perception that enables it to communicate with humans. Our past experience with the android ``Geminoid HI-1'' demonstrated that the sensors equipping the robot are not enough to perform a human-like communication, mainly because of a limited sensing range. To overcome this problem, we endowed the environment around the robot with per- ceptive capabilities by embedding sensors such as cameras into it. This paper reports a preliminary study about an improvement of the control- ling system by integrating cameras in the surrounding environment, so that a human-like perception can be provided to the android. The inte- gration of the development of androids and the investigations of human behaviors constitute a new research area fusing engineering and cognitive sciences.
  author    = {Giuseppe Balistreri and Shuichi Nishio and Rosario Sorbello and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title     = {Integrating Built-in Sensors of an Android with Sensors Embedded in the Environment for Studying a More Natural Human-Robot Interaction},
  booktitle = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (12th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence)},
  year      = {2011},
  volume    = {6934},
  pages     = {432--437},
  address   = {Palermo, Italy},
  month     = Sep,
  publisher = {Springer},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-23954-0_43},
  url       = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/c015680178436107/},
  abstract  = {Several studies supported that there is a strict and complex relationship between outer appearance and the behavior showed by the robot and that a human-like appearance is not enough for give a positive impression. The robot should behave closely to humans, and should have a sense of perception that enables it to communicate with humans. Our past experience with the android ``Geminoid HI-1'' demonstrated that the sensors equipping the robot are not enough to perform a human-like communication, mainly because of a limited sensing range. To overcome this problem, we endowed the environment around the robot with per- ceptive capabilities by embedding sensors such as cameras into it. This paper reports a preliminary study about an improvement of the control- ling system by integrating cameras in the surrounding environment, so that a human-like perception can be provided to the android. The inte- gration of the development of androids and the investigations of human behaviors constitute a new research area fusing engineering and cognitive sciences.},
  bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de},
  file      = {Balistreri2011.pdf:Balistreri2011.pdf:PDF},
  keywords  = {Android; gaze; sensor network},
Panikos Heracleous, Miki Sato, Carlos T. Ishi, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Norihiro Hagita, "Speech Production in Noisy Environments and the Effect on Automatic Speech Recognition", In International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hong Kong, China, pp. 855-858, August, 2011.
Abstract: Speech is bimodal in nature and includes the audio and visual modalities. In addition to acoustic speech perception, speech can be also perceived using visual information provided by the mouth/face (i.e., automatic lipreading). In this study, the visual speech production in noisy environments is investigated. The authors show that the Lombard effect plays an important role not only in audio speech but also in visual speech production. Experimental results show that when visual speech is produced in noisy environments, the visual parameters of the mouth/face change. As a result, the performance of a visual speech recognizer decreases.
  author          = {Panikos Heracleous and Miki Sato and Carlos T. Ishi and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Norihiro Hagita},
  title           = {Speech Production in Noisy Environments and the Effect on Automatic Speech Recognition},
  booktitle       = {International Congress of Phonetic Sciences},
  year            = {2011},
  pages           = {855--858},
  address         = {Hong Kong, China},
  month           = Aug,
  day             = {18-21},
  abstract        = {Speech is bimodal in nature and includes the audio and visual modalities. In addition to acoustic speech perception, speech can be also perceived using visual information provided by the mouth/face (i.e., automatic lipreading). In this study, the visual speech production in noisy environments is investigated. The authors show that the Lombard effect plays an important role not only in audio speech but also in visual speech production. Experimental results show that when visual speech is produced in noisy environments, the visual parameters of the mouth/face change. As a result, the performance of a visual speech recognizer decreases.},
  file            = {Heracleous2011e.pdf:Heracleous2011e.pdf:PDF;Heracleous.pdf:http\://www.icphs2011.hk/resources/OnlineProceedings/RegularSession/Heracleous/Heracleous.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {speech; noisy environments; Lombard effect; lipreading},
Carlos T. Ishi, Chaoran Liu, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Norihiro Hagita, "Speech-driven lip motion generation for tele-operated humanoid robots", In the International Conference on Audio-Visual Speech Processing 2011, Volterra, Italy, pp. 131-135, August, 2011.
Abstract: (such as android) from the utterances of the operator, we developed a speech-driven lip motion generation method. The proposed method is based on the rotation of the vowel space, given by the first and second formants, around the center vowel, and a mapping to the lip opening degrees. The method requires the calibration of only one parameter for speaker normalization, so that no other training of models is required. In a pilot experiment, the proposed audio-based method was perceived as more natural than vision-based approaches, regardless of the language.
  author          = {Carlos T. Ishi and Chaoran Liu and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Norihiro Hagita},
  title           = {Speech-driven lip motion generation for tele-operated humanoid robots},
  booktitle       = {the International Conference on Audio-Visual Speech Processing 2011},
  year            = {2011},
  pages           = {131-135},
  address         = {Volterra, Italy},
  month           = Aug,
  day             = {31-3},
  abstract        = {(such as android) from the utterances of the operator, we developed a speech-driven lip motion generation method. The proposed method is based on the rotation of the vowel space, given by the first and second formants, around the center vowel, and a mapping to the lip opening degrees. The method requires the calibration of only one parameter for speaker normalization, so that no other training of models is required. In a pilot experiment, the proposed audio-based method was perceived as more natural than vision-based approaches, regardless of the language.},
  file            = {Ishi2011a.pdf:pdf/Ishi2011a.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {lip motion; formant; humanoid robot; tele-operation; synchronization},
Kohei Ogawa, Shuichi Nishio, Kensuke Koda, Koichi Taura, Takashi Minato, Carlos T. Ishi, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Telenoid: Tele-presence android for communication", In SIGGRAPH Emerging Technology, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 15, August, 2011.
Abstract: In this research, a new system of telecommunication called "Telenoid" is presented which focuses on the idea of transferring human's "presence". Telenoid was developed to appear and behave as a minimal design of human features. (Fig. 2(A)) A minimal human conveys the impression of human existence at first glance, but it doesn't suggest anything about personal features such as being male or female, old or young. Previously an android with more realistic features called Geminoid was proposed. However, because of its unique appearance, which is the copy of a model, it is too difficult to imagine other people's presence through Geminoid while they are operating it. On the other hand, Telenoid is designed as it holds an anonymous identity, which allows people to communicate with their acquaintances far away regardless of their gender and age. We expect that the Telenoid can be used as a medium that transfers human's presence by its minimal feature design.
  author          = {Kohei Ogawa and Shuichi Nishio and Kensuke Koda and Koichi Taura and Takashi Minato and Carlos T. Ishi and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title           = {Telenoid: Tele-presence android for communication},
  booktitle       = {{SIGGRAPH} Emerging Technology},
  year            = {2011},
  pages           = {15},
  address         = {Vancouver, Canada},
  month           = Aug,
  day             = {7-11},
  doi             = {10.1145/2048259.2048274},
  url             = {http://dl.acm.org/authorize?6594082},
  abstract        = {In this research, a new system of telecommunication called "Telenoid" is presented which focuses on the idea of transferring human's "presence". Telenoid was developed to appear and behave as a minimal design of human features. (Fig. 2(A)) A minimal human conveys the impression of human existence at first glance, but it doesn't suggest anything about personal features such as being male or female, old or young. Previously an android with more realistic features called Geminoid was proposed. However, because of its unique appearance, which is the copy of a model, it is too difficult to imagine other people's presence through Geminoid while they are operating it. On the other hand, Telenoid is designed as it holds an anonymous identity, which allows people to communicate with their acquaintances far away regardless of their gender and age. We expect that the Telenoid can be used as a medium that transfers human's presence by its minimal feature design.},
  file            = {Ogawa2011a.pdf:Ogawa2011a.pdf:PDF},
Ayaka Yamamoto, Yoshio Iwai, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Memory Based Human Region Detection", Poster presentation at IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA), Nara, Japan, June, 2011.
  author = {Ayaka Yamamoto and Yoshio Iwai and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title = {Memory Based Human Region Detection},
  booktitle = {IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA)},
  year = {2011},
  address = {Nara, Japan},
  month = Jun,
  day = {1},
Panikos Heracleous, Norihiro Hagita, "Automatic Recognition of Speech without any audio information", In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 2392-2395, May, 2011.
Abstract: This article introduces automatic recognition of speech without any audio information. Movements of the tongue, lips, and jaw are tracked by an Electro-Magnetic Articulography (EMA) device and are used as features to create hidden Markov models (HMMs) and conduct automatic speech recognition in a conventional way. The results obtained are promising, which confirm that phonetic features characterizing articulation are as discriminating as those characterizing acoustics (except for voicing). The results also show that using tongue parameters result in a higher accuracy compared with the lip parameters.
  author    = {Panikos Heracleous and Norihiro Hagita},
  title     = {Automatic Recognition of Speech without any audio information},
  booktitle = {{IEEE} International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing},
  year      = {2011},
  pages     = {2392--2395},
  address   = {Prague, Czech Republic},
  month     = May,
  day       = {22-27},
  doi       = {10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5946965},
  url       = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=5946965},
  abstract  = {This article introduces automatic recognition of speech without any audio information. Movements of the tongue, lips, and jaw are tracked by an Electro-Magnetic Articulography ({EMA}) device and are used as features to create hidden Markov models ({HMM}s) and conduct automatic speech recognition in a conventional way. The results obtained are promising, which confirm that phonetic features characterizing articulation are as discriminating as those characterizing acoustics (except for voicing). The results also show that using tongue parameters result in a higher accuracy compared with the lip parameters.},
  file      = {Heracleous2011a.pdf:Heracleous2011a.pdf:PDF},
Panikos Heracleous, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Norihiro Hagita, "Visual-speech to text conversion applicable to telephone communication for deaf individuals", In International Conference on Telecommunications, Ayia Napa, Cyprus, pp. 130-133, May, 2011.
Abstract: The access to communication technologies has become essential for the handicapped people. This study introduces the initial step of an automatic translation system able to translate visual speech used by deaf individuals to text, or auditory speech. A such a system would enable deaf users to communicate with each other and with normal-hearing people through telephone networks or through Internet by only using telephone devices equipped with simple cameras. In particular, this paper introduces automatic recognition and conversion to text of Cued Speech for French. Cued speech is a visual mode used for communication in the deaf society. Using hand shapes placed in different positions near the face as a complement to lipreading, all the sounds of a spoken language can be visually distinguished and perceived. Experimental results show high recognition rates for both isolated word and continuous phoneme recognition experiments in Cued Speech for French.
  author    = {Panikos Heracleous and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Norihiro Hagita},
  title     = {Visual-speech to text conversion applicable to telephone communication for deaf individuals},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Telecommunications},
  year      = {2011},
  pages     = {130--133},
  address   = {Ayia Napa, Cyprus},
  month     = May,
  day       = {8-11},
  doi       = {10.1109/CTS.2011.5898904},
  url       = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=5898904},
  abstract  = {The access to communication technologies has become essential for the handicapped people. This study introduces the initial step of an automatic translation system able to translate visual speech used by deaf individuals to text, or auditory speech. A such a system would enable deaf users to communicate with each other and with normal-hearing people through telephone networks or through Internet by only using telephone devices equipped with simple cameras. In particular, this paper introduces automatic recognition and conversion to text of Cued Speech for French. Cued speech is a visual mode used for communication in the deaf society. Using hand shapes placed in different positions near the face as a complement to lipreading, all the sounds of a spoken language can be visually distinguished and perceived. Experimental results show high recognition rates for both isolated word and continuous phoneme recognition experiments in Cued Speech for French.},
  file      = {Heracleous2011f.pdf:Heracleous2011f.pdf:PDF},
Hideyuki Nakanishi, Kei Kato, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Zoom Cameras and Movable Displays Enhance Social Telepresence", In ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2011), Vancouver, Canada, pp. 63-72, May, 2011.
Abstract: This paper shows that the augmentation of a remote person's positional movement enhances social telepresence. There are three possible ways of representing a remote person's movement toward the user in visual communication: a) the remote person's movement toward the remote camera, b) the remote camera's zooming in to enlarge the remote person's picture, and c) a forward movement of the display that is displaying the remote person. We conducted an experiment to see the relationship among these three ways and the effects of a remote camera's zooming and a display's movement on social telepresence. In the experiment, we observed that the remote person's movement lowered the reality of conversations, and the remote camera's zooming lowered the visual quality. However, social telepresence was enhanced when both the person's movement and the camera's zooming occurred simultaneously. We also observed that a 6-centimeter movement of the display enhanced social telepresence, whether the remote person moved or not.
  author = {Hideyuki Nakanishi and Kei Kato and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  title = {Zoom Cameras and Movable Displays Enhance Social Telepresence},
  booktitle = {ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ({CHI} 2011)},
  year = {2011},
  pages = {63--72},
  address = {Vancouver, Canada},
  month = May,
  abstract = {This paper shows that the augmentation of a remote person's positional
	movement enhances social telepresence. There are three possible ways
	of representing a remote person's movement toward the user in visual
	communication: a) the remote person's movement toward the remote
	camera, b) the remote camera's zooming in to enlarge the remote person's
	picture, and c) a forward movement of the display that is displaying
	the remote person. We conducted an experiment to see the relationship
	among these three ways and the effects of a remote camera's zooming
	and a display's movement on social telepresence. In the experiment,
	we observed that the remote person's movement lowered the reality
	of conversations, and the remote camera's zooming lowered the visual
	quality. However, social telepresence was enhanced when both the
	person's movement and the camera's zooming occurred simultaneously.
	We also observed that a 6-centimeter movement of the display enhanced
	social telepresence, whether the remote person moved or not.},
  day = {7-12},
  file = {Nakanishi2011.pdf:Nakanishi2011.pdf:PDF},
  keywords = {Telepresence; videoconferencing; telerobotics},
  url = {http://delivery.acm.org/10.1145/1980000/1978953/p63-nakanishi.pdf?ip=}
Panikos Heracleous, Miki Sato, Carlos Toshinori Ishi, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Norihiro Hagita, "The effect of environmental noise to automatic lip-reading", In Spring Meeting Acoustical Society of Japan, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 5-8, March, 2011.
Abstract: In automatic visual speech recognition, verbal messages can be interpreted by monitoring a talker's lip and facial movements using automated tools based on statistical methods (i.e., automatic visual speech recognition). Automatic visual speech recognition has applications in audiovisual speech recognition and in lip shape synthesis. This study investigates the automatic visual and audiovisual speech recognition in the presence of noise. The authors show that the Lombard effect plays an important role not only in audio, but also in automatic visual speech recognition. Experimental results of a multispeaker continuous phoneme recognition experiment show that the performance of a visual and an audiovisual speech recognition system further increases when the visual Lombard effect is also considered.
  author          = {Panikos Heracleous and Miki Sato and Carlos Toshinori Ishi and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Norihiro Hagita},
  title           = {The effect of environmental noise to automatic lip-reading},
  booktitle       = {Spring Meeting Acoustical Society of Japan},
  year            = {2011},
  series          = {1-5-3},
  pages           = {5--8},
  address         = {Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan},
  month           = Mar,
  abstract        = {In automatic visual speech recognition, verbal messages can be interpreted by monitoring a talker's lip and facial movements using automated tools based on statistical methods (i.e., automatic visual speech recognition). Automatic visual speech recognition has applications in audiovisual speech recognition and in lip shape synthesis. This study investigates the automatic visual and audiovisual speech recognition in the presence of noise. The authors show that the Lombard effect plays an important role not only in audio, but also in automatic visual speech recognition. Experimental results of a multispeaker continuous phoneme recognition experiment show that the performance of a visual and an audiovisual speech recognition system further increases when the visual Lombard effect is also considered.},
  file            = {Heracleous2011c.pdf:Heracleous2011c.pdf:PDF},
秋吉拓斗, 住岡英信, 中西惇也, 加藤博一, 塩見昌裕, "触れ合い対話を伴う思考整理を支援する抱擁ロボットの実装", 第42回日本ロボット学会学術講演会(RSJ2024), no. RSJ2024AC1H5-03, 大阪工業大学梅田キャンパス, 大阪, September, 2024.
Abstract: 抱擁は人に身体的にも精神的にも恩恵を与えることから,人の思考整理などの心理的な支援を行う対話において応用されてきた.思考整理を支援する対話の流れに応じた接触動作を決定するための確率的行動モデルも考案されたが,抱擁ロボットへの実装は未実施であった.本研究では,動作頻度,動作種類,動作タイミング,動作時間,待機時間の五つのパラメータを考慮した確率的行動モデルの実装に取り組む.
  author    = {秋吉拓斗 and 住岡英信 and 中西惇也 and 加藤博一 and 塩見昌裕},
  booktitle = {第42回日本ロボット学会学術講演会(RSJ2024)},
  title     = {触れ合い対話を伴う思考整理を支援する抱擁ロボットの実装},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {大阪工業大学梅田キャンパス, 大阪},
  day       = {3-6},
  month     = sep,
  number    = {RSJ2024AC1H5-03},
  url       = {https://ac.rsj-web.org/2024/},
  abstract  = {抱擁は人に身体的にも精神的にも恩恵を与えることから,人の思考整理などの心理的な支援を行う対話において応用されてきた.思考整理を支援する対話の流れに応じた接触動作を決定するための確率的行動モデルも考案されたが,抱擁ロボットへの実装は未実施であった.本研究では,動作頻度,動作種類,動作タイミング,動作時間,待機時間の五つのパラメータを考慮した確率的行動モデルの実装に取り組む.},
Takuto Akiyoshi, Hidenobu Sumioka, Junya Nakanishi, Hirokazu Kato, Masahiro Shiomi, "Modeling of Touch Gestures during Human Hugging Interactions and Implementing on a Huggable Robot", In SIGDIAL 2024 Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems for Cybernetic Avatars (SDS4CA), 京都大学, 京都, September, 2024.
Abstract: As a first step toward the realization of huggable cybernetic avatars, this study modeled social touch gestures during hugs, such as patting and stroking, according to the flow of hugging interaction performed by the supporter to provide mental support to the client. Previous studies have developed huggable robots and implemented the ability to perform gestures. On the other hand, there have been few studies on how to perform gestures in response to the flow of hugging interaction. Since social touch at inappropriate times or inappropriate amounts can lead to negative effects, we focused on gestures performed by humans during hugging interaction as a first step toward clarifying the appropriate gestures according to the flow of hugging interaction. In this study, we collected gesture data during hugging interaction performed by participants in the role of supporter using a mannequin in the role of client. The hugging interaction scenarios in the data collection were designed based on the cognitive reconstruction method used to organize thoughts for mental health care. In this hugging interaction, participants asked questions about negative concerns and positive goals, and were organized by the following items: contents, triggers, emotions, acts, thoughts, alternative ideas, and awareness. After the participant asked a question, the participant listened to the mannequin's response, the participant provided an empathic response, and then repeated the process of asking questions about the next item. The hugging interaction was recorded by two video cameras, and the gesture data were recorded by two coders in terms of occurrence, type, area, start timing, and duration of the gesture. Since participants gestured freely during the hug interaction, the number of data obtained from each participant was not consistent and varied from person to person. Therefore, we analyzed the size of the influence of the flow of the dialogue and other gesture parameters...
  author    = {Takuto Akiyoshi and Hidenobu Sumioka and Junya Nakanishi and Hirokazu Kato and Masahiro Shiomi},
  booktitle = {SIGDIAL 2024 Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems for Cybernetic Avatars (SDS4CA)},
  title     = {Modeling of Touch Gestures during Human Hugging Interactions and Implementing on a Huggable Robot},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {京都大学, 京都},
  day       = {17-20},
  month     = sep,
  url       = {http://www.sap.ist.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/seminar/sds4ca/},
  abstract  = {As a first step toward the realization of huggable cybernetic avatars, this study modeled social touch gestures during hugs, such as patting and stroking, according to the flow of hugging interaction performed by the supporter to provide mental support to the client. Previous studies have developed huggable robots and implemented the ability to perform gestures. On the other hand, there have been few studies on how to perform gestures in response to the flow of hugging interaction. Since social touch at inappropriate times or inappropriate amounts can lead to negative effects, we focused on gestures performed by humans during hugging interaction as a first step toward clarifying the appropriate gestures according to the flow of hugging interaction. In this study, we collected gesture data during hugging interaction performed by participants in the role of supporter using a mannequin in the role of client. The hugging interaction scenarios in the data collection were designed based on the cognitive reconstruction method used to organize thoughts for mental health care. In this hugging interaction, participants asked questions about negative concerns and positive goals, and were organized by the following items: contents, triggers, emotions, acts, thoughts, alternative ideas, and awareness. After the participant asked a question, the participant listened to the mannequin's response, the participant provided an empathic response, and then repeated the process of asking questions about the next item. The hugging interaction was recorded by two video cameras, and the gesture data were recorded by two coders in terms of occurrence, type, area, start timing, and duration of the gesture. Since participants gestured freely during the hug interaction, the number of data obtained from each participant was not consistent and varied from person to person. Therefore, we analyzed the size of the influence of the flow of the dialogue and other gesture parameters...},
住岡英信, 大和信夫, 塩見昌裕, "学童施設における触れ合い赤ちゃん型対話ロボットの導入と質的受容性調査", 第42回日本ロボット学会学術講演会(RSJ2024), no. RSJ2024AC3A1-03, 大阪工業大学梅田キャンパス, 大阪, pp. 1-3, September, 2024.
Abstract: 本研究では,学童施設に児童への接触が可能な赤ちゃん型対話ロボットを長期導入した際の、児童や教師の受容性やロボットに必要な機能について、教師へのインタビューを元に検討した。その結果,ロボット側からの接触が子どもたちにより強い影響をもたらす可能性が示唆された。また、赤ちゃん型対話ロボットに対する子どもと高齢者の反応の違いについても議論する。
  author    = {住岡英信 and 大和信夫 and 塩見昌裕},
  booktitle = {第42回日本ロボット学会学術講演会(RSJ2024)},
  title     = {学童施設における触れ合い赤ちゃん型対話ロボットの導入と質的受容性調査},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {大阪工業大学梅田キャンパス, 大阪},
  day       = {3-6},
  month     = sep,
  number    = {RSJ2024AC3A1-03},
  pages     = {1-3},
  url       = {https://ac.rsj-web.org/2024/},
  abstract  = {本研究では,学童施設に児童への接触が可能な赤ちゃん型対話ロボットを長期導入した際の、児童や教師の受容性やロボットに必要な機能について、教師へのインタビューを元に検討した。その結果,ロボット側からの接触が子どもたちにより強い影響をもたらす可能性が示唆された。また、赤ちゃん型対話ロボットに対する子どもと高齢者の反応の違いについても議論する。},
住岡英信, 大和信夫, 東山康仁, 熊崎博一, 塩見昌裕, "異なる介護サービス環境における赤ちゃん型対話ロボットへの印象に関する事例比較調査", 第42回日本ロボット学会学術講演会(RSJ2024), no. RSJ2024AC3L4-03, 大阪工業大学梅田キャンパス, 大阪, pp. 1-3, September, 2024.
Abstract: 本研究では,赤ちゃん型対話ロボットを特別老人ホームだけでなく、デイケアや病院、海外施設など異なる介護サービス環境に導入した際の高齢者および介護スタッフの反応について事例比較を行った。その結果、ロボットの利用方法や問題行動の種類によっては現状ロボットでは対応が困難であることを確認した。一方で、海外利用については国内と同様の反応が確認された。また介護スタッフの初期印象の影響についても議論する。
  author    = {住岡英信 and 大和信夫 and 東山康仁 and 熊崎博一 and 塩見昌裕},
  booktitle = {第42回日本ロボット学会学術講演会(RSJ2024)},
  title     = {異なる介護サービス環境における赤ちゃん型対話ロボットへの印象に関する事例比較調査},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {大阪工業大学梅田キャンパス, 大阪},
  day       = {3-6},
  month     = sep,
  number    = {RSJ2024AC3L4-03},
  pages     = {1-3},
  url       = {https://ac.rsj-web.org/2024/},
  abstract  = {本研究では,赤ちゃん型対話ロボットを特別老人ホームだけでなく、デイケアや病院、海外施設など異なる介護サービス環境に導入した際の高齢者および介護スタッフの反応について事例比較を行った。その結果、ロボットの利用方法や問題行動の種類によっては現状ロボットでは対応が困難であることを確認した。一方で、海外利用については国内と同様の反応が確認された。また介護スタッフの初期印象の影響についても議論する。},
住岡英信, 大和信夫, 塩見昌裕, "赤ちゃん型対話ロボットが介護者に与える影響", 第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会(RSJ2023), no. RSJ2023AC1A2-03, 仙台国際センター, 宮城, pp. 1, September, 2023.
Abstract: 本稿では、介護者が見守らないコミュニケーション支援実現を目指し、我々がこれまで介護現場とともに進めてきた赤ちゃん型対話ロボット開発を紹介する。開発を通して得られた現場で利用し続けてもらえるための要素について議論する.
  author    = {住岡英信 and 大和信夫 and 塩見昌裕},
  booktitle = {第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会(RSJ2023)},
  title     = {赤ちゃん型対話ロボットが介護者に与える影響},
  year      = {2023},
  address   = {仙台国際センター, 宮城},
  day       = {11-14},
  month     = sep,
  number    = {RSJ2023AC1A2-03},
  pages     = {1},
  url       = {https://ac.rsj-web.org/2023/},
  abstract  = {本稿では、介護者が見守らないコミュニケーション支援実現を目指し、我々がこれまで介護現場とともに進めてきた赤ちゃん型対話ロボット開発を紹介する。開発を通して得られた現場で利用し続けてもらえるための要素について議論する.},
住岡英信, 大和信夫, 塩見昌裕, "介護者が見守らないコミュニケーション支援実現に向けた対話ロボットの要素検討", 第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会(RSJ2023), no. RSJ2023AC1A2-04, 仙台国際センター, 宮城, pp. 1, September, 2023.
Abstract: 本稿では、介護者が見守らないコミュニケーション支援実現を目指し、我々がこれまで介護現場とともに進めてきた赤ちゃん型対話ロボット開発を紹介する。開発を通して得られた現場で利用し続けてもらえるための要素について議論する.
  author    = {住岡英信 and 大和信夫 and 塩見昌裕},
  booktitle = {第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会(RSJ2023)},
  title     = {介護者が見守らないコミュニケーション支援実現に向けた対話ロボットの要素検討},
  year      = {2023},
  address   = {仙台国際センター, 宮城},
  day       = {11-14},
  month     = sep,
  number    = {RSJ2023AC1A2-04},
  pages     = {1},
  url       = {https://ac.rsj-web.org/2023/},
  abstract  = {本稿では、介護者が見守らないコミュニケーション支援実現を目指し、我々がこれまで介護現場とともに進めてきた赤ちゃん型対話ロボット開発を紹介する。開発を通して得られた現場で利用し続けてもらえるための要素について議論する.},
秋吉拓斗, 住岡英信, 中西惇也, 加藤博一, 塩見昌裕, "触れ合い対話を伴うカウンセリングロボット実現に向けた撫で・叩き動作のモデル化", 第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会(RSJ2023), no. RSJ2023AC2D2-02, 仙台国際センター, 宮城, pp. 1-4, September, 2023.
Abstract: 思考整理を促すカウンセリング対話において信頼関係の構築は重要であり,共感的理解などの対話技術が活用されている.一方で,触れ合いの活用は適切な触れ方が未解明であるため実用化に至ってない.しかし,ロボットならば制御可能な装置・仕組みによって適切な触れ方を探索でき,安全かつ効果的なカウンセリング対話を実現できる可能性がある.本稿では,触れ合い対話を伴うカウンセリングロボットの設計指針を得るため,抱擁時の人間のカウンセリング対話における撫で・叩き動作のタイミングや動作時間,頻度のモデル化に取り組む.
  author    = {秋吉拓斗 and 住岡英信 and 中西惇也 and 加藤博一 and 塩見昌裕},
  booktitle = {第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会(RSJ2023)},
  title     = {触れ合い対話を伴うカウンセリングロボット実現に向けた撫で・叩き動作のモデル化},
  year      = {2023},
  address   = {仙台国際センター, 宮城},
  day       = {11-14},
  month     = sep,
  number    = {RSJ2023AC2D2-02},
  pages     = {1-4},
  url       = {https://ac.rsj-web.org/2023/},
  abstract  = {思考整理を促すカウンセリング対話において信頼関係の構築は重要であり,共感的理解などの対話技術が活用されている.一方で,触れ合いの活用は適切な触れ方が未解明であるため実用化に至ってない.しかし,ロボットならば制御可能な装置・仕組みによって適切な触れ方を探索でき,安全かつ効果的なカウンセリング対話を実現できる可能性がある.本稿では,触れ合い対話を伴うカウンセリングロボットの設計指針を得るため,抱擁時の人間のカウンセリング対話における撫で・叩き動作のタイミングや動作時間,頻度のモデル化に取り組む.},
住岡英信, "人とロボットの触れ合いがもたらす影響について", 第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会(RSJ2023), no. RSJ2023AC2F2-01, 仙台国際センター, 宮城, pp. 1, September, 2023.
Abstract: 本講演では、人とロボットが触れ合うことによる影響について良い影響だけでなく、悪い影響をもたらす可能性も紹介しながら、人と共生するロボットにとって重要な能力であるソーシャルタッチの可能性について議論する。
  author    = {住岡英信},
  booktitle = {第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会(RSJ2023)},
  title     = {人とロボットの触れ合いがもたらす影響について},
  year      = {2023},
  address   = {仙台国際センター, 宮城},
  day       = {11-14},
  month     = sep,
  number    = {RSJ2023AC2F2-01},
  pages     = {1},
  url       = {https://ac.rsj-web.org/2023/},
  abstract  = {本講演では、人とロボットが触れ合うことによる影響について良い影響だけでなく、悪い影響をもたらす可能性も紹介しながら、人と共生するロボットにとって重要な能力であるソーシャルタッチの可能性について議論する。},
春野幸輝, 田熊隆史, 住岡英信, 港隆史, 塩見昌裕, "導電性布を有するソフトロボットフィンガーによる把持対象物の非接触位置推定", 2022年度 計測自動制御学会関西支部・システム制御情報学会シンポジウム, 大阪公立大学I-siteなんば, 大阪, January, 2023.
Abstract: In order to estimate position of grasping object by the soft robot fingers, we adopt a flexible conductive cloth whose capacitance changes according to the distance between the cloth and the object. We test the possibility and accuracy of position estimation, and experimental results showed that the position of conductive object was estimated.
  author    = {春野幸輝 and 田熊隆史 and 住岡英信 and 港隆史 and 塩見昌裕},
  booktitle = {2022年度 計測自動制御学会関西支部・システム制御情報学会シンポジウム},
  title     = {導電性布を有するソフトロボットフィンガーによる把持対象物の非接触位置推定},
  year      = {2023},
  address   = {大阪公立大学I-siteなんば, 大阪},
  day       = {11},
  etitle    = {Touchless position estimation of grasping object for soft robot fingers with conductive cloth},
  month     = jan,
  url       = {https://www.sice.or.jp/org/kansai/22/sice-iscie-symp2022/},
  abstract  = {In order to estimate position of grasping object by the soft robot fingers, we adopt a flexible conductive cloth whose capacitance changes according to the distance between the cloth and the object. We test the possibility and accuracy of position estimation, and experimental results showed that the position of conductive object was estimated.},
住岡英信, 田中彰人, 安琪, 倉爪亮, 塩見昌裕, "優しい介護を測る:ユマニチュード理解に向けた触れ合い計測スーツ", 第4回日本ユマニチュード学会総会, 京都大学国際科学イノベーション棟シンポジウムホール, 京都, September, 2022.
Abstract: ユマニチュードに基づく認知症ケアでは、被介護者に対して通常よりも近づ き、触れ合いながら介護を行います。本研究では、こういった触れ合いの理解を 深め、ケア技術の訓練やより優しい介護ロボットの実現を目指し、簡単に着用で きる近接・接触センサスーツを開発しました。これを着てケアを行ってもらうこ とで、ケアにおける介護者と被介護者の触れあいの「見える化」が可能となりま す。介護現場でご利用いただき、データを集めることで、習得が難しいといわれ るユマニチュードの訓練支援システムの実現にもつながると考えています。
  author    = {住岡英信 and 田中彰人 and 安琪 and 倉爪亮 and 塩見昌裕},
  booktitle = {第4回日本ユマニチュード学会総会},
  title     = {優しい介護を測る:ユマニチュード理解に向けた触れ合い計測スーツ},
  year      = {2022},
  address   = {京都大学国際科学イノベーション棟シンポジウムホール, 京都},
  day       = {24-25},
  month     = sep,
  url       = {https://jhuma.org/soukai4/},
  abstract  = {ユマニチュードに基づく認知症ケアでは、被介護者に対して通常よりも近づ き、触れ合いながら介護を行います。本研究では、こういった触れ合いの理解を 深め、ケア技術の訓練やより優しい介護ロボットの実現を目指し、簡単に着用で きる近接・接触センサスーツを開発しました。これを着てケアを行ってもらうこ とで、ケアにおける介護者と被介護者の触れあいの「見える化」が可能となりま す。介護現場でご利用いただき、データを集めることで、習得が難しいといわれ るユマニチュードの訓練支援システムの実現にもつながると考えています。},
Yoji Kohda, Nobuo Yamato, Hidenobu Sumioka, "Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Provide Quality Public Health Services", In International Conference On Sustainable Development : Opportunities And Challenges, American International University Bangladesh, Bangladesh (online), January, 2022.
Abstract: In this talk, I would like to talk about the role of AI in general from a knowledge science perspective, using the heath care sector as an example. I discuss the role of AI to answer two questions: "Can doctors learn from AI?" and "Will patients listen to AI?".
  author    = {Yoji Kohda and Nobuo Yamato and Hidenobu Sumioka},
  booktitle = {International Conference On Sustainable Development : Opportunities And Challenges},
  title     = {Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Provide Quality Public Health Services},
  year      = {2022},
  address   = {American International University Bangladesh, Bangladesh (online)},
  day       = {12-13},
  month     = jan,
  url       = {https://aicss.aiub.edu/},
  abstract  = {In this talk, I would like to talk about the role of AI in general from a knowledge science perspective, using the heath care sector as an example. I discuss the role of AI to answer two questions: "Can doctors learn from AI?" and "Will patients listen to AI?".},
住岡英信, 大和信夫, 塩見昌裕, "介護施設への赤ちゃん型ロボットの継続的導入に向けた予備的調査 -パッシブソーシャルメディアとしての赤ちゃん型ロボットの可能性-", 第39回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 (RSJ2021), no. RSJ2021AC2G2-03, オンライン, pp. 1-4, September, 2021.
Abstract: 本研究では赤ちゃん型ロボットを実際の介護現場に2週間導入し,介護スタッフのみで運用してもらうことで,認知症高齢者のロボットに対する反応の変化や,運用の際の課題や影響などについての予備的調査を行った.
  author    = {住岡英信 and 大和信夫 and 塩見昌裕},
  title     = {介護施設への赤ちゃん型ロボットの継続的導入に向けた予備的調査 -パッシブソーシャルメディアとしての赤ちゃん型ロボットの可能性-},
  booktitle = {第39回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 (RSJ2021)},
  year      = {2021},
  number    = {RSJ2021AC2G2-03},
  pages     = {1-4},
  address   = {オンライン},
  month     = sep,
  day       = {8-11},
  url       = {https://ac.rsj-web.org/2021/index.html},
  abstract  = {本研究では赤ちゃん型ロボットを実際の介護現場に2週間導入し,介護スタッフのみで運用してもらうことで,認知症高齢者のロボットに対する反応の変化や,運用の際の課題や影響などについての予備的調査を行った.},
春野幸輝, 山田晃翼, 田熊隆史, 住岡英信, 港隆史, 塩見昌裕, "導電性布によるマルチモーダルセンシングの実現と実ロボットによる移動経路の形状スキャニング", ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会 2021, no. 2P2-G06, オンライン, pp. 1-4, June, 2021.
Abstract: This paper explains the characteristics of a flexible and stretchable sensor in which a conductivecloth is embedded in silicone, and the “scanning” in which a water-driven robot equipping the sensorestimates a shape of pathway. The cloth measures the change in capacitance not only by the extensionof the sensor but also by the approach of conductive object, that is, multi-modal sensing. In scanning,the shape of obstacles such as width and height of gap between the floor and obstacle is estimated fromthe profile in the capacitance of the conductive cloth according to the movement of the soft robot.
  author    = {春野幸輝 and 山田晃翼 and 田熊隆史 and 住岡英信 and 港隆史 and 塩見昌裕},
  title     = {導電性布によるマルチモーダルセンシングの実現と実ロボットによる移動経路の形状スキャニング},
  booktitle = {ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会 2021},
  year      = {2021},
  number    = {2P2-G06},
  pages     = {1-4},
  address   = {オンライン},
  month     = jun,
  day       = {6-8},
  url       = {https://robomech.org/2021/},
  etitle    = {Realization of multi-modal sensing with conductive clothand shape estimation of pathway by mobile robot},
  abstract  = {This paper explains the characteristics of a flexible and stretchable sensor in which a conductivecloth is embedded in silicone, and the “scanning” in which a water-driven robot equipping the sensorestimates a shape of pathway. The cloth measures the change in capacitance not only by the extensionof the sensor but also by the approach of conductive object, that is, multi-modal sensing. In scanning,the shape of obstacles such as width and height of gap between the floor and obstacle is estimated fromthe profile in the capacitance of the conductive cloth according to the movement of the soft robot.},
  keywords  = {Soft robot, Stretchable conductive cloth, Soft sensor},
住岡英信, 港隆史, 塩見昌裕, "ユーザと触覚体験を共有する着用型エージェントの開発", 第38回日本ロボット学術講演会 (RSJ2020), online, pp. RSJ2020AC2I2-01 1-3, October, 2020.
Abstract: 本研究では、人の主観的体験である接触体験を人と共有する着用型エージェントを開発し、それとのインタラクションについて検討を行う
  author    = {住岡英信 and 港隆史 and 塩見昌裕},
  booktitle = {第38回日本ロボット学術講演会 (RSJ2020)},
  title     = {ユーザと触覚体験を共有する着用型エージェントの開発},
  year      = {2020},
  address   = {online},
  day       = {9-11},
  month     = oct,
  pages     = {RSJ2020AC2I2-01 1-3},
  url       = {https://ac.rsj-web.org/2020/},
  abstract  = {本研究では、人の主観的体験である接触体験を人と共有する着用型エージェントを開発し、それとのインタラクションについて検討を行う},
草野翔悟, 住岡英信, 港隆史, 塩見昌裕, 田熊隆史, "導電性を有する布を用いた触覚センサの開発と評価", ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会, オンライン開催, pp. 1P1-L110 1-4, May, 2020.
Abstract: This paper introduces novel soft chamber embedding stretchable conductive cloth. It measures the contacting information of the chamber in case that the soft robot equipping the chamber contacts the obstacle. The mechanism of the cloth and the chamber embedding the cloth are explained. The experimental results show that the chamber rapidly distinguishes the contacting position by measuring the capacitance of the cloth.
  author    = {草野翔悟 and 住岡英信 and 港隆史 and 塩見昌裕 and 田熊隆史},
  booktitle = {ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会},
  title     = {導電性を有する布を用いた触覚センサの開発と評価},
  year      = {2020},
  address   = {オンライン開催},
  day       = {27-30},
  month     = may,
  pages     = {1P1-L110 1-4},
  url       = {https://robomech.org/2020/},
  abstract  = {This paper introduces novel soft chamber embedding stretchable conductive cloth. It measures the contacting information of the chamber in case that the soft robot equipping the chamber contacts the obstacle. The mechanism of the cloth and the chamber embedding the cloth are explained. The experimental results show that the chamber rapidly distinguishes the contacting position by measuring the capacitance of the cloth.},
Soheil Keshmiri, "Higher Specificity of Multiscale Entropy than Permutation Entropy in Quantification of the Brain Activity in Response to Naturalistic Stimuli: a Comparative Study", In The 1st International Symposium on Human InformatiX: X-Dimensional Human Informatics and Biology, ATR, Kyoto, February, 2020.
Abstract: I provide results on the comparative analyses of these measures with the entropy of the human subjects’ EEG recordings who watched short movie clips that elicited negative, neutral, and positive affect. The analyses results identified significant anti-correlations between all MSE scales and the entropy of these EEG recordings that were stronger in the negative than the positive and the neutral states. They also showed that MSE significantly differentiated between the brain responses to these affect. On the other hand, these results indicated that PE failed to identify such significant correlations and differences between the negative, neutral, and positive affect. These results provide insights on the level of association between the entropy, the MSE, and the PE of the brain variability in response to naturalistic stimuli, thereby enabling researchers to draw more informed conclusions on quantification of the brain variability by these measures.
  author    = {Soheil Keshmiri},
  booktitle = {The 1st International Symposium on Human InformatiX: X-Dimensional Human Informatics and Biology},
  title     = {Higher Specificity of Multiscale Entropy than Permutation Entropy in Quantification of the Brain Activity in Response to Naturalistic Stimuli: a Comparative Study},
  year      = {2020},
  address   = {ATR, Kyoto},
  day       = {27-28},
  month     = feb,
  abstract  = {I provide results on the comparative analyses of these measures with the entropy of the human subjects’ EEG recordings who watched short movie clips that elicited negative, neutral, and positive affect. The analyses results identified significant anti-correlations between all MSE scales and the entropy of these EEG recordings that were stronger in the negative than the positive and the neutral states. They also showed that MSE significantly differentiated between the brain responses to these affect. On the other hand, these results indicated that PE failed to identify such significant correlations and differences between the negative, neutral, and positive affect. These results provide insights on the level of association between the entropy, the MSE, and the PE of the brain variability in response to naturalistic stimuli, thereby enabling researchers to draw more informed conclusions on quantification of the brain variability by these measures.},
Soheil Keshmiri, Hidenobu Sumioka, Ryuji Yamazaki, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Decoding the Perceived Difficulty of Communicated Contents by Older People: Toward Conversational Robot-Assistive Elderly Care", In 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019), The Venetian Macau, China, November, 2019.
Abstract: In this study, we propose a semi-supervised learning model for decoding of the perceived difficulty of communicated content by older people. Our model is based on mapping of the older people’s prefrontal cortex (PFC) activity during their verbal communication onto fine-grained cluster spaces of a working memory (WM) task that induces loads on human’s PFC through modulation of its difficulty level. This allows for differential quantification of the observed changes in pattern of PFC activation during verbal communication with respect to the difficulty level of the WM task. We show that such a quantification establishes a reliable basis for categorization and subsequently learning of the PFC responses to more naturalistic contents such as story comprehension. Our contribution is to present evidence on effectiveness of our method for estimation of the older peoples’ perceived difficulty of the communicated contents during an online storytelling scenario.
  author    = {Soheil Keshmiri and Hidenobu Sumioka and Ryuji Yamazaki and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  booktitle = {2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019)},
  title     = {Decoding the Perceived Difficulty of Communicated Contents by Older People: Toward Conversational Robot-Assistive Elderly Care},
  year      = {2019},
  address   = {The Venetian Macau, China},
  day       = {3-8},
  month     = nov,
  url       = {https://www.iros2019.org/},
  abstract  = {In this study, we propose a semi-supervised learning model for decoding of the perceived difficulty of communicated content by older people. Our model is based on mapping of the older people’s prefrontal cortex (PFC) activity during their verbal communication onto fine-grained cluster spaces of a working memory (WM) task that induces loads on human’s PFC through modulation of its difficulty level. This allows for differential quantification of the observed changes in pattern of PFC activation during verbal communication with respect to the difficulty level of the WM task. We show that such a quantification establishes a reliable basis for categorization and subsequently learning of the PFC responses to more naturalistic contents such as story comprehension. Our contribution is to present evidence on effectiveness of our method for estimation of the older peoples’ perceived difficulty of the communicated contents during an online storytelling scenario.},
  comment   = {(also accepted and published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L))},
Soheil Keshmiri, Hidenobu Sumioka, Ryuji Yamazaki, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Older People Prefrontal Cortex Activation Estimates Their Perceived Difficulty of a Humanoid-Mediated Conversation", In 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019), The Venetian Macau, China, November, 2019.
Abstract: In this article, we extend our recent results on prediction of the older peoples’ perceived difficulty of verbal communication during a humanoid-mediated storytelling experiment to the case of a longitudinal conversation that was conducted over a four-week period and included a battery of conversational topics. For this purpose, we used our model that estimates the older people’s perceived difficulty by mapping their prefrontal cortex (PFC) activity during the verbal communication onto fine-grained cluster spaces of a working memory (WM) task that induces loads on human’s PFC through modulation of its difficulty level. This enables us to differentially quantify the observed changes in PFC activity during the conversation based on the difficulty level of the WM task. We show that such a quantification forms a reliable basis for learning the PFC activation patterns in response to conversational contents. Our results indicate the ability of our model for predicting the older peoples’ perceived difficulty of a wide range of humanoid-mediated tele-conversations, regardless of their type, topic, and duration.
  author    = {Soheil Keshmiri and Hidenobu Sumioka and Ryuji Yamazaki and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  booktitle = {2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019)},
  title     = {Older People Prefrontal Cortex Activation Estimates Their Perceived Difficulty of a Humanoid-Mediated Conversation},
  year      = {2019},
  address   = {The Venetian Macau, China},
  day       = {3-8},
  month     = nov,
  url       = {https://www.iros2019.org/},
  abstract  = {In this article, we extend our recent results on prediction of the older peoples’ perceived difficulty of verbal communication during a humanoid-mediated storytelling experiment to the case of a longitudinal conversation that was conducted over a four-week period and included a battery of conversational topics. For this purpose, we used our model that estimates the older people’s perceived difficulty by mapping their prefrontal cortex (PFC) activity during the verbal communication onto fine-grained cluster spaces of a working memory (WM) task that induces loads on human’s PFC through modulation of its difficulty level. This enables us to differentially quantify the observed changes in PFC activity during the conversation based on the difficulty level of the WM task. We show that such a quantification forms a reliable basis for learning the PFC activation patterns in response to conversational contents. Our results indicate the ability of our model for predicting the older peoples’ perceived difficulty of a wide range of humanoid-mediated tele-conversations, regardless of their type, topic, and duration.},
  comment   = {(also accepted and published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L))},
Soheil Keshmiri, "HRI and the Aging Society:Recent Findings on the Utility of Embodied Media for Stimulating the Brain Functioning", In Workshop on Socialware in human-robot interaction for symbiotic society in 7th annual International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction(HAI 2019), 京都工芸繊維大学, 京都, pp. 1-28, October, 2019.
Abstract: Physical embodiment of the media plays a crucial role in generating detectable brain responses to conversational interaction Entropic measures appear as reliable mathematical tools for quantification of such brain responses.
  author    = {Soheil Keshmiri},
  booktitle = {Workshop on Socialware in human-robot interaction for symbiotic society in 7th annual International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction(HAI 2019)},
  title     = {HRI and the Aging Society:Recent Findings on the Utility of Embodied Media for Stimulating the Brain Functioning},
  year      = {2019},
  address   = {京都工芸繊維大学, 京都},
  day       = {6},
  month     = oct,
  pages     = {1-28},
  url       = {http://hai-conference.net/hai2019/},
  abstract  = {Physical embodiment of the media plays a crucial role in generating detectable brain responses to conversational interaction Entropic measures appear as reliable mathematical tools for quantification of such brain responses.},
Hidenobu Sumioka, Soheil Keshmiri, Masahiro Shiomi, "The influence of virtual Hug in human-human interaction", In Workshop on Socialware in human-robot interaction for symbiotic society in 7th annual International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction(HAI 2019), 京都工芸繊維大学, 京都, October, 2019.
Abstract: In this presentation, we will talk about what is required to achieve social touch between a human and a robot.
  author    = {Hidenobu Sumioka and Soheil Keshmiri and Masahiro Shiomi},
  booktitle = {Workshop on Socialware in human-robot interaction for symbiotic society in 7th annual International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction(HAI 2019)},
  title     = {The influence of virtual Hug in human-human interaction},
  year      = {2019},
  address   = {京都工芸繊維大学, 京都},
  month     = oct,
  url       = {http://hai-conference.net/hai2019/},
  abstract  = {In this presentation, we will talk about what is required to achieve social touch between a human and a robot.},
Xiqian Zheng, Masahiro Shiomi, Takashi Minato, Hirosh Ishiguro, "What Kinds of Robot's Touch Will Match Expressed Emotions?", In The 2019 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Toronto, Canada, pp. 755-762, October, 2019.
Abstract: This study investigated the effects of touch characteristics that change the strengths and the naturalness of the emotions perceived by people in human-robot touch interaction with an android robot that has a feminine, human-like appearance. Past studies on human-robot touch interaction mainly focused on understanding what kinds of human touches conveyed emotion to robots, i.e., the robot’s touch characteristics that can affect people’s perceived emotions received less focus. In this study, we focused on three kinds of touch characteristics (length, type, and part) based on arousal/valence perspectives, their effects toward the perceived strength/naturalness of a commonly used emotion in human-robot interaction, i.e., happy, and its counterpart emotion, (i.e., sad) based on Ekman’s definitions. Our results showed that the touch length and its type are useful to change the perceived strengths and the naturalness of the expressed emotions based on the arousal/valence perspective, although the touch part did not fit such perspective assumptions. Finally, our results suggested that a brief pat and a longer touch by the fingers are better combinations to express happy and sad emotions with our robot.
  author    = {Xiqian Zheng and Masahiro Shiomi and Takashi Minato and Hirosh Ishiguro},
  booktitle = {The 2019 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots},
  title     = {What Kinds of Robot's Touch Will Match Expressed Emotions?},
  year      = {2019},
  address   = {Toronto, Canada},
  day       = {15-17},
  month     = oct,
  pages     = {755-762},
  url       = {http://humanoids2019.loria.fr/},
  abstract  = {This study investigated the effects of touch characteristics that change the strengths and the naturalness of the emotions perceived by people in human-robot touch interaction with an android robot that has a feminine, human-like appearance. Past studies on human-robot touch interaction mainly focused on understanding what kinds of human touches conveyed emotion to robots, i.e., the robot’s touch characteristics that can affect people’s perceived emotions received less focus. In this study, we focused on three kinds of touch characteristics (length, type, and part) based on arousal/valence perspectives, their effects toward the perceived strength/naturalness of a commonly used emotion in human-robot interaction, i.e., happy, and its counterpart emotion, (i.e., sad) based on Ekman’s definitions. Our results showed that the touch length and its type are useful to change the perceived strengths and the naturalness of the expressed emotions based on the arousal/valence perspective, although the touch part did not fit such perspective assumptions. Finally, our results suggested that a brief pat and a longer touch by the fingers are better combinations to express happy and sad emotions with our robot.},
  comment   = {(also accepted and published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L))},
Hidenobu Sumioka, "Mediated Social Touch to Build Human Intimate Relationship", In Emotional Attachment to Machines: New Ways of Relationship-Building in Japan, Freie Universiat, Germany, October, 2019.
Abstract: Interpersonal touch is a fundamental component of emotional attachment in social interaction and shows several effects such as stress reduction, a calming effect, and impression formation. Despite such effects on human, human-robot interactions have mainly focused on visual-auditory information. Although studies in machine-mediated interaction are developing various devices that provide tactile stimuli to human users, serious validation studies are scarce. In my talk, I present how touch interaction with our teleoperated robot and huggable communication medium affects our feeling, behavior, and physiological states, and discuss the potential for intimate interaction between human and robot at close distance.
  author    = {Hidenobu Sumioka},
  title     = {Mediated Social Touch to Build Human Intimate Relationship},
  booktitle = {Emotional Attachment to Machines: New Ways of Relationship-Building in Japan},
  year      = {2019},
  address   = {Freie Universiat, Germany},
  month     = oct,
  day       = {25-26},
  abstract  = {Interpersonal touch is a fundamental component of emotional attachment in social interaction and shows several effects such as stress reduction, a calming effect, and impression formation. Despite such effects on human, human-robot interactions have mainly focused on visual-auditory information. Although studies in machine-mediated interaction are developing various devices that provide tactile stimuli to human users, serious validation studies are scarce. In my talk, I present how touch interaction with our teleoperated robot and huggable communication medium affects our feeling, behavior, and physiological states, and discuss the potential for intimate interaction between human and robot at close distance.},
住岡英信, Sara Invitto, Alberto Grasso, Fabio Bona, Soheil Keshimiri, 港隆史, 塩見昌裕, 石黒浩, "抱擁型コミュニケーションメディアから呈示される音声と性関連 フェロモンがユーザに与える心理生理的影響", 第37回日本ロボット学会学術講演会(RSJ2019), vol. RSJ2019AC3F2-02, 早稲田大学早稲田キャンパス, 東京, pp. 1-2, September, 2019.
Abstract: 本研究では開発した静電容量布型センサの距離特性について調査した結果を報告する
  author    = {住岡英信 and Sara Invitto and Alberto Grasso and Fabio Bona and Soheil Keshimiri and 港隆史 and 塩見昌裕 and 石黒浩},
  title     = {抱擁型コミュニケーションメディアから呈示される音声と性関連 フェロモンがユーザに与える心理生理的影響},
  booktitle = {第37回日本ロボット学会学術講演会(RSJ2019)},
  year      = {2019},
  volume    = {RSJ2019AC3F2-02},
  pages     = {1-2},
  address   = {早稲田大学早稲田キャンパス, 東京},
  month     = sep,
  day       = {3-7},
  url       = {https://ac.rsj-web.org/2019/},
  abstract  = {本研究では開発した静電容量布型センサの距離特性について調査した結果を報告する},
Sara Invitto, Alberto Grasso, Fabio Bona, Soheil Keshmiri, Hidenobu Sumioka, Masahiro Shiomi, Hiroshi Ishiguro, "Embodied communication through social odor, cortical spectral power and co-presence technology", In XXV Congresso AIP Sezione Sperimentale, Milano, Italy, September, 2019.
Abstract: Embodied communication (EC) happens through multisensory channels, involving not only linguistic and cognitive processes, but also complex cross-modal perceptive pathways. This type of bidirectional communication is applicable both to human interactions and to human-robot interaction (HRI). A cross-modal technological interface can increase the interaction and the feeling of co-presence (CP), highly related to an interactive relationship. Information Communication Technology (ICT) developed, in virtual interfaces, some embodied ‘communicative’ senses, placing little attention to the olfactory sense, which, instead, is developmentally and evolutionistically linked to social and affective relation. The purpose of this work is to investigate the EC through social odor (SO), EEG cortical spectral power and CP technology.
  author    = {Sara Invitto and Alberto Grasso and Fabio Bona and Soheil Keshmiri and Hidenobu Sumioka and Masahiro Shiomi and Hiroshi Ishiguro},
  booktitle = {XXV Congresso AIP Sezione Sperimentale},
  title     = {Embodied communication through social odor, cortical spectral power and co-presence technology},
  year      = {2019},
  address   = {Milano, Italy},
  day       = {18-20},
  month     = sep,
  url       = {https://aipass.org/xxv-congresso-aip-sezione-sperimentale-milano-san-raffaele-18-20-settembre-2019},
  abstract  = {Embodied communication (EC) happens through multisensory channels, involving not only linguistic and cognitive processes, but also complex cross-modal perceptive pathways. This type of bidirectional communication is applicable both to human interactions and to human-robot interaction (HRI). A cross-modal technological interface can increase the interaction and the feeling of co-presence (CP), highly related to an interactive relationship. Information Communication Technology (ICT) developed, in virtual interfaces, some embodied ‘communicative’ senses, placing little attention to the olfactory sense, which, instead, is developmentally and evolutionistically linked to social and affective relation. The purpose of this work is to investigate the EC through social odor (SO), EEG cortical spectral power and CP technology.},
石井カルロス寿憲, 神田崇行, "暴言発話の韻律および音声特徴の分析", 日本音響学会2018年秋季研究発表会 (ASJ2018 Autumn), vol. 1, no. 4, 大分大学旦野原キャンパス, 大分, pp. 1119-1120, September, 2018.
Abstract: 暴言や低モラルの発話における音響的・韻律的特徴の分析を行った。分析には同じ発話内容を異なった発話態度(読み上げ、暴言、狂乱、冗談)で発声したデータを収集、異なった発話スタイルに関する韻律・声質特徴の違いを示した。
  author    = {石井カルロス寿憲 and 神田崇行},
  booktitle = {日本音響学会2018年秋季研究発表会 (ASJ2018 Autumn)},
  title     = {暴言発話の韻律および音声特徴の分析},
  year      = {2018},
  address   = {大分大学旦野原キャンパス, 大分},
  day       = {12-14},
  month     = sep,
  number    = {4},
  pages     = {1119-1120},
  series    = {130},
  url       = {http://www.asj.gr.jp/annualmeeting/pdf/2018autumn_program.pdf},
  volume    = {1},
  abstract  = {暴言や低モラルの発話における音響的・韻律的特徴の分析を行った。分析には同じ発話内容を異なった発話態度(読み上げ、暴言、狂乱、冗談)で発声したデータを収集、異なった発話スタイルに関する韻律・声質特徴の違いを示した。},
船山智, 港隆史, 石井カルロス寿憲, 石黒浩, "遠隔操作型アンドロイドの笑い動作の付加効果", 情報処理学会関西支部大会, 大阪大学中之島センター, 大阪, pp. 1-7, September, 2015.
Abstract: 遠隔操作型アンドロイドは,操作者の声や動きを実体によって相手に伝えることができる一方で,自由度の制約上,動作表現が乏しくなる問題がある.本論文では感情表現に着目し,操作者が笑った時に,操作者の笑い動作と異なる代替動作を付加することで表現を補えることを示した.
  author    = {船山智 and 港隆史 and 石井カルロス寿憲 and 石黒浩},
  title     = {遠隔操作型アンドロイドの笑い動作の付加効果},
  booktitle = {情報処理学会関西支部大会},
  year      = {2015},
  series    = {C-07},
  pages     = {1-7},
  address   = {大阪大学中之島センター, 大阪},
  month     = SEP,
  abstract  = {遠隔操作型アンドロイドは,操作者の声や動きを実体によって相手に伝えることができる一方で,自由度の制約上,動作表現が乏しくなる問題がある.本論文では感情表現に着目し,操作者が笑った時に,操作者の笑い動作と異なる代替動作を付加することで表現を補えることを示した.},
  file      = {船山智2015.pdf:pdf/船山智2015.pdf:PDF},
劉超然, 石井カルロス寿憲, 石黒浩, 萩田紀博, "臨場感の伝わる遠隔操作システムのデザイン ~マイクロホンアレイ処理を用いた音環境の再構築~", In 第41回 人工知能学会 AIチャレンジ研究会, 慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパス 来住舎(東京), pp. 26-32, November, 2014.
Abstract: 本稿では遠隔地にあるロボットの周囲の音環境をマイクロフォンアレイ処理によって定位・分離し,ヴァーチャル位置にレンダリングするシステムを提案した。
  author    = {劉超然 and 石井カルロス寿憲 and 石黒浩 and 萩田紀博},
  title     = {臨場感の伝わる遠隔操作システムのデザイン ~マイクロホンアレイ処理を用いた音環境の再構築~},
  booktitle = {第41回 人工知能学会 AIチャレンジ研究会},
  year      = {2014},
  pages     = {26-32},
  address   = {慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパス 来住舎(東京)},
  month     = Nov,
  abstract  = {本稿では遠隔地にあるロボットの周囲の音環境をマイクロフォンアレイ処理によって定位・分離し,ヴァーチャル位置にレンダリングするシステムを提案した。},
  file      = {劉超然2014.pdf:pdf/劉超然2014.pdf:PDF},
中西惇也, 住岡英信, 境くりま, 中道大介, 桑村海光, 石黒浩, "聞く力を引き出すHuman-robot Intimate Interaction", 第32回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 九州産業大学(福岡), pp. RSJ2014AC3P1-07, September, 2014.
Abstract: 本研究では人の存在を感じさせる存在感対話メディア「ハグビー」によって構築される話者との親密な関係が会話への集中力を高め,児童の未熟な聞く能力を補助あるいは向上させることを提案した.実際に未就学児童への読み聞かせ場面にハグビーを導入し,振る舞いを観察した結果,ハグビーを用いることで児童が話に集中することができることが示唆された.これは存在感対話メディアによって授業中の立ち歩きや私語などによる学級全体の授業が成り立たなくなるという小1プロブレムを回避できる可能性を示している.
  author    = {中西惇也 and 住岡英信 and 境くりま and 中道大介 and 桑村海光 and 石黒浩},
  title     = {聞く力を引き出すHuman-robot Intimate Interaction},
  booktitle = {第32回日本ロボット学会学術講演会},
  year      = {2014},
  pages     = {RSJ2014AC3P1-07},
  address   = {九州産業大学(福岡)},
  month     = Sep,
  abstract  = {本研究では人の存在を感じさせる存在感対話メディア「ハグビー」によって構築される話者との親密な関係が会話への集中力を高め,児童の未熟な聞く能力を補助あるいは向上させることを提案した.実際に未就学児童への読み聞かせ場面にハグビーを導入し,振る舞いを観察した結果,ハグビーを用いることで児童が話に集中することができることが示唆された.これは存在感対話メディアによって授業中の立ち歩きや私語などによる学級全体の授業が成り立たなくなるという小1プロブレムを回避できる可能性を示している.},
  file      = {中西惇也2014a.pdf:pdf/中西惇也2014a.pdf:PDF},
  journal   = {第32回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 (RSJ2014)},
中村勇貴, 堀磨伊也, 吉村宏紀, 岩井儀雄, "携帯型遠隔操作アンドロイドを用いた振動子による誘導システム", 情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集, 東京電機大学, 東京, March, 2014.
Abstract: 携帯型遠隔操作アンドロイドとしてエルフォイドと呼ばれる通信メディアが研究されている. 現行の携帯電話機能の1つである道案内システムはエルフォイドにも必要である. 現行の道案内システムでは,基本的に映像のみで道案内を行うが, 道が入り組んでいるなど映像だけでは道案内しにくい箇所において映像に音声を加え道案内を行うことが主流となっている. しかし, 音声による道案内は騒音に弱く, また映像による道案内は画面を見入ることで, 段差につまづいたり, 人にぶつかるなどの危険性がある. 本研究では,それらの問題を解決するために振動子による誘導システムを提案する.
  author = {中村勇貴 and 堀磨伊也 and 吉村宏紀 and 岩井儀雄},
  title = {携帯型遠隔操作アンドロイドを用いた振動子による誘導システム},
  booktitle = {情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集},
  year = {2014},
  address = {東京電機大学, 東京},
  month = Mar,
  abstract = {携帯型遠隔操作アンドロイドとしてエルフォイドと呼ばれる通信メディアが研究されている. 現行の携帯電話機能の1つである道案内システムはエルフォイドにも必要である.
	現行の道案内システムでは,基本的に映像のみで道案内を行うが, 道が入り組んでいるなど映像だけでは道案内しにくい箇所において映像に音声を加え道案内を行うことが主流となっている.
	しかし, 音声による道案内は騒音に弱く, また映像による道案内は画面を見入ることで, 段差につまづいたり, 人にぶつかるなどの危険性がある.
  day = {11-13},
  url = {https://www.gakkai-web.net/gakkai/ipsj/76program/data/pdf/1ZB-6.html}
河合将吾, 堀磨伊也, 吉村宏紀, 岩井儀雄, "顔追跡精度向上のための画像局所特徴量評価", 信学技報(電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告, パターン認識・メディア理解研究会(PRMU2014)), vol. 113, no. 493, 早稲田大学, 東京, pp. pp. 197-202, March, 2014.
Abstract: コミュニケーションロボットと対話を行う際には,対象の顔を正確に検出,追跡する必要がある.本研究で用いる顔の特徴点を使用する顔追跡手法 (CLM) では,次フレームの顔の特徴点位置を前フレームの特徴点位置から推定することで顔追跡を行う.次フレームの特徴点位置は特徴量と識別器によって推定することができ,これらの種類,精度に依存して,顔追跡の精度が変化する.そこで,本研究では顔追跡の精度向上のためにさまざまな特徴量および識別器の評価を行う.
  author = {河合将吾 and 堀磨伊也 and 吉村宏紀 and 岩井儀雄},
  title = {顔追跡精度向上のための画像局所特徴量評価},
  booktitle = {信学技報(電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告, パターン認識・メディア理解研究会(PRMU2014))},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {113},
  number = {493},
  pages = {pp. 197-202},
  address = {早稲田大学, 東京},
  month = Mar,
  abstract = {コミュニケーションロボットと対話を行う際には,対象の顔を正確に検出,追跡する必要がある.本研究で用いる顔の特徴点を使用する顔追跡手法
	(CLM) では,次フレームの顔の特徴点位置を前フレームの特徴点位置から推定することで顔追跡を行う.次フレームの特徴点位置は特徴量と識別器によって推定することができ,これらの種類,精度に依存して,顔追跡の精度が変化する.そこで,本研究では顔追跡の精度向上のためにさまざまな特徴量および識別器の評価を行う.},
  day = {13-14},
  eabstract = {We present local feature evaluation for a constrained local model
	(CLM) framework.We target facial images captured by a mobile camera
	such as a smartphone. When recognizing facial images captured by
	a mobile camera, changes in lighting conditions and image degradation
	from motion blur are considerable problems. In the CLM framework,
	the optimization strategy is local expert-based deformable model
	fitting. The likelihood of alignment at a particular landmark location
	is acquired beforehand using the local features of a large number
	of images and is used for estimating model parameters. In this learning
	phase, the features and classifiers used have a great influence on
	the accuracy of estimation in landmark locations. In our study, tracking
	accuracy can be improved by changing the features and classifiers
	for parts of the face. In the experiments, the likelihood map was
	generated using various features and classifiers, and the accuracy
	of landmark locations was compared with the conventional method.},
  etitle = {Evaluation of image local features for the improvement of face tracking
  keywords = {顔追跡; 局所特徴量; 識別器; Constrained Local Model (CLM)},
  url = {http://www.ieice.org/ken/paper/20140314rBlT/},
境くりま, 石井カルロス寿憲, 港隆史, 石黒浩, "発話者の音声に対応する動作生成と遠隔操作ロボットへの動作の付加効果", 第39回人工知能学会 AI チャレンジ研究会, 京都大学, 京都, pp. 7-13, March, 2014.
Abstract: 本論文では,遠隔操作対話ロボットの頭部動作を操作者の音声情報のみから自動生成するシステムを提案する.遠隔対話では発話音声と一致した頭部動作の表現が必要となるため,発話の意味(相槌や発話の保持などの談話機能)を言語情報と韻律情報を用いてをリアルタイムで推定し,推定した談話機能に基づき頭部動作を生成する.提案システムには推定誤りが含まれ,対話に適さない動作が生成される場合がある.そのため,提案システムを用いた対話時の動作の印象を被験者実験により評価した.主観評価から,提案システムによる動作を付加することで,ロボットの動作がより対話に適したものになることが示された.
  author    = {境くりま and 石井カルロス寿憲 and 港隆史 and 石黒浩},
  title     = {発話者の音声に対応する動作生成と遠隔操作ロボットへの動作の付加効果},
  booktitle = {第39回人工知能学会 AI チャレンジ研究会},
  year      = {2014},
  pages     = {7-13},
  address   = {京都大学, 京都},
  month     = Mar,
  day       = {18},
  url       = {http://www.ai-gakkai.or.jp/sig-challenge-39/},
  etitle    = {Online speech-driven head motion generation system and evaluation on a tele-operated robot},
  abstract  = {本論文では,遠隔操作対話ロボットの頭部動作を操作者の音声情報のみから自動生成するシステムを提案する.遠隔対話では発話音声と一致した頭部動作の表現が必要となるため,発話の意味(相槌や発話の保持などの談話機能)を言語情報と韻律情報を用いてをリアルタイムで推定し,推定した談話機能に基づき頭部動作を生成する.提案システムには推定誤りが含まれ,対話に適さない動作が生成される場合がある.そのため,提案システムを用いた対話時の動作の印象を被験者実験により評価した.主観評価から,提案システムによる動作を付加することで,ロボットの動作がより対話に適したものになることが示された.},
  file      = {境くりま2014.pdf:pdf/境くりま2014.pdf:PDF},
Ryuji Yamazaki, Marco Nørskov, "Self-alteration in HRI", Poster presentation at International Conference : Going Beyond the Laboratory - Ethical and Societal Challenges for Robotics, Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) - Institute for Advanced Study, Delmenhorst, Germany, February, 2014.
  author    = {Ryuji Yamazaki and Marco N\orskov},
  title     = {Self-alteration in HRI},
  booktitle = {International Conference : Going Beyond the Laboratory - Ethical and Societal Challenges for Robotics},
  year      = {2014},
  address   = {Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) - Institute for Advanced Study, Delmenhorst, Germany},
  month     = Feb,
  day       = {13-15},
  file      = {Yamazaki2014.pdf:pdf/Yamazaki2014.pdf:PDF},
河合将吾, 堀磨伊也, 吉村宏紀, 岩井儀雄, "顔追跡のための局所特徴評価", IEEE広島支部学生シンポジウム(HISS), 鳥取大学, 鳥取, November, 2013.
  author = {河合将吾 and 堀磨伊也 and 吉村宏紀 and 岩井儀雄},
  title = {顔追跡のための局所特徴評価},
  booktitle = {IEEE広島支部学生シンポジウム(HISS)},
  year = {2013},
  address = {鳥取大学, 鳥取},
  month = Nov,
  day = {16-17},
藤江祐平, 堀磨伊也, 吉村宏紀, 岩井儀雄, "エルフォイドのための色効果を用いた感情の伝達", IEEE広島支部学生シンポジウム(HISS), 鳥取大学, 鳥取, November, 2013.
  author = {藤江祐平 and 堀磨伊也 and 吉村宏紀 and 岩井儀雄},
  title = {エルフォイドのための色効果を用いた感情の伝達},
  booktitle = {IEEE広島支部学生シンポジウム(HISS)},
  year = {2013},
  address = {鳥取大学, 鳥取},
  month = Nov,
  day = {16-17},
鶴田悠, 堀磨伊也, 吉村宏紀, 岩井儀雄, "エルフォイドのためのアニメーションの誇張表現による感情の伝達", IEEE 広島支部学生シンポジウム(HISS), 鳥取大学, 鳥取, November, 2013.
  author = {鶴田悠 and 堀磨伊也 and 吉村宏紀 and 岩井儀雄},
  title = {エルフォイドのためのアニメーションの誇張表現による感情の伝達},
  booktitle = {IEEE 広島支部学生シンポジウム(HISS)},
  year = {2013},
  address = {鳥取大学, 鳥取},
  month = Nov,
  day = {16-17},
桑村海光, 山崎竜二, 西尾修一, 石黒浩, "テレノイドによる高齢者支援 ~ 特別養護老人ホームへの導入の経過報告 ~", 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 福祉情報工学研究会, no. WIT2013-47, 霧島観光ホテル, 鹿児島, pp. 23-28, October, 2013.
Abstract: 近年、介護を支援するロボットや機器の導入が注目されており、新しい技術を導入することで、高齢者の自立性を高め、介護福祉士の負担を軽減することが来たいされている。しかし、新しい機器を導入するためには、施設を運営するスタッフや現場で働く介護福祉士の理解が必要で、特に実際に用いる介護福祉士には使い方、気を付ける点を熟知する必要がある。また、入居している高齢者にも新しい機器に対して不安を感じないように慣れる必要がある。本論文では、遠隔操作型アンドロイド「テレノイド」を施設に導入した事例を通して、新しい機器の導入時の注意事項、そしてその際の改善案について述べる。
  author    = {桑村海光 and 山崎竜二 and 西尾修一 and 石黒浩},
  title     = {テレノイドによる高齢者支援 ~ 特別養護老人ホームへの導入の経過報告 ~},
  booktitle = {電子情報通信学会技術研究報告},
  year      = {2013},
  number    = {WIT2013-47},
  pages     = {23-28},
  address   = {霧島観光ホテル, 鹿児島},
  month     = Oct,
  publisher = {福祉情報工学研究会},
  day       = {25-27},
  url       = {http://www.ieice.org/ken/paper/20131026wBGW/},
  etitle    = {Elderly Support using Telenoid : A case report introducing to the care facility},
  abstract  = {近年、介護を支援するロボットや機器の導入が注目されており、新しい技術を導入することで、高齢者の自立性を高め、介護福祉士の負担を軽減することが来たいされている。しかし、新しい機器を導入するためには、施設を運営するスタッフや現場で働く介護福祉士の理解が必要で、特に実際に用いる介護福祉士には使い方、気を付ける点を熟知する必要がある。また、入居している高齢者にも新しい機器に対して不安を感じないように慣れる必要がある。本論文では、遠隔操作型アンドロイド「テレノイド」を施設に導入した事例を通して、新しい機器の導入時の注意事項、そしてその際の改善案について述べる。},
  eabstract = {With the progress of the aging society, numbers of robots and other new devices for elderly care are intensively studied and developed. However, when introducing such new devices, we need to be careful, especially in the elderly facilities. Care staffs have to obtain deep understanding of their usages and effects. Besides, efforts have to be paid so that elderlies can gradually become familiar with the devices. In this paper, we describe the case study of introducing teleoperated android "Telenoid" to the elderly facilities and discuss issues that need attention on introducing new technology to the elderly facilities.},
  file      = {桑村海光2013a.pdf:pdf/桑村海光2013a.pdf:PDF},
  keywords  = {介護ロボット, 山崎竜二, 西尾修一, 石黒浩},
中道大介, 住岡英信, 西尾修一, 石黒浩, "操作訓練による遠隔操作型アンドロイドへの身体感覚転移の度合いの向上", 第18回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, グランフロント大阪, 大阪, pp. 331-334, September, 2013.
Abstract: 遠隔操作型アンドロイド「テレノイド」は操作者の身体動作と同期し,操作者の存在感を遠隔地に伝達できるロボットである.操作者がその操作に慣れ,テレノイドを自らの分身と感じて操作できるようになれば,遠隔コミュニケーションはより豊かになると考えられる.そこで本稿では,操作訓練とその効果を,身体感覚転移の度合いを指標として検証した.身体感覚転移とは,操作時にロボットが自らの身体であると錯覚する現象である.この検証の結果,テレノイドの後頭部を見て首の動作の同期を確認する訓練によって身体感覚転移の度合いが向上することが分かった.
  author          = {中道大介 and 住岡英信 and 西尾修一 and 石黒浩},
  title           = {操作訓練による遠隔操作型アンドロイドへの身体感覚転移の度合いの向上},
  booktitle       = {第18回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会},
  year            = {2013},
  pages           = {331-334},
  address         = {グランフロント大阪, 大阪},
  month           = Sep,
  day             = {18-20},
  url             = {http://conference.vrsj.org/ac2013/program/144/},
  etitle          = {Enhancement of body ownership transfer to teleoperated android through training},
  abstract        = {遠隔操作型アンドロイド「テレノイド」は操作者の身体動作と同期し,操作者の存在感を遠隔地に伝達できるロボットである.操作者がその操作に慣れ,テレノイドを自らの分身と感じて操作できるようになれば,遠隔コミュニケーションはより豊かになると考えられる.そこで本稿では,操作訓練とその効果を,身体感覚転移の度合いを指標として検証した.身体感覚転移とは,操作時にロボットが自らの身体であると錯覚する現象である.この検証の結果,テレノイドの後頭部を見て首の動作の同期を確認する訓練によって身体感覚転移の度合いが向上することが分かった.},
  file            = {中道大介2013a.pdf:pdf/中道大介2013a.pdf:PDF},
  keywords        = {遠隔操作; 訓練; 身体認知; 遠隔存在感},
中道大介, 西尾修一, 石黒浩, "遠隔操作型アンドロイド「テレノイド」の遠隔操作とその訓練", 情報処理学会関西支部大会, 大阪大学中之島センター, 大阪, pp. G-01, September, 2013.
Abstract: 遠隔操作型アンドロイドの操作には慣れる時間を要する操作者も多く,効果的な訓練方法の確立が必要である. 本研究では,馴化訓練による操作感覚への影響を,アンドロイドへの身体感覚の転移を指標として検証した.
  author          = {中道大介 and 西尾修一 and 石黒浩},
  title           = {遠隔操作型アンドロイド「テレノイド」の遠隔操作とその訓練},
  booktitle       = {情報処理学会関西支部大会},
  year            = {2013},
  pages           = {G-01},
  address         = {大阪大学中之島センター, 大阪},
  month           = Sep,
  day             = {25},
  url             = {https://ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp/ej/?action=pages_view_main&active_action=repository_view_main_item_detail&item_id=96872&item_no=1&page_id=13&block_id=8},
  etitle          = {Teleoperation of Telenoid and it's training},
  abstract        = {遠隔操作型アンドロイドの操作には慣れる時間を要する操作者も多く,効果的な訓練方法の確立が必要である. 本研究では,馴化訓練による操作感覚への影響を,アンドロイドへの身体感覚の転移を指標として検証した.},
  file            = {中道大介2013.pdf:pdf/中道大介2013.pdf:PDF},
住岡英信, 幸田健介, 西尾修一, 港隆史, 石黒浩, "土偶の変遷に基づくコミュニケーションメディアのミニマルデザインの検討", 情報処理学会関西支部大会, 大阪大学中之島センター, 大阪, pp. C-08, September, 2013.
Abstract: コミュニケーションアバターの外観は遠隔地の話者を感じるために大きな役割を果たす.本研究では,アバターを対話者と感じるための最小要素を人型表現への取り組みである土偶の発展から考察し,心理評価実験により検討する.
  author          = {住岡英信 and 幸田健介 and 西尾修一 and 港隆史 and 石黒浩},
  title           = {土偶の変遷に基づくコミュニケーションメディアのミニマルデザインの検討},
  booktitle       = {情報処理学会関西支部大会},
  year            = {2013},
  pages           = {C-08},
  address         = {大阪大学中之島センター, 大阪},
  month           = Sep,
  day             = {25},
  url             = {https://ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp/ej/?action=pages_view_main&active_action=repository_view_main_item_detail&item_id=96828&item_no=1&page_id=13&block_id=8},
  etitle          = {Design considerations from chronologial development of Dogu},
  abstract        = {コミュニケーションアバターの外観は遠隔地の話者を感じるために大きな役割を果たす.本研究では,アバターを対話者と感じるための最小要素を人型表現への取り組みである土偶の発展から考察し,心理評価実験により検討する.},
  file            = {住岡英信2013.pdf:pdf/住岡英信2013.pdf:PDF},
鶴田悠, 堀磨伊也, 吉村宏紀, 岩井儀雄, "エルフォイドのためのアニメーション効果の付加による感情伝達", 情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT), 鳥取大学, 鳥取, September, 2013.
Abstract: 本報告では,遠隔コミュニケーションにおいて存在感を伝達するために,携帯型遠隔操作アンドロイド「エルフォイド」を用いて感情を伝達する手法を提案する.本研究では「エルフォイド」の駆動部が少ない問題を解決するために,背部に搭載したプロジェクタから表情アニメーションを投影し,感情を擬似的に表出させる.ここで,人の表情を単純に投影するだけではなく,表情に漫画で利用される誇張表現を追加することで,情動を伝わりやすくする.本稿では,定性実験により正確に情動が伝達されることを示し,定量実験により会話満足度を示し,本システムの有用性を述べる.
  author = {鶴田悠 and 堀磨伊也 and 吉村宏紀 and 岩井儀雄},
  title = {エルフォイドのためのアニメーション効果の付加による感情伝達},
  booktitle = {情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT)},
  year = {2013},
  address = {鳥取大学, 鳥取},
  month = Sep,
  abstract = {本報告では,遠隔コミュニケーションにおいて存在感を伝達するために,携帯型遠隔操作アンドロイド「エルフォイド」を用いて感情を伝達する手法を提案する.本研究では「エルフォイド」の駆動部が少ない問題を解決するために,背部に搭載したプロジェクタから表情アニメーションを投影し,感情を擬似的に表出させる.ここで,人の表情を単純に投影するだけではなく,表情に漫画で利用される誇張表現を追加することで,情動を伝わりやすくする.本稿では,定性実験により正確に情動が伝達されることを示し,定量実験により会話満足度を示し,本システムの有用性を述べる.},
  day = {4-6},
  url = {http://www.ipsj.or.jp/event/fit/fit2013/program/data/html/abstract/J-034.html}
Ryuji Yamazaki, Shuichi Nishio, Kaiko Kuwamura, "Identity Construction of the Hybrid of Robot and Human", In 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Workshop on Enhancement/Training of Social Robotics Teleoperation and its Applications, Gyeongju, Korea, August, 2013.
  author    = {Ryuji Yamazaki and Shuichi Nishio and Kaiko Kuwamura},
  title     = {Identity Construction of the Hybrid of Robot and Human},
  booktitle = {22nd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Workshop on Enhancement/Training of Social Robotics Teleoperation and its Applications},
  year      = {2013},
  address   = {Gyeongju, Korea},
  month     = Aug,
  day       = {26-29},
Yu Tsuruda, Maiya Hori, Hiroki Yoshimura, Yoshio Iwai, "Generation of Facial Expression Emphasized with Cartoon Techniques Using a Cellular-Phone-Type Teleoperated Robot with a Mobile Projector", In the 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2013), Las Vegas, USA, pp. pp. 391-400, July, 2013.
Abstract: We propose a method for generating facial expressions emphasized with cartoon techniques using a cellular-phone-type teleoperated android with a mobile projector. Elfoid is designed to transmit the speaker’s presence to their communication partner using a camera and microphone, and has a soft exterior that provides the look and feel of human skin. To transmit the speaker’s presence, Elfoid sends not only the voice of the speaker but also emotional information captured by the camera and microphone. Elfoid cannot, however, display facial expressions because of its compactness and a lack of sufficiently small actuator motors. In this research, facial expressions are generated using Elfoid’s head-mounted mobile projector to overcome the problem. Additionally, facial expressions are emphasized using cartoon techniques: movements around the mouth and eyes are emphasized, the silhouette of the face and shapes of the eyes are varied by projection effects, and color stimuli that induce a particular emotion are added. In an experiment, representative face expressions are generated with Elfoid and emotions conveyed to users are investigated by subjective evaluation.
  author = {Yu Tsuruda and Maiya Hori and Hiroki Yoshimura and Yoshio Iwai},
  title = {Generation of Facial Expression Emphasized with Cartoon Techniques
	Using a Cellular-Phone-Type Teleoperated Robot with a Mobile Projector},
  booktitle = {the 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI
  year = {2013},
  pages = {pp. 391-400},
  address = {Las Vegas, USA},
  month = Jul,
  abstract = {We propose a method for generating facial expressions emphasized with
	cartoon techniques using a cellular-phone-type teleoperated android
	with a mobile projector. Elfoid is designed to transmit the speaker’s
	presence to their communication partner using a camera and microphone,
	and has a soft exterior that provides the look and feel of human
	skin. To transmit the speaker’s presence, Elfoid sends not only the
	voice of the speaker but also emotional information captured by the
	camera and microphone. Elfoid cannot, however, display facial expressions
	because of its compactness and a lack of sufficiently small actuator
	motors. In this research, facial expressions are generated using
	Elfoid’s head-mounted mobile projector to overcome the problem. Additionally,
	facial expressions are emphasized using cartoon techniques: movements
	around the mouth and eyes are emphasized, the silhouette of the face
	and shapes of the eyes are varied by projection effects, and color
	stimuli that induce a particular emotion are added. In an experiment,
	representative face expressions are generated with Elfoid and emotions
	conveyed to users are investigated by subjective evaluation.},
  day = {21-26},
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-39342-6_43},
  url = {http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-39342-6_43}
村田宙将, 濱田隆平, 堀磨伊也, 吉村宏紀, 岩井儀雄, "CGアバタとのインタラクションによるAR案内システム (ポスター発表)", 第16回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム (MIRU 2013), 国立情報学研究所, 東京, July, 2013.
  author = {村田宙将 and 濱田隆平 and 堀磨伊也 and 吉村宏紀 and 岩井儀雄},
  title = {CGアバタとのインタラクションによるAR案内システム},
  booktitle = {第16回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム (MIRU 2013)},
  year = {2013},
  address = {国立情報学研究所, 東京},
  month = Jul,
  day = {29-1},
  file = {村田宙将2013.pdf:pdf/村田宙将2013.pdf:PDF},
鶴田悠, 藤江祐平, 堀磨伊也, 吉村宏紀, 岩井儀雄, "携帯型遠隔操作アンドロイドを用いた感情伝達 (ポスター発表)", 第16回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム (MIRU 2013), 国立情報学研究所, 東京, July, 2013.
  author = {鶴田悠 and 藤江祐平 and 堀磨伊也 and 吉村宏紀 and 岩井儀雄},
  title = {携帯型遠隔操作アンドロイドを用いた感情伝達},
  booktitle = {第16回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム ({MIRU} 2013)},
  year = {2013},
  address = {国立情報学研究所, 東京},
  month = Jul,
  day = {29-1},
  file = {鶴田悠2013.pdf:pdf/鶴田悠2013.pdf:PDF},
河合将吾, 堀磨伊也, 吉村宏紀, 岩井儀雄, "顔追跡のための顔画像における局所特徴評価 (ポスター発表)", 第16回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム (MIRU 2013), 国立情報学研究所, 東京, July, 2013.
  author = {河合将吾 and 堀磨伊也 and 吉村宏紀 and 岩井儀雄},
  title = {顔追跡のための顔画像における局所特徴評価},
  booktitle = {第16回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム (MIRU 2013)},
  year = {2013},
  address = {国立情報学研究所, 東京},
  month = Jul,
  day = {29-1},
河合将吾, 堀磨伊也, 吉村宏紀, 岩井儀雄, "顔追跡のための顔画像における局所特徴評価", 画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU2013), 国立情報学研究所, 東京, July, 2013.
  author = {河合将吾 and 堀磨伊也 and 吉村宏紀 and 岩井儀雄},
  title = {顔追跡のための顔画像における局所特徴評価},
  booktitle = {画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU2013)},
  year = {2013},
  address = {国立情報学研究所, 東京},
  month = Jul,
  day = {29-1},
鶴田悠, 藤江祐平, 堀磨伊也, 吉村宏紀, 岩井儀雄, "携帯型遠隔操作アンドロイドを用いた感情伝達", 画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU2013), 国立情報学研究所, 東京, July, 2013.
  author = {鶴田悠 and 藤江祐平 and 堀磨伊也 and 吉村宏紀 and 岩井儀雄},
  title = {携帯型遠隔操作アンドロイドを用いた感情伝達},
  booktitle = {画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU2013)},
  year = {2013},
  address = {国立情報学研究所, 東京},
  month = Jul,
  day = {29-1},
鶴田悠, 堀磨伊也, 吉村宏紀, 岩井儀雄, "携帯型遠隔操作アンドロイドのためのアニメーション効果の付加による感情伝達", 信学技法(ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎(HCS)研究会), 沖縄産業支援センター, 沖縄, May, 2013.
  author = {鶴田悠 and 堀磨伊也 and 吉村宏紀 and 岩井儀雄},
  title = {携帯型遠隔操作アンドロイドのためのアニメーション効果の付加による感情伝達},
  booktitle = {信学技法(ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎(HCS)研究会)},
  year = {2013},
  address = {沖縄産業支援センター, 沖縄},
  month = May,
  day = {30-31},
鶴田悠, 堀磨伊也, 吉村宏紀, 岩井儀雄, "携帯型遠隔操作アンドロイドのためのアニメーション効果の付加による感情伝達", 電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告, ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎研究会 2013年5月研究会 (HCS2013-5), 沖縄産業支援センター, 沖縄, May, 2013.
Abstract: 遠隔地の人とのコミュニケーションにおいて,より臨場感を高めるために人間に極度に似せたヒューマノイドを用いて存在感を伝達する研究が行われている.本研究では,存在感を伝達し通信相手と円滑なコミュニケーションを図るために,エルフォイドと呼ばれる携帯型アンドロイドを用いて人間のような表情や仕草を生成し,情報を伝達する.しかしながら,エルフォイドは小型で持ち運び可能なことを優先したため駆動部が少なく,顔の変化を精密に表現できない.そこで,エルフォイドに搭載されたモバイルプロジェクタでエルフォイドの顔に背面から投影することで擬似的に表情を生成する.本研究ではFACSに定義されている顔の動作に,漫画の効果を追加して情動を伝わりやすくする.さらにアニメーションで見られる漫画の効果に基づき,目や口の動作を強調させるとともに,顔色を変化させることで情動の伝達を明確に行う.実験では人間が表出する基本的感情に対して,エルフォイド上で表情を生成し,感情が正しく伝達されているかを主観評価実験により調査する.
  author = {鶴田悠 and 堀磨伊也 and 吉村宏紀 and 岩井儀雄},
  title = {携帯型遠隔操作アンドロイドのためのアニメーション効果の付加による感情伝達},
  booktitle = {電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告, ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎研究会 2013年5月研究会 (HCS2013-5)},
  year = {2013},
  address = {沖縄産業支援センター, 沖縄},
  month = May,
  abstract = {遠隔地の人とのコミュニケーションにおいて,より臨場感を高めるために人間に極度に似せたヒューマノイドを用いて存在感を伝達する研究が行われている.本研究では,存在感を伝達し通信相手と円滑なコミュニケーションを図るために,エルフォイドと呼ばれる携帯型アンドロイドを用いて人間のような表情や仕草を生成し,情報を伝達する.しかしながら,エルフォイドは小型で持ち運び可能なことを優先したため駆動部が少なく,顔の変化を精密に表現できない.そこで,エルフォイドに搭載されたモバイルプロジェクタでエルフォイドの顔に背面から投影することで擬似的に表情を生成する.本研究ではFACSに定義されている顔の動作に,漫画の効果を追加して情動を伝わりやすくする.さらにアニメーションで見られる漫画の効果に基づき,目や口の動作を強調させるとともに,顔色を変化させることで情動の伝達を明確に行う.実験では人間が表出する基本的感情に対して,エルフォイド上で表情を生成し,感情が正しく伝達されているかを主観評価実験により調査する.},
  day = {30-31},
  eabstract = {We propose a method for generating facial expression emphasized withcartoon
	techniques using a cellular-phone-type teleoperated android with
	a mobile projector. Elfoid is designed to transmit the speaker’s
	presence to their communication partner using a camera and microphone,
	and has a soft exterior that provides the look and feel of human
	skin. To transmit the speaker’s presence, Elfoid sends not only the
	voice of the speaker, but also emotional information captured by
	the camera and microphone. Elfoid cannot, however, display facial
	expressions because of its compactness and a lack of sufficiently
	small actuator motors. In this research, facial expressions are generated
	using Elfoid’s head-mounted mobile projector to overcome the problem.
	Additionally, facial expressions are emphasized using the cartoon
	technique. The movements around the mouth and eyebrows are emphasized.
	Silhouette of face and shapes of eyes are varied by projection effects.
	Moreover, color stimuli that induce a particular emotion are added.
	In this experiment, representative face expressions are generated
	with Elfoid and emotionsconveyed to users are investigated by subjective
  etitle = {Emotion transmission by addition of animation effect for a cellular-phone-type
	teleoperated android},
  file = {鶴田悠2013a.pdf:pdf/鶴田悠2013a.pdf:PDF},
  keywords = {遠隔操作ロボット; コミュニケーションロボット; 感情伝達},
河合将吾, 堀磨伊也, 吉村宏紀, 岩井儀雄, "顔追跡のための顔画像における特徴量評価 (ポスター発表)", 電子情報通信学会 総合大会 学生ポスターセッション, 岐阜大学, 岐阜, March, 2013.
  author = {河合将吾 and 堀磨伊也 and 吉村宏紀 and 岩井儀雄},
  title = {顔追跡のための顔画像における特徴量評価},
  booktitle = {電子情報通信学会 総合大会 学生ポスターセッション},
  year = {2013},
  address = {岐阜大学, 岐阜},
  month = Mar,
  day = {19-22},
  file = {河合将吾2013a.pdf:pdf/河合将吾2013a.pdf:PDF},
Yuya Wada, Kazuaki Tanaka, Hideyuki Nakanishi, "Strengthening Social Telepresence and Social Bonding by a Remote Handshake", Poster presentation at International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI 2013) Demo Session, Miraikan, Tokyo, March, 2013.
  author = {Yuya Wada and Kazuaki Tanaka and Hideyuki Nakanishi},
  title = {Strengthening Social Telepresence and Social Bonding by a Remote
  booktitle = {International Conference on Human Robot Interaction ({HRI} 2013)
	Demo Session},
  year = {2013},
  address = {Miraikan, Tokyo},
  month = Mar,
  day = {3-6},
塩崎恭平, 田中一晶, 中西英之, "遠隔指相撲ロボットハンドの開発 (ポスター発表)", インタラクション2013, 日本科学未来館、東京, pp. 2EXB-49, February, 2013.
  author = {塩崎恭平 and 田中一晶 and 中西英之},
  title = {遠隔指相撲ロボットハンドの開発},
  booktitle = {インタラクション2013},
  year = {2013},
  pages = {2EXB-49},
  address = {日本科学未来館、東京},
  month = Feb,
塩崎恭平, 田中一晶, 中西英之, "ソーシャルテレプレゼンスの向上に向けた遠隔指相撲ロボットハンドの開発 (ポスター発表)", 第3回対話システムシンポジウム, ニューウェルシティ湯河原, 静岡, February, 2013.
  author = {塩崎恭平 and 田中一晶 and 中西英之},
  title = {ソーシャルテレプレゼンスの向上に向けた遠隔指相撲ロボットハンドの開発},
  booktitle = {第3回対話システムシンポジウム},
  year = {2013},
  address = {ニューウェルシティ湯河原, 静岡},
  month = Feb,
  day = {1-2},
Maiya Hori, Hideki Takakura, Hironori Yoshimura, Yoshio Iwai, "Generation of Facial Expression for Communication Using Elfoid with Projector", In the International Workshop on Multimodal Pattern Recognition of Social Signals in Human Computer Interaction (MPRSS 2012), Tsukuba, Japan, November, 2012.
  author = {Maiya Hori and Hideki Takakura and Hironori Yoshimura and Yoshio
  title = {Generation of Facial Expression for Communication Using Elfoid with
  booktitle = {the International Workshop on Multimodal Pattern Recognition of Social
	Signals in Human Computer Interaction (MPRSS 2012)},
  year = {2012},
  address = {Tsukuba, Japan},
  month = Nov,
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-39342-6_43},
  url = {http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-39342-6_43}
和田侑也, 田中一晶, 中西英之, "遠隔握手用ロボットハンドによる会話相手の存在感の向上", 第26回人工知能学会全国大会, ゆ~あいプラザ山口県社会福祉会館, 山口, pp. 3L2-R-12-2, June, 2012.
Abstract: There is a problem that is less presence of a remote person in general videoconferencing systems than in face-to-face environments. We thought that a pseudo-handshake with a remote person enhanced his/her presence. In this study, we developed a robot hand that reproduced the feeling of Handshakes: a strong grip, warmth, and softness, and equipped a videoconferencing system with the robot hand. We conducted an experiment to confirm that this system enhanced the presence of the remote person.
  author = {和田侑也 and 田中一晶 and 中西英之},
  title = {遠隔握手用ロボットハンドによる会話相手の存在感の向上},
  booktitle = {第26回人工知能学会全国大会},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {3L2-R-12-2},
  address = {ゆ~あいプラザ山口県社会福祉会館, 山口},
  month = Jun,
  abstract = {There is a problem that is less presence of a remote person in general
	videoconferencing systems than in face-to-face environments. We thought
	that a pseudo-handshake with a remote person enhanced his/her presence.
	In this study, we developed a robot hand that reproduced the feeling
	of Handshakes: a strong grip, warmth, and softness, and equipped
	a videoconferencing system with the robot hand. We conducted an experiment
	to confirm that this system enhanced the presence of the remote person.},
  day = {14},
  file = {和田侑也2012.pdf:和田侑也2012.pdf:PDF},
大嶋悠司, 田中一晶, 中西英之, 石黒浩, "遠隔対話用ロボットの頷きの自動化と モーションチューリングテストによる検証", 第26回人工知能学会全国大会, ゆ~あいプラザ山口県社会福祉会館, 山口, pp. 3K1-R-11-2, June, 2012.
Abstract: This research suggests Motion Turing test which measure the credibility of that a robot is synchronized with human. In this test, a participant talks to robot which is synchronized with its operator or move automatically. Then, the participant judges the robot’s motion in conversation the robot is synchronized with its operator and move automatically. We discover elements, which make believe motion of robot is synchronized with human by Motion Turing test experiment.
  author = {大嶋悠司 and 田中一晶 and 中西英之 and 石黒浩},
  title = {遠隔対話用ロボットの頷きの自動化と モーションチューリングテストによる検証},
  booktitle = {第26回人工知能学会全国大会},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {3K1-R-11-2},
  address = {ゆ~あいプラザ山口県社会福祉会館, 山口},
  month = Jun,
  abstract = {This research suggests Motion Turing test which measure the credibility
	of that a robot is synchronized with human. In this test, a participant
	talks to robot which is synchronized with its operator or move automatically.
	Then, the participant judges the robot’s motion in conversation the
	robot is synchronized with its operator and move automatically. We
	discover elements, which make believe motion of robot is synchronized
	with human by Motion Turing test experiment.},
  day = {14},
  file = {大嶋悠司2012.pdf:大嶋悠司2012.pdf:PDF},
田中一晶, 山本健太, 尾上聡, 中西英之, 石黒浩, "「実体」は存在感を強化するか: ロボット会議がビデオ会議を代替する可能性", 情報処理学会研究報告 ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション, 沖縄産業支援センター, 沖縄, pp. 2012-HCI-148, June, 2012.
  author = {田中一晶 and 山本健太 and 尾上聡 and 中西英之 and 石黒浩},
  title = {「実体」は存在感を強化するか: ロボット会議がビデオ会議を代替する可能性},
  booktitle = {情報処理学会研究報告 ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {2012-HCI-148},
  address = {沖縄産業支援センター, 沖縄},
  month = Jun,
  day = {1-2},
藤江祐平, 堀磨伊也, 吉村宏紀, 岩井儀雄, "携帯型遠隔操作コミュニケーションロボットを用いたLED発光による感情伝達", 電子情報通信学会ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎(HCS)研究会信学技報, vol. 112, no. 45, HCS2012-12, 沖縄, pp. 65-70, May, 2012.
Abstract: 近年,小型のコミュニケーションロボットの開発とともに,ロボットを介した遠隔コミュニケーションの 研究が盛んに行われている.このような研究において感情の伝達は非常に重要になっている.しかし,小型のロボッ トに人の表情を再現可能な小型のアクチュエータを搭載することは困難である.そこで,本研究では,人型の小型コ ミュニケーションロボットで色の提示を行うことで感情の伝達を試みる.従来,色の提示で生起する感情を調査した 研究は多数存在するが,人型のロボットを介して伝達可能な感情を調査した研究は少ない.そこで,本研究では人型 の小型遠隔操作コミュニケーションロボットを用いて搭載した LED の発光する箇所,発光の点滅パターンを変化させ た場合に,相手に伝達可能な感情をアンケートを用いた評価実験により調査する.
  author = {藤江祐平 and 堀磨伊也 and 吉村宏紀 and 岩井儀雄},
  title = {携帯型遠隔操作コミュニケーションロボットを用いた{LED}発光による感情伝達},
  booktitle = {電子情報通信学会ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎({HCS})研究会信学技報},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {112},
  number = {45, {HCS}2012-12},
  pages = {65-70},
  address = {沖縄},
  month = May,
  abstract = {近年,小型のコミュニケーションロボットの開発とともに,ロボットを介した遠隔コミュニケーションの 研究が盛んに行われている.このような研究において感情の伝達は非常に重要になっている.しかし,小型のロボッ
	トに人の表情を再現可能な小型のアクチュエータを搭載することは困難である.そこで,本研究では,人型の小型コ ミュニケーションロボットで色の提示を行うことで感情の伝達を試みる.従来,色の提示で生起する感情を調査した
	研究は多数存在するが,人型のロボットを介して伝達可能な感情を調査した研究は少ない.そこで,本研究では人型 の小型遠隔操作コミュニケーションロボットを用いて搭載した
	LED の発光する箇所,発光の点滅パターンを変化させ た場合に,相手に伝達可能な感情をアンケートを用いた評価実験により調査する.},
  day = {22-23},
  eabstract = {We propose a method for conveying emotions with light-emitting diodes
	that are embedded in a cel- lular-phone-type teleoperated android
	called Elfoid. Conveying the human presence plays an important role
	in communication to a partner in a remote place. Conventional systems
	are insufficient in terms of human presence. Elfoid is designed to
	transmit the presence of a speaker to a communication partner using
	a camera and microphone, and the soft exterior of Elfoid provides
	the look and feel of human skin. To transmit the presence of the
	speaker, Elfoid sends not only the voice of the speaker but also
	emotion information captured by the camera and micro- phone. Elfoid
	cannot, however, display facial expressions because of its compactness
	and the lack of sufficiently small actuator motors. Therefore, we
	use light-emitting diodes and generate color patterns to represent
	speaker’s emotion estimated by the camera. We focus on emotions that
	can be conveyed by Elfoid through light emission. In experiments,
	we investigate emotions conveyed with Elfoid by emitting various
	patterns of light.},
  etitle = {Emotion Transmission Using LED embedded in Cellular-phone type Teleoperated
	Communication Robot},
石井カルロス寿憲, 劉超然, 石黒浩, 萩田紀博, "フォルマントによる口唇動作生成の試み", 日本音響学会2012年春季研究発表会, 神奈川大学, 神奈川, pp. 373-374, March, 2012.
Abstract: 遠隔ロボットの口唇動作を遠隔者の声から自動的に生成することを背景に、フォルマント空間の写像変換による口唇動作生成手法を提案した。
  author          = {石井カルロス寿憲 and 劉超然 and 石黒浩 and 萩田紀博},
  title           = {フォルマントによる口唇動作生成の試み},
  booktitle       = {日本音響学会2012年春季研究発表会},
  year            = {2012},
  series          = {2-11-17},
  pages           = {373--374},
  address         = {神奈川大学, 神奈川},
  month           = Mar,
  day             = {13-15},
  etitle          = {Trials on a formant-based lip motion generation},
  abstract        = {遠隔ロボットの口唇動作を遠隔者の声から自動的に生成することを背景に、フォルマント空間の写像変換による口唇動作生成手法を提案した。},
  file            = {石井カルロス寿憲2012a.pdf:pdf/石井カルロス寿憲2012a.pdf:PDF},
北村謙典, 武村紀子, 岩井儀雄, 佐藤宏介, "照度変動に対する無意識下での表出行動検出", 情報処理学会研究報告CVIM, vol. 2012-CVIM-180, no. 48, 大阪, January, 2012.
  author = {北村謙典 and 武村紀子 and 岩井儀雄 and 佐藤宏介},
  title = {照度変動に対する無意識下での表出行動検出},
  booktitle = {情報処理学会研究報告CVIM},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {2012-CVIM-180},
  number = {48},
  address = {大阪},
  month = Jan,
  day = {19},
原健太, 武村紀子, 岩井儀雄, 佐藤宏介, "対人インタラクションアバタの作成に必要な再生技術の検討", 電子情報通信学会技術報告PRMU, no. PRMU2011-169, 大阪, January, 2012.
  author = {原健太 and 武村紀子 and 岩井儀雄 and 佐藤宏介},
  title = {対人インタラクションアバタの作成に必要な再生技術の検討},
  booktitle = {電子情報通信学会技術報告PRMU},
  year = {2012},
  number = {PRMU2011-169},
  address = {大阪},
  month = Jan,
  day = {19},
Yuhei Fujie, Maiya Hori, Hiroki Yoshimura, Yoshio Iwai, "Emotion Transmission Using a Cellular-phone-type Teleoperated Communication Robot with a Light-Emitting Diode", In the 2012 International Workshop on Human-Agent Interaction (iHAI 2012), 2012.
  author = {Yuhei Fujie and Maiya Hori and Hiroki Yoshimura and Yoshio Iwai},
  title = {Emotion Transmission Using a Cellular-phone-type Teleoperated Communication
	Robot with a Light-Emitting Diode},
  booktitle = {the 2012 International Workshop on Human-Agent Interaction (i{HAI}
  year = {2012},
和田侑也, 田中一晶, 中西英之, "握手用ロボットハンドの開発: 人と握手している感覚を実現できるか?", HAIシンポジウム, 京都工芸繊維大学, pp. II-1B-4, December, 2011. (ベストデモンストレーション賞(16件中1位))
Abstract: 近年,人々の生活環境の中に,人と関わって活動 するロボットが普及しつつある.そういったロボットが身近にある環境では,人とロボットとのインタラクションの機会が増え,ロボットが,より親しみやすい物である事が求められてくる.そのために, ロボットが人に親しみやすい印象を与える方法を考える.人同士の場合,一般的に,対面した際に行う 行為の 1 つに,握手がある.人と人が握手を行うと, 身体的な接触をすることで,ただ会話をするだけという方法よりも,相手に親しみやすい印象を与えることが分かっている[1].同様に,人とロボットとのインタラクションにおいても,握手によって,物理的な接触をする事で,親しみやすい印象を与える効果が得られ,よりよい関係を構築する要因の1つに なる可能性がある.人とロボットが握手を行う先行研究では,神経振動子を用いて人が腕を振るリズムに同期してロボットが腕を振る方法が提案されている[3].また,遠隔地間において人と人とが擬似的に握手を行う研究では,フォースフィードバックによって腕振りを相手に伝えている[2].これらの研究は,腕振りを再現するものであり,ロボットの側からしっかりと人の手を「握る」ことができるロボットハンドはほとんど研究されていない.そこで,本研究では,人と人とが行う握手と同様に,しっかりとロボット側も手を握る事で,握手を再現する事ができるロボットハンドを開発する.
  author = {和田侑也 and 田中一晶 and 中西英之},
  title = {握手用ロボットハンドの開発: 人と握手している感覚を実現できるか?},
  booktitle = {HAIシンポジウム},
  year = {2011},
  pages = {II-1B-4},
  address = {京都工芸繊維大学},
  month = Dec,
  note = {ベストデモンストレーション賞(16件中1位)},
  abstract = {近年,人々の生活環境の中に,人と関わって活動 するロボットが普及しつつある.そういったロボットが身近にある環境では,人とロボットとのインタラクションの機会が増え,ロボットが,より親しみやすい物である事が求められてくる.そのために,
	ロボットが人に親しみやすい印象を与える方法を考える.人同士の場合,一般的に,対面した際に行う 行為の 1 つに,握手がある.人と人が握手を行うと,
  day = {3-5},
  eabstract = {It is known that "handshakes" between humans give a sense of intimacy.
	Similarly, in human-robot interaction, there is a possibility that
	handshakes will be able to construct good relationships between humans
	and robots. Since the results of our past preliminary experiment
	showed that lacks of a strong grip, warmth, and softness prevent
	conventional robot hands from imitating human handshakes, we contrived
	a new kind of robot hand, that is tailored to handshakes.},
  etitle = {Development of a Robot Hand Reproducing the Feeling of Shaking Hands},
  file = {和田侑也2011.pdf:和田侑也2011.pdf:PDF},
  pdf = {http://www.ii.is.kit.ac.jp/hai2011/proceedings/pdf/II-1B-4.pdf},
  url = {http://www.ii.is.kit.ac.jp/hai2011/proceedings/pdf/II-1B-4.pdf},
港隆史, 西尾修一, 小川浩平, 石黒浩, "携帯型遠隔操作アンドロイド「エルフォイド」の研究開発", 日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 東京, pp. RSJ2011AC3O2-4, September, 2011.
Abstract: 本研究では遠隔操作型アンドロイドを携帯電話サイズに小型化することにより,何時でも何処でも誰でも自身の存在を遠隔地に伝達することができる新たなコミュニケーションメディアの実現を目指し,最初のプロトタイプとして「エルフォイドP1」を開発した.エルフォイドは人間の見かけのミニマルデザインを採用することで,誰もがエルフォイドを通して存在感を伝えることができるようにデザインされている.通信手段として携帯電話機能を有しており,携帯電話と同様,時間と場所を選ばずコミュニケーションが可能である.また外装には,人間の皮膚のような柔らかい素材を用いており,その触感からも人間を連想させるようになっている.本報告では開発したエルフォイドのプロトタイプを紹介するとともに,携帯型遠隔操作アンドロイド実現に向けた研究課題について述べる.
  author    = {港隆史 and 西尾修一 and 小川浩平 and 石黒浩},
  title     = {携帯型遠隔操作アンドロイド「エルフォイド」の研究開発},
  booktitle = {日本ロボット学会学術講演会},
  year      = {2011},
  pages     = {{RSJ2011AC}3O2-4},
  address   = {東京},
  month     = Sep,
  day       = {7-9},
  abstract  = {本研究では遠隔操作型アンドロイドを携帯電話サイズに小型化することにより,何時でも何処でも誰でも自身の存在を遠隔地に伝達することができる新たなコミュニケーションメディアの実現を目指し,最初のプロトタイプとして「エルフォイド{P}1」を開発した.エルフォイドは人間の見かけのミニマルデザインを採用することで,誰もがエルフォイドを通して存在感を伝えることができるようにデザインされている.通信手段として携帯電話機能を有しており,携帯電話と同様,時間と場所を選ばずコミュニケーションが可能である.また外装には,人間の皮膚のような柔らかい素材を用いており,その触感からも人間を連想させるようになっている.本報告では開発したエルフォイドのプロトタイプを紹介するとともに,携帯型遠隔操作アンドロイド実現に向けた研究課題について述べる.},
  file      = {港隆史2011.pdf:港隆史2011.pdf:PDF},
Carlos T. Ishi, Chaoran Liu, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Norihiro Hagita, "Tele-operating the lip motion of humanoid robots from the operator's voice", In 第29回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 芝浦工業大学豊洲キャンパス, 東京, pp. C1J3-6, September, 2011.
  author          = {Carlos T. Ishi and Chaoran Liu and Hiroshi Ishiguro and Norihiro Hagita},
  title           = {Tele-operating the lip motion of humanoid robots from the operator's voice},
  booktitle       = {第29回日本ロボット学会学術講演会},
  year            = {2011},
  pages           = {C1J3-6},
  address         = {芝浦工業大学豊洲キャンパス, 東京},
  month           = Sep,
  day             = {7-9},
  file            = {Ishi2011.pdf:pdf/Ishi2011.pdf:PDF},
山本健太, 尾上聡, 田中一晶, 中西英之, "「動き」と「外見」どちらの伝達が重要か:アバタがビデオを代替する可能性", 情報処理学会研究報告, vol. 2011-HCI-144, no. 11, 富山, pp. 1-7, July, 2011.
  author = {山本健太 and 尾上聡 and 田中一晶 and 中西英之},
  title = {「動き」と「外見」どちらの伝達が重要か:アバタがビデオを代替する可能性},
  booktitle = {情報処理学会研究報告},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {2011-HCI-144},
  number = {11},
  pages = {1--7},
  address = {富山},
  month = Jul,
  day = {28-29},
山崎竜二, 西尾修一, 小川浩平, 石黒浩, 幸田健介, 松村耕平, 藤波努, 寺井紀裕, "遠隔操作ロボットの福祉教育への適用", 人工知能学会全国大会, 岩手県(盛岡市), pp. 1A2-NFC1b-10, June, 2011.
Abstract: The old sense of community among Japanese has been weakening and the social isolation of elderly people is becoming a major issue in the acceleration of demographic aging. For facilitating the intergenerational communica- tion as a welfare education, we started our research project to immerse a teleoperated humanoid robot, Telenoid, in an elementary school and to see the reaction of children. Also, we conducted a telenoid testing for the elderly with dementia to see their reaction. We discuss how the robot can be accepted in the intergenerational communication for creating a children-centric community for dementia care that is based on our embodiment as human beings.
  author          = {山崎竜二 and 西尾修一 and 小川浩平 and 石黒浩 and 幸田健介 and 松村耕平 and 藤波努 and 寺井紀裕},
  title           = {遠隔操作ロボットの福祉教育への適用},
  booktitle       = {人工知能学会全国大会},
  year            = {2011},
  pages           = {1A2-NFC1b-10},
  address         = {岩手県(盛岡市)},
  month           = Jun,
  day             = {1-3},
  url             = {https://kaigi.org/jsai/webprogram/2011/pdf/412.pdf},
  etitle          = {The Application of a Teleoperated Robot to the Welfare Education in an Elementary School},
  abstract        = {The old sense of community among Japanese has been weakening and the social isolation of elderly people is becoming a major issue in the acceleration of demographic aging. For facilitating the intergenerational communica- tion as a welfare education, we started our research project to immerse a teleoperated humanoid robot, Telenoid, in an elementary school and to see the reaction of children. Also, we conducted a telenoid testing for the elderly with dementia to see their reaction. We discuss how the robot can be accepted in the intergenerational communication for creating a children-centric community for dementia care that is based on our embodiment as human beings.},
  eabstract       = {The old sense of community among Japanese has been weakening and the social isolation of elderly people is becoming a major issue in the acceleration of demographic aging. For facilitating the intergenerational communica- tion as a welfare education, we started our research project to immerse a teleoperated humanoid robot, Telenoid, in an elementary school and to see the reaction of children. Also, we conducted a telenoid testing for the elderly with dementia to see their reaction. We discuss how the robot can be accepted in the intergenerational communication for creating a children-centric community for dementia care that is based on our embodiment as human beings.},
  file            = {山崎竜二2011a.pdf:山崎竜二2011a.pdf:PDF},
  organization    = {人工知能学会},
劉超然, 石井カルロス寿憲, 石黒浩, "人とロボットの対話インタラクションにおける頭部動作効果の考察", 人工知能学会全国大会, 岩手県(盛岡市), pp. 3B1-OS22c-5, June, 2011.
Abstract: this paper proposes a model for generating head tilting and nodding based on rules inferred from analyzing the relationship between head motion and dialogue acts, and evaluates the model using two types of humanoid robot (one very human-like android, ``Geminoid F'', and one typical humanoid robot, ``Robovie R2''). Subjective scores show that the proposed model including head tilting and nodding can generate head motion with increased naturalness compared to nodding only or directly mapping people's original motions. We also find that an upwards motion of a robot's face can be used by robots which do not have a mouth in order to provide the appearance that utterance is taking place.
  author          = {劉超然 and 石井カルロス寿憲 and 石黒浩},
  title           = {人とロボットの対話インタラクションにおける頭部動作効果の考察},
  booktitle       = {人工知能学会全国大会},
  year            = {2011},
  pages           = {3B1-OS22c-5},
  address         = {岩手県(盛岡市)},
  month           = Jun,
  day             = {1-3},
  url             = {https://kaigi.org/jsai/webprogram/2011/pdf/421.pdf},
  etitle          = {Effects of Head Motion during Human-Robot Conversation Interaction},
  abstract        = {this paper proposes a model for generating head tilting and nodding based on rules inferred from analyzing the relationship between head motion and dialogue acts, and evaluates the model using two types of humanoid robot (one very human-like android, ``Geminoid F'', and one typical humanoid robot, ``Robovie R2''). Subjective scores show that the proposed model including head tilting and nodding can generate head motion with increased naturalness compared to nodding only or directly mapping people's original motions. We also find that an upwards motion of a robot's face can be used by robots which do not have a mouth in order to provide the appearance that utterance is taking place.},
  eabstract       = {this paper proposes a model for generating head tilting and nodding based on rules inferred from analyzing the relationship between head motion and dialogue acts, and evaluates the model using two types of humanoid robot (one very human-like android, ``Geminoid F'', and one typical humanoid robot, ``Robovie R2''). Subjective scores show that the proposed model including head tilting and nodding can generate head motion with increased naturalness compared to nodding only or directly mapping people's original motions. We also find that an upwards motion of a robot's face can be used by robots which do not have a mouth in order to provide the appearance that utterance is taking place.},
  file            = {劉超然2011.pdf:劉超然2011.pdf:PDF},
  organization    = {人工知能学会},
Panikos Heracleous, Norihiro Hagita, "A visual mode for communication in the deaf society", In Spring Meeting of Acoustical Society of Japan, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 57-60, March, 2011.
Abstract: In this article, automatic recognition of Cued Speech in French based on hidden Markov models (HMMs) is presented. Cued Speech is a visual mode, which uses hand shapes in different positions and in combination with lip-patterns of speech makes all the sounds of spoken language clearly understandable to deaf and hearing-impaired people. The aim of Cued Speech is to overcome the problems of lip-reading and thus enable deaf children and adults to understand full spoken language. In this study, lip shape component is fused with hand component using multi-stream HMM decision fusion to realize Cued Speech recognition, and continuous phoneme recognition experiments using data from a normal-hearing and a deaf cuer were conducted. In the case of the normal-hearing cuer, the obtained phoneme correct was 87.3%, and in the case of the deaf cuer 84.3%. The current study also includes the description of Cued Speech in Japanese.
  author          = {Panikos Heracleous and Norihiro Hagita},
  title           = {A visual mode for communication in the deaf society},
  booktitle       = {Spring Meeting of Acoustical Society of Japan},
  year            = {2011},
  series          = {2-5-6},
  pages           = {57--60},
  address         = {Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan},
  month           = Mar,
  abstract        = {In this article, automatic recognition of Cued Speech in French based on hidden Markov models ({HMM}s) is presented. Cued Speech is a visual mode, which uses hand shapes in different positions and in combination with lip-patterns of speech makes all the sounds of spoken language clearly understandable to deaf and hearing-impaired people. The aim of Cued Speech is to overcome the problems of lip-reading and thus enable deaf children and adults to understand full spoken language. In this study, lip shape component is fused with hand component using multi-stream HMM decision fusion to realize Cued Speech recognition, and continuous phoneme recognition experiments using data from a normal-hearing and a deaf cuer were conducted. In the case of the normal-hearing cuer, the obtained phoneme correct was 87.3%, and in the case of the deaf cuer 84.3%. The current study also includes the description of Cued Speech in Japanese.},
  file            = {Heracleous2011d.pdf:Heracleous2011d.pdf:PDF},
岡本恵里奈, 西尾修一, 石黒浩, "遠隔操作型アンドロイドによる存在感の伝達に必須な要素の検証", ヒューマンインタフェース学会研究会, vol. 12, no. 10, Nara, Japan, pp. 13-20, November, 2010.
Abstract: 対面して会話をする際,人は外見や声,動き,話の内容など,さまざまな要素を伝達しているが,これまで,それらの要素を個別に操作する(人の外見のみを変える,動作のみを別の人のものにする,といった実験をする)ことはできなかった。しかし,ジェミノイド(人間をモデルに開発されたロボット)という,いわば心身の分離を実現できる新しい遠隔コミュニケーションツールを用いることで,この検証がある程度可能になった。そこで,本稿では,ジェミノイドを拡張し,外見と声を操作者本人とは異なる人のそれに置き換え,本人らしさがどの程度伝達しうるのか,外見や声が対人認知にどのような影響を及ぼしているのかを,4人の被験者のジェミノイドを介したコミュニケーション実験によって検証した。その結果,対話相手の個性が認識できたのは37.0%で,「友人同士の場合の方が正解率が高い」という仮説に反して,友人が含まれる場合はさらに低くなること明らかになった。
  author          = {岡本恵里奈 and 西尾修一 and 石黒浩},
  title           = {遠隔操作型アンドロイドによる存在感の伝達に必須な要素の検証},
  booktitle       = {ヒューマンインタフェース学会研究会},
  year            = {2010},
  volume          = {12},
  number          = {10},
  pages           = {13--20},
  address         = {Nara, Japan},
  month           = Nov,
  abstract        = {対面して会話をする際,人は外見や声,動き,話の内容など,さまざまな要素を伝達しているが,これまで,それらの要素を個別に操作する(人の外見のみを変える,動作のみを別の人のものにする,といった実験をする)ことはできなかった。しかし,ジェミノイド(人間をモデルに開発されたロボット)という,いわば心身の分離を実現できる新しい遠隔コミュニケーションツールを用いることで,この検証がある程度可能になった。そこで,本稿では,ジェミノイドを拡張し,外見と声を操作者本人とは異なる人のそれに置き換え,本人らしさがどの程度伝達しうるのか,外見や声が対人認知にどのような影響を及ぼしているのかを,4人の被験者のジェミノイドを介したコミュニケーション実験によって検証した。その結果,対話相手の個性が認識できたのは37.0%で,「友人同士の場合の方が正解率が高い」という仮説に反して,友人が含まれる場合はさらに低くなること明らかになった。},
  file            = {岡本恵里奈2010.pdf:岡本恵里奈2010.pdf:PDF},

Contact: hil-contact@atr.jp